The first time I recall ever seeing a snake in real life was during childhood, when I was around five years old. I was in what appeared to be the middle of a forest (don’t recall other details), and I noticed a small, colorful snake slowly move between the leaves.
I was curious rather than scared, so I have no doubt, that like certain other animal spirit guides—ultimately, the Great Spirit within ALL interconnected Life in this world and beyond—that I’ve encountered since then (like the lone, black wolf), the snake spirit guide has been, and continues to be, a major key player in my life.
Image by Gerhard G. from Pixabay
The first, vivid snake dream that I’m able to recall was in the summer of 1997, where I remember very briefly seeing a large, yellow and white boa-like snake right in front of me, that slowly moved towards my face before waking up; the unknown energy felt so intense, yet, gentle.
Since then, I don’t recall any other snake dreams, but then started experiencing a series of multi-faceted snake dreams in 2011 (after leaving the Army life).
I explored various dream interpretations, and I realized that the main ones that felt right/light/true to my Heart, were about:
- shedding the old stuff of Life (that no longer benefit)
- deep healing (on all energetic levels—mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual)
- major transformation (in all areas of one’s life)
- and rebirth (new version of the self/Self).
These dreams—most of which were shared as posts within this blog—include (but aren’t limited to):
- a rattlesnake one (that was coiled up on the ground on a sunny day, and looking at me)
- messing with one (playfully trying to get a snake to bite its own tail)
- ones where I’m intrigued by them
- staring at one (a white snake that was taller than me, staring at me with curiosity in an upright position)
- and even running from them (giant colorful snakes)
- etc.
Upon waking up from this morning’s vivid dream with elusive details, I felt peaceful.
At first, when I was in a sandy area, I think I was somewhat uncomfortable being in the presence of the many small, thin snakes that I was surrounded by; I think I was with a small group of beings as well, though I don’t recall seeing them.
However, at another point, I was in a very large area of clear, aqua water—that seemed more like a huge waterpark of flowing water than a lake, river or ocean.
And at this location, I was actually enjoying swimming alongside these abundance of small snakes, and I think a small group of other beings.
I even noticed a shark on my right side that I wasn’t afraid of—the way I wasn’t afraid in my last shark dream from almost a decade or so ago, while playing and swimming with a big, brown bear, in what appeared to be a lake.
By the way, I’ve had numerous dreams of various forms of water—to include splashing it onto 3 aggressive, black wolves, who transformed into 3 sleeping male beings—and it reminds me of our invaluable emotions (inner compass revealing our authentic state), and ultimately, the Divine Feminine Goddess energies that include: allowing, flowing, creating, deeply healing, basking, receiving, and truly Being, unconditionally accepting/embracing/loving (self/others), and fully living, enjoying, and sharing.
I’ve been reading the book, The Prism of Lyra: An Exploration of Human Galactic Heritage, and one of my favorite quotes of profound wisdom is, “If the human race can truly allow diversity within unity from a point of non-judgment, Heaven on Earth will be created.”
Ever since I read this soul-igniting and deeply heartfelt message, I’ve been practicing (with more mindfulness) the allowing of self/others to simply Be as IS (which is Freedom/Unconditional Love).
I’m grateful that I chose to check out this book—that I’ve been drawn to since a while back, but just recently started reading (since I’m ready now)—since it contains a lot of helpful information, to include sentences to paragraphs that amazingly matches some of my dreams, as well as artwork, poems, cards, and cartoons that I’ve created in the past (all shared within this blog).
Also, regarding the shapeshifting wolves mentioned above, using the power of transformative water (from my hand), this is another quote from the same book (above), ” Magic is the spark created from the friction between polarities that ignites transformation.”
Various Dream Interpretations of Key Words :
Sea Snake’s wisdom includes: elusiveness, transmutation, messenger of the rainbow serpent, manipulates lightening, power, sexual potency, transformation, death and rebirth represented by the shedding of skin, shrewdness.
They also have the wisdom of exploration of mysteries of life. Those with the power of sea snake will always want to explore the mysteries of life. They can do things that nobody else can imagine doing. […]
They have psychic energy. Those who have the power of sea snake usually have the supernatural power. They have a given king of energy that is not normal in real life. They gain power through supernatural ways that are not understandable to many.
They also have creative power. This means that they can come up with new ideas and they create something new out of them that can be used in real life situation to help the society. They can invent solution to different problems we have in the society.
