Image by Nikolett Emmert from Pixabay
I dedicate the main theme of Pink’s song, “F**kin’ Perfect,” included in this TikTok post (a summary of this blog post)…
to Spirit within ALL interconnected Life of this world/Galaxy/Universe/Multiverse/Omniverse & beyond.
I continue to deeply appreciate many series of Divine Synchronicity, that I’ve grown to trust and devote myself to as early as 2001—from a sudden, spiritual awakening with a week of numinous dreams—but mostly within this past 13 years of deep, inner work.
Granted, back then, I simply referred to these signs 🪧 from the Universe as messages from God.
Even though I had left this world’s man-made, severely altered religions back then, I still chose to believe in the Divine…
that was not contaminated and limited by mankind’s ignorance and separating boxes 📦…
especially unconditional love, Heart-based wisdom, and protection I had experienced with a greater version of God and Jesus.
And a decade later, I discovered more puzzle pieces 🧩 of the Divine, especially the greatest, missing pieces, The Higher Heart/Unconditional Love/The Divine Feminine Energies/WHOLEy-Holy Spirit/Mother Goddess essence…
as well as the Angels, Archangels, and Ascended Masters.
I understand that such signs 🪧 of Life can easily be perceived as unrelated coincidences…
to the UNAWARE part of our Full-Potential, Multidimensional, WHOLE Self/self (Spiritual Self & human self).
But there is definitely a hidden, immensely powerful force of Life—regardless of what human labels we place on them—that transcends physical worlds.
And I’ve shared a wealth of examples weaved 🕷️🕸️ into stories within stories of this blog of 13 years (though probably only half, since I still have my personal journals).
Recently, I’ve come to fully embrace, that despite my passionate and dedicated devotion to my spiritual work for both inner and outer world…
especially within daily dream state, where my Soul has been experiencing and contributing to many worlds…
my current life circumstances up to this mid-life point, don’t exactly show that I’m successful on all energetic levels (according to this world’s limited standards)…
especially when it comes to a current career, financial status, material gains, number of friends, close family members, etc.
However, though I intend to continue dedicating myself to discover more of my potential—the greatest version within this last lifetime—I’ve noticed that I’m actually at peace with where I’m at now in the present moments (feeling more grateful for the simplicity).
Meaning, if I were to spend the rest of my life being a so-called nobody, according to this world, I embrace that.
And if I were to suddenly pass away today, I can simply flow with the Cosmic River 🏞️…
if that’s for the highest benefit of interconnected Life.
But I strongly sense there’s much more to this life, which I’m open to exploring.
Plus, there are times when DISCONTENT pops into my awareness, and reminds me of all that I don’t prefer in life, which then leads to all that I do prefer (that’s also part of Mary’s teachings, and others, to include but not limited to: Bashar channeled via Darryl Anka, Abraham/Esther-Hicks, Sadhguru, and more).
I fully trust I have been, and continue to be very successful (to include learning from many mistakes and failures)—as EVERY STEPPING STONE OF SPIRIT & SOUL SUCCESS—slowly, gradually, quickly, and even rapidly Being/being and doing within this lifetime what usually takes Souls lifetimes to achieve.
And if I can accomplish this with my chaotic background from childhood through adulthood (up until now)… then so can other Souls.
There’s always room to learn, grow, evolve, and improve; but in every moment of NOW, we are MORE THAN ENOUGH…AS IS.
At the end of last month (June), I shared a related message below to Spirit & Soul within (2 screenshots):
So Spirit & Soul has been continuing to show up in many different forms…
to include yesterday’s dream of white horses, and today’s dream of skinny white rat, big fat rat, and brown boar.
As we grow as humans for any combination of energetic levels—mentally, emotionally, physically 🧬, and spiritually—and evolve as Souls…
we will reach a point in our lives where we begin to perceive 👁️👀 Life in NEW 💖 ways that are more open-minded and open-hearted.
And throughout our journeys, we may even have the opportunity to tune into Soul-igniting and deeply heartfelt moments of Higher Heart integrated with Higher Mind (aka MERGED Heart/Mind).
I have shared such precious and invaluable moments within many stories.
And today, I’d like to add that we always have the choice to choose what we believe.
