Upon waking up this morning, I effortlessly recalled a set of vivid and WILD dreams that I strongly sensed were related to tonight’s full moon, since I’ve been noticing a pattern of experiences that occur during these times of powerful energies (i.e., feeling inner body vibrations, hearing musical tones that seem to be from the Angelic Realm/Arcturians, having otherworldly dreams, experiencing more Divine synchronicity, to include number synchronicity, etc.).
Image [on right above] by Eli Grek from Pixabay
In one dream, I noticed a huge, bright green alligator next to a body of water across the road, who remained STILL [NON-ACTION] for a while.
I felt excited, immediately rolled down my window from the right side of the vehicle I was in, and then shouted out some words (though I don’t recall what I said).
Image [on left above] by warrior-on-ice from Pixabay
At another point, it was as if I zoomed right in front of this alligator, who then looked at me, and appeared to smile as if to acknowledge my cheerful greeting.
Image [on right above] by Reinhart Zehetbauer from Pixabay
I then drove off in the driver’s seat like a WILD WOMAN [BOLD ACTION]—speeding without any fear of getting a ticket (though my ego self would be concerned)—and feeling so HAPPY and FREE; I trust that this is a great sign to Be optimistic, despite whatever temporary, current circumstances.
Image [on left] by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay
Though I’ve had some dreams in the past of being the driver of a vehicle, I usually dreamt of others driving, to include my husband driving us off of a cliff or down a dark basement; and various dream interpretations have shared that the latter means that I’m allowing others to have more control of my life.
Image [on right above] by Julien Tromeur from Pixabay
In another dream (or perhaps continuing from the above mentioned adventure), I was walking on a beach on a sunny day, and I noticed around five or more group of large birds—that seemed to include hawks and an eagle––fly by in front of me, and then land on a protruding branch that was hanging from a cliff on the right side.
Image [on left above] by Kevinsphotos from Pixabay
For whatever reason, I felt peaceful and happy to see them, as if they were loved ones I hadn’t seen in a while.
I then sensed a strong presence behind me, and when I turned around, I was suddenly surrounded by seemingly countless, small birds flying around, so many that I could barely see them in detail.
Image [on right above] by RENE RAUSCHENBERGER from Pixabay
I initially felt slight fear set in, probably because it reminded me of a swarm of locusts, and even a dream I had last month (August) of an abundance of insects—shared in post, “Is It Coming? An INTENSE, Blizzard-like Swarm of Various Insects.”
However, I quickly snapped out of fear, raised my arms out to my sides, and started slowly flapping them (like wings), and confidently said something to the effect of, “I AM Flying and I AM Free.”
Image [on left above] by chiplanay from Pixabay
And regardless of how many “solid matter” birds I was around, I don’t recall any of them even touching me, as if they were simply around me, and supporting me, with their loving vibrational frequencies (just like the huge alligator, who could’ve easily snapped my head off, but seemed like a friendly, gentle giant).
Image [on right above] by GraphicMama-team from Pixabay
In addition, the first group of large birds that showed up in this dream, reminded me of the Pleiadians, whom I sensed visit at times as birds, or even very vocal coyotes near our home, since they’re able to shapeshift like other Galactic and Universal Soul Families.
Image [on left above] by Smim Bipi from Pixabay
I thanked Beloved Self within, for showing up as “different‘ aspects and extensions of WHOLE self/Self, to spice up Life and make it more interesting and FUN.
Image [on right] by Jim Cooper from Pixabay
As usual, I looked up some interpretations of the power animals/animal totems/animal spirit guides—as well as other key words within the dreams—and only took on board what FELT right/light/true to my Heart.
The following is an example excerpt from a reading that resonates with me, “Alligator Crocodile Power Animal Symbol Of Primal Energies Survival” by Shamanic Journey (click “alligator” link below to open this reading in another window):
Image [on left] by Duc Quang Tran from Pixabay
“The Alligator/Crocodile has inhabited earth for millions of years. They bare the unstoppable, untamable creative forces of All That Is, the force and fury of primal energies.
They symbolize creation and destruction and are the keepers and protectors of all knowledge. In many a myth and legend crocs/alligators are known as the keepers of ancient wisdom.
Image [on right] by JamesDeMers from Pixabay
When one of these creatures enters your life, look for an opportunity to touch very primal energies. There will be an opportunity for new knowledge and wisdom […]
The alligator/croc digests its food slowly, and so must you remember to gather, absorb and digest all experiences thoroughly before moving on too quick.”
Image [on left] by OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay
Shortly after I woke up, I noticed a YouTube video that popped into my awareness yesterday, but I avoided due to not wanting to face one of my fears.
However, I intuitively knew it was time, so I watched it, and felt grateful that I did, because I was able to gain profound insights by sharing my inner-truths, which is liberating and empowering.
Image [on right] by H. Hach from Pixabay
I shared the following comment for video, “The Power Play of Limbo – Stop The Confusion”:
Thank you Teal for sharing an overall helpful, mind/heart/eye-opening message. You suggested to admit to our fear(s), since it’s valid, but I have no doubt that it’s more helpful when a Soul Teacher’s invitation to a sacred and safe space, is expressed in a way that sincerely FEELS like it’s from Unconditional Embrace/Love, to include non-judgment, compassion and empathy.
For instance, when any Soul Teacher reveals—through their verbal and/or non-verbal cues—that s/he is judgmental about whatever “negative” aspect(s), and even ridicules them at times—as if these unsavory aspects don’t apply to her at all—it doesn’t make it easy or comfortable for another to admit their so-called weaknesses, because it could trigger guilt or shame.
