Image by AI-ART-DZ from Pixabay
Sometimes, as we’re going through Life, we can easily go through phases where we seemingly lose our interests, passions, motivation, and excitement about Life.
We can become lost within so many outer world distractions, and forget who we truly are at our core—as Full-Potential, Multidimensional, WHOLE Self (Spiritual Self: Spirit & Soul)/self (physical self/selves).
This is especially true if we’re going through a major change—or even more challenging, major changeS—in our lives, like a loss of a loved one, a divorce, a career change, a new chapter in life, etc. (all of which applies to me by the way 😅).
And to even dive deeper, this is also known as The Dark Night of the Soul.
This often applies to Old Souls (and even Ancient Souls) who are AWAKENING, or who have fully woken up, but don’t realize it (hence, continue to play the physical world game).
And if you’re reading this—and it FEELS light/true to your Heart to some degree—then there’s a high probability that you’re either or.
On the narrow path—that often feels so far away from the very popular wide path of general society—we can easily feel like we’re not competent enough, we’re so behind, our work is pointless, and/or we haven’t accomplished enough to make a noticeable impact on ourselves/ humanity/interconnected Life.
We can especially feel helpless, powerless and even hopeless when we’ve been bombarded to often by many mirrors of dis-ease and corruption within this world.
However, during this new age, MAJOR CHANGES AND TRANSFORMATIONS are definitely happening within, on, and around planet Earth (whether we believe it or not).
It’s even known that known that many extraterrestrials within this Universe and beyond are highly interested and invested in this RARE, Cosmic Show of a Lifetime.
I’ve grown to believe this to be true within 13 years of having many earthly and otherworldly dreams, to include seeing, and even interacting with different, peaceful E.T.’s in dream state (and even flash visions of them during meditative states).
But despite an abundance of proof of seemingly magical and miraculous personal experiences that are otherworldly (to include the Divine), I, too, have experienced reaching rock 🪨 bottom at times (like lately).
So when I’m in such “low” states, I simply do my best to do the next baby steps that interest me (even slightest), which have always led me slowly, gradually, quickly, and even RAPIDLY to BOUNCE BACK to my core, vibrational frequency, Divine essence within (that’s always available to us).
I learned this from Bashar (channeled via Darryl Anka), who has taught about this within his Formula.
This includes noticing whatever feels exciting—even to the tiniest degree—and then doing that, that leads to experiencing miracle-like Divine Synchronicity, which I’ve experienced, so I know it works (screenshots at bottom of this post).
I sometimes forget about this—above and below paragraphs—but it’s definitely beneficial to remember.
It’s known to take MANY LIFETIMES to even reach this awakening (or awakened) Consciousness state, so it’s helpful to often remind ourselves that what we’re Being and doing here is HUGE.
And this is regardless of outer world success that hasn’t caught up yet with the every stepping stone of inner world success.
I shared the following comment for video, “If you’re feeling behind in life, watch this“:
True, great points Clark, to include ones I’ve never heard of before, but makes sense.
My husband and I had family-like friends—my first/ex-husband and his wife with their children—who posted on Facebook for two decades mostly very positive and happy photos, videos, good news, celebrations, accomplishments, and everything else that billions of other people mostly do on social media.
But whenever we visited them—to see my adult children from my first/ex-husband (and this related family friends)—we noticed an increasing pattern that they were different behind closed doors; there was the actual reality.
All the suppressed negativity seemed to resurface in a very gloomy kind of way, whether it was the attitudes, demeanors, conversations, nonverbal cues, and just polar opposite ways to the many smiles, laughter, and heavenly life shown in public.
This eventually affected our relationships, since suppressing any negativity—rather than expressing in healthy ways—eventually seeps out in passive-aggressive ways, or even EXPLODES 💥 like a volcano 🌋 in out of control ways.
Though we were initially in a family-like friendship to make it peaceful for the kids growing up, I’m still grateful that we had some good times over two decades.
I’ve also experienced and intuitively sensed that many others I knew were like this as well; and found out later that it was mostly shiny on the outside, but not so much on the inside.
Even while living in and working at 10 different jobs in Sedona over the years, I observed many red flags 🚩, and learned that just because a place is known as “The Mecca of Spirituality,” it doesn’t mean that most people and businesses are truly spiritual with love-based intentions.
However, there are the rare, REAL DEALS, whom I’ve had amazing experiences with that will always be memorable.