They also symbolize the messenger of the seven colors. This means that they are usually used by the magicians to send messages which are bad to specific places in the world and the rainbow messenger is their name. They are considered to have connections to the magic codes. They are also known to be mighty and powerful. […] (contains helpful info, but unable to copy and paste) :
To dream of sand represents feelings about something in your life not mattering at all. Feelings of no desperation. Feeling that you can afford to deal with a difficult or unpleasant problems.
Positively, sand may reflect a healthy or confident attitude about problems reaching the end point that requires progressive change. Not fearing facing your fears anymore. Feeling that you have reached rock bottom and now you can finally confidently confront a problem you avoided confronting. › swimming-dream-meaning:
If you are swimming with the current, all is well in your life and you are making the right decisions.
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The Snake Clan of Hopi had the water-snake as their emblem and the images of it are found on many rocks. Many tribes carried out the Ritual of the Snake as it was believed to protect the tribe on their hikes and hunts.
The elders believed the snake was a symbol of life and rebirth. As a result, snakes made their appearance in many sand paintings and healing ceremonies. :
Joseph Campbell, in his classic book The Hero With A Thousand Faces explores in depth the universal mythic narrative of the culture-hero (traditionally male) who goes forth not to conquer but ultimately to bring back some sort of aid that benefits his people. The elements of these legends are consistent in cultures all across the globe.
“The standard path of mythological adventure of the hero is a magnification of the formula represented in the rites of passage: separation—initiation—return [this instantly reminded me of my clay artwork of the Divine Mother Goddess I titled, “The Return”]: which might be named the nuclear unit of the monomyth. A hero ventures forth from the world of common day into a region of supernatural wonder: fabulous forces are there encountered and a decisive victory is won: the hero comes back from this mysterious adventure with the power to bestow boons on his fellow man. ” :
Arrival of the Water Snake
Sssssliding into presence, slicing through confusion, sourcing wisdom, spreading steadiness, stabilizing fluidity, strengthening awareness, seeping elementally into being, the year of the water snake arrives.
More ssssimply put, the snake is a symbol of wisdom, steadiness and focus. Its form is fluid, elegant and elemental. This year it is enhanced by the element of water, which signifies awareness, flexibility, and the quiet strength that moves rocks. Just as water seeps through practically any barrier, so will the snake wield encompassing influence through its profound insight.
Different sources say different things about the meaning of the water snake. Some say that the water element has black as its color, winter as its season and north as its direction. Others say that this year provides a focus on transformation.
Another points out that, “nothing is as it seems” because the water snake mesmerizes and hypnotizes the masses into believing that which is not really there.
While yet others state that the year of the water snake paves the path for re-birth, new beginnings and transformation as she sheds her skin. Further, they encourage us saying that this is a time to “set your ship on course to manifest your wildest dreams.”
President Richard Reoch shared his thoughts about the water snake year saying, “I painted a water snake and made a little film of that for Shambhala Day. It helped me feel the fluid energy of supple movement, artistry and the snake family’s incredible power of intelligent alignment.” :
Dreaming of Snakes in Water
Dreaming of a snake means our unconsciousness wants to communicate with us regarding something important.
You usually see this kind of dream when you have something serious stressing your body, mind, or spirit. Therefore, it becomes really important for you to find out what snakes are whispering to you through dreams.
Let’s make an attempt to understand what dreaming about snakes in water means.
Dreaming of Snakes in Water
Did you see a dream in which you were having a relaxing time in the water, and suddenly a snake appeared out of nowhere? You must have woken up in cold sweat after seeing a vision like this [No, woke up feeling peaceful].
What Does It Mean To Dream Of Snakes In Water?
Generally, dreaming of a snake in water reflects your emotions and feelings that are influencing your life while you are not aware of them. It represents strong emotional currents that can sway the course of your life if not handled constructively.
On the other hand, this dream also suggests that you’re an emotionally balanced person. When you see snakes in water during your dream, it also means that you are resisting change.
It further indicates that you are probably afraid of something in your life. Lastly, a dream like this, at times, is considered a good omen.
1. Emotional Turbulence
A dream about a snake in the water suggests that your emotions are running out of control and influencing your life. You are unable to identify that whatever is happening in your life is because of your turbulent feelings.
Perhaps lately, you have been feeling frustrated, angry, irritated, and are not interested in the things going on in your life. Maybe some event or situation occurred that knocked your emotions out of place.
The snake in your dream comes as a warning sign and urges you to handle your strong feelings as otherwise, it could become problematic for you.
Fluctuating emotions are a part of our life, and while sometimes it can be difficult to understand the reason behind them, it is necessary that you handle them with awareness and openness.
