I dedicate the following comment turned into post to someone I met during the spring of this year at a spiritual event in NYC, whom I trust is continuing to Be unconditionally loving (to self and others), genuinely friendly, independent, strong, open-minded, intelligent, open-hearted, authentic, vulnerable, honest, free-spirited, gentle yet assertive, down-to-earth, very stylish, deeply compassionate (especially towards animals), intuitive (always following her inner guidance first and foremost), wise, and much more.
Note: Image on right above found next to link => wfpk.org
Roxanne—who’s beautiful inside and out—I’m grateful that I had an opportunity to cross paths with a wonderful soul like you. Despite our time together being very brief, I will treasure the soul-igniting, heartfelt, and memorable moments that we shared together.
I trust that all is well in your world, and I wish for you to continue receiving an abundance of all your heart’s desires that highly serve you, support you, benefit you, encourage you, uplift you, empower you, inspire you, and make you happy. 🙂
Note: Image on left above found next to link => yandex.com/I chose this image because it reminds me of the meaning of the name Roxanne, which is dawn and bright (from website sheknows; for further details about the SoulUrge Number and Expression Number of the name Roxanne (in case the name is mirrored to you one day), click on the first, bolded meaning to open the link in another window)
The following is a comment I shared for the video, “Going For What You Want – (Finding a Core Belief) – Teal Swan Synchronization Workshop“:
Teal, I highly resonate with your teaching toward the end of this video, but definitely NOT the beginning because it’s too one-sided. Yes, relationships within interconnected Life is highly beneficial, and yes, it doesn’t benefit any of us to become a hermit spending most of our lives in some secluded woods or dark@$$ cave. However COMMA I have no doubt that incorporating some solitude time is highly beneficial for all of us.
Solitude give us the opportunity to better know—from experiential knowledge/wisdom—what it FEELS like to be fully present in our own core, vibrational frequency (Source: Soul/Spirit within), without constantly being bombarded by so many outer energies (a lot of which may not be so positive and beneficial).
Spending some quality time alone—e.g., in nature, doing something creative, meditation, etc.—can also help us to be at peace with being physically “alone” (though ultimately we’re never alone), and even enjoy our own presence.
Because, if we can’t even enjoy our own presence, we can’t expect others to as well. In addition, if we’re solely in relationships to fill some void from within—that can only be filled with the Light and Unconditional Love of our core essence that we reconnect with—it can lead to disappointment, resentment, the blame-game, heartbreaks, hatred, etc.
During solitude, we can also reflect on our lives and gain wisdom from the life lessons we’ve learned from.
The key is balance and harmony, and not necessarily 50/50. I’ve learned from the wolf spirit guide messages that the lone wolf intuitively knows when to venture off on its own, but it also knows when to reconnect with its pack (community), to include sharing what it’s learned from its life adventures.
At one of your events, I was baffled when you said something similar at one point with a stern facial expression and aggressive tone, basically saying something to the effect that if one chooses to spend any solitude time, “You’re going to end up alone for the rest of your life.”
During lunch break, I found out that several others felt the same way, and one of the participants—who seemed very open-minded and open-hearted—became upset and chose not to attend your event the next day; and I could understand why.
You see, she was at a stage in her life where she was becoming more at peace with spending some time alone after breaking off from some unhealthy relationships (i.e., an emotionally unavailable boyfriend and a habitually abusive mother).
Because you’ve shared so much Light and Unconditional Love with humanity and beyond, I wanted to give you a benefit of a doubt, that perhaps you were just projecting your own deep fear of being alone; hence, you’re known to have a strong need to continually surround yourself with your loved ones—especially family and team members—24/7.
I’m going to check out one more video of yours that I noticed, “Why Do People Hate Teal Swan?” but I have a feeling that may be the last one I watch. I truly don’t think it’s one sided.
Sometimes, it’s highly beneficial when we’re willing to check ourselves—see what’s all going on inside as well (since “outer world mirrors inner world” like you teach)—and not just feel that there are loyal fans turned haters, or even straight up haters out there for NO apparent reason.
I’ve mentioned something similar to this in a comment for another video, but sometimes, it might be something(s) you said and/or did—that’s perhaps conflicting, confusing, fear-based, arrogant, narrow-minded, close-hearted, not resonating, etc.—–that turns certain people off; and it’s not JUST others being out of alignment with their Source within.
