Note: I shared this message for the creator of image on right => Thank you Shakti for sharing this lovely artwork you tagged as self-love (to include self-care), among other labels.
Image by Shakti Shekhawat from Pixabay
I love the name Shakti, one of many RECLAIMING INNER POWER names (like Goddess Sekhmet-Hathor) representing the sacred Divine Mother Goddess essence, though ultimately, S/He’s The Nameless.
This image goes perfectly with my blog post that includes this very important theme of Unconditional/True Love (for self, to fill inner cup/Heart, so that it can effortlessly overflow to others/interconnected Life within this world and beyond).
Plus, the tree in the artwork reminds me of The Tree of Life (also Mother Goddess)…
the wheel-like patterns on top of the tree reminds me of CIRCLE (also Goddess symbol) and spinning, chakra energy wheels with us and around us…
and the bright green plants and leaves remind me of THE NEW in Life (like REBIRTH), as well as Prosperity Consciousness—our INNER world’s invaluable Abundance/Treasures//Riches/Wealth that can later manifests in OUTER world, with an integrated and aligned Mind/Heart (with more ancient, experienced, unconditionally loving, and profoundly wise Heart/Spirit/Goddess leading Mind/Soul/God). I used it for post:
I have no doubt that the name “Shakti” showing up in my awareness is part of this particular series (or phase) of Divine Synchronicity.
A little over a week ago or so, I finished a very helpful book about shadow work regarding various aspects of the Divine Mother Goddess, especially her unknown/”dark”/shadow sides, which included Goddess Shakti.
And ever since I started reading this book, and other related books, to include Goddess Sekhmet and Goddess Hathor—the WHOLE Being Divine Mother Goddess Hathor-Sekhmet or Sekhmet-Hathor, like many symbolic and otherworldly dreams I’ve had of both, and shared within this blog—I’ve noticed their aspects, symbolism and even Full Presence showing up in my life (whether this particular physical reality, or in dream state).
For instance, two weeks ago, I shared a comment with Sadhguru—screenshot of a Highlight story within my Instagram on right (click to view larger image)—about a dream I had of being face to face with him, and telling him in a very confident, BOLD, and powerful way, “I AM SEKHmet,” and then proceeded to passionately kiss him.ย
The part I did NOT mention in this comment—since Instagram may not allow such verbal expressions, and Sadhguru may not have resonated with this part as well—is that […] [Continuing within upcoming post, “Dream of Goddess SEKHmet & Connection to God Thoth at First Ayahuasca Ceremony”]
So whether the earthly names are Shakti or Sekhmet, or Shiva or Enki, like I’ve shared within the post mentioned right above, I trust that they are ultimately the same, energetic essence (i.e., Divine Feminine & Divine Masculine, 2 sides of the same Cosmic Coin).
Almost a decade ago, when I was actively participating on Twitter—deactivated the account years ago, along with Facebook, Tumblr, and Pinterest—an spiritual, older gentleman whom I often interacted with named me Shakti, which I wasn’t familiar with so had to look up.
Within that same timeframe, a Mystic old women shared hashtag, “TheOne” referring to me, and I wondered what she was talking about, though I appreciated he sharing what seemed like a compliment.
Anyhoo, though I experienced a temporary, my low energy phase, I embraced it, and I can FEEL myself returning to my usual state; hence, I was able to share from my overflow below.
I shared the following message for video, “LEO | SPIRIT WANTS YOU TO KNOW YOUR ANCESTORS HAS YOUR BACK | SEPT TAROT 2022“ (I realized that my ancestors are Earth/Galactic/Universal, especially Gods & Goddesses) that contains the themes within the title of this post, along with other ones such as important Healthy Boundaries, Discernment, Unconditional Love (for self) and Resilience (as soon as I noticed certain observations a the start of this video, I intended to uplift Mariah in some way, rather than focus on what I can get from this video message; and I just now further realized that I’ve been habitually doing this for so-called others throughout my childhood and adulthood life, as I’ve shared many personal stories within this blog):
Thank you Mariah for sharing AUTHENTIC, WHOLE you/You as usual—all NEUTRAL aspects of your Full-Potential, Multidimensional, WHOLE self (physical self)/Self (Higher Self: Soul & Spirit within).
