I found out last night that my Buddha aunt had passed away; she was one of my two, elderly Korean aunts who were both diagnosed with cancer soon after I left Korea.
I called her Buddha aunt for the longest time, because she had become a Buddhist monk several decades ago.
But she wasn’t your typical, “only right and good” female monk, but a very wild, free-spirited, very straightforward (sometimes brutally honest 😅), multifaceted, multidimensional one.
She was a close human representative of the WHOLE Mother Goddess—Prime Creator/Creator of All Creation: Crop Circle 6666 (that includes Her Other Half, Original God)—in that she was unapologetic about all of her authentic expressions.
She had a powerful presence, strong, yet, gentle eye contact, and a commanding voice.
And she was the only aunt who could bravely stand up to my habitually aggressive mother, and often tell her truths she didn’t want to hear from anyone else.
During one of our conversations this past autumn, Buddha aunt said that she raised her voice at my mother one day, “ENOUGH. My ears hurt from your chronic, negative talk!”
If any other family said this…
ALL HELL WOULD BREAK LOSE 👹🤬☄️☄️☄️💥💥💥🔥🔥🔥, because my mother was infamous for her ability to go apeshit CRAzy within a nanosecond.
And if you didn’t have lightning ⚡️ fast reflexes, you might get knocked out by flying 🍳🪑🪞🏺⏰📺🔦☎️🫖🥣🍽️🥫🥔 🪨🧳👠etc.
But when Buddha aunt shouted this, my mom apparently sat in silence—though she would usually talk back a bit (but not aggressively)—which was A MIRACLE. 🪄✨🫨🎰🎉🎊🎆🎇
So Buddha aunt added, “Your mom has been gradually putting forth efforts to change for the better.” 🤔🤷🏻♀️🙏🏼
Also, though Buddha aunt was younger than my mother—my grandparents’ next daughter after my mother—my mother treated her like an older sister, with much respect and admiration (what other aunts rarely experienced from my mom).
When people visited Buddha aunt’s home/Buddhist temple to receive help, she would usually tell them what she intuitively knew about them before they even shared their personal stories and issues.
The word of mouth spread, and more Souls showed up for help and healing.
However, as she aged, she was no longer able to perform extensive prayers—that also included many bows daily to the gold Buddha statue—healing, and other services.
If it wasn’t for this particular aunt (Buddha aunt) convincing my mother to keep me—since I’m family she had told her—I might’ve ended up at an orphanage.
And it wasn’t because my mother was heartless, but because she was more than likely heartbroken and terrified after my biological father suddenly left us when I was 6 months old.
And since then, my Buddha aunt has been like a second mother to me.
And her two daughters have been like my real sisters.
We grew up a lot together during my frequent visits to my grandmother’s house throughout elementary and junior high school.
They lived at my grandmother’s house with my youngest uncle, while their mother/my aunt worked far away to support them—the way my mother did when I was 6 months to 3 years old.
Plus, my cousins’ father had only provided sporadic financial support since he had another family.
This was similar to my Japanese-American bio father and Caucasian adoptive dad (who had raised me since I was 3), who also both had their own first through third marriages (with my mom and I being their 2nd family).
With such extended groups of Earth families, it’s inevitable to hear about or personally experience dis-ease and/or death.
And these news—like a sudden visit from the personified Death figure himself, initially showing up as a dense fog—may not always strike the mind and heart at the beginning.
The shock and healing may come in phases, or even months later (especially if denied and one’s sadness is suppressed).
So I cried as much as I felt like, even while talking to my cousin (who’s a year older than me).
Later that night, almost midnight yesterday, I laid in bed meditating in the darkness, stillness, and silence.
I recalled hearing Buddha aunt’s voice in a crystal clear way—to include her recent, raspy, calm, cool, and collected version, like a female ninja 🥷 , samurai or mafia leader. 😄
I also reminisced on other heart-warming memories during childhood, to include Buddha aunt often generously buying us—my grandmother, uncle, her two daughters/my cousins and me—an abundance of tangerines, roasted chestnuts, rice cakes, and other goodies.
She was also very protective of me, and saved me from some MAJOR ASS WHOOPINGS from my mother.
Even when my mother threw me on the yard ground when I was a baby—out of her usual rage I suppose—my aunt went off on her.
Anyhoo, while feeling grateful to Buddha aunt, and incorporating moments of quieting my mind, something completely unexpected happened.
