Sometime this morning, shortly before waking up, I had a soul-igniting, vivid dream that felt so real (something I’ve experienced often in dream state).
Image by Kristendawn from Pixabay
I was on a beach during the timeframe of what appeared to be around sunset.
At one point, I noticed various types of whales swimming in the water, but one stood out the most.
It looked like it was a blue whale or humpback whale, but not definitely not a sperm, orca, beluga, or gray whale.
First of all, the whale was swimming along the edge of where the sand met the water, which wouldn’t make any sense in this particular, physical world since that would be the shallow end of the water.
And though certain types of the whale family (like orcas and dolphins) are known to be capable of swimming that close to the shore at times to catch their meals, I’ve never heard of or read about ginormous whales having such ability.
As I was sitting on the sand near the shore, I noticed that this whale kept circling around and around, extending its left, pectoral fin towards me with each lap.
Note: The circle and water (especially the deep ocean) are just two of the various, ancient symbols that reminds me of The Divine Feminine Goddess essence/energies; and I will also further read about the whale spirit guide since it’s been a while
At one point, within the dream, I came to the realization that the repeating, gentle, and seemingly friendly gesture was to catch my attention.
I’ve shared many example stories within this blog about the benefit of paying attention to anything that repeatedly shows up in out life—like a bright, blinking, neon sign—since it’s attempting to gift us with an opportunity to learn from a certain life experience that can lead to obtaining profound wisdom.
Within this dream, perhaps I was reminded from Spirit within that I still have a desire to experience touching and connecting with a whale.
Because as soon as I realized that the whale was reaching out to me, I felt a surge of excitement, and ran towards the whale as it was passing by.
And though a part of me felt a bit fearful of its ginormous, unknown presence, my heartfelt passion took over, and I reached out and touched its seemingly elusive fin.
It felt so somewhat wet, slightly slippery, soft, and real, just like my experience from reaching out and touching a dolphin, from the dream recorded in post, “Adventures with Cetaceans in Dream State“ in early July of 2014 (almost 7 years ago), which, by the way, was where I had also recorded my first whale dream.
And once again, even the circle and ocean within the dream of orcas, are at least two of the ancient symbols that reminds me of The Divine Feminine Goddess essence/energies.
Yesterday, while updating the previous post, “Mulantis: The Reuniting of Ancient Lemuria/Mu and Atlantis,” I shared the following—among additional stories and insights—and perhaps that’s at least one reason why I experienced this symbolic dream (to reignite my seemingly fading Heart desires inspired by The I AM Presence within/God & Goddess):
Granted, I haven’t mastered manifestation, at least to my current awareness, but I trust that as I continue practicing all the wisdom that I’ve learned from Life, I will in Divine perfect timing and order (for the highest benefit of self/others).
But one of the things that I’ve noticed lately, is that my desires seem to be vanishing, since all that I used to desire, I’m gradually losing interest it.
If Spirit felt that it would be in Life’s best interest for me to leave this world, I feel ready at any moment of now; hence, I don’t fear COVID-19 as well.
Dream Interpretations That Feel Light/Right/True
A beach in your dream signifies enjoyable times ahead. Gazing out to sea in a dream can indicate that you need to focus on the things you like to do in life […]
Spiritually speaking, the dream about a beach indicates resting and recuperation […]
A beach is connected to a desire. This is directly associated with a new life path […]
To be near the sea is connected to our emotions, the beach is the place where the emotions (connected with the water) plus the material world (symbolic of the sand) meet up, together. This dream shows that you are keeping strong feelings inside and not letting them out […]
The Interpretation of strength and spirituality
Whales usually represent a big event in your life or a strong feeling of solitude.
Some people believe that whales are associated with peace, serenity, spirituality and tranquility.
The appearance of a whale in a dream can signify that everything is or will be o.k. and is often related to spiritual matters of the mind and heart […]
Some people have even interpreted the symbol of a whale as the feeling of a loving mother who protects her child.
Deep feelings and close emotional connections are often associated with these majestic animals.
Whales tend to appear during times of relevance when you are currently facing an issue in your life.
At times whales may also represent power, leadership and strength.
They symbolize that you can accomplish your goals and have the strength and intuition to overcome the obstacles in your life […]
Whale Spirit Animal
Author: Elena Harris
The whale spirit animal is the earth’s record keeper for all time. As a totem, the whale teaches you about listening to your inner voice, understanding the impact your emotions have on your everyday life, and following your own truth. When the whale enters your life, it may be time to closely examine where you are, the actions and emotions that have brought you to this point, and what you can do to alleviate existing drama and unrest and find peace. Those who have the whale as their animal totem are in touch with true reality. They are nurturers and go-getters who understand there is more to this life than meets the eye.
Whale Symbolism
The whale is commonly associated with emotion, inner truth, and creativity.
Here are additional meanings for this totem:
Wisdom holder
Physical and emotional healing
Keeper of history
Importance of family and community
Emotional rebirth
Peaceful strength
The Whale Spirit Animal Requests Emotional Rebirth
If the whale is calling to you, then it might be time to take inventory of the emotional pressures you’re under. Just as the whale can dive into the depths of the sea and endure immense pressure, people holding the whale spirit animal also are able to endure both emotional and physical pressures. But not forever, just as the whale must surface to take new breath, so must you. If the whale is showing up this could be a powerful opportunity to remember, let go and forgive. Making space to give birth to your fullest expression and flowing creativity […]
Whales and Dreams
The whale as a power animal blends the conscious and unconscious. When seen in a dream, the large mammal is offering guidance to help you become a mover and shaker who will take charge your life without hesitation.
Dreaming of a whale means it is time to stand up and speak up. Whales are frequently interpreted as representing awareness and intuition. It is time to turn up the volume on that inner voice of yours and listen more closely to what it has to say.
A whale’s immense size can also be symbolic of feeling overwhelmed. Maybe you have taken on too much at work, in your personal life or social obligations. It may be time to cut back some.
Honor your souls purpose. Claim the destiny that you know is yours and act on it now! -Whale
In this case, Whale symbolism is reminding you that you cannot know or understand everything. There are things that you must accept through the heart, senses, and intuition without the knowledge and understanding of why. In other words, Whale meaning is asking you to have trust and faith in your heart’s desires and in spirit. In so doing, allow it to lead you to your destiny […]
People with Whale totem have a deeper awareness of the world around them. They also have a profound connection to the cosmic consciousness. Folks with this spirit animal recognize that what they see is not necessarily the reality of what is. Thus they are easily able to bridge these differences and integrate all things into the truth of what is.
If in a dream that you see a whale swimming, it shows that you are now experiencing a moment of freedom, and you are enjoying it to the best of your ability. It means that you feel truly free to be yourself, and there is no liberty better than this.
I shared the following comment for the video, “Blue Ray Transmission: Higher Octave Ascension Wave Avatars Dolphin & Whales New Sirius DNA Strands“:
Thank you Shekina for sharing this helpful message that reminded me of vivid dreams of dolphins, whales, and orcas within a decade. Have a wonderful weekend enJOYing many present and pleasant moments of now! ^_^ Mulantis: Reuniting All
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