Intro: I shared this comment for the creator of this image on right =>
Thank you Tariq for sharing this EYE-catching, highly creative, unique, vibrant, mysterious, and intriguing artwork. I used it for post: [this one]
Image by Tariq Khan from Pixabay
I shared the following message for the video, “7 Signs Your Vibration Is About To Skyrocket!“:
WOW Vic, thank you so much for this POWERFUL, PASSIONATE, and INSPIRING message that I deeply FELT in my heart chakra center.
Thanks to your great reminder recently, I finally decluttered again ,though I found myself putting it off prior to the past few days; and I felt lighter afterwards.
And like you, I, too, noticed and felt annoyed by the excess little stuff we had bought that ended up taking space in our drawers. So I made a decision to be more cognizant of what I buy from now on.
We live in a small apartment, and have gradually downsized (initially from a house) and donated many material stuff for almost a decade; but funny how there seems to be a growing list of things that I can actually live without if it needed to be that way.
Once in a blue moon, like this morning, I full-heartedly FEEL completely ready to LET GO of practically EVERYTHING in my life.
For instance, [DELETED FROM COMMENT SINCE TOO LONG] if my adult children told me that they no longer wanted to stay in touch, I would embrace it, which is HUGE for me, since the old version of me would’ve felt devastated.
If my mother in Korea, current husband, Korean relatives, Japanese-American half-sisters, a few new friends, acquaintances, etc. suddenly wanted to end our relationship, I would gracefully embrace that too, though once again, the old self would’ve felt hurt and sad.
Last night, I called my mother, and informed her that from now on, I will be calling her once a month. I became fed up with her ongoing BULLshit—that she refused to talk about in an authentic and honest way, though I’ve given her plenty of opportunities—so I chose to make a decision that’s best for my well-being.
She tried her usual guilt trip, and said not to worry about her and my Korean relatives, and I replied (for the first time) that I don’t worry about them.
And this is true, I don’t worry about anyone anymore—to include my mother who had a stroke—since I’ve developed a deep trust in Life that EVERYTHING happens perfectly for our highest benefit.
So even if my mother passes away, I will celebrate her passing, since 1) she’ll hopefully and finally be at peace, and perhaps experience some joy in her next life, and 2) ultimately, I trust that death is merely a transformation of energy state—like solid ice to liquid to steam.
I’ve also learned that the silver lining for very sad moments/days or weeks of very low energy, lost of motivation, and/or depression, is that we have the opportunity to block out most or all of the outer world, and dive deeply into our inner world, and not give a rat’s ass about a lot of things that don’t really matter.
Then, after we allow ourselves to simply Be without judgment (from self/others), we can then regain our energy, in Divine perfect timing and order, as well as our liveliness, to BOUNCE BACK and Be a greater version of ourselves, appreciate and enJOY more of Life, and do better things that contribute to self/others/Life within this world and beyond.
But the key is NOT to get LOST within depression—or anger, or other “negative” thoughts and emotions—but use it as a spiritual tool, just like many other tools.
For instance, I’ve benefitted from reading angel number messages for almost a decade; however COMMA I noticed that there are times where some of these outdated messages no longer FEEL light/true to my Heart.
I don’t like the pushiness, and even the small degree of manipulation of “do this “good” or do that “good” in order to tune into abundance.”
My attitude became, “F!@# that $h!+. I’ll Be and do whatever the hell I FEEL like Being and doing.”
Granted, just like any channeled messages—that all of us are capable of doing to whatever degree—each of us have our own filters conditioned by this world’s society; hence, it’s probably rare that channeled messages from Spirit are 100% pure/whole/true/authentic (i.e., a clean channel).
This morning, I woke up strongly feeling like nothing really matters, like the song from Metallica that I like (I enJOY songs from various genres, but dedicated to none; even at Lady Gaga’s concert this month, I didn’t care for 2 of her songs that sounded disharmonious, though I really like multiple other ones).
I digressed, but oh well. Anyhoo, I didn’t feel like this “doesn’t matter” theme was something “negative” but NEUTRAL. I have a very strong feeling that after my first [DELETED FROM COMMENT SINCE TOO LONG] Egypt retreat this December, LIFE WILL DRASTICALLY CHANGE, even more than now; I already FEEL very different, even from the first half of this year.