Your NEW hairstyle is gorgeous, and enhances your already gorgeous self/Self (both inner and outer beauty). You’re SPOT ON about experiencing some low moments, days, and at least a week for me due to unhealthy new and old relationship experiences.
But this morning, I felt like I woke up renewed, and felt more confident about fully letting go of the “expired” (as you said) in Divine perfect timing and order, which I’ve already started to do.
I’m continuing to learn more about further developing and maintaining HEALTHY BOUNDARIES when it comes to ANY type of relationship, and DISCERNMENT (when it comes to trusting people).
It’s also perfectly okay to experience low energy moments/days/weeks since we’re all a MEGA combo package of fluctuating vibrational frequencies, like all the beautiful colors of a rainbow spectrum.
And this includes embracing and integrating our NEUTRAL emotions—our inner compass that always lets us know how we truly feel at any given moment—and true feelings (language of the Soul).
We can practice expressing our inner truths (to include true feelings) in various healthy ways via honest, tactful, and assertive communication, and even via many forms of creativity (creating YouTube videos like you, blogging, dancing, making art, etc.).
But if we judge our “negative” emotions, and suppress them, then they won’t go anywhere, but will remain within like bubbling lava…and then unexpectedly EXPLODE in out of control ways like a volcano.
However COMMA it’s also beneficial NOT to become LOST within low moments/days/weeks/etc., but to BOUNCE BACK with much INNER-STRENGTH, COUARGE, and RESILIENCE.
So I’m glad that you’re transparently HONEST enough to show all aspects of you, which is AUTHENTICITY and Unconditional/True Love for self at its finest.
You seemed really down, especially at the beginning of this video message. I hope you’re doing well.
I’ve learned that sometimes, when we’re feeling down, it’s a great opportunity to tune out the noise of outer world—to include effortlessly not caring about things and people that don’t matter—and deeply connect with our inner world and only being/Being and doing what we REALLY want to be/Be and do.
This is especially important for highly to ultra sensitive empaths (one of my dominant aspects) to take time for self to rest, relax, reflect, recharge, regroup, and fill our inner cup/heart, so that it can later effortlessly overflow to interconnected Life within this world and beyond.
ALWAYS REMEMBER Mariah…that you have SO MUCH going for you. Like I’ve shared in great detail before—at least a few times regarding your wonderful qualities and strengths (even via my Mulantis Reuniting All account)—I have no doubt that you’re a…
profoundly wise, old Soul with invaluable, Unconditional Love (for self/Life), earthly and otherworldly Life experiences, Multidimensional abilities, skills, talents, values, deep character, preferences, highly beneficial beliefs, etc. (your INNER WORLD TREASURES/INNER ABUNDANCE & WEALTH/PROSPERITY CONSCIOUSNESS/RICH MENTALITY)…
which your outer world will catch up to and manifest, since it can take some time for physical world to manifest from the spiritual world or Quantum Field of Unlimited Possibilities & Probabilities/aka The Cosmic Womb of the Divine Mother Goddess essence/The Wave that contains the God Particle so to speak.
And Mariah, you honor Spirit—aka Great Spirit (as Native Americans refer to)/Holy Spirit (that I trust to be WHOLEy Spirit)/Divine Mother Goddess essence (one of many names, but ultimately The Nameless, that contains God essence)/Cosmic Heart (that contains the Higher Mind)/Yin (that contains Yang)/Moon (that contains Sun)/Dark (Unknown) that contains Light (Known)/etc.—with much loyalty.
I’ve crossed paths with so many people throughout this world in almost 50 years, but you’re one of the handful of Souls that I most highly resonates with, because you have a BIG Heart of Gold, and your sincere and powerful Full Presence has been and continues to be soul-igniting, deeply heartfelt, encouraging, uplifting, empowering, inspiring, and Consciousness expanding.
Have a wonderful weekend Soul sister, enJOYing many present and pleasant moments of NOW.
And whenever you feel ready—because it’s at YOUR pace, no one else’s—BOUNCE BACK to your refreshed, BAD@$$ self/Self!! ๐
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