In the post, “A Mercury Retrograde Reading that Led to Reflection & Insights” (published on 8/30/16), I had shared that I have been seeing (more than usual) childhood to young adulthood friends in my dreams during the Mercury Retrograde time-frame (which also extends some time before and after the actual dates).
Well, I’ve been continuing to have these dream-state experiences, and I continue to trust that it’s due to the following information shared by Anne in the reading/link above:
Ann’s quote within her reading/link above: “This is a time when many soulmates find themselves back together, reuniting […]”:
Note: Image on right above found next to link => (thank you)
Shortly before waking up this morning, I had a vivid dream of a childhood classmate (for the second time) whom I was more of an acquaintance with than a friend.
When I had my first dream of him recently—29 years after our last interaction—I didn’t think much into it, but felt grateful that he was one of the kind souls who had acknowledged my existence during a phase where I often felt invisible, out of place and unwanted.
We attended the same school starting third grade, though I don’t recall any memories of him, besides seeing him in class.
However, for the time period during the half year of 7th and another half year of 8th grade, I still have a few happy memories of Jerry Hollingsworth, and they each involved kindness and/or humor.
Right before choir class started in either 7th or 8th grade, and we were all practicing the song, “I Am but a Small Voice,” Jerry, who was standing a row above me, and diagonally next to me, leaned over and made a funny comment in a gentle manner while giggling.
I don’t recall what he had said verbatim, but he was basically teasing me that the song matched me since I was small.
Though I had more than enough experiences of being teased for being very small (beyond the average small), I think that was the first one that didn’t make me sad or angry; he made me smile. Note: I’m 4’9″ now in my early forties, and I was probably around that height (or shorter) during that time-frame as well
When I had started the big DoDDs school (the Department of Defense Dependents Schools) in Yongsan, an Army post in Seoul, Korea, I had some challenging moments.
Once, my mother bought me a pair of light blue tennis shoes that were too big for me—size 6, and I wear a 5 for sneakers (depending on brand since the sizes can vary) or 4.5 for sandals.
Since Korean stores at the time didn’t provide refunds I was told, my mother made me wear the big shoes to school.
One day, while walking to another class in-between breaks, a group of boys gathered around me and started making fun of how my shoes were too big for me, obnoxiously shouting words like, “Hey Bozo!”
I thought I might be able to pull off pretending that the shoes fit, but it didn’t work out so well. Though this memory didn’t exactly help build my self-esteem, looking back, I trust that it had prepared me to be deeply appreciative of kindness when it did show up (and kind boys like Jerry being one of them).
This reminds me that simple words or a simple act of kindness can truly go far, even lasting decades later as a treasured, happy memory.
When one has only or mostly experienced much kindness throughout their childhood lives—whether at home, school, while playing at the playground, etc.—one can easily take kindness for granted whenever it does show up, and not be so grateful for it (let alone develop a deep appreciation for it), which in turn could lead to not unconditionally loving self and interconnected others.
Because, it’s too easy to conditionally love self and others when life is mostly flowers, sunshine and rainbows to start with, to include having much abundance in its various forms—love, emotional support from family members, financial security, safety (not experiencing abuse of any form, as well as living comfortably in a safe environment), having the societal label of what’s considered attractive, growing up in an overall positive environment (no major family dramas and traumas), having a lot of material abundance, etc.
However, when one has mostly experienced the opposite of kindness throughout their childhood lives—whether at home, school, while playing at the playground, etc.—one will more than likely deeply appreciate kindness whenever it does show up, which in turn, will help one to deeply love self and interconnected others.
Another example of deep appreciation for one’s kindness is in 9th grade at Pusan American High School. I’ve never shared this story before because it was an extremely embarrassing moment for me.
After having experiences of being teased (in a mean manner) how abnormally short I was (mainly by boys), I went through a phase where I stuffed the bottom of flat shoes with toilet paper to give me a couple of inches since I wasn’t allowed to wear heals during junior high school, and the beginning of high school.
One day, while playing soccer for P.E. class, as soon as I kicked the ball, the shoe I kicked the ball with went flying off. They were these black, comfy shoes that had a flap on them.
My heart skipped a beat because I was afraid that everyone would find out that I stuff my shoes. But to my great surprise, one of my classmates approached me in a gentle manner.
I will never forget the look in his eyes, which deeply moved me. I didn’t have words to describe the look back then, but I now trust it to be compassion.
He simply handed me my shoe back, which was missing the chunk of toilet paper, and smiled a very gentle smile. I wondered if he might spread what he had witnessed to others, but I never heard of it from anyone else (though he may have told his close friends), and I felt so grateful.
In addition, he continued to treat me with kindness and humor, just the way Jerry Hollingsworth did.
I may have been too embarrassed then to thank him, but in case I haven’t, I’d like to express, “Thank you very much Trey Leyford (last name sp??) for being a compassionate soul.”
