When I saw this image (on right)—the first one that showed up on Pixabay after typing ‘gorilla’—I was so delighted to see that the female, dog, and gorilla matched one of the dreams I shared in this post; again, this, too, is part of this particular series of Divine Synchronicity! ^_^
Image by AD_Images from Pixabay
I shared the following comment for YouTube video, “Our Dreams May Be Our Greatest Spiritual Teacher | SuperSoul Sunday | Oprah Winfrey Network“:
Thank you Thomas and Oprah for sharing this gift. Thomas radiates an expanded vibrational frequency that’s authentic, fully present, gentle loving, profoundly wise, graceful, eloquent, and powerful.
I highly resonate with his sharing, as well as Oprah’s insightful and perfectly expressed AHA moment, since I’ve experienced many earthly and otherworldly dreams ever since I left the Army life in 2011 (though I could only recall less than a dozen dreams before I joined).
It’s funny that yesterday, I actually dreamt of Oprah for the first time in almost 50 years of my life, though I’ve known of her for decades. I think it’s been at few years since I’ve watched one of her videos, so I trust in this bread crumb of joy/precious, puzzle piece gem showing up in Divine perfect timing and order.
In a nutshell, we were with a small group of unknown people, to include a female with BLUE platforms on, and we ended up riding in a shiny, large, BLUE vehicle that initially looked like a truck, but ended up being a van inside; there was also some dancing going on once we arrived to an unknown location. I recorded the dream in a Google doc journal as usual, looked up some key words to see which resonated with me, and even tuned into some insights from within.
Overall, though I don’t know a lot of details about Oprah, from what I have witnessed so far, I trust that she has led by example on how to balance the material and spiritual worlds; and it’s beneficial to be cognizant of such strong, wise, loving, generous, and successful Souls like her, while Being one’s best, and doing one’s best to manifest one’s Heart’s dreams and passions as well.
So it’s no surprise that this video showing up in my current, physical reality, along with yesterday’s dream, is a part of, yet, another series of Divine Synchronicity, which I LOVE experiencing every time, since it reveals to us the connection of our inner and outer worlds.
Sometime last night or this morning, I had a vivid dream with elusive details, which I also trust is part of this particular series of synchronicity, since I wasn’t going to publicly share it, until I was inspired by this video.
I was in a house that had white walls. At one point, I noticed that the wall in front of me only came down about two to three feet above the floor, which I later found out was connected to my neighbor’s house, who had a pet dog and gorilla.
I expressed my concern to this neighbor (that I don’t recall seeing), about the opened gap, since I had two pet cats.
At another point, the gorilla made its way under the wall gap, and started walking around the house I was in.
Strangely, it walked like a human, and its full presence and deep eye contact felt more like the Divine Feminine essence.
She said something to me, while standing right in front of me, but I don’t recall what; but I do remember how I FELT around her.
She seemed completely harmless, and I trusted her to be around my cats whenever I wasn’t home (I suppose while at work).
As usual, whenever I dream of an aspect of Mother Nature, I look up various interpretations of that particular animal spirit guide/animal totem/power animal, and only take on board what FEELS right/light/true to my Heart. I also checked out some dream interpretations of the key words within this dream.
I don’t know (for 100% sure) what my subconscious was communicating to me, but I often resonate with the animal spirit guide meanings, to include, “So, Gorilla symbolizes the harmony of Yin and Yang forces or Masculine and Divine Energies” (from “What Is My Spirit Animal” website).
Since I recall that a house can be symbolic of our Soul, and the color white can represent purity, wholeness, and clarity, I sense that the Holy Spirit/Prime Creator/Divine Mother Goddess (represented by the gorilla; who’s supported by her loyal Divine Masculine essence/the dog), visited and merged with my Soul since my Soul integrated the masculine and feminine energies within itself, making it whole (represented by my 2 cats who are authentic and whole), pure (not just right, good, and light, but embracing ALL aspects within opposites/duality/polarity), and white (embracing all the vibrations within the entire Light & Love spectrum: from low vibration of color red to high vibration of color violet, and low vibration of fear to high vibration of compassion).
Perhaps in different dreams, I also saw many coins, toy plates, eating dumplings at a restaurant and then paying with cash from my wallet, which all have interpretations related to Prosperity Consciousness, abundance, and wealth in various forms on all energetic levels (mental, emotional, physical, financial, material, and spiritual).
I’ve been doing inner work for a while to realize that ultimate wealth—our full-potential, Multidimensional, WHOLE self (earthly and otherworldly physical selves)/Self (Source: Soul & Spirit within/God & Goddess/Mind & Heart/Light & Unconditional Love core essence)—must first be recognized and honored from within, in order to deeply appreciate all that it can highly benefit self/interconnected Life in our outer world.
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