The following are sub-titles to the main title above:
- Intro
- Clarity About Meditation
- Honoring Inner Guidance
- Freely Exploring Masturbation Without Judgment
- Children Who Trust The Flow of Life
- Faith in The GOD (not the “God w/ego”) Within
- To Be Divine Human Like YHSVH: Ancient Name of the Christ
- A True Human Being’s Unconditional Love
- Clarity of Jesus’ Teaching in John 14:6
- Clarity of Jesus’ Teaching in Psalm 82:6
- Clarity of Jesus’ Teaching in The Gospel of Thomas 1:13
Note: Image on right found next to link => (thank you). Also, I took the following two flower images below using my husband’s iphone; but anyone can use it. 😉
REMINDER: This post not only contains words of wisdom from various teachings that I’ve learned (as a human being)/remembered (as a soul) from other soul sisters and brothers, but it also contains my personal experiences with my self and Divinity within. So remember, what truly matters to you is what words—whether it’s your own still voice within, or others’ (reflections of your soul’s inner-knowing outside of your physical body) teachings—most highly resonates with you.
Honoring Inner Guidance
Mini Intro
Since I mention a teaching from Eckhart Tolle’s book, A New Earth in this section of the reading below, I decided to add this short intro in order to paint a clear picture of where I’m coming from, and how it relates to this post.
I highly resonate with much of Eckhart’s teachings in that book—especially his expanded understanding of Jesus’ teachings, his sharing of short stories of wise masters of wisdom throughout the world, and his very helpful suggestions to Be Presence.
However, I also noticed that the majority of the book ironically, and perhaps overly, focuses on the many negative labels of the ego self, which is merely the unhealed male energy aspect within every soul (regardless of gender).
I also don’t resonate with referring to our so-called “painbody” as a “psychic parasite,” because whether they’re our “negative” thoughts or “negative” emotions, they are nonetheless existing aspects of our whole self.
Therefore, the goal is to notice (with observation), recognize (with self-awareness and soul’s intuition), acknowledge (as part of whole self), transmute and heal the wounded aspects of ourselves with deep understanding, self-compassion, self-forgiveness and unconditional love for whole self (as Divine Spirit/All That Is would), not treating them as some energy that is separate from us; hence, must vanish into some other space away from us.
Afterall, everything is ultimately interconnected in this web of Life (unity consciousness).
This morning, while following my path of excitement (a teaching from Bashar, channeled through Darryl Anka, as well as the Pleiadians) as usual, even to the smallest degree of just accepting whatever needs to be done in the Moment of Now with inner-peace (a teaching from Eckhart Tolle’s book, A New Earth)—which informs me that I’m in alignment with my Divinity within—I decided to honor my feelings of the gradually increasing and intense sexual energy within me.
I first expressed my intention to open higher frequencies within me by using the art of masturbation/self-love—something I learned (as a human being)/remembered (as a soul) from the Pleiadians (highly evolved cosmic members of the Family of Light/Guardians of Light).
After experiencing a few orgasms, which always reminds me of my true state of bliss, I laid on my back (in bed), and meditated in silence and stillness.
Moments later, I became open to receiving insights and ideas from my Divinity within at a rapid rate, to include a deeper understanding of the expression, “Trinity” (and not exactly the old Christian teaching since it doesn’t paint the big picture).
Clarity About Meditation
Meditation doesn’t always to be in the sitting position as often known and shown; there are different ways to meditate.
The most incredible experience I ever had was by meditating while lying in bed one day; I very briefly experienced an alternate state of consciousness (of intense high energy) by seemingly flying in space at a rapid rate; I just saw pitch-black darkness surrounding me with light moving past me.
I was very excited and then very scared within a very short time-frame that felt like a minute or so. When I suddenly became scared (my vibrational frequency dropped) and quickly retracted my head back further into the pillow, I was back to my individual state of consciousness where I was just lying in bed. I’ll always remember that miraculous moment that still causes me to Be in a state of awe at times.