If he’s meant to read this message, I have no doubt he will comes across it in Divine perfect timing and order.
During another choir class in 7th or 8th grade, we were singing a song that had the word ragtime in it, and I made some comment about how the word reminded me of the actual rag time (period), and Jerry started laughing; he did have a cute laugh.
During a science class, one of our female classmates (who apparently had a bad rap with boy relationships) walked in a bit tardy, and a few of the boys—seated towards the middle of the classroom—started quietly singing together the seven dwarf song while swaying side to side, “Hi Ho! Hi Ho!…” from the movie Snow White, and I watched Jerry quietly laugh his ass off which amused me.
I didn’t have a crush on Jerry—perhaps due to a lack of interaction—but whenever I did recall him throughout my life (which was rare), I could effortlessly recall his smiling or laughing facial expressions as though it happened yesterday.
I wondered why I had two dreams of this soul named Jerry Hollingsworth 29 years later, and perhaps it’s to remind me to often incorporate much humor into my life, that lead to smiles and laughter, despite outer, temporary circumstances; a very helpful reminder during these times.
Right after copying and pasting the above, I took a break to feed (additional lunch + snack) and spend some quality time with Shadow, our soon-to-be adopted black, stray cat—if she’s willing to go into a kennel in order to be taken to a vet—whom I wrote about in post/link shared on top, as well as the post, “The Incognito Strays Who Mirrored Profound Wisdom.”
Soon after I came inside and washed my hands, I noticed, 1:44, which I’ve been noticing even more lately, and (as usual), instantly reminded me of Soul Family (aka Soul Group or Monad), though it may also have other meanings as well.
Even though my pet dog Kami (pronounced kah-mee) and Shadow may be considered mere creatures without souls to general society, I trust that they are both part of my Soul Family, not only because they’re our pets, but because there has something more profound going on, some of which were recorded in the post, “Symbolism of Black & White Siberian Husky Drowning and then Coming Back to Life.”
Though my interactions with Jerry seemed to be few, I trust that he, too, is a soulmate that’s part of my Soul Family (aka Soul Group or Monad).
Because I’ve learned through many personal experiences that it’s often not about quantity over quality (e.g., 396 so-called Facebook friends vs 12 true friends), especially when it comes to relationships.
And Facebook is actually a great example of this where it has minimized (whether intentionally or not ) the word friend or friends—something that seemed to have a much deeper, genuine meaning prior to this invention.
There are those whom I’ve known for several years, or even decades, who have not deeply moved me the way certain others did whom I’ve only known for a brief time, which I’ve shared stories about throughout this blog.
They include the following (to name a few):
- “Inspiration,”/related post, “Embracing a Setback to Set Forward” (under subtitle, “Sharing God’s Miraculous Blessings: Back-to-Back ‘Failures’ Part I“)
- “Treasuring Awe-Inspiring Souls“
- “A Loving Soul’s Sacrifice”
- “The Priceless Gifts from the Queen of the Happy Dance! ^_^“
In the second dream that I had of this soul brother Jerry, we exchanged gentle kissing (mostly on lips and neck which felt so intense, yet gentle).
The following is an interpretation of the keyword kiss by the website Dream Moods, a dream dictionary that I often use as a guidance tool, while always following my intuition first and foremost:
To dream of a kiss denotes love, affection, tranquility, harmony, and contentment.
I trust that the gentle kissing within the dream is symbolic of one of many soulmates within my Soul Family/Soul Group/Monad sharing loving energies during challenging times.
I also trust that all the soulmates within our Soul Family can show up in our inner world (i.e., dream state, meditative state, visions, and flash images) and outer worlds (e.g., as various types of beings, and not just human; sparks of light in peripheral vision indicating presence of spiritual realm, to include Galactic, Celestial, Universal, and Multiversal Families; signs, symbols and synchronicity, to include number synchronicity like so-called angel numbers/sacred number codes/truth codes, indicating presence of angelic realm; within Mother Nature such as various creatures appearing before us to remind us of some symbolic meaning of animal spirit guides/animal totems that we can incorporate into our lives, etc.).
Note: Image on right found next to link => (thank you)
When I further expand my perspective, the one soulmate of many soulmates within a Soul Family narrows down to my other half of my soul—my Twin Soul/Twin Flame (the integrated and balanced male and female energies within my soul) that hasn’t yet merged with Divine Spirit/All That Is in this physical reality.
When I expand my perspective even further, my Twin Soul/Twin Flame merged with Divine Spirit/All That Is = Beloved I (God) AM (Goddess) Presence/Christ, Buddha, SPiraling Consciousness within = MerKaBa/Star of David Frequency/12:12 = Soul Family/Soul Group/Monad
And when I expand my perspective as far as I can possibly imagine—no longer thinking in linear, 3D ways of separation consciousness, but rather, thinking in multidimensional 5D+ ways of unity consciousness where there is absolutely NO separation between anything, and every interconnected part is of The One/Source/Prime Creator/Ancient Divine Mother Goddess/Holy SPirit—I realize that ultimately, it’s only Spirit (that soul and souls are part of) within showing up in inner and outer worlds as seemingly countless versions of Self.