We can continue to passively take onboard very old, outdated, fear-based beliefs of this world’s society…
OR, be intelligent enough to realize that there’s been A LOT OF BULLshit 🐂💩 that’s been passed down for many generations throughout human history…
whether intentional or unintentional (though mostly the former).
I’ve already shared more than enough proof throughout this blog—just as an increasing number of many other AWARE Souls have—so there’s no need to go down that particular 🐇 🕳️.
The following two screenshots are a related excerpt from yesterday’s post:
Below are poster messages I created for blog posts related to cockroaches 🪳 perceived in a NEW Light 🕯️💗💖 (list of posts within this blog related to Animal Spirit Guides, Animal Totems, and Power Animals at bottom of this post):
Last night, before going to bed, I felt intuitively guided to rub one of the ancient Egyptian oils I had invested in a couple of years ago during my first (and last) sacred retreat in Egypt.
These high frequency oils—for chakras, Goddesses & Gods, Angelic & Spiritual Realms, Starseed Soul Familes, etc.—were made from deciphered, ancient recipes found on the walls of sacred places.
They were created by a Master Alchemist named Gamel, whose full presence and profound words of wisdom felt very powerful.
He was the closest human embodiment of the Divine Masculine Essence I’ve ever experienced within this particular, physical world (besides Sadhguru, though I haven’t experienced his full presence in person yet).
Anyhoo, I chose the Egyptian oil titled Thoth; and I wonder if the 3 beings who visited me in this dream correlates with Thrice-Great Hermes (one of Thoth’s other lifetime names).
During this dream about a visitation from three, peaceful Animal Spirit Guides—the skinny white rat, the big fat rat (or guinea pig), and the boar—I wasn’t welcoming.
But rather, I was in a state of fear—that I sometimes am during dream state—though more often seemingly fearless (as shared within many earthly and otherworldly dream stories). [SEE UPDATE FURTHER BELOW]
I was in a dimly-lit room, which I trust is symbolic of my “DARK”/SHADOW/UNKNOWN Soul (a deep meaning of a room I learned a while back).
At one point, I saw in front of me a skinny, somewhat translucent, white rat that felt gentle.
At another point, I noticed a big hole on the wall that was on my left (left side often symbolic of the feminine energies).
And within this hole, were at least two peaceful beings—big, fat rat on the left, and a brown boar on the right (the right side symbolic of masculine energies, which also matches a poster message further below).
In a nutshell, I tried to get them to go away, and even block the hole, but they wouldn’t budge for a while.
At one point, I went into the hole and entered a somewhat, dark hallway.
I trust a hallway represents one of countless hallways of Probabilities (God Essence) within the Quantum Field of Unlimited Possibilities/The Cosmic Womb of the Mother Goddess Essence).
And within this hallway, it was as if I was playing with a dog in the park…
throwing a frisbee multiple times, while the dog would retrieve it.
I don’t recall what I kept throwing, but the boar seemed to enjoy the game.
UPDATE added on 7/11/2024: I later recalled another puzzle piece to this dream. I had called out to my mother, so now I fully trust that the fearful version of me was a once lost aspect of my inner-child.
I wondered why I wasn’t afraid of so many earthly animals and otherworldly creatures within dream state—to include huge ones, and even “scary” looking ones, for the past 13 years—but yet, I was afraid of peaceful: tiny rats and a boar.
I then received an insight that when I was 10 years old, my (deeply wounded, UNAWARE, and terrified) mother suggested that we both commit suicide with rat poison (shared a detailed story within this blog, as well as this story within many stories, insights, and profound wisdom in a YouTube video a while back; link after this update).
In Korean, the words for rat poison is actually rat medicine (like what’s expressed in Shamanism, the highly beneficial medicine of animal totems).
So it would make complete sense that my inner-child had associated the rat with something very scary.
And since one of the Boar Spirit Guide’s strengths is ferocity, perhaps the passive part of my inner child—who was intensely conditioned by my once extremely controlling, very aggressive, and abusive mother-–couldn’t relate to ever being fierce (though this aspect can be beneficial at times, when used in the right way, especially while fiercely going after our dreams with our Heart’s passion, and NOT allowing our fears to dominate us).