But then again, perhaps it’s more more powerful and effective to share this message in the manner in which you did—because it can have a stronger, emotional impact—especially IF your intentions truly stemmed from Unconditional Love.
I was just reminded from within, an experience I had over a decade ago. One of my male Soldiers/students—at the Army Human Intelligence Collector school—shared with me that him and his buddy wanted to be Army Rangers one day.
However, they had a challenging time even doing the basics during AIT/Advanced Individual training school (i.e., falling asleep in class, being late, forgetting their gear, etc.).
Several times, I used the gentle loving approach, and even the respectful assertive approach, but neither of those methods were effective.
So one day, when he forgot his gear AGAIN, I went out in front of the mass, huge formation (of all the classes), and yelled at him, “DID YOU FORGET SOMETHING AGAIN?!“
He glared at me as if to telepathically communicate, “I can’t believe you humiliated me in front of all my peers!” However COMMA he never forgot his gear again.
At the end of the course, he asked if he could speak to me in private (with his battle buddy). He became teary-eyed—though he played the tough guy pretty well on the outside—and asked why I was harder on them than the rest of the students.
I explained something to the effect that I’m no Ranger Instructor, but what I do know, is that they usually don’t give second chances for basic mistakes (like forgetting your gear), let alone multiple chances. Soldiers/students who are not high speed get cut easily and quickly, and only half or so even graduate. They seemed to understand after that conversation.
So I realize more than ever that it’s not easy to face our weaknesses, but it does help when certain “others” (with love-based intentions) IGNITE that flame within, so that it can become a passionate, SPIRIT’S FIRE that inspires, and then motivates, us to move forward in life.
The truth is, I love my current husband like a Soul brother, but deep down, I’ve intuitively known that it’s time to go separate ways, due to an increasing awareness throughout the 15 years of our marriage, that we’re not compatibleย most of the time.
Though I have not yet tuned into the bravery needed to make a BOLD decision and just leave, I also know that it isn’t because I’m not capable of doing so, since I did suddenly leave my first/ex-husband (and two toddlers) to join the Army two decades ago (and then divorced him over a year later; but we’re friends now, to include his wife of 15 years or so, and my current husband).
I’ve been judged by many mothers—mirroring my own judgment of self as a mother—who couldn’t believe I could make such a heartless and selfish decision.
But until we have walked MANY miles in another’s shoes, we will never truly KNOW what it’s like to make such decisions that are extremely painful to the heart.
After two decades, I realized that after having a week of spiritual dreams before joining the Army—to include being in the middle of a desert, and a red wind approaching and then entering me (realized 2 decades later it was the Holy Spirit/Goddess)—I started a new path to re-member (as Soul)/learn (as a human being) a greater and more profound meaning of what love actually is, which is Unconditional/True Love (for self/others/interconnected Life within this world and beyond).
Image [on right above] by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay
So this Unconditional Love of the Divine Mother Goddess is not limited and localized to blood-related, Earth family members, but available in many ways for All of Life, to include our Galactic and Universal Soul Families.
Image [on left] by DEZALB from Pixabay
So rather than continue to judge self at times about this ‘limbo’ situation (that I’m grateful you brought up)—and allow others to judge me as well (mirroring the aspect that judges)—I choose to be unconditionally loving, compassionate and gentle with self.
I choose to fully trust myself that I WILL take actions that are highly beneficial for self/others/interconnected Life in Divine perfect timing and order, and NOT because I’ve felt “less than” if I didn’t do what’s considered right by my individual and Collective Ego.
It’s WAY TOO EASY to learn about various concepts—via books, [Abraham Hicks’] videos, blogs, websites, other people’s experiences, etc.—that sound right to the logical mind, and regurgitate them to others.
For instance, it’s way too easy for anyone (to include inexperienced monks or priests)—who spent their entire adult life within an overall, safe bubble of an environment—to preach to others about very challenging subjects like unconditional forgiveness.
The questions to ask are, “What are the absolute WORST things that they had to forgive?” or “What are their personal experiences that actually back up these super shiny concepts?”
Until we have actually EXPERIENCED a certain level or degree of extreme betrayal (one example), we will never KNOW what it actually FEELS like.
ANYONE can effortlessly tell another shiny and profound words of wisdom like, “Forgive now since it’s the loving thing to do” or “LET GO of all your fears now so that you can raise your vibrational frequency.”
But those type of advice is like a slap in the face (example => ) to someone who’s been viciously gang raped and severely traumatized on all energetic levels—mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually.
However COMMA, when this wounded person naturally comes to a point to FEEL unconditional forgiveness (from their Heart), even though the gang never apologized and even got away with what they did—and NOT conditional forgiveness from the logical mind (to be perceived as a “good” person by self and others, to go to heaven, to avoid negative karma, to avoid going to hell, to avoid being in a low vibration state, etc.)—then THAT’S powerful beyond measure.
Unconditional Love doesn’t have a need or desire to instill fear, guilt, shame, pressure, manipulate, control, and/or use brute force; it simply embraces and allows what IS.
By the way Teal, I did notice your deeply heartfelt, soulful eyes at times within this video. You continue to Be that Soul sister who assists with the expansion of my individual and Collective Consciousness.
So thank you so much for your precious existence, and your generous and loving contributions to humanity and beyond. I wish for you and your loved ones to experience many JOYful moments in Life! ^_^
I noticed this message this morning by Sadhguru (and saved the poster on right). I highly respect and admire him, though like all outer, Soul Teachers (in his case, a Master Teacher), I like to follow my inner guidance/Heart/intuition—Master Teacher/Master Healer/Master of Frequencies/Master Alchemist/Master Builder within—first and foremost, only take onboard what FEELS right/light/true to my Heart, and disregard the rest.ย
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