This morning, I chose (with my eyes closed) an LOA (Law of Attraction) card titled, “Non-attachment“—something my husband and I have been doing most mornings for fun whenever we feel like it.
I noticed that the more I live—and simply Be authentic self to the best of my ability—in the present moment of now (not dwelling in the past or worried about the future) and pay attention to outer signs and symbols from Spirit within, the more I realize how spot on and helpful these cards have been (one of many guidance tools ultimately from within).
Note: Image on right found next to link => Frock Off! (thank you)
When I checked my email this afternoon, I noticed the following new video from my subscription to Teal—which I only watch when I feel like it (following my inner-guidance system until practice is no longer needed):
The Rat Cage (And How to Get Out of It) -Teal Swan –
Note: I’m aware of all the fear-based info out there about Teal and her past, but I chose to focus on all the generous, loving, and highly beneficial gifts that she shares with humanity and beyond, to include her brave, free-spirited, authentic self, and her overall, very open minded/open hearted teachings that I’ve observed so far. Thank you Teal! ^_^
To my delightful surprise, the main themes of this video (above) are non-attachment and true freedom (not the freedom that general society believes to be true, to include needing to earn freedom through back-to-back, never-ending wars).
I LOVE Divine synchronicity (to include number synchronicity) !!! ^_^ Whenever I follow my inner guidance (ultimately from Spirit within), I definitely notice all the sign, symbols, and messages from both inner and outer worlds.
Yesterday, I created a graduation card for a beloved family member, his close friends, and our former neighbors’ oldest son titled, “Path to Ultimate Freedom Graduation Card.”
It’s also available through my Mulantis Store within Zazzle so that interconnected others can benefit from it as well; and yesterday I shared it via Twitter, Pinterest, Tumblr and Google+.
In addition, our cat, Shadow, hardly ate breakfast this morning, and didn’t eat lunch where she had a choice of wet and dry food, which hasn’t happened before.
When I walked my neighbor’s two dogs this afternoon, one of them wasn’t interesting in eating his usual treat (though he always gets very excited).
Both my cat and my neighbor’s dog were active during play time outside, so I’m pretty sure they’re not sick. I shared with my neighbor the details, and added that I sensed they were being affected by major energy changes.
Shortly after I mentioned that to her, I had a desire to search moon energies for today; and sure enough, the website that I was drawn to spoke of freedom and non-attachment as well. This kind of stuff blows my mind! ^_^
The following section is from “The Spiritual Writings of ספר סודי סודות“(<= don’t know what the unknown letters mean) with my personal side notes within the square brackets:
The daily powerful astrological energy of the Moon influences all our lives each and every day […]
Tuesday 23rd May & Wednesday 24th May 2017 – Moon in Taurus
Moon in 12th House Karma – unusually busy …..
An unusual and important transit of making things happen !
Each month when the Moon enters the star sign where it was when it became a New Moon – is known as the – 12th House of Karma. In physical reality – its the dark of the Moon – you can’t see the Moon – and yet – it is present – because it creates INVISIBLE and INEXPLICABLE karmic emotions.
Often it makes many people feel tired, lazy and lethargic with NO energy or motivation to want to do anything [I told my husband the other day that I’ve been very tired lately, especially in the mornings and evenings (soon after he arrives from work)]. Whilst that’s normally true – anything you truly want to do – you will have lots of energy for during Moon in 12th House of Karma with Sun in Gemini [I was excited and full of energy this past Saturday during a meet with one of my Rainbow Circle of Souls meetup group members in the morning, and while creating the graduation card later that afternoon]. That’s because the karma of life gives you lots of enthusiastic energy to do it – especially to liberate you from anything or anyone “negative” in your life – anything that needs to “go” will now go [recently, I created and published the post, “A Similar ‘Bad’ Experience Resurfacing to Be Re-Examined and Transformed“].
Moon in 12th House of Karma defines karmic clarity – an inner understanding that you need to let-go of something in order to set yourself free [keyword since this past weekend]. The more you liberate yourself and set yourself free from the past by being emotionally detached [keyword for the day] from it – the more you’re setting yourself free for your future. A future that’s going to begin at the Gemini New Moon on Thursday 25th May 2017
Moon in Taurus will make you DETACH yourself from anyone or anything negative. Either because you simply can’t be bothered dealing with them anymore, don’t want to deal with them anymore – OR – you’ll realize a destined truth that life is making you feel NOTHING towards them anymore.
The mystery of Moon in 12th House of Karma will be what and who you have no more feelings for – and – what and who you have lots of STRONG emotional feelings for. Whenever readers ask me questions – I often say WAIT and SEE to feel what life wants you to feel during Moon in 12th House of Karma – because what you feel will be the TRUTH [….]
Note: Click on title/link above to open website in another window, and to continue reading from the above section.
Another helpful reading from the website Mystic Living Today, “New and Full Moons & Their Affect“
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