From a curious, human perspective, my logical mind has often been interested in analyzing my dreams, and there’s nothing wrong with that since certain symbolism from the subconscious mind within dream state can help us to better understand our connected, inner and outer worlds.
Granted, it may behoove us to only pay close attention IF we intuitively sense there’s a beneficial message for us within a certain dream(s).
Some dreams may be about releasing old energies, or our Soul desiring to experience various versions of its physical selves within earthly and/or otherworldly parallel realities and alternate realities in order to expand its individual and collective Consciousness/soul growth/spiritual evolution.
From an expanded, multidimensional perspective, I realize that it’s not always necessary to over analyze a dream since it can fog up the purity of the message from Spirit within, that our intuitive heart may already know.
Dream record from 7/2/20, that I’m sharing today, since I had dental work done yesterday, and didn’t feel like blogging:
I had my first, vivid dream (that I recall) of seeing a white dove fly towards me, in seemingly slow motion, while I was silently communicating to it (perhaps telepathically) that I’m a cobra.
At one point, it closely circled me in slow motion in a clockwise direction, and I reached out and touched it, I think four different times.
Upon waking up, the dove slowly flying towards me instantly reminded me of a vivid dream I had back in 2001, while residing in Okinawa, shared in post, โDreams of Jesus.โ
In this dream, I was in the middle of a desert alone, and was suddenly approached by a red wind that briefly paused in front of me, and then went into my body.
When I shared this with my Korean neighbor at the time—who was a different kind of Christian, and I realized was a mystic a decade later—she calmly and confidently told me it was a dream of the Holy Spirit.
I realized over a decade later she was referring to the Divine Goddess, though I was used to this name (Holy Spirit) only being associated with the Catholic church, which I didn’t care for due to various reasons, to include brief, personal experiences.
I also thought it was interesting that I communicated to the dove that I was a cobra (perhaps as my Higher Self/Goddess-Self), which instantly reminded me of the huge, white snake dream I had a while back, recorded in post, โFurther Expanding Mind/Heart with White Snake Dream.โ
I find the breadcrumbs of Life fascinating. In one of the YouTube videos of Sadhguru’s teachings, he mentioned that even God Shiva honors the cobra above Him.
I instantly thought this was because The Divine Mother Goddess birthed God energy (her other half/She Being The One, 1, that split into 2/Her first mirror/Original Twin Flame/Soul).
This also explains why one of the ancient artwork depicts the Goddess stepping on Lord or God Shiva, the way various versions of the Mother Goddess from around this world has been depicted as stepping on the lion(s), the tiger, and the dragon (the fear-based animal-nature/ego that has the potential to be Soul/God as its highly evolved/exalted state).
The following is an interpretation of the white dove from the website, Dreaming and Sleeping:
In general, white doves in our dreams symbolize love and partnership. … Dream about a white dove flying in front of you symbolizes happiness and prosperity […]
The following is an interpretation of the dove from the website, Pure Spirit:
Doves are commonly considered a symbol of motherhood because of their unique ability to produce their own milk […]
Historically, dove symbolism is associated with several mother figures:
The Mother Mary in Christian legend (care, devotion, purity and peace)
Ishtar in Assyrian culture (promise of hope and salvation)
Aphrodite and Venus (viewing the soul or a sense of higher love)
The softly lulling coos of the dove are testimony to a divinely calming presence among us.
In fact, their soft vocalizations and docile appearance enhances their interpretation as celestial messengers โ or the symbolic link between earth and air.
The dove is a symbol of the soulโs release from its earth-bound duty […] [Perhaps this sentence could mean that my presence is no longer needed in this world for whatever reason(s)—to include not having contributed enough to humanity and beyond—-which I fully embrace if true; but I feel that I’ve been enough, and I am enough, now, and until the day I pass away (which applies to interconnected others as well). And I’m ready to leave this planet without regrets, though it would be nice to further explore beautiful Earth and the potential of self and interconnected Life. In 2001, the Korean mystic from Okinawa, mentioned above, once calmly and confidently said while looking off into space, that this was her last lifetime on Earth. I wondered how she knew, and why it was so; perhaps she had experienced much heartaches throughout her life, and had no desire to further experience so much pain. Though I was able to empathize with her then, I was able to deeply empathize with her almost 20 years later. When I expand my perspective, she was mirroring to me the aspect of self who was so exhausted from the dark side of Life from who knows how many earthly and otherworldly physical lifetimes. I can’t speak for other earthly and otherworldly lifetimes, though I’ve dreamt of plenty, but one thing’s for sure. There’s no way in HEYLL I could repeat this life, though I’m grateful for the abundance of experiential knowledge/wisdom gained from them.]