When I came upon the reading, Bringers of the Dawn: Teachings of the Pleiadians, I then understood what they meant when they suggested not to “freak out” when experiencing an alternate state of consciousness.
Note: Image on right found next to link => (thank you)
Freely Exploring Masturbation Without Judgment
Ever since I was a in elementary school, when I started the art of masturbating—which I didn’t even realize was a form of art back then—I didn’t feel guilty about it. Without being conditioned by society yet, I was just a free-spirit.
This is more than likely due to the fact that it was my own little secret in the privacy of my bedroom. My mother caught me at least once when she suddenly opened my bedroom door in high school (which didn’t have a lock because we lived in a small Korean house that was part of the landlord’s bigger house), and I immediately acted like I was sleeping.
Of course, even then, I intuitively sensed that she knew what was going on, but for a reason I wasn’t aware of then, I ultimately didn’t care if she did; I continued doing what I naturally enjoyed, and even blissfully experienced in the end.
After being somewhat conditioned by society, I sometimes felt ashamed that I had started masturbating at such a young age, as though I was some very “sinful” child.
However, I’m very grateful that I eventually chose not to judge myself for simply enjoying masturbation with self (not as an addiction) regardless of what religious society says—a sign of Being in alignment (in that particular Moment of Now) with my Divine Masculine Energy/Consciousness, my already healed and integrated masculine energy aspect of soul/ego self/wounded inner-child version of me within and being able to unconditionally accept and love self.
Being able to unconditionally accept and love others with balance stems from our Divine Feminine Energy/Consciousness within us. If I ended up judging myself, I would’ve ended up judging others for doing taboo things as well.
That’s why it’s so important for us to first accept and love ourselves unconditionally (heal and then integrate masculine energy aspect of soul/ego self/wounded inner-child), so that we will be able to fully accept and love others unconditionally as well (heal and then integrate feminine energy/consciousness).
Children Who Trust The Flow of Life
In my late thirties—after the Army—I briefly worked at a Early Learning Center where I was an assistant teacher for a preschool class of mostly four and five-year old children.
I wrote about most of my experiences with various souls in an unpublished post, “My Exciting New J.O.B. (Joy of Being)” which I will complete in Divine perfect timing and Divine order, after I gain all the insights and I have a strong urge to publish it. In this post, I shared my many observations of my so-called “23 angels” (a subtitle of post), as well as my interactions with them.
To this day, I trust my intuition that most, if not all, of them were “Rainbow or Crystal children” that I had briefly read about a while back. Some of them were very empathetic, honest, thoughtful, observant, intelligent, curious, gentle, compassionate, and other loving ways, and some just seemed fearless, strong-willed, blunt, highly creative, and authentic.
I recorded various detailed stories of these fascinating beings in the post mentioned above; but for the purpose of this post, I will share one of a recurring situation among a few of the little girls—which was the art of masturbation.
At first, during their nap-time after lunch, I was slightly uncomfortable with noticing something that I thought was reserved for elementary school kids and older—due to projecting my own personal experiences. Witnessing something unfamiliar/unknown/shadow made me a little fearful—that something was “wrong.”
I talked to the main teacher/my co-worker, as well as another assistant teacher, and they gave me their input.
The main teacher, Nina, who I sensed was an “Indigo adult,” due to her passion, loving ways, refreshing and sometimes blunt honesty (at times), and her strong personality, reassured me that the girls, whom she helped take care of since they were much younger, just started exploring at a very young age, and that that was normal these days.
Though she initially had a disapproving facial expression, I could tell that it was due to her expecting me to see such an expression; I sensed that Nina had embraced all aspects of her precious preschool children with unconditional love.
I was also reminded of one of the psychology lessons where even babies enjoy freely touching themselves in their private areas because more than likely it feels good as well.