Additional Insights
I strongly sensed that I was guided from Spirit within to read the lyrics to the song, “I Am but a Small Voice,” that one of my soulmates, Jerry Hollingsworth, reminded me of within the second dream I had of him.
The last time I sang this song in choir class was in 7th or 8th grade—again, 29 or 30 years ago—so even though I was able to recall the first, four lines of this song, I wasn’t able to recall the rest of the lyrics and the overall meaning of it.
To my great surprise, it’s a very loving song basically about humanity being interconnected as One, as well as peace and prosperity. What a great reminder! Thank you SPirit within. 🙂
The following has been copy and pasted from the link title, “Roger Whittaker – I Am But A Small Voice Lyrics“:
I am but a small voice
I have but a small dream
The fragrance of a flower
In the unpolluted air
I am but a small voice
I have but a small dream
To smile upon the sun
Be free to dance and sing
Be free to sing my song everywhere
Come young citizens of the world
We are one, we are one
Come young citizens of the world
We are one, we are one
We have one hope, we have one dream
And with one voice we sing
Peace, prosperity
(Give us peace, prosperity)
And love for all mankind
Peace, prosperity
(Give us peace, prosperity)
And love for all mankind
I am but a small voice
I have but a small dream
To smile upon the sun
Be free to dance and sing
Be free to sing my song to everyone
Come young citizens of the world
We are one, we are one
Come young citizens of the world
We are one, we are one
We have one hope, we have one dream
And with one voice we sing, we sing
Peace, prosperity
(Give us peace, prosperity)
And love for all mankind
Peace, prosperity
(Give us peace, prosperity)
And love for all mankind
After reading the lyrics, I had an urge (Spirit inner guidance) to listen to a version of this song, and when I selected one, it was a bit more upbeat than the slower version that we sang back then.
And once again, I was surprised to see that the short video that I had clicked on was a total time of 3:33; and 3:33 (as well as 333) is yet, another sacred number code that I often see. Here’s the video link which you can open in another window=> I am but a Small Voice – lyrics to sing with
Though 333 has a detailed meaning, it usually reminds me of the main meaning—the presence, availability and support of the Ascended Masters within (aka Ascended Master selves within), and I thank them for their loving energies in its many form.
I no longer feel the need to ask them for their presence only when I notice 333, or related sacred number codes, because I’ve developed a habit of starting my days with a “Good morning” followed by a request for assistance with my accelerated, individual and collective soul growth/evolution to all aspects and extensions of Beloved Self—which includes, but is not limited to, all aspects of soul/inner-child/ego self/shadow self and all extensions of Source/Holy SPirit/Prime Creator/Ancient Divine Mother GODDESS like Multidimensional Self/Monad/Soul Family/Soul Group/I (God) AM (Goddess) Presence, Elohim, Mother Earth, angels (to include guardian angels), Archangels, Ascended Masters, elemental realm, animal spirit guides; Galactic, Celestial, Universal, and Multiversal Families, etc.
In addition, I end my daily morning prayer with, “Thank you for all that you lovingly do, and all that you amazingly are within past, present and future (occurring simultaneously), and I invite you all to join me in enjoying life experiences on Earth. Let’s have a great day!”
Note: An example meaning of 333 found on a website–-ANGEL NUMBERS – Joanne Sacred Scribes—that I often use as a guidance tool, while always following my intuition first and foremost.
After enjoying the uplifting song, I briefly searched for a slower version since that was the one that I remembered the melody of in junior high school.
While scrolling down the right-hand column, I noticed a short video (5:35m) titled, “Tony Robbins. Lion story.” Note: Also looked up meaning of 535 (a palindrome number) from website/link shared above; I only look up meanings when I feel like it
In my previous post, “Insights About Suicide, Earthly Labels, Fierce Competition, a Left-Brain Centered World and Major Changes,” I briefly talked about my observations about Tony Robbins (to include red flags), who was interviewed by Oprah on the SuperSoul Sunday show; hence, I had lost the desire to ever watch that show again, or any other Oprah shows.
However, the phrase “Lion story” within the title of the video/link above, sparked a curiosity in me since I had dreams of lions and lionesses before—briefly mentioned in post, “Fifth Dream of Black Panther and Message of Trinity” as an intro—as well as my experience shared in post, “Intense Inner Body Vibrations Transferred from A Lion’s Magnificent Roar.”
So I checked out the video “Tony Robbins. Lion story,” since I trust that it was part of this particular series of Divine synchronicity (while going with the flow), and the following is the comment that I left for it:
Continuing in post, “A Comment and Different Ending to Tony Robbins’ Lion Story“
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