Within this dream, the clockwise movement reminded me of spiritual evolution, and touching the dove reminded me that I’m always connected to Spirit and inner peace within me.
The slowing of time in this dream reminded of being tuned into higher dimensions beyond our physical, 3D reality.
I’ve experienced many times time seemingly slowing down, to include right before two of my three, major car accidents that totaled my cars, and where a sign, TV show, movie, or YouTube video will very briefly slow down so that I can notice a number sequence(s) like single, double, triple, quadruple or palindrome numbers like 12:34, 5:22, 3:33, 4:44, 2222, 434, etc.
The number four within this dream reminded me of the four corners of Life, and the building of solid foundations—what I feel I’m doing a lot nowadays.ย
As mentioned in the previous post, I’m currently learning about the Language of Light via Jamye Price’s book and her Cosmic Consciousness deck of cards.
I’m also exploring a book that I was gifted by my recent, former neighbors (Sara and Hanan) titled, God is With Us, about the lost teachings of the ancient Essences (and their worship of the Goddess), authentic shamanism, and deep healing.
This phase of expanding my consciousness, along with coloring, and simply enjoying Life in other ways (to the best of my ability) will be suffice until I’m able to perform what I’m passionate about—merging unconditional love, profound wisdom, and humor via open-mic comedy in public again (once the ongoing, worldwide situation passes by).
Anyhoo, after the dream of being cobra, and seeing and touching white dove, I noticed ๐ angel number 111 THREE TIMES throughout yesterday (and once today as well); and thanked Goddess-Self, since 111 often reminds me of Her, ancient Egypt, and ancient Lemuria.๐.
I then heard the loud sound of a raven (and thanked raven Spirit guide for its presence, strengths, and beneficial abilities).
The recurring 111ย reminded me of a realization that I recorded in my phone yesterday.
I’ve noticed a pattern over the years, that 111 has reminded me of both endings and beginnings, though I initially thought it was about the former (also shared example stories within this blog, to include two different post series about my experiences in Sedona).
I’ve recording when I noticed 111, and the gist of what was happening at the the time, in my phone calendar.
The white dove and black raven themes instantly reminded me of what the Assistant Manager from Hilton Bell Rock said during the spring of last year, shortly before I left the job.
She shared—verbally, in tone, and with a very obvious non-verbal, facial expression—how disgusted she was when she once witnessed a raven eating a dove.
Though I was able to understand her perspective—since the old version of self would’ve also perceived the raven as a “bad” guy and the dove as a helpless victim—the newer version of self felt it was just Life, though I didn’t have the need to convince her at the time.
It’s the way a lion eats a water buffalo, a frog eats a fly, a Venus Flytrap eats a bee, a bug eats a plant, a human eats plants and/or meat, etc..
Plus, ever since I lived in Flagstaff between the fall of 2017 and 2019, I’ve often seen, heard, and/or have been visited by ravens and crows, and I’ve grown to enjoy their intriguing, magnificent, and comfortable presence.
When I learned about them, I found out how highly intelligent they are, to include being able to use tools to get food, mimic the sounds of others animals, trick other birds, and memorize the faces of humans.
I once had a dream of crow as well, and recorded it within this blog, along with many other earthly and otherworldly dreams.
I looked up various interpretations of the raven and crow spirit guides, and expressed my gratitude for the gifts they share.ย
While living in Sedona—and shortly before my husband and I moved to a new apartment complex recently—I had my first conversation with a very kind, wise, and joyful neighbor family who often appeared and sounded happy.
I mentioned them in the previous post, and though I didn’t connect the dots until recently, I now have no doubt that I was meant to hear this woman/wife/mother’s lovely dove story.
Sara is the first person I ever heard of having a pet dove. If I recall correctly, it became her and her family’s pet due to a previous injury it had, and they helped it to heal and recover.
She also shared that she loves listening to the cooing sounds the dove makes, and I could only imagine at the time how beautiful it sounds.
Perhaps a week or so later (on 6/6/2020, recorded in phone calendar), as I was sitting in the living room during the morning hours, I heard a loud, unknown, yet, inviting sound that seemed like it was coming from right outside the window.