However, I noticed that the young (mid twenties) male assistant teacher wasn’t too accepting of this natural behavior. One day, without hesitation, he somewhat jokingly told one of the little girls to “stop doing that; it’s disgusting.” I looked at him like, “Rrreally?”
Looking back, perhaps that was just his way of dealing with such awkward moments, through the use of humor, which I’ve learned in the past that some people do—like some of my former male soldiers when they were stressed but didn’t want to show it in order to “man up”/what most men are taught to do by society throughout the world/suppress their Divine Feminine energies within them rather than honor them, heal and Be a whole soul/a true man (or even a true woman)/a Divine humanBeing.
The second time I noticed the girls on their bellies, I just gently approached each of them and covered them with their blankets to give them some privacy.
The male, assistant teacher was present, and my intention was to show him, rather than preach to him—since I had already pulled him aside once and talked to him about certain teamwork issues that we teachers had—how to just let them be themselves without having the need to humiliate them (even “jokingly”).
And when the girls continued to do it daily, I sensed that they were comfortable that I didn’t judge them, just the way their main teacher didn’t judge them as well.
I realized that they were merely opening higher frequencies within them. Although their physical self may not have been aware of this, their soul was; hence, children have a tendency to go with the flow of Life, like the way plants, animals and other Divinely perfect creatures of Mother Nature fully trust the process of the Universe/God (which includes feelings of high frequencies), rather than resist it.
The lotus flower doesn’t resist growing by shouting, “God, I can’t do this anymore! It is wwway too dark and dense around here! Somebody get me some light and fresh air please!”; and a dog who licks his balls or butt doesn’t stop to think, “Wait a second…I’m a sinning? God, are you judging me while observing me? Am I being a bad doggie?”
Faith in The GOD (not the “God w/ego”) Within
As a kid, I too, explored much with my sexuality, to include playing with my sister-like cousin by touching one another, kissing, etc.
When babies and young children masturbate, do we imagine that God (of both masculine and feminine energies/consciousness) judges them with a disapproving look? Of course not.
What kind of a God would think such unloving, judgmental thoughts that stem from fear energy? Only a limited God that the Christian religion created and then portrayed to humanity with their own added projections of negative human characteristics such as judgmental, discriminating, angry, punishing, condemning, etc. .
The GOD—God, Goddess and Divine Spirit/All That Is within me—that I choose to have faith in, trust, and know (through personal experiences, and not what a church tells me) is truly an “Almighty”/omnipotent (all-powerful), omniscient (all-knowing), omnipresent (everywhere all the time), and all-loving GOD whose essence is Cosmic Unconditional Acceptance (of ALL of Life throughout the multiverse) and Unconditional Love.
As a young adult, while experimenting with various denominations/churches of the Christian religion—to find out where I fit into—I learned that masturbation was frowned upon.
Although there were moments where guilt set in due to believing that I was committing a sin, I continued to “carry on” as my Irish friends often said during various conversations.
I strongly sensed that it wasn’t a “bad” thing to do. Afterall, how could something that feels so heavenly be so bad?
If someone told me that enjoying/playing in a refreshingly cool, aqua-clear beach while simultaneously basking in the warmth of the sun was a “sin” as well, I would nonchalantly reply, “Sure,” and then go about following my path of excitement, which, once again, informs me that I’m in alignment (matching frequency) with my Divinity within.
In my late twenties, after deciding to no longer attend anymore churches that seemed so habitually hypocritical, I ended up crossing paths with Neale Donald Walsch’s Conversations with God book out of the blue, which I didn’t realize was my first book about Spirituality at the time; basically, my first stepping stone to freedom from the illusions (that stem from fear energy and darkness/lack of information) of this physical world.
I learned (as a human being)/remembered (as a soul) that participating in the art of masturbation is nothing to be ashamed of just because judgmental and fearful religious society continues to believe false information—that was passed down for generations way too long ago—from somebody of some high, earthly status of the church (who came from the same lineage of folks who convinced society that it was okay to slowly burn people alive and brutally murder them in other ways for having different beliefs) who decided to convince the general population of society that “God” didn’t approve of masturbation—that it’s a “sin.”