I fully trust that both the Rat and Boar Spirit Guides (and ALL other aspects and extensions of Spirit & Soul within) will assist me to BRAVELY face the remnants of my fears, as well as assist me in THRIVING on ALL energetic levels—toward an increasingly greater version of Full-Potential, Multidimensional, WHOLE Self/self, and an AMAZING NEW life—rather than merely survive.
And since I can accomplish this, so can interconnected Souls, since we are ultimately ALL ONE.
There have been Soul Family-like Souls who have been helping me on my spiritual journey throughout my life, whom I’ve shared many stories about within this blog.
For over 13 years, I’ve also shared many gratitude messages within humanity and beyond, regardless of labels, position, titles, and other earthly background.
And this included a lot of non-religious, Spiritual Teachers—and even one religious, sunshine radiating, great motivator, Joel Osteen, whom I used to watch his messages years ago (though I left this world’s religions in 2001)—as well as Healers, Shamans, a Guru/Yogi (Sadhguru), Starseeds, Lightworkers (like Victor Oddo and others), Workers of Oneness, Light Language Masters (like Jamye Price), Heart-led Witches, Tarot Readers (especially Chris Reck and Queen Amun-Ra) etc.. (mainly via comments for their YouTube videos, websites, blogs, TikTok shares, etc.).
Recently, I’ve even added to this collection of Soul Families—Mary Morrissey’s Brave Thinking Institute, BTI (especially her Dream Builder Life Coach program; UPDATE ADDED LATER, NOT IMPRESSED AT ALL WITH BUSINESS BUILDING SECTION, THAT SHOWS LITTLE EFFORTS FOR $15,000), and Tony Robbin & Dean Graziosi’s Mastermind Business System.
Both of their live events—Dream Builder Live and The Game Has Changed (mostly the latter)—blew me away with an abundance of Soul-igniting and deeply heartfelt moments.
I especially appreciate Mary for Being a very wise Soul Teacher, and Lauren Brollier Newton (the Director of Coaching Certification for BTI) for sharing additional details of her DEEPLY, Soul-touching, personal story of rising from the dark ashes of her past life, via Mat Bogg’s “Master Your Message” Day 1 of 5, online event (that I’ve watched so far as a replay, and so grateful for).
[UPDATE added 8/21/2024: Out of curiosity, I checked out Lauren’s website; but don’t know why all of her courses are no longer available. i asked a Senior Staff member, and she didn’t even know why.
Plus, there were suddenly new, negative reviews online about Dream Builder Life Coach program and the Life Mastery Consultant program—that I hadn’t noticed before I signed up—which I saw afterwards, but hardly any positive reviews, except via their website.
Mat Boggs claims to have been on The Oprah Show, The Today Show, CNN, etc., but yet, I haven’t been able to find a single article, blog post, photo, or video clip for all of them, which seems very strange.]
And last but not least, I deeply appreciate Mary’s youngest son, Mat Boggs, for Being keenly observant, deeply compassionate, heartfelt caring, gentle kind, and very helpful during the DB Live Event (this past May), when I was feeling very vulnerable toward the end of day 3.
This was due to a blessing in disguise moments from an unaware, unintentional, elderly lady whom I ended up partnering with.
While taking turns sharing our future dreams together—during one of the DB Live time machine, vision exercises—she glared at me during most of my share.
I gently brought up what I had noticed afterwards—just in case I said something that bothered her—and she seemed surprised that I did, though she didn’t deny that she did; she simply moved to another section when I came back from the restroom.
Within a month later, I found out WHY she behaved the way she did.
She had lost faith in God, and felt that she hadn’t learned any wisdom from her negative life experiences (which I shared some insights, though I don’t recall what).
So at the event, when I had shared with her the part of my dream to further honor the Divine—Mother Goddess, God, and all other aspects and extensions of WHOLE Self/self—it understandably triggered her, and her non-verbal cues revealed this.
During those heartfelt moments of compassion—where she shared this important puzzle piece of information—I was able to instantly release any remnants of sadness and resentment, which reminded me of Mary’s various teachings about unconditional forgiveness.
Plus, from a further, expanded perspective, this lady was MIRRORING to me my mother’s energies since childhood (Essene Mirror #5 of “Father/Mother”).