I saw a soft-focused, gentle appearing eye 👁️ looking at me while my physical eyes were closed.
It seemed to be the opposite of my first experience of an intense eye 👁️ very briefly looking at me, while it was inside what appeared to be moving squares within squares wormhole (that I had wrote about within this blog a while back).
And the profound insight 💝 that I received was that within the expanded, multidimensional perspective of Unity Consciousness—that even includes MANY perspectives of separation consciousness—THE ALL-SEEING 👁️IS Source/The Divine Mother Goddess & God/ALL THAT IS/Interconnected Life within this Universe, Multiverse, Omniverse & beyond.
And this includes former Buddha aunt’s pure essence, and all other loved ones who had passed away and I trust reunited with Source at one point.
Buddha Consciousness 🪷 & Christ Consciousness 🕯️/Heart 💗 & Mind/Spirit & Soul/Goddess & God/Yin & Yang ☯️/Divine Feminine & Divine Masculine Energies (aka MerKaBa ✡️ as merged)/Moon 🌚 & Sun 🌞/Dark ⚫️ (Unknown) & Light ⚪️ (Known)/Water 💧& Fire 🔥 / Cold 🥶 & Hot 🥵/Magnetic & Electric,/Wave 🌊 & Particle, and seemingly countless other earthly and otherworldly labels—2 sides of the same Cosmic Coin—are simply that…
LABELS, to help us to better understand. But ultimately, when we SEE with CLARITY the BIGGER picture, we truly are ONE.
🤍UPDATE below ❤️🧡💛💚🩵💙💜🩷
The following related excerpt is from the next post, “Embracing & Integrating: Buddhism, Christianity, Plus Other World Religions & Belief Systems”:
My cousin also shared that day, something I had never heard of before.
And to this day, I didn’t bother confirming whether it’s true or not via research (just took her word for it, but left room for other truths).
She said that it’s known to take a 1,000 bows to the Buddha statue before the essence of Buddha is known to opening just one eye.
that [above excerpt] helped me to realize that I never bowed to any Buddha statue 1,000 times—at least not in this lifetime, though about a dozen due to my mom telling me to during childhood; however, I experienced seeing an eye 👁️ twice so far during a meditative state, hence, this belief may be outdated for all of us, since we’re interconnected, energetically):
end of⬆️ UPDATE ❤️🧡💛💚🩵💙💜
During the longest visit to Korea—where my mother was also hospitalized for stroke (2nd time), and new heart and liver related symptoms (soon after I arrived)—I had the opportunity to learn much more about my once, very secretive, extended family members.
And I’m very grateful that I was able to be part of some deeply heartfelt sharing that included shocking, unbelievable, heartbreaking, humorous, and amazing stories that were untold.
And these include a further back history of psychic abilities that’s been genetically passed down from at least my maternal, great grandmother, who was known as the Tiger 🐅 Grandma 👵🏻 , which instantly reminded me of the Divine Mother Goddess Sekhmet 🐯-Hathor 🐮 (or Hathor 🐮-Sekhmet 🐯). I’ll include them in my first book one day.
My mother also shared that she once went to a Korean woman fortune teller, which was surprising since she had never shared such an experience.
The woman confidently and gently informed my mom that someone in our family is destined to become a Buddha in this lifetime:.
However, she added that it wasn’t my mother (though it could’ve been). [SURPRISE SURPRISE!!! 😄Inside joke for those who are aware of my mother’s 🦇-$h!+ CRAzy 😜 past self]
So my mother concluded that it was my Buddha aunt’s destiny.
But if this was true, I wondered why she had passed away from a dis-ease (that’s known to show up in the physical body last, out of all energy bodies, due to needing much healing).
I just now intuitively and strongly sensed one (but not necessarily THE) reason, something that we can all learn from.
Perspective #1:
Though my Buddha aunt was very generous with her giving of various forms of love to others—to include tough love that I found out during this recent trip, the strong personality Mun women are known for—she didn’t fully learn (as a human) and remember (as a Soul) to unconditionally love herself as well (though I had shared much wisdom throughout our last gatherings).
The interconnected 🕸️energies of Life has a tendency to balance and harmonize itself.
So when out of balance for too long, due to swinging the pendulum to the opposite extreme—like our ultimately neutral ⚫️&⚪️, narcissist 🟥and empath 🟣 aspects that we can tune into in varying degrees of the spectrum 🌈—then we can either change 🍁🍂 and transform 🐍🪲🐛🦋 while gracefully flowing 🪼with the Cosmic River 🏞️ of Life 🌳🌼, or continue to resist and cause suppressed, unhealed energies to eventually show up in the physical body.