I’ve been drawn to Egypt for years—especially due to past life dreams, and even this physical reality’s experiences—but I chose this year of 2022, along with the type of retreat, since I highly resonated with them.
And like I’ve shared in my previous comment, I recently saw a swarm of crickets (that reminded me of Collective Consciousness/Unity Consciousness) at a huge parking lot after Lady Gaga’s concert, and then saw 1 cricket (that reminded me of individual consciousness/Unity Consciousness) outside a restaurant right before lunch.
And the Cricket Spirit Guide (or Cricket Animal Totem/Power Animal) reminds me of LEAP OF TRUST/FAITH/CONSCIOUSNESS/(aka VIBRATIONAL FREQUENCY too, like the title of your video!).
And I forgot to mention this part, but upon returning to the hotel (555 address), I noticed that it was 1:11 am. The sacred number codes 555 haven been reminding me of MAJOR CHANGES, and 1:11 has been reminding me of endings of the old and outdated and new beginnings (plus Divine Mother Goddess/Unconditional Love essence, that contains the God/Light essence).
You’re spot on about no longer wanting to feel like a SLAVE, manipulated and controlled by outer world CRAP. It’s so LIBERATING and EMPOWERING to simply Be and do as we please.
It feels so GREAT to say NO when we that’s our inner truths, since that’s embracing our authentic emotions, and honoring our true feelings.
Not too long ago, I also started reading and replying to other people’s text messages, WhatsApp messages, emails, etc. when I’M ready and available.
I no longer feel the need to stop whatever I’m Being or doing to ask the outer world, “How high master?” when it wants me to jump.
Because that’s a MEGA LOAD OF DOO DOO for outer world to believe that our Souls are puppets.
By the way, whenever ANY NEUTRAL aspect SHOWS UP AGAIN, I’ve learned from past experiences that it’s very wise to PAY ATTENTION, since it’s like a GINORMOUS BLINKING NEON SIGN from the Universe communicating an important message(s).
Well, the aspect called “autistic” first showed up (as a MIRROR, 1 of 7 Essene Mirrors) in my life at the end of 2012, while I was working as a Preschool Assistant Teacher at Mustard Seed in San Antonio, TX.
Out of 23 children, a few teachers and I had the opportunity to work with a 5 year old autistic boy who was a rainbow spectrum of fascinating (like the other kids)—to include gentle loving (at times), playful, and even super challenging at times (i.e., throwing chairs and toys, climbing on shelves, biting, screaming, etc.).
Years later, I met one of my husband’s cousins who is an adult with low-functioning autism.
Years later, [DELETED FROM COMMENT SINCE TOO LONG] I came upon a reading where the signs of adult autism matched most of the check marks from the observations I noticed about my current husband (which I shared with him, but he doesn’t fully believe, though I have no doubt that he at least wonders about it).
And recently, I’ve been attracted to a Korean drama about an autistic woman lawyer with a lot of integrity, who reminded me of a free-spirited, pure/whole, child-like innocent, lovable, playful, authentic, transparently honest, highly intelligent, keenly observant, goofy, and BIG-hearted Soul who has a wonderful and vast imagination and awesome visualization skills, and has a deep passion for whales and other cetaceans.
Anyhoo, I became curious, and felt an intuitive nudge to check out something that I’ve never thought of before. And that is, are there autistic people who are not just super logical and non-empathetic (the stereotype)?
And sure enough, when I did a few brief searches, it was as if I had opened a positive version of the pandora box, where an abundance of new information flowed into my awareness (like the timeframe that I first experienced the 11:11 Phenomenon, after noticing 11:11 a few times, and was basically welcomed into the broad-range world of Spirituality back in 2011).
Anyhoo, not sure if you’ve heard of this before, but I read last night that scientific research has been going on with empaths being on the autism spectrum, which is often misunderstood by society that the main aspects are very logically oriented with little to no emotional aspects (i.e., autistic people not being able to sympathize with others, let alone deeply empathize).
Also, just like bipolar that’s often misunderstood by ignorant society (to include myself recently about autism), there are varying degrees and obvious differences within the autism spectrum; hence, not all bipolar or autistic people are all alike.
Like I’ve shared with a former family friend—who made an indirect comment about biploar people and how she thinks they are and the effects they have on related others—the expanded perspective of bipolarism, is that it’s essentially the extreme polar “opposite” energies within one spectrum, that exists within all of us.