Whoever came up with that rule of illusion ended up screwing their own people, because even many members of the Catholic church weren’t able to exclude masturbation from their lives, let alone sex.
Certain Catholic church “leaders” trying to habitually suppress such intense sexual energy from within only led them to perform even “darker” sexual acts (i.e., with children) that would even shock the majority of society.
Sexual energy experienced in a healthy and truly loving manner—masturbating with self, or having sex/making love with a consenting partner who’s old enough to make decisions that stem from discernment, and whom you love unconditionally and vice versa—leads to opening of higher frequencies within us, something I learned/remembered from the book, Bringers of the Dawn: Teachings of the Pleiadians.
Even in at least one particular Buddhist monastery, a group of monks/students were caught drinking, smoking and gambling.
I sensed that the extreme religious paths of trying to convince or pressure human beings (who are still part ego self/individual consciousness whether they awaken to their healed, integrated and balanced soul self or not) into Being just Divine Spirit-like—striving to always be “good,” “loving,” “peaceful,” “righteous,” and ultimately a “perfect” human—puts unnecessary and overwhelming pressure onto human beings; hence, much human suffering.
No matter how much we would like to only Be heavenly Divine Spirit-like—always being “altruistic” and often meditating in a safe bubble section of this planet striving to become Divine Presence rather than just Be Divine Presence in every Moment of Now— as long as we still have a physical body/a temple/a vessel for SPirit to descend into,we are still part human, and we must honor this aspect of ourselves that allows us to physically experience Life on planet Earth.
It’s great to be altruistic, which is having an unselfish regard for or devotion to the welfare of others, and which is part of Being unity consciousness.
However, as a Divine human (that we all have the ability to tune into as we choose to Be Presence, when our vibrational frequency matches that already existing parallel reality), we must also learn/remember to honor our individual consciousness as well as our unity consciousness.
To elaborate on what was mentioned earlier, accepting and loving ourselves unconditionally and with Balance (i.e., not becoming selfish, aggressive: “I don’t respect you, but I respect me,” or worse, narcissistic) stems from healed masculine energy, and accepting and loving others unconditionally with Balance (i.e., not becoming a pushover/doormat/passive: “I respect you, but I don’t respect me”) stems from healed feminine energy. By having balanced masculine and feminine energies within us, we can Be assertive: “I respect you, and I respect me.”
This means embracing, healing and balancing our so-called “dark”/shadow aspects of ourselves that have long been repressed and suppressed, as well as our fearful ego self/wounded inner-child/unhealed masculine energy aspect of soul, and transforming it into our Divine Masculine Energy/Consciousness.
Note: Image on right below found next to link => (5 of 25: Vesica Piscis) by PauloG732 (thank you)
To Be Divine Human Like YHSVH: Ancient Name of the Christ
The golden key is to Be Balance of the Divine Masculine Energy/Consciousness/Yang/Sun and the Divine Feminine Energy/Consciousness/Yin/Moon to Be whole soul whose vibrational frequency is high enough (since Divine Spirit doesn’t compromise its high vibrational frequency state, according to the book/teachings from, We The Arcturians––Arcturians Being Celestial Beings) to merge with/create space (Vesica Piscis/center of two circles) for Divine Spirit/All That Is (Mother and Father GOD) to descend into human form (like YHSVH: ancient name for Jesus the Christ) in order to co-create Trinity: God (Divine Masculine Energy/Consciousness), Goddess (Divine Feminine Energy/Consciousness), and Divine Spirit/All That Is => Divine “Child”/Divine HUman (one example => Jesus the Christ; other examples include all of our potential in Divine perfect timing and Divine order).