But that’s just one perspective within many perspectives.
Exploring other perspectives below (I forgot 1, but I may recall later; recalled and added):
During my most recent visit to Korea this summer:
Perspective #2:
I had brought with me various gifts, to include different types of crystal bracelets that I had meticulously selected for each of them.
I also brought them essential oils, to include organic peppermint oil.
I applied it on various parts of their bodies that were aching, and massaged; and they said they felt relief.
I even shared with them information about various crystals that I trusted would benefit them, especially with healing on all energetic levels.
However, I wondered—after I found out that both of my aunts had been diagnosed with cancer shortly after I left Korea—if these spiritual tools were too much for any combination of their energy bodies to handle.
So I felt guilty; but I eventually snapped out of it because my intentions were Heart-centered, and I didn’t hide from them the metaphysical benefits (apparently known as black magick, the non-beneficial version of magick).
They had the choice to believe or not; and sometimes, they didn’t wear them when they didn’t feel like it, which was perfectly fine.
Plus, we all wore them at whatever moments—to include my mother, other aunts, uncle, and cousins—and we’re still here and healthy.
Granted, there can be various factors that led to both of my aunts acquiring cancer.
I also wondered if my presence had affected their own vibrational frequency, since there has been an ongoing pattern of dis-eases and deaths that have happened throughout my life soon after I showed up to certain spaces (which I wrote a post series about).
As I’ve shared before, it wasn’t just extended family members from all 3 sets of families—to include a very healthy, 50 year old Catholic woman who was diagnosed with cancer 2-3 months after I visited, and then passed away.
She was my bio father’s 3rd wife, who was very quiet and had a gentle smile.
But I intuitively sensed she has been suppressing her “negative” thoughts and emotions, in order to be a “good” Catholic since who she was within her community mattered a lot to her.
This was especially regarding her husband’s long lost daughter suddenly showing up, that she made crystal clear several times (with a quick, half-smile), that it bothered her.
But this also happened to:
- a very logical but kind elderly family friend (who acquired cancer and other dis-eases while we were writing letters via mail)
- a kind Christian elderly lady neighbor (who passed soon after we moved to that apartment complex)
- a habitually grumpy, Korean supermarket owner (who ended up in a wheelchair after a stroke)
- a habitually passive-aggressive—and once in a blue moon nice—paraplegic, elderly man neighbor, who acquired one minor dis-ease after another, to include bed sores and problems with his hands, that he never has before
Plus, I found out during this most recent Korea visit, that even my Korean grandfather and my middle uncle passed away—a month apart from one another—soon after I was born.
I wondered if my Korean family, especially my grandmother, thought I was a curse.
Speaking of which, I shared a story about my Buddha aunt apparently telling her oldest daughter that she was a curse (in the next, continuation post; link at bottom of this post).
When I further expand my heart and mind, I realize that no one’s a curse—but perhaps a blessing in disguise—though that may be the limiting, fear-based, human perspective.
I received an insight a while back that one’s Full Presence can affect others’ vibrational frequency, by transmuting/raising lower energies.
And if there are energetic blockages due to resistance to flow with change, then dis-ease and/or death can happen.
In addition, the dis-eases and deaths of all my male, family members may be mirroring the dying of patriarchal energies.
And this includes my Korean grandfather, two maternal uncles, four uncles (maternal aunts’ husbands), my Japanese-American grandfather, my adoptive father, and my bio father with cancer and then two strokes (but still alive I think).
This is related to the next, continuation post: “Embracing & Integrating: Buddhism, Christianity, Plus Other World Religions & Belief Systems”
Perspective #3:
As soon as three of my five aunts arrived to my chef aunt’s house (for a gathering)—where my mother also lives—the first phrase that my Buddha aunt said to me was…
”I need to hurry up and die,” in a somewhat rushed, yet, calm, cool, and collected manner.
To be transparently honest, I was actually feeling regretful for not asking her why she said that.
And I allowed myself to be in this authentic state, despite being aware that the vibration of regret is known to be a very low energy state.
From an expanded, multidimensional perspective, perhaps we both intuitively knew it was almost time.
And since our Divine part of ourselves are powerful Masters, it would make sense that she had manifested her passing, because that’s what she desired to experience.