I immediately went over and looked around, but I only continued to hear it. So I googled the sound, woo wuh woo, and found a video that matches this sound => mourning dove – sound, call, cooing
The following in one interpretations of this spirit guide from the website, Bright Hub Education, that feels light to me:
The mourning dove call is a distinctive โwooo-oo-oo-ooโ sound which may evoke a feeling of grief over the loss of a dearly beloved. But far from representing death, mourning dove symbolism can give us optimism with its spirituality. Beyond their sorrowful song is a message of life, hope, renewal and peace.
I trust that my personal experiences during this phase of my life, with the black birds (raven and crows) and white birds (mourning dove and white dove)—both in this particular physical reality and dream state—is helping me to further integrate into whole self, the seemingly opposite aspects of Life (the so-called good and bad, right and wrong, light and dark, etc.).
Yesterday, I also had a visit from a black horsefly (which often reminds me of the rapid multiplying of uplifting abundance, to include money) followed by noticing the number 13 (which often reminds me of the Goddess).
In the past, if a fly landed on my cup, I would feel disgusted by it, and feel the need to immediately change out my cup, regardless of where it landed.
The thought that the fly could’ve landed on outdoor animal doo doo prior to its arrival on my cup, bothered me.
However, to my surprise, though this big horsefly landed on the side of my cup that I wasn’t drinking from, I gently shooed it away, and didn’t feel any negative emotions towards it.
I just thanked it for reminding me of our like strengths and abilities within (that it could assist me in developing via its presence and beneficial aspects).
I was also reminded of what I started practicing more lately, though I sometimes forget, which is to truly SEE (with clarity) Spirit within all of interconnected Life (though this can be challenging at times, especially with my husband whom I spend the most time with lately/my main mirror relationship besides my two cats, Shadow and Leo).
Granted, I suppose it’s not a surprise that I responded to the horsefly in this manner, since I’ve done so in the past with various Life forms and beings within earthly and otherworldly physical realities and dream state.
Example posts of flies and other insects and bugs:
- โLessons of Compassion and Power with Unwelcomed Flies and Roachesโ
- โThe Beauty of the So-called Unbeautifulโ
- โTo Fleas and Fruit Flies: What Message You Got?โ
- โCoexisting with Friendly Paper Waspsโ
From having read some old posts within this blog that I’m suddenly drawn to read again at times, I’m not only blown away by the authentic, raw, pure, unconditionally loving, and/or profound expressions that doesn’t seem like are mine, but I also realize that I’ve often lived this way, though I didn’t give myself enough credit before.ย
In two, recent posts, I’ve mentioned a particular series of synchronicity that includes the profound wisdom of the ancient record of Thunder Perfect Mind (part of lost gospel of Mary Magdala) that basically shares some expressions of the Goddess expressing all the aspects that She is within All of Life (All That Is) within the CONTRAST/DUALITY/POLARITY of the so-called good and bad, right and wrong, light and dark, etc.
I felt deeply grateful for coming upon this Divine gift, and felt a desire to be more devoted to this way of Being and living.
Perhaps the Life Purpose and spiritual career that I’ve been yearning to discover is this.
The following in one of the interpretations of the horsefly spirit guide from the website, Moonzies, by Deborah Mills :
Animal totems: Horsefly: goodness, here it is fall, and there should be no flies around, but Bro Horsefly has been buzzing around here a couple of days. So we know there is a message here. His totem is drawn to light, shiny objects, grounding with the balance of the physical and the spiritual. His totem is larger than other flys, leaving us to remember to dream big. His totem reminds us to balance, mind, body, spirit to dream big and achieve. His medicine shares the gift of stamina in the harder times.
This morning, I was drawn to some of Sadhguru videos that I felt grateful for (side note: though I highly respect and admire Sadhguru, and other soul teachers that share profound wisdom, I don’t always resonate with everything he expresses since I choose to follow my inner guidance first and foremost).
The following are these helpful videos, to include the first one about seeing Shiva in all of Life, that instantly reminded me of what I intended to more often Be and live (to simply Be Unconditional Love to whole self/interconnected Life to the best of my ability, since All of Life /All That Is is ultimately One/Spirit):
- “Understand this ! Grace will rain upon you“
- “SADHGURU – BASIC RULE FOR SUCCESS IN LIFE | Ultimate Advice For Your Career | MOI 2019“
- “Sadhguru – Your Schools did not teach you this | How To Decide Your Career | Mystics of India 2019“
- “How To Find What Your Passion Is In 5 Minutes – Sadhguru | Motivational Video For Success | MOI 2019“
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