Note: This is an update for the section on the product, The Ultimate Meal, within the post, “Bouncing Back to Be Fit, Healthy, Grounded and Balanced” as well as other helpful information.
My husband and I followed the recipe on The Ultimate Meal tub mentioned in the post/link above—I mixed everything with purified water, and my husband used milk.
I give myself credit for doing my best to think positive thoughts while drinking/eating the shake. However COMMA I noticed that I just don’t feel quite good during the seemingly long process.
It’s as if the shake itself continues to expand in the shaker bottle no matter how many gulps I take. After about 20 minutes of slowly drinking /eating (since you’re supposed to chew the baby-food/oatmeal-like texture), and rinsing my mouth with purified water in-between, I was like, “C’mon! Ssseriously? Still 3/4 full?”
The taste, when following the highly recommended recipe, is much better than not adding organic fruit, but whether it’s the heavy texture and/or the still apparent grassy aftertaste…it’s challenging to consume (at least for us).
And the thing is, drinking and eating is not meant to be a strenuous challenge—like a three-mile hike up a rugged hill. I trust that it’s meant to be enjoyed effortlessly because it highly stimulates our senses like fireworks in the mouth and throughout our body.
Now I understand why I didn’t like drinking (e.g., so-called “cherry” flavored cold medicine) and or taking bitter Korean medicine (in powder form) throughout childhood. It just didn’t resonate with me.
Regardless of the fact the The Ultimate Meal contains the best of the best ingredients, my husband and I both agreed that the one tub that we bought will be the first and last one.
Unless, of course, something amazingly miraculous happens to one or both of our bodies during the time-frame of consuming this shake—like my 4’9″ extra small self suddenly growing five inches taller after 40 plus years, developing perfect vision where I no longer need glasses, or my husband being able to cross one leg over the other while sitting (physically impossible right now).
And if we were to experience such miraculous moments, I would definitely share them with humanity and beyond, and even write a personal letter to the man in shades who created The Ultimate Meal. 😉
Otherwise, bye bye to The Ultimate Meal. Now, the Vega One All-in-One Nutritional Shake power (Vanilla Chai flavor) is definitely a keeper, and we plan on exploring other flavors as well.
Of course, the creator of the The Ultimate Meal suggests drinking/eating his product one to even three times per day, but I ask, “Rrreally dude? You actually drink/eat the shake three times a day every day? Good luck with that buddy.”
I honestly can’t see myself having that shake once or twice daily, let alone replace all of my meals every day for the rest of my life.
I wondered if he truly consumes his own product three times per day, every day; or does he sneak in an actual, delicious meal or two behind closed doors.
Afterall, one should lead by example, and if you’re going to preach to others to drink and eat your ultimate product that much, then by all means, you, too, should be doing the same.
It occurred to me that, ultimately, it doesn’t matter whether or not something is labeled “good’ or “bad” by others; what matters is what highly resonates with me, what I choose to live with, and what makes me happy.
Now, Andrew Zimmern seems to be very personable and lovable—at least from what I’ve noticed on his shows—with his very magnetic, soul-touching personality that seems to make it effortless to bond with many people of various cultures throughout the world.
However, as much as I respect and adore him, if he were to announce on TV that he talked to health food experts and they came upon the conclusion that the world’s new super-foods were: extra large, raw bull balls; balut; extra plump, juicy worms; slimy and slippery raw tadpoles; semi-cleaned, pig intestines; and rotten, marinated fish heads…I would be like, “Oh hhhell no!!!”
I’ll be a non-MSG loaded, ramen-eating fool before I eat foods that would make me throw up in my mouth (and not just a little bit) prior to even putting them in my mouth. Sorry, no can do.
If I can’t bring myself to drink or eat something without struggle, why even bother? Why cause our own suffering? We only live once in this lifetime on planet Earth, might as well enjoy it.
Being miserable while eating any type of food defeats the whole purpose of being balanced and healthy since our vibrational frequency will be low from not feeling so good.
So the key is to enjoy what we eat (which raises our vibrational frequency), and also ensure that we’re not eating something just because there’s nothing better to do, since that may only feel good temporarily.
