The seemingly countless parts of You within this Universe and beyond, probably have a fraction of an understanding of our primary Source energy who gave original birth to Life, due to our limited human and other physical worlds’ perspectives.
However, You, as The [Neutral] Cosmic Observer of Divine Love, Divine Wisdom, & Divine Power, are known to unconditionally embrace all aspects and extensions of interconnected Life within this world and way beyond—to include the contrast/duality/polarity of right and wrong, good and bad, light and dark, etc.—since ALL parts are within the whole that is you, and EVERYTHING is invaluable and has a Divine purpose that ultimately highly benefits All of Life/All That Is.
So THANK YOU Great Spirit for Being Unconditional/True Love to interconnected, Amazing Life within this world, Galaxy, Universe, and beyond. You are deeply appreciated.
THANK YOU Prime Creator/Creator of All Creation: Crop Circle 6666/Holy Spirit/Monad/Unconditional Love Frequency/The [Neutral] Observer/Alpha and Omega/The Nameless/The One/1 that became 2/The AM (All of Life/All That Is) that birthed the I (Light Frequency) that when merged, is the I AM Presence: I (God) AM (Goddess) Presence. Details in category page AM I: I AM.
Cosmic Mother, wishing for you to experience many joyful and loving moments, to include a blissful, sacred reunion with your ultimate, Beloved Twin Flame/Soul/God in Divine perfect timing and order.
This image of a pair of interacting galaxies called Arp 273 was released to celebrate the 21st anniversary of the launch of the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope. The distorted shape of the larger of the two galaxies shows signs of tidal interactions with the smaller of the two. It is thought that the smaller galaxy has actually passed through the larger one.
I dedicate this sacred altar to You, and the merged, Divine Feminine Goddess and Divine Masculine God energies within all of Life.
I created the vision board and Mother Goddess Hathor clay sculpture a while ago, bought the gorgeous