YHSVH (5-fold name of the Divine) pronounced (YUD-HEH-SHIN-VAV-HEH) is summarized as follows according to a video that I came upon a while back, “Gnosis: The Great Work of Alchemy” as well as a reading from the blog
- Y => YUD => Fire =>Will
- H => HEH => Water => Emotions
- S => SHIN => “Pure Spirit entering into the elements (Fire, Water, Air, and Material) giving Life” => In Hebrew represents “Eternal Flame” [perhaps referring to the Violet Flame and Twin Flame, which Jesus and Mary Magadalene were], “Root of Fire” [perhaps the grounded Divine Human of merged energies,—like Jesus who had Christ and Buddha Consciousness—who fulfills the Divine Will (which is Fire)—“As above, so below”], “third mother letter [perhaps referring to the Divine Feminine principle of GOD]
- V => VAV => Air => Intellect
- H => HEH => Earth => Material
Note: Image on right below found next to link => (thank you)
“The Divine name from the old testament is the four-fold name, known as Tetragrammeton; YHVH. This is Divine power expressed through the elements of fire, water, air, and earth that create the fabrics of time, space, and matter. The five-fold name, YHSVH, utilizes the addition of pure SPirit into the elements, giving life. YHSVH is seen as the ‘Godman’ or the Divine life in matter.”
Checkout intro of soul-touching, mysterious healing music that includes the beautiful chanting of YHSVH in the main chorus==> Holy Harmony ~ Jonathan Goldman (528 Hz Ancient Solfeggio Healing Sounds)
This section added November 29, 2014 => I continued searching every now and then, and I finally found an extended version of the video above that’s 1:11:11 long! Thank you Beloved I AM Presence!!! ^_^ Enjoy… Holy Harmony Video
A True Human Being’s Unconditional Love
No matter how great many guys may think (with their ego self’s lower mind) they are as “God’s gift to women” (i.e., amazing lovers), most honest men will admit that causing a woman to have multiple orgasms is a huge challenge.
Personally, no man has ever been able to give me multiple orgasms as I’m able to give myself, though my husband comes close. I trust that the reason stems from my body and soul feeling the most connected with the all of me—mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually, as opposed to some outsider trying to figure out my body with their ego self’s lower mind and other “head” that needs much clearing and healing (sacral chakra).
To my surprise, there are many other women out there who agree; hence, proudly own fancy vibrators that are capable of multi-tasking with its stimulation abilities. Granted, a tool cannot replace the real thing—that is, a “real,” true man.
So while a woman heals her masculine and feminine energies within, she can use tools like the art of masturbation and vibrators whenever she experiences intense sexual energy at certain moments.
A woman can also go through her healing process with a partner who is also willing to go through his own healing process; hence, working as a team (awakened soulmates) toward Being whole rather than being in a shallow, earthly drama-filled, and not lasting relationship based on conditional love—which is currently the majority of human relationships, as one can see with the high divorce rates, countless heartbreaks, and much human sufferings.
A single, confident woman, going through her healing process, doesn’t have a need to just have meaningless one night stands with strange guys (or guy buddies) who could care less about her complete well-being, and who she only thinks (with her ego self’s lower mind) that she connects with on a physical plus level.
In addition, a single, confident woman, going through her healing process, doesn’t mistaken lust for true love by staying in unhealthy, temporary relationships with guys who only use women for sex and/or for their other unfulfilled needs deep within them.
The more a man can genuinely connect with a woman on all levels of her Being—mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually—the more a woman’s body will fully open up to him; hence, feeling fully comfortable to experience multiple orgasms.
Therefore, the more a man heals his fearful ego self/wounded inner-child/unhealed masculine energy aspect of his soul, as well as acknowledge, embrace, and honor his feminine energies within him, the more he can become a whole soul/a true man who can provide his woman (girlfriend or wife) with rare, unconditional love. Again, this also applies to us women healing our masculine and feminine energies within us as well.
Men would be amazed at what lengths a fully healed woman (Divine Queen) will go to expand herself in order to treat a fully healed, true man/a Divine King (not a king with a Big ego).