Because unlike the way many humans think and believe, it’s not about the QUANTITY of Life (in number of years), but the QUALITY of Life.
And strangely, I later strongly sensed that she it was for her highest benefit to pass away—in order to experience REBIRTH in a more Heart & Soul stimulating reality—as I was briefly watching her watch TV in such a sad and hopeless way.
Perspective #4:
Buddha aunt’s doctor informed my cousin that without chemotherapy, her mother would more than likely pass away soon.
However, with this treatment, she may live another six months or longer.
My cousin didn’t prefer this since she was concerned that her mother’s body was too weak.
So she talked to her mother, and Buddha aunt wanted to do proceed with chemo; so my cousin reluctantly agreed.
A part of me wished I had called my cousin during this decision-making process, to share with her the downside of receiving chemotherapy; and there are alternative treatments.
But another part of me realizes that it wasn’t my place to go against Buddha aunt’s preference.
My cousin had texted me a message via the Kakaotalk app, but we later found out by comparing our different, phone screenshots that there was a disconnect with Kakaotalk.
In addition, we agreed that the hospital’s main intention for this recommendation stemmed from making more money, since my aunt received practically free healthcare that the government pays for.
I wondered if Buddha aunt receiving chemo caused her death, since she passed away the day after they started the treatment.
She was very swollen, and wasn’t able to speak; she opened her eyes once, and then took her last breath.
Journaling about this mourning process is helping me to release the energy of guilt and even anger (towards myself and the hospital).
It’s also helping me to embrace still feeling sad, apathetic (about my future), and even hopeless (for this world) at times.
I trust that this phase of my healing process will be one of the most profound, since it will also include more than ever before, ancestral healing of INTERCONNECTED Earth/Galactic/Universal/Multiversal/Omniversal Soul Families.
Perspective #5:
This last paragraph UPDATE added on 11/28/2023, after including more insights to this post:
I realized that because I had been blamed for so many things since childhood (by my unaware, immensely wounded mother), I had developed a deeply ingrained, core belief that whenever something goes wrong, or something really bad happens—especially related to disease and death—then it must be my fault as well.
Now that I’m more fully aware of this probable factors as well, I can completely release this non-beneficial, disempowering, fear-based belief.
Plus, I can replace it with a NEW, highly beneficial, empowering, love-based belief, that whenever I’m Being Full Presence, I share highly beneficial energies with interconnected Life within this world and beyond (despite how temporary, outer circumstances may appear, to include disease and death).
And this includes (but isn’t limited to): Light 🕯️(helpful new information), Unconditional Love 💖💓💕(to include Compassion & Empathy), Living Wisdom, Gratitude, Appreciation, Unconditional Forgiveness, Joy (to include Humor), Freedom, and/or Deep Healing.
Perspective #6:
From a profound perspective of Mirror🪞#7 of The 7 Essene Mirrors, EVERYTHING that occurs is perfect AS IS (aka Divine Wisdom), until we measure, compare, and judge whoever or whatever against an external yardstick (learned from Gregg Braden’s workshop video; link at bottom of this post)
Meaning, Buddha aunt’s “dis-ease” and death was perfect from a Divine perspective because she was created for a Divine Purpose—like EVERYTHING else within this Omniverse and beyond—she simply existed, and she did her best (or not) to be her Full-Potential, Multidimensional, WHOLE self/Self.
But if another, to include myself, assumes that something was also wrong with her because of a disease (like cancer) that caused death, then that stems from society’s conditioning and human beliefs.
So-called death is only “wrong” or “sad” and/or “bad” or “negative” when measured against so-called life (its polar “opposite”).
But ultimately, death is a transformation of energy state—like dense solid ice to faster vibrating liquid to rapidly vibrating steam—and I know because I have experienced many deaths in dream state and via NDE (Near Death Experience).
And nonetheless, what matters most is that Buddha aunt had dedicated her life to helping her immediate and extended family members and many others.
And this includes two newborn kittens that she found in the forest—that she heard meowing within a plastic bag—and then took them home and lovingly raised them; because that’s who she was.
I shared my condolences with my sister-like, Korean cousins, talked to one of them so via a phone call (but not my other cousin yet due to time zone differences).
I also shared with both of them that I wished for our passed loved ones to experience their own version of a heavenly, next world journey.
