I shared the following requested information for Sadhguru’s Inner Engineering Online Course, Session 4 (Note: Like many other information available in the outer world, though not every teaching in this course feels light/true to my heart, most of it, so far, is profound, engaging, humorous at times, and highly beneficial):
1) Yesterday, at my dental exam appointment, I found myself clenching onto the handles of the chair as the dentist was poking around the inner and outer gum areas of every tooth.
At one point, I was reminded that every moment [right now only] is inevitable, so rather than be miserable and suffer from the sporadic moments of pain (which can make the moments seem longer), I chose to shift my perspective, and felt grateful that I have the opportunity to take better care of my teeth and gums (unlike many people in this world who don’t have professional dental care).
2) Yesterday, my husband was very annoyed (inevitable moments) about the dental place not having an earlier appointment.
I shared with him that I can empathize with him since it can be very frustrating, but that this situation is currently out of our control (inevitable moment).
Hence, rather than expending our energy on something we can’t change, we can look for solutions, like exploring other options (dental places that do offer earlier appointments).
I also reminded him that we can use our mind and emotions as tools to benefit us, rather than have them control us [what I learned from this course], and bring down our vibrational frequency.
He didn’t seem too receptive yesterday, but to my great surprise, this morning, he agreed (while in a great mood) that what I shared makes sense.
3) This morning, one of my husband’s clients called to cancel her contract for the second time (another inevitable moment).
I gently reminded my husband for us to take responsibility for our vibrational frequency, and what we radiate out, since we will attract matching energies, sometimes, more rapidly than other times.ย
To my great surprise, he gently agreed.
I then chose to embrace what is, and then focus on Being Unconditional Love, Compassion, Inner Peace, Joy, and Generosity (to self and interconnected Life) via various, legit donations [that I’m drawn to; see next post, “List of Charities I Trust to Be Highly Beneficial to Interconnected Life“].
About an hour or so later, the same client called my husband because she changed her mind again, and decided to resume the contract, and buy the home that she actually loves.
Update: She decided to buy a nicer, more expensive house.
Granted, I don’t feel that a bigger and/or more expensive living space necessarily equates to a nicer and/or better home.
Personally, I prefer a small (not tiny) living space (about 800 sq ft)—whether an apartment, condo, or house—and I intend for my future dream home to have all of the following features (and not some, like now in our old apartment, and soon to be new apartment when we move):
- light colored: wood and tile floors (NO carpet)
- marble, granite and/or quartz countertops
- rustic interior and exterior in some areas (to include colorful stones)
- modern appliances
- solar panels
- a rustic, stone fireplace
- cabinets with light and dark colored wood
- lots of trees, plants, and flowers outdoor (currently have indoor plants only)
- water fountains (currently have indoor only)
- small windmills
- a tiny garden
- a small, circular, outdoor meditation area
- a small art/dance room
- a custom-designed, highly creative, colorful, practical, and FUN, huge outdoor catio where our cats, Shadow and Leo, can run, play freely, and be safe
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