As us women and men work on fully healing, integrating and balancing our masculine and feminine energies within, in Divine perfect timing and Divine order, as we raise and maintain a high vibrational frequency, we will tune into an already existing parallel reality where we will cross paths with a soulmate who matches our soul’s vibrational frequency at whatever Moment of Now, and who is also working on healing himself/herself—a perfect match to assist us with our individual and collective soul growth/evolution.
Clarity of Jesus’ Teaching in John 14:6
I had often wondered (to include today) why in the bible it mentions the following when Jesus made it clear that his love for humanity was unconditional through various teachings, to include—not judging others, forgiving others unconditionally and as many times as necessary, and loving one’s enemies:
Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. 7If you have known me, you will also know my Father. From now on you know him and have seen him.” John 14 International Standard Version
The above quote has led many people—both Christians and non-Christians—to believe that Jesus is the only way to “salvation”/”heaven”/”God.”
But like many others have noticed and noted as well, what about babies and children who never had a chance to hear about Jesus, and end up dying a sudden death? Does it mean they’re going to end up in some half-ass heaven/hell? Of course not.
Why kind of “God” would allow such a thing? Maybe a god with a small “g” who has much power, but not the ultimate Cosmic Unconditional Love kind of Power of a God/Goddess or The GOD (of both Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine energies)/ALL THAT IS.
More importantly, why would anyone choose to follow such a god who basically says, “It’s my/my son’s way or the freakin’ highway MF’s! And that includes you little shits from whatever third-world country you came from.”
After wondering about the above Jesus quote, and while lying down meditating, I received an insight. The quote above isn’t necessarily a false statement when seen from a more expanded point of view/open-minded perspective and open heart or merged Mind/Heart or merged God/Divine Divine Masculine Energy/Consciousness and Goddess/Divine Feminine Energy/Consciousness/Multidimensional Self’s perspective.
In order to “know the Father”/create space (Vesica Piscis) for Divine Spirit/All That Is (of both Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine Energies/Consciousness) to descend into form, one must achieve Christ Consciousness (like Jesus did) within them which is the healing of the Mental Energy Body/masculine energy aspect of soul/fearful ego self/wounded inner-child and becoming a master of one’s thoughts by only thinking thoughts that support the flow of Life and most highly benefit the individual and collective soul evolution (a balance of both “positive” and “negative” thoughts that best serve the Divine Plan since fear energy also has its benefits and power when used wisely and with loving intentions); and then achieve Buddha Consciousness/lotus symbolism (explains why Jesus was known to have traveled to India for further teachings, and there was a large gap in his life story) within them which is the healing of the Emotional Body (feminine energies) and becoming a master of one’s emotions by only feeling emotions that supports the flow of Life and most highly benefit the individual and collective soul evolution (a balance of both “positive” and “negative” emotions that best serve the Divine Plan since fear energy also has its benefits and power when used wisely and with loving intentions); then, the integrating of the Divine Masculine Energy/Consciousness with the Divine Feminine Energy/Consciousness to become masters of one’s words and actions as well.
Now I have a deeper understanding of the specific teaching from the book, We The Arcturians, about “becoming masters of our thoughts, emotions, words, and actions in order to Be balanced.”
Once Jesus balanced his masculine and feminine energies within him, and was able to merge with Divine Spirit/All That Is, his outer reality reflected his inner reality, and he reunited with his Twin Flame (Mary Magdalene) in physical reality/world of matter/Earth who reflected back to him his Divine Feminine Energy/Consciousness within him.