And this includes (but is not limited to): much profound wisdom, inner and outer peace, inner and outer freedom, gratitude and deep appreciation, great health, joy (to include contentment and humor), Prosperity Consciousness (especially Wealth within), Every Stepping Stone of Spirit & Soul Success, Fun Adventures, Creativity of Manifesting Heart’s Desires, and an abundance of Unconditional Love (for the self/Self/interconnected Life within this world and beyond).
I shared the following highly creative, visual journey experience, healing music that was gorgeous, magical, mesmerizing, Soul-igniting, and deeply heartfelt:
YouTube video titled, “Enchanted Violet Garden I Immersive Experience” (⬅️ click title to open link in another window)
In addition, while creating this post, I listened to the following healing music YouTube videos:
- “432 Hz Healing Female Energy >
Awaken The Goddess Within – Kundali…“ - “Grounding to Mother Gaia Shaman
Drum Journey, Gong & Nature ROOT C…” - Also watched “Gregg Braden – The 7 Essene Mirrors“—also, Rosie Dodd‘s related readings (via Medium) were very helpful as well—and shared this comment: Thank you so much 🙏🏼 for sharing this very help video. This is the third time I’ve watched it within years, and I was able to continue learning something new each time, as I better understood the ancient Essene teachings—eloquently and gracefully shared by Gregg Braden—and as I tuned into more insights.Plus, for round 3 this evening, my husband surprisingly accepted my invitation to join me, though he wasn’t interested in The 7 Essene Mirrors throughout the years.I’ve also been recommending this YouTube video to others at times, just in case they felt drawn to the idea.
- “Ancestral Healing || 111Hz Deep Spiritual Cleanse Meditation Music || Release From Inherited Wounds”: This video caught my 👁️—while doing a search for a new healing music—because I’ve been seeing 111 for years (among many other number sequences, which I shared stories about within this blog). And 111 has grown to strongly FEEL like the Mother Goddess essence, to include letting go 🦎👋🏼 and the ending of the OLD 🍁🍂 and birth 🐣 of the NEW 🌱🪴🌿🌲🌳. Though there are various interpretations of this particular angel number from others, I chose to fully trust my own intuition and other related series of Divine Synchronicity. And sure enough, while listening to this healing music, I found out within this video’s description section, that 111 is known as the Divine or Holy frequency. This perfectly matches what I had sensed, since Holy/WHOLEy Spirit 🕊️is the Divine Mother Goddess (you can click on the screenshots below to see much larger images)
This post series includes:
- Continuing post: “Embracing & Integrating: Buddhism, Christianity, Plus Other World Religions & Belief Systems”: The following is an excerpt from this continuation post that relates to ancestral healing:
I trust that there are precious gems within this world’s religions.
However, after a decade of exploring various ones from my late teens to late twenties, I let go of them, though I continued to believe in the existence of the Divine.
Plus, I’ve learned on my journey—and increasingly realizing more than ever before—that I absolutely do NOT prefer to be within any limiting, man-made, labeled boxes 📦, especially when it comes to who I choose to be at any given moment.
I also feel no need or desire to follow human rules as to what all I should (or not): think, believe, feel, behave, say, and do.
Humanity and beyond can kiss my Japorean @$$.
My barely known biological, Japanese-American father once shared something that hit Soul Home, while we were in touch sometime between 2012 and 2013.
He said for his own funeral one day, he chose the Frank Sinatra song, “My Way.”
This was a perfect choice for his free-spirited, strong, rebel-self—around his late 70’s at the time—who has been through a lot of extreme traumas, chaotic family dramas, immense heartaches, and deep, inner suffering from early childhood throughout adulthood.
And this applies to all of my Earth families, to include myself, and many within humanity.
But despite the very difficult Life challenges—that only show up for Master Souls who are ready, and have attained all the spiritual tools to implement mastery—Rollin M. Sugi was able to THRIVE, rather than merely survive, in this world.
So the next phase that I wish for him in this lifetime, before he passes away, is for him to experience deep healing on all energetic levels (especially emotionally), and to truly, fully, and unconditionally love himself (and not just need and/or desire to impress society, and win its conditional approval).
And if he doesn’t choose to this in this lifetime, may he choose to do so whenever he needs to in another lifetime(s), since he (like all Souls) have free will.
And I trust this applies to ALL of us, that our ultimate Life Lesson—or opportunity to express our Mastery (like Gregg Braden taught)—is to truly, fully (WHOLEy), and unconditionally love ourselves, which allows us to truly do so for interconnected Life within this world and way beyond.
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