This morning, I naturally woke up around 4:00 a.m.. Though I was unusually very gassy throughout the night and morning, and interrupted sleep makes me cranky, I felt like I had a good night’s sleep. I often fart a lot in the mornings—no shame, we all naturally pass gas—but not sporadically throughout the night and morning; that’s even excessive for me.
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At one point, I could sense that it wasn’t a good idea to push anymore farts out since it might result in a not so pretty scenario.
And sure enough, as soon as I sat up on the bed, my stomach started bubbling; and while I was getting dressed, my butthole was like, “Chop! Chop! Let’s pick up the pace! It’s drop time!!”
This is probably TMI, but I’ve already shared two paragraphs so far, so why not finish the story.
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As soon as I sat on the toilet, I experienced a medium-level explosion that felt like a huge relief.
I then lit some Sandlewood incense, which permeated the bathroom with its soul-soothing, gentle, yet, intense, aroma; I usually do this before dropping off the turds, but there are priorities.
Further great news…diarrhea is one of the ascension signs of releasing the dense, old and outdated energies from within (and not just as a MEGA LOAD of doo doo).
I get diarrhea every now and then, but it’s rarely due to other factors; often times, it’s due to further releasing fear-based energies. I just intuitively know this and get super excited about it. Yes, I probably need to get out more and explore life.
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I’ve noticed a pattern that whenever there’s a full moon, I experience various symptoms, which I consider gifts, though they may not always be pleasant.
For instance, the past couple of days, I’ve had mild headaches (though I usually drink LOTS of water), mild to noticeable inner body vibrations, busy dreams of parallel and alternate Earth and otherworldly realities, and last but not least…diarrhea (yes, hello again).
Note: Image on left found next to link => Cherokee Billie Spiritual Advisor
In addition, whenever I meditate lately—at night or early in the morning (while lying in bed)—my mind feels super clear, yet, somewhat numb, without various thoughts bombarding my awareness. I start off by seeing nothing but pitch darkness, and then some increasing movement of light energy dancing around.
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I’ve also noticed that ever since we moved to Flagstaff in the fall of 2017, I’m no longer able to effortlessly close my eyes—while lying in darkness, silence, and stillness—and instantly experience OBE (Out of Body Experience/Astral Travel) where it looks and feels as though I’m traveling through dark space at a very rapid speed while seeing white or light yellow rays of light pass by me on all sides. Note: I shared my experiences in post, “Brief Space Travel While Meditating”
I used to be able to do this at will, which blew my mind, but then it all discontinued. Since then, I’ve only been able to see pitch darkness, with some movement of light energy after a while.
Note: Image on left above found next to link => shared a more accurate image within this blog a while back, but I don’t recall where exactly
The thought crossed my mind at least a few times that perhaps I was no longer in alignment with whatever frequency that matched this amazing space travel experience. However, I continued to experience Divine synchronicity, to include number synchronicity on a daily basis.
Note: Image on right found next to link => 11:11 Wear the Change
A quote from the above website link, “Just in case you haven’t already heard about it, people all over the world have been experiencing the most amazing phenomenon in the history of our planet. It has come to be known as the 11:11 phenomenon.”
I recently received an insight that I was tuned into the Light frequency (aka God/Uplifting Knowledge/light/Cup Filled/Rays of Light/Focus/Direction/Movement) during OBE’s, and since my move here to Flagstaff, I started tuning into the Love frequency (aka Goddess/Wisdom/Dark/Void/Emptiness/Limitless Space/Blackhole/Wormhole/The so-called glue that holds everything in this Universe and beyond, All That Is, together).
The Pleiadians did mention that the Light frequency has to precede the Love frequency (until they merge as one) in one of Barbara Marciniak’s book, so perhaps there’s a correlation.
Note: Images above found next to links => (left) Pinterest and Pinterest (right)
Continuation post: “Dreams of Abundance and Prosperity and the Emergence of Our Psychic Abilities
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