It’s like the colors red through violet, or the fear energy through compassion energy, with the former aspects being the lowest vibrations and the latter aspects being the higher vibrations within the Light or Love Frequency spectrums.
It’s just that those who are diagnosed with a bipolar “disorder” (dis-order), is because one has effortless access to the extreme energies, and everything in-between, and outwardly expresses them, whereas as the majority of society suppresses these energies, often with many different pills, alcohol, nicotine, food, gambling, and other addictions.
But the key to balance and harmony is to Be in charge of these inner world energies, as opposed to these extreme energies taking over the entire ship (i.e., WHOLE self/Self) in an out of control manner.
[DELETED FROM COMMENT SINCE TOO LONG] It’s about learning (as a human) and remembering (as a Soul) by EXPERIENCING the GIFT OF CONTRASTS within this physical world of DUALITY/POLARITY.
Because comparison helps our logical minds to understand and comprehend. It’s about Becoming (or even Being at present moments) the Master of Frequencies, a Master Alchemist who is able to gracefully EMBRACE, and even TRANSMUTE lower vibrational energies at will with one’s highest, CORE, vibrational frequency (I AM Presence) that one can always bounce back to (like the Arcturians have taught in the book: We, The Arcturians).
This allows us to Be better Master Teachers, Master Healers, and Master Builders who co-create our preferred versions of Heaven on Earth (or parallel or alternate realities, or even other worlds).
And we can only develop PREFERENCES once we’ve experienced CONTRASTS. For example, once we’ve tried both vanilla and chocolate ice cream, we’ll know which we prefer—one or the other, both, or even none. But until we have those options, we’ll never truly KNOW.
So it’s perfectly ok to enJOY ice cream at times, but not become addicted to them.
I realized that I’ve been addicted to comfort foods and unhealthy relationships since high school back in the early nineties.
Anyhoo, I’ve shared more than enough for today.
Btw, around the 14:00 min mark, where you talk about our inner critic trying to weight us down…your were on FIRE!! ๐๐คฃSo highly creative, free-spirited, passionate, animated, hilarious, eloquent, magnetic, and powerful!!!
I’m so grateful for your precious existence, amazing full presence, and invaluable contributions to yourself/humanity/interconnected Life within this world and beyond.
Continue SHINING BRIGHT, TRAILBLAZING๐คช, BAD@$$๐ค๐ Soul brother, you ROCK!!! ๐คฉ๐ฅฐ
A very heartfelt and helpful related post, โWhat It Means To Be Highly Empathetic, And Autistic,โ to include this quote thatโs about embracing and integrating the โautisticโ aspect within us all (to varying degrees): โIn other ways, too, Iโve learned how to express and embrace my empathy.โ
The following excerpt is from another immensely helpful reading, โEmpaths on the Autism Spectrum, part 1โ by Karla McLaren (I was only planning on copying and pasting a brief excerpt, but as I was reading the rest of the section below, I was so blown away and amazed by how spot on this information is, and how I was able to deeply relate to it):
I learned a great deal on paper about Autism Spectrum conditions, but what jumped out most significantly for me was the repeated assertion that autistics are not socially adept because they are โmind blindโ and therefore unempathic. [โฆ]
As an empath โ or a person who is aware that they read emotions, nuance, subtext, undercurrent, social space, relational behaviors, and gestural language to a greater degree than is deemed normal โ I was a little bit unnerved. I wondered: Will I be meeting people who are my diametric opposites? Will I disturb or unsettle them with my overabundance of empathy? Will they feel unsafe and alien around me โ or will I feel that way around them? How should I behave? Can I do this job?
As it usually happens with marginalized populations, the information I received from the academic and counseling-based books only gave me a small piece of the whole story.
In my first few days with my new friends, I looked everywhere for this mind-blindness and this lack of empathy โ but I didnโt find either one. I didnโt see any lack of sensitivity; in fact, I saw hypersensitivity โ painful hypersensitivity. And I didnโt see mind-blindness either; instead, I saw a continual, time-lagged confusion about what was going on with and between neurotypicals.
