I shared the following message for video, “The True Meaning of Snakes in Your Dreams | Pineal | Shiva | Aakash | Occult | Sadhguru | Adiyogi”:
Image by Vandy Louw from Pixabay
This morning, I had a vivid dream of holding a large, light-colored snake—I think white and pastel yellow (similar to the one I dreamt of back in the late 90’s).
I was feeling a bit nervous since it had struck an older Caucasian woman who handled this snake before me.
At one point, while holding it below the back of its head with one hand, I noticed that it started gasping for air (in an exaggerated, funny way, like a cartoon character).
So I immediately softened my grip, and observed how it gently, comfortably and gracefully looked around while I was right behind it.
I felt comfortable as well, as if we had immediately developed a trust between us.
Within 13 years—13 being a sacred, Divine Feminine Goddess number—I’ve had many dreams of earthly and otherworldly animals, to include all kinds of snakes of various sizes.
One of the first dreams during this timeframe was of a coiled rattlesnake on a sunny day, observing me from across the street (which I later learned about and resonated with the kundalini symbolism).
I’ve also had dreams of fearlessly playing with snakes, like a free-spirited child, to include trying to put its tail near its mouth in a teasing way.
In one dream within pitch black darkness, there was a huge, gentle, upright white snake just looking at me with its slightly tilted head, perhaps a look of curiosity.
I had a similar of dream of a green dragon within a large body of water (perhaps ocean) who also had the same full presence/vibrational frequency FEEL, and soulful and curious eye contact.
Ultimately, I fully trust that Spirit within interconnected Life of this world/Galaxy/Universe and beyond, can show up in seemingly countless forms.
Right before Covid hit, I had a dream of two, ginormous, otherworldly, colorful snakes—one on the ground and one in the sky—and I recall feeling intimidated by their powerful presence.
One of them smoothly passed by and hissed in my ear, as if to telepathically share a message (later sensed this was a premonition).
I also crossed paths with snakes throughout my life in this particular, physical reality.
The first time was when I was around 5 years old or so (while in the woods).
Even then, I wasn’t afraid of it, but simply curious as I watched this baby looking snake slither through the leaves.
After leaving the Army life in 2011, and discovering a whole, new world within the broad spectrum of Spirituality, to include animal spirit guides/animal totems/power animals, I later realized that the snake (and a handful of other animals) are my major animal totems from childhood through adulthood.
About a decade ago, while hiking in San Antonio, TX, and soon after having the white snake dream—that day if I recall correctly—I saw a little snake come toward me on the paved walkway.
It was so cute that I approached it and knelt down close to it.
Its tongue kept playfully going in and out as if to further sense my vibrational frequency.
At another point, two people on bikes were near, so I gestured and asked them to stop for a moment; and this is when the snake quickly slithered into the woods.
While working at Hilton Bell Rock years ago, a coworker and I noticed an orange and black small snake come into the front desk area, since we had the door opened to allow some fresh air in.
My coworker was understandably fearful of it because it had bright colors, but for me, I had been recognizing and thanking animal spirit guides for a while, so I suggested we gently catch it and set it free outside near the trees.
The color orange reminded me of the sacral chakra, and black reminded me of the The Unknown/The Void/Cosmic Womb of the Divine Mother Goddess/Quantum Field of Unlimited Possibilities.
Several months ago, while hiking in Sedona, Arizona, and having a conversation with a stranger—who could benefit from another’s full presence and actively listening ear—and my husband, the three of us had the opportunity to witness something memorable.
A tiny, slim snake came out of a hole in the ground, that was then passed by a black beetle—that we captured on video—and both of these animal spirit guides instantly reminded me of TRANSFORMATION.
This theme perfectly matched the situation since I had no doubt that deep healing was taking place for whatever combination of energetic levels—mental, emotional, physical, and/or spiritual—since I had shared with this older gentleman various expanded perspectives about some of his deeply wounded childhood through adulthood stories, which he thanked me for, and even sent us postcards and a 14 page letter months later.
So I continue to trust that this particular snake dream of today (3/24/2023), was highly beneficial as well, though my logical mind may not know the specific message.
Like Bashar (channed via Darryl Anka) teaches—one of his messages that FEELS light/true to my Heart—we will know whatever we need to know, when we need to know it.
And this is true. As I followed my inner guidance/Heart/intuition/feelings, I noticed Divine Synchronicity unfold as usual (daily since 2011), so I continued to follow the breadcrumbs of joy—even small degrees of excitement—and sure enough, I was drawn to Sadhguru’s messages about snake dreams, and the sacred meaning of snakes, within various videos of different YouTube channels.
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