And by drinking and eating whatever highly resonates with us, I don’t mean that we should go out and only stuff our faces with all the cheap junk food that all the major corporations constantly put out for the majority of the non-wealthy population.
It’s about balance and harmony. I enjoy drinking certain drinks (e.g., wine) and eating certain meals that aren’t exactly considered “healthy” at times (in moderation), like: a burger with fries, pizza, fried chicken and butter biscuits, ice cream, cake, etc.
However, I also enjoy eating highly beneficial foods that stimulate my senses as well—taste, smell, colors, textures, shapes and sizes—to include various fruits and vegetables (preferably organic, though I go with the flow) and lots of purified water.
We started using Zero Water filters which ended up, not only the best water filter we’ve used so far, but it’s also cheaper than buying bottled water (though it may not seem like it), which usually isn’t that purified to begin with; plus, bottles are not good for the environment anyway.
As of now, I don’t feel obligated to go on some strict diet, like becoming a vegan. I trust that our body/mind/soul know what’s best for us, regardless of what society says.
In addition, I trust that numerous, delicious recipes around the world were ultimately co-created by the Creator within many beings to simply enjoy, and as long as we don’t become addicted to them— basically, “overly enamored in the material world” as they Pleiadians taught to avoid doing.
If I’m meant to take the vegan path one day, I have no doubt that my body will give me very obvious signals that will lead me that way.
I realized that eating meat doesn’t have to be a non-beneficial experience so long as we eat it moderation and ensure—to the best of our ability (to include financial status and availability)—to choose various meats from animals that have been raised in a clean, healthy, loving, supportive and spacious environment where they’re even butchered with much gratitude and love from their owners. Plus, the meats from animals raised with love (usually by local farms) actually taste much better.
Anyone’s who’s ever watched Food, Inc. is aware that a lot of the mass-produced meats sold by major corporations (who seem to only care about making money and prefers quantity over quality) are from mistreated animals who were raised in very unsanitary conditions (i.e., surrounded by much fecal matter), crammed environment (i.e, not provided with enough space to freely roam around and get exercise), lack or absence of natural sunlight (e.g., caged chickens in the dark), and even treated with an absence of love, support and gratitude (e.g., chickens being kicked around by certain employees).
I’ve learned from Pleiadian teachings that when such animals are killed, their bodies continue to hold much fear energy, which can be felt from those who are highly sensitive, as well as from those who have an intention to sense frequencies as an energy being that we all naturally are.
What we do choose to drink or eat, I trust that it’s important to sense the vibrations of them with heart-felt intentions, since we all have deep within us this innate ability, though general society may have conditioned us to believe otherwise.
Regardless of what earthly labels they may have, and whether or not we can sense the vibrations of things (yet), we can develop a habit of blessing all drinks and foods—as our Beloved I AM Presence/Christ within transmuting—before consuming them, and just trust that it will be so.
We can also apply this wonderful and highly effective habit to other stuff of life as well, such as blessing every environment that we’re in at whatever moment, to include invoking and visualizing the Violet Fire, calling upon the Frequency of Light (white light), sending out loving thoughts and feelings from our integrated higher Mind/Heart, etc.
By habitually sending out loving energies to our self, others and our surroundings, I’ve learned/remembered that we can highly contribute to the collective energies within our world.
A while back, I read an article that made some very good points that I highly resonate with, and I trust will be helpful to others as well (whoever happens to come upon this post in Divine perfect timing and order for their own soul growth) => Chakras and Food — You are (how you feel about) what you eat!
The following quoted, intro section is from the reading/link right above:
“Many times the food *struggles* that my patients thought they were having weren’t really struggles at all. It was their body trying to tell them what it needs.
Often the person has food cravings that are absolutely perfect for the energy work they are doing, but they are being told by the media to try a certain fad diet or self-imposing a random restriction that just isn’t working for them in the long run, and their body is instinctively fighting them on it […]”
Note: I do not represent and get paid by any of the products mentioned within this post.
Added October 7, 2015
Continuing post, “Spirit Within’s Answers to Personal Questions Through Dreams.”
Added 6/16/2016: An expanded perspective on what’s best to eat (e.g., listen to our bodies with discernment) => All About Food Choices and Spirituality
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