2. Emotional Balance
Snakes in water in your dream reflects your positive and strong approach to dealing with emotions in your waking life. You are an emotionally balanced person who is not scared to face the challenges that come up in your life.
The way you deal with your emotions determines how you deal with difficult issues in your life. This dream suggests that you are able to identify when you are feeling emotionally unbalanced and are willing to work on them constructively.
Being an emotionally balanced person has its own perks. If you are able to make peace with your emotional self, then it means you can adjust or adapt yourself to your changing environment.
You love yourself as well as treat others well. It also suggests that you are able to find happiness in little things.
3. Resisting Change
A dream of snakes in the water suggests that you are fighting great changes in your life. There are certain transitions happening around you, and you are strongly against them.
You should know that it does not matter even if you oppose changes as they are an inevitable part of your life. Whether you like it or not, change is a constant part of your waking life.
What you can do is question yourself whether the change is good or bad? Think carefully as to why you are against change and see if your reasons are valid or not. Also, keep in mind that changes, positive or negative, will help you to grow in life to be a mature person.
4. Afraid Of Something
Snakes are definitely scary, and seeing them in your dream indicates that you are afraid of something in your waking life. It could be a person, situation, thing, or even a place.
Whatever you are scared of is troubling you and becoming a hindrance in your path. Ask yourself if you should let your fear stop you from achieving your goal. Nothing is more important than yourself, your dream, hopes, aspirations.
Give importance to them and nothing else. If you give importance to your fear, they will become roadblocks in your journey, and this would not be good for you.
5. A Good Omen
Positively, snakes in the dream suggest that good things await you. Whatever you have worked hard for, you will achieve. The path can be challenging, but the results are definitely worth it. Success and happiness could be coming your way.
Perhaps a promotion in job, marriage, new home, moving abroad or any other positive thing is soon going to occur. You are in a good and comfortable place in your life. Everything is going as per your wish, and you feel blessed.
When you dream of a snake in clear water, it shows stability or tranquillity in your personal affairs. It means whenever a challenge arises; you do not get scared or run away from it; rather you handle them well.
I highly respect and admire Sadhguru, and many of his profound teachings, though I always prefer to following my own inner guidance first and foremost with ANY outer soul teacher.
And though the following video is a bit slow paced—to the point where it could be perceived (from one perspective) as “Please make it STOP!!!” kind of BORING—I was curious as to what expanded perspective Sadhguru was going to share, so I simply went with the flow.
The following is a comment that I shared for the YouTube video, “Why Is Shiva The God Of All Gods ? | Sadhguru on Mercury & Cobra Venom | Snake | Adiyogi“:
Mulantis Reuniting All
0 seconds ago
Could it be that God Shiva (who has had many earthly and otherworldly names) HONORS the spiritual symbolism of the Snake—which is known to be highly perceptive—because it (among other related symbols) represents the Prime Creator/Creator of ALL Creation/Crop Circle 6666/Source/Monad/The Divine Mother Goddess, who SEES with ONE EYE with clarity (as The Neutral Observer) the Cosmic, Multidimensional perspective of ALL of Life (via All That Is), since this Very Holy Spirit IS within interconnected Life of this world and way beyond (Multiverse), AND UNconditionally accepts/embraces/loves the WHOLE (knowing each part has a Divine Purpose)?
3rd White Snake Dream
I also noticed the white snake dream (below) that I had saved in a draft post—along with other details within this night’s series of dreams that I left out—and initially wondered why I hadn’t published it.
Well, it wasn’t time to share yet, and the part about the white snake having a neon pink lower body seems to further confirm what I shared in the previous update (right above) about the snake being symbolic of the Divine Feminine Mother Goddess.
From Draft Post:
1/5/2016 (Tue)
Sometime this morning, I had some vivid dreams:
White Snake
I was with I think Myung-Jee [one of my Korean cousins who committed suicide decades ago], since the female was younger than me. We were in a bright white room, and MJ pointed to a wall and I noticed what appeared to be a tiny, translucent worm—with a white upper body and neon pink lower body. At one point, after quickly squirming around, it fell onto MJ’s body while she was laying down, to which she and I both panicked. It was so fast that at first, I wasn’t able to catch it. However, at one point, I gently grabbed it by its tail, and to my great surprise, when I looked at it closer, its upper white body was that of a white snake. The next thing I recall was handing it over to my Buddha aunt [who became a monk decades ago], and she looked pleased.
This is the third dream I’ve had of a white snake.
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