Teal, you have an abundance of wonderful qualities, and I’m still very grateful for your precious existence and your invaluable contributions to humanity and beyond. Perhaps it’s simply time to move on for me; I’m going to go with flow and see how I feel.
By the way Teal, I highly respect and admire your compassionate full presence with the guy in this video, who’s simultaneously frustrating at times, yet, seemingly authentic and very lovable and loving.
I haven’t watched all of your workshop version of videos, but this one is hands down the most helpful and heartfelt I’ve ever seen you while interacting with someone from your audience.
The following is a google review that I wrote a while back for the restaurant below (and about Roxanne, mentioned above):
311 Amsterdam Ave, New York, NY
4 Star Rating
Parts to this Unconventional Review: Breadcrumbs of Divine Synchronicity, Food, Service & Ambience
Breadcrumbs of Divine Synchronicity:
My logical mind was thinking about eating pizza for lunch this past Saturday since I was visiting NYC, but my Heart/Soul/Spirit/the Universe within was like, “I’ve got a combo package surprise for you that I trust you’re gonna LOVE (wink).”
We cross paths with many souls, but once in a blue moon, we meet someone whose genuine, soul-igniting, heartfelt presence moves us on a very deep level.
Roxanne was not only a great influence on me that day (the way true friends are) by suggesting this very healthy AND delicious place to eat at, but she also shared her gifts, to include her:
– open mind (that’s also discerning, insightful, & wise)
– open/BIG heart (that UNCONDITIONALLY loves more & more of self, as
well as others while having healthy boundaries)
– courage & inner strength to be authentic & vulnerable (an empowering
strength) freely expressing her raw emotions & true feelings, & much
So what the heck does all of this have to do with this place? The answer is: EVERYTHING, because Life is interconnected, and the lunch I ate that day is like a big, bright, sparkling star among several illuminating stars within one section of the pitch black night sky.
But here’s feedback about lunch.
After reviewing the menu, I followed my inner guidance—aka my Heart/my feelings (language of the soul)/emotions (inner compass)—something I’ve been practicing for a while now, though I haven’t mastered yet.
I noticed that I got pretty excited—a blinking neon sign that we’re on a beneficial soul path—about trying the Shroomami, and decided to substitute the kale with arugula (since kale constipates me), and add an extra item of tomatoes.
Though I’ve never tried a warm salad or raw beets before, the idea of exploring the unknown (rather than fearing it) was exciting as well.
This meal was HANDS DOWN the BEST salad I’ve ever had. The flavors and textures of the warm portobello mix and and the small chunks of roasted sesame tofu (that wasn’t too soft of firm) merged so effortlessly with the rest of the ingredients.
I’ve had wild rice before, but this organic version that was tasty and somewhat moist (similar to Asian rice) took it to the very top level.
I had never imagined that I would like raw beets, but they were perfectly crunchy, vivid in color, and slightly sweet—just a great addition to the salad.
And last but not least…the heavenly miso sesame ginger dressing enveloped everything within the salad in such a subtle, yet, distinct way.
When it comes to flavor, it was unlike any other salad dressing I’ve ever had; plus, it didn’t deprive or drench the salad like a lot of restaurants do.
The line was like a long, curvy snake that ended near the door, so it was understandable why the overall vibes of the place was super busy, anxious, noisy (with all the conversations) and somewhat overwhelming (w/all the various energies emitting from a lot of people).
Therefore, customer service wasn’t exactly personable and smiley friendly, but it wasn’t really rude and/or uncomfortable either; I suppose neutral.
I have no doubt that it’s not easy being in the staff’s shoes, especially having to interact with so many different personalities (some who may be a major pain in the @$$) and preferences.
Granted, on other days, the same staff may provide good to outstanding customer service; who knows?
All I know is that I’ve worked in intense environments before (to include the Army), and I trust that we all have it within us to generously share our Light (upliftment +) and Unconditional Love at times (to include unconditional kindness), despite certain challenging stress factors that may sometimes negatively affect our lives.
Oh yeah, the salad making process was definitely prompt, and the line moved pretty fast, so that was another plus.
Clean, organized, with a comfortable patio outside to enjoy your meal in the warm sunlight and clear blue sky.
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