My mother often GLARED at me, which triggered me even throughout adulthood; and I realized that even others MIRRORING this same energy triggered me.
Therefore, in order to completely heal and transform from this very old, inner wound, I must REALIZE that, like this elderly lady, my mother also had her own reasons why she habitually behaved this way.
And she didn’t just glare at me, but to many others, whether her siblings, her mother, neighbors, strangers, etc.
My mother—like MANY within humanity and way beyond—had experienced a lot of traumas, poverty, hardships, challenges, dramas, heart wounds, pain, abuse, neglect, abandonment, betrayal, and suffering from childhood throughout adulthood.
During last year’s visit to Korea, one of my elderly aunts shared a deeply heartfelt story while my mother was in the hospital for over a week, that I had never heard of before.
I already shared details in a post, but in a nutshell, when she was a tween, she got left behind—whether intentionally or unintentionally abandoned—by her entire, large family during the Korea War.
Therefore, she ended up following and living with two, elderly women strangers, one of whom wasn’t nice at all.
Though my mother said she didn’t have hardly any memories of TWO FULL YEARS, I felt that she was either avoiding to share (not wanting to revisit the horrors), or her inner-child had repressed these unbearable memories in order to survive.
But one can only imagine what it must’ve been like during a timeframe that was already filled with much terrors.
Apparently, two years later, she managed to find her way back to her village.
I expressed to my relatives how BAFFLING it is that NO ONE thought to take ACCOUNTABILITY of ALL family members before moving; and they chuckled uncomfortably.
But then again, I have no doubt it was extremely INTENSE and DIFFICULT times, like ALL outdated wars.
Sometimes, I wished I could watch videos of all four sets of my extended family’s past, in order to better understand them.
Once, years ago, when I tuned into this thought, I had my first dream of my Korean grandfather whom I had never known.
Like I shared within this blog’s category page—related to messages to my inner-child and Soul Families—I was floating above him while he was walking around and interacting with other villagers.
I even found a photo of him during my most recent visit, which I’ll share some other time (he actually looks Native American).
So what a gift from this elderly lady! In the future, if another glares at me—especially if I haven’t done anything wrong according to my own perspective—I can simply embrace to integrate this energy.
And WHEN I’m NO LONGER TRIGGERED by this occurrence, I will KNOW that I’m fully healed from this core wound that seemed to REPEATEDLY imply, “I DISAPPROVE OF YOU.”
As long as I APPROVE of myself—what I had mentioned within the video below (I just recalled)—then THAT’S part of Unconditional/Ture Love for Self/self/Life.
^^^^^^^end of above update^^^^^^^^^
Upon waking from this dream, I chose to experience the opposite—fully welcoming 🐸 all 3 of the Animal Spirit Guides.
At first, out of curiosity (and as a reminder), I checked out various dream interpretations of rats, but noticed many negative meanings (similar to the black cat 🐈⬛, which I’ve also shared truths about; later see list of previous related posts at very bottom).
So I chose to focus on what’s highly beneficial for Self/self/others/interconnected Life…
and looked up meanings for the Rat: Spirit Guide, Animal Totem and Power Animal.
These uplifting messages felt light to my Heart (you can either click on each screenshot to read a larger message, or use your 2 fingers to spread open, or enlarge, each screenshot):
The following are just a handful of example screenshots from these two readings that highly resonate with my Heart/Mind 💖:
From website, What is My Spirit Animal, reading, “Rat Symbolism & Meaning”:
Some example screenshots from reading within website, Dream Guide Hub, “Rat Dream Meaning: Table of Contents”:
The following is also from the website right above, but applies to my first dream of beige rats:
Screenshots for Dream of beige rats:
Just in case the big, fat rat was a guinea pig, I did a quick search online, and tuned into this poster message that also resonated:
Boar Spirit Guide Posters (I don’t recall which post I recorded this story in, but once, I had a vivid dream of witnessing a boar courageously face a huge, aggressive tiger, and two, unknown, shadow beings):
List of Some Example Posts Related to Animal Spirit Guides, Animal Totems, and Power Animals Within This Particular Category Page of This Blog:
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