I understand this confusion very well, because with my overabundance of empathy, I often find neurotypicals frustrating and emotionally incomprehensible. Hereโs why:
The following are normal everyday behaviors among neurotypicals: lying about their feelings; avoiding sensitive subjects that are glaringly obvious; leaving important words unsaid; pretending to like things they donโt like; pretending theyโre not feeling an emotion that theyโre clearly feeling; using language to hide, obscure, and skirt crucial issues; attacking people who frighten them without ever realizing theyโre full of fear; stopping all forward progress on a project without ever realizing theyโre full of anger and grief; and claiming that they are being rational when huge steamy clouds of emotion are pouring out of them. Neurotypicals are often emotionally exhausting.
And hereโs the big ugly secret: Neurotypical behavior isnโt empathic โ in fact, itโs often counter-empathic and filled with noise, static, emotional absurdity, and confusion.
But even amidst all of this static and confusion, many of my autistic friends were achingly, scathingly aware of the social world around them. I mean hilariously, dead-on aware, if you would only listen to them. In fact, they were as uncommonly aware of the social world as some of my wildly empathic friends were. What I saw in these people was not a lack of empathy, but a difficulty in dealing with an often-overwhelming sensory onslaught, from the outside world, from their struggle to decipher neurotypical social absurdities, and from inside their own brains.
My autistic friends were incredibly sensitive to sounds (especially very quiet sounds that many neurotypicals can ignore), colors, patterns, vibrations, scents, the wind, movement (their own and that of the people around them), the feeling of their clothing, the sound of their own hair and their breathing, food, touch, numbers, animals, social space, social behavior, electronics, the movement of traffic, the movement of trees and birds, ideas, music, juxtapositions between voice and body movements, the bizarre, emotion-masking signaling neurotypicals call โnormal behaviorโ โฆ many of my friends were struggling to stand upright in turbulent and unmanageable currents of incoming stimuli that could not be stopped, bargained with, ignored, moderated, or organized.
In short, my autistic friends were overwhelmingly, intensely, unremittingly, outrageously empathic โ not merely in relation to emotions and social cues, but to every possible aspect of their environment.
My friends were essentially on fire most of the time, and this often created a great deal of emotional turmoil, as you can imagine. However, because they struggled with communication and socialization, it was hard for my friends to address or deal with their often intense reactions. Some would completely withdraw, some would try to connect to others by launching into monologues, some would engage in โstimming,โ which is a repetitive action that can bring some sense of peace and control, and others would lash out. Being on the Spectrum is a very difficult thing when the world around you โ with its constant noise, confusion, emotional inconsistency, and demands for attention โ is built for neurotypicals who arenโt aware that everything is engineered for their comfort. […]
I shared this comment for the writer of the above reading:
Thank you so much ๐๐ผ Karla for sharing this immensely helpful reading thatโs very informative, soul-igniting, deeply heartfelt, encouraging, uplifting, liberating, empowering, inspiring, and Consciousness expanding. I shared a section of this, along with the title, link, and your full name within my blog post:
Mystic name: Ahaya Mulantis
The following is a related YouTube video of an autistic person titled, “In My Language,” that was shared by Karla (above), along with a comment I shared for this video:
Description under this video:
The first part is in my “native language,” and then the second part provides a translation, or at least an explanation. This is not a look-at-the-autie gawking freakshow as much as it is a statement about what gets considered thought, intelligence, personhood, language, and communication, and what does not.
Comment I shared with creator of YouTube channel “silentmiaow”:
Thank you so much๐ for sharing this further mind and heart opening and Consciousness expanding video message that’s highly beneficial for the self/others/interconnected Life within this world and beyond. The deeply heartfelt and profound translation at the 3:14 mark was very helpful as well. I love Divine Synchronicity, and this particular series includes your YouTube channel name, “silentmiaow,” which instantly reminded me of one of my bits within an open-mic comedy set that’s about 1 of my 2 pet cats named Shadow (the other one is Leo). You must have a pet cat too, or at least be a fan of cats๐ป๐ธ. I’m going to share this video within my blog, along with your intro right below it. Continue simply Being Authentic, WHOLE you/You, and continue SHINING๐ BRIGHT๐ Wonderful Soul!! ๐คฉ๐ฅฐ
A Supporting Video Within Related Post:
“Interplanetary Souls, Starseeds, Autism, & Merge of Masculine & Feminine Energies“
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