And they include 2 Master Healers and 1 Master Teacher of Light Language—Sohanna Laurel Lyons, Anahata from Shamangelic Healing, and Jamye Price’s Cosmic Consciousness Ascension Deck (that have matched many personal situations for years).
Plus, I did have many invaluable experiences—whether obvious blessings (to include some FUN times), or blessings in disguise (though much more of the negatively INTENSE latter 😅).
So I’m grateful for the opportunities to explore, experience, perceive, learn, overcome challenges, enjoy, grow, and evolve on all energetic levels (mentally, emotionally, physically via further DNA 🧬 activations, and spiritually).
Granted, I’m no longer going to Be a “Systems Buster” aspect of WHOLE Self/self—that the Pleiadians talked about—at least not at Sedona jobs, or any other “9 to 5” jobs.
I read a couple of amazing blog posts from someone I had never heard of before until recently, James Altucher (though I haven’t been drawn to his other content related to deep diving into the financial world).
And he said in his post, “10 REASONS YOU HAVE TO QUIT YOUR DAY JOB”:
“A job, which is basically from 6am (wakeup) to 9pm every day, is only one source of income. And pays you less than 1% of the value you create.”
So again, not everything that’s displayed for the world to see is what actually is.
This is why I left the Facebook world years ago (just felt drained from it); but there are apparently those who use it in highly beneficial ways, so that’s great.
Continuing video…
Thank you Clark for sharing another helpful video.
Throughout my adult life, I have been checking myself often (usually daily), and even more so with shadow work (though I’m still working on it).
And this includes the subjects of envy and jealousy, since it’s easy to become lost within both in this world.
I have noticed about myself throughout my life, when I highly respect and/or admire whatever aspect of others—to include attractiveness (regardless of gender)—I love to give them compliments.
And I’ve been thanked and told by hot women that they hardly ever receive compliments from other women, which initially surprised me, though I was able to understand later.
I did feel envious during childhood at times, especially when my adoptive dad told his blood-related toddler daughter that she could be president one day; but I wondered why he never said anything like that to me.
I have experienced jealousy at times from high school through adulthood—mainly from flirtatious females who had the attention of my first boyfriend (and then my second husband once at his work).
I had felt that they were a threat to my relationships because I had low self-worth, self-esteem, self-respect, self-confidence, and other important self-___ that stem from unconditional self-love.
I also noticed that regardless of how much outer world success, fame, riches and/or wealth people have, if they habitually radiate a lack or absence of INNER WORLD WEALTH as well—especially a deep, love-based character—there’s no respect and admiration, let alone envy or jealousy.
But for those who seem very successful, famous, rich and/or wealthy for both inner and outer worlds, I feel inspired to learn from them, so that I can become a greater version of Self/self.
And last but not least, for those whose inner Self/self is AMAZING—though they may have not tuned into outer world success, fame, riches and/or wealth yet—I have deep respect and admiration for them, and trust they will have their GLORIOUS DAY in Divine perfect timing and order.
Whenever I expand my perspective, I’m able to recall The 7 Essene Mirrors, especially Mirror #7…
where EVERYTHING in Life is perfect AS IS—despite temporary, inner and outer world happenings that may seem imperfect to our logical minds.
As long as we remember NOT to COMPARE ourselves to an EXTERNAL YARDSTICK, we will know that ALL IS WELL (as Gregg Braden shared in his workshop summarized within a 2 hour YouTube video).
And Clark, your sharing about COMPARISON was an additional, helpful puzzle 🧩 piece that I had not heard of before. So thanks again!
Bashar’s Teachings
Created a new 🐣 post, “Catty 😾 Cure 😻, Pawdicure 🐾💅& Remembering ✨ 🫵🏼Multidimensional 🦄 Unique 🪩 Beauty 🪷”from this initial update:
This morning I completed creating and publishing a video that I had FUN 🐸🤗 with, and shared it via TikTok and YouTube (and going to edit a Short version as well, and then add link here):
Full Video:
TikTok link: “Catty Cure, Pawdicure & Remember ✨ 🫵🏼 Multidimensional 🦄 Beauty“
YouTube link: “Catty Cure, Pawdicure & Remember ✨ 🫵🏼 Multidimensional 🦄 Beauty 🪷”
Short Video (working on editing long one; patience 🦗…ok, this emoji is actually for a cricket, but same family 😊, and tomatoes 🍅 tomatos 😜):
TikTok link:
YouTube link:
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