Note: Image on right above found next to link => (thank you). While searching for an image of Quan Yin (a representative/Asian Goddess of the Divine Feminine Energy/Consciousness) on a lotus flower, I noticed various images of her on or with a dragon which I had never seen before. I’m going to do some research of the meaning of the symbolism, although I have a feeling it has to do with fearlessly facing one’s shadow self (typically symbolized by a dragon/the protector of the inner child => the ego self is the wounded aspect of the inner child) This image instantly reminded me of a dragon dream that I had, which I included in the post, ““Further Expanding Mind/Heart with White Snake Dream.” I now have no doubt that my fearless aspect of me in that dream, as well as many other dreams, was my Divine Feminine Energy/Consciousness within me; and the fearful aspect of me in my dreams was my ego self/wounded inner-child/unhealed masculine energy aspect of my soul.
““I am the way, the truth, and the life” refers to achieving Christ Consciousness, which anyone can do regardless of religion, race, ethnicity, color, culture, gender, social class, sexual preference, educational background, etc.
It’s not that Jesus had taught that Christian religion (and following him specifically) was the only way to becoming who we truly are (Divine SPirit having a human experience).
By Being our open Higher Mind/Pure Heart merged within Divine SPirit (“From now on you know him and have seen him”), we can only see and know the truth of who we (and others) truly are, and can only think, intend, feel, speak and act from this truth that we are all indeed One/unity consciousness/interconnected souls of the web of Life/All That Is.
And from the perspective of Trinity: God (Divine Masculine), Goddess(Divine Feminine ) and Divine SPirit/All That Is, we can see Life for what it truly is—a cosmic gift/universal blessing/Heaven on Earth.
Clarity of Jesus’ Teaching in Psalm 82:6
“6 I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High.” Psalm 82:6 (King James Version)
I trust my Divinity within that ALL souls can tune into (after healing and integrating our souls, raising and maintaining our vibrational frequency to match a very high frequency that allows Divinity within to merge with our souls) Being (not becoming since everything happens in the Moment of Now, to include past, present and future) Divine Humans—so-called “sons” (like Jesus The Christ) and “daughters” (like Mary Magdalene)—of Divine Spirit (Mother and Father GOD)/All That Is.
Clarity of Jesus’ Teaching in The Gospel of Thomas 1:13
His disciples said to him, “When will the Kingdom come?” Jesus said, “It will not come by waiting for it. It will not be a matter of saying, ‘Here it is, or there it is’; rather, the Kingdom of the Father is spread out upon the earth, and people do not see it.” The Gospel of Thomas 1:13
The following is my own interpretation of Jesus’ teaching above, which I had recorded in my homepage of this blog:
I believe the message above means that God/The Kingdom of Heaven is all around us (which includes ALL creations/EVERYTHING—ALL people, ALL other Beings [throughout our multiverse], Mother Nature, things, etc.), and that we must live every Moment of Now with much gratitude and appreciation for having been given the golden opportunity to experience beautiful Earth as a spiritual being having a human being experience.
[The so-called “negative” stuff of the physical world is just part of duality—“good” vs “evil,” “right” vs “wrong,” “up” vs “down,” etc.—that help us to experience the opposites of the heavenly realms in order to develop a profound appreciation for the so-called “positive” stuff of Life.
For instance, if everyone was kind on planet Earth all the time, then the word and experience of “kind” would surely lose its deep meaning.
In addition, unconditional love can be profoundly experienced after one has experienced the opposite—hatred—followed by deep understanding, empathy, compassion, unconditional forgiveness, acceptance and/or embrace.]
And when we’re finally able to see (as God sees) our outer world as a Heaven on Earth, we will then realize that it is merely reflecting (like a mirror) our heavenly state of Being within.
Update: October 16, 2014
I didn’t realize this until after I published this post yesterday, but now I understand why I’ve been noticing/receiving certain angel number messages more than usual—such as Angel Number 433 and 334.
The following is just one quote from a detailed page of the meaning of angel number 433 from the very helpful and inspiring website ANGEL NUMBERS – Joanne Sacred Scribes that I often use as a guidance tool (I bolded and underlined the key phrase):
“Angel Number 433 may suggest that a timely opportunity or situation brings many pieces of the puzzle together for you.”
This post has indeed brought many pieces of the puzzle together for me. I realized that I was able to consolidate various teachings of wisdom—that highly resonates with me, and that I had collected in the past from personal experiences as well as other teachings—and experience a deeper understanding of them, as a bigger picture, by integrating them into this space/post.
Granted, there’s always room to expand a deeper understanding of complex, yet simple Life; but for now, I’m very grateful to have been inspired by my Divinity within to co-create this writing within me, as me, and through me.
I absolutely love this post, 🙂 and this is the first time that I felt so positively strong about a creative writing project, more than likely due to my expanding unconditional acceptance and unconditional love for: my self (human me)/my Multidimensional Self (my Higher Selves/extensions of Self from other dimensions/realms/worlds)/my Expanded Self (so-called “others” in my outer world/my soul sisters and brothers)/my ultimate Divinity/Trinity: God, Goddess and Divine Spirit/All That Is within me.
I, like many others, usually experience number synchronicity on a daily basis: see recurring number sequences (an ascension symptom) whenever I happen to look at a clock—or notice a sign, license plate, billboard, etc. while outside—recurring numbers that started with experiencing the so-called “11:11 phenomenon”—which has become a part of my individual and collective soul growth/evolution to this day—and continued with other numbers that start with, include or end with 11-99, as well as 111-999, 2222-9999, palindrome numbers like 1221, 10:10, 12:12, 13:13, 15:15, 18:18, 19:19, etc.
I’ve been doing a little research as I experience new ones, and have been collecting information that resonates with me in various posts, to include, “A Deeper Understanding of My Journey of 9:11, 10:10, 11:11, 12:12 and 13:13.”
However, I choose not to be too concerned about the new number meanings because I trust that in Divine perfect timing and Divine order, whatever I need to know—for the most highest benefit of all interconnected souls throughout this multiverse—will be made known to me by my Divinity within, in the form of inner-knowing or reflections of my souls’ inner-knowing through my outer reality (as so-called “others'” teachings).
I almost forgot…I recently came upon this very helpful page of this website which I look forward to further exploring when I feel the urge to => Meanings of Numbers. I noticed a pattern lately, to include some of my recent posts about white snake dream, “mother” (not just my biological mother) symbolism dreams, an actual encounter with a garter snake at my local park, and this “SHEKINA” website; they all point to ==> the Mother aspect of the Divine Feminine Goddess/Energy/Consciousness of Divine Spirit/ALL THAT IS.
Intention Statement (a powerful tool, like the Violet Flame):
My intention (from Higher Heart) is for this post—and all other helpful information available to all—to be highly beneficial to the individual and collective soul growth/evolution of my soul brothers and sisters, as it was/is for me, and that they will cross paths with this Light and Love in Divine perfect timing and Divine order. 😉
Added October 21, 2014
The following quoted paragraph is a a section from the very helpful and reassuring reading, “12:12 Portal – Activating your MerKaBa” about the meaning of 12:12:
Note: As mentioned within this post, notice that once we basically heal our fearful ego self/wounded inner-child/unhealed masculine energy aspect of soul into Divine Masculine Energy/Consciousness with Christ Consciousness (John 1:4 “In him was life; and the life was the light of men.”), we then awaken to Divine Love (i.e., Buddha Consciousness) which is required for the soul to merge with Divine Spirit/All That Is as Trinity.
“Light alone cannot create the connection, even though the Divine Intelligence is there within the Light Force. Divine Love is required to awaken the coding of your Soul’s union with the completion inherent in the Twelve. Connecting to the golden light of Christed energy will awaken Divine Love within you. Allow the Christ Light to permeate every cell and create a new healing force that will pervade your consciousness. When you integrate this alignment within you, the Divine Love in your energy fields will activate the magnetic fields around your DNA and become so pervasive that your world will literally begin to change around you. This connection to Christ Consciousness was coded at 12/12/2011 and is now available whenever you see 12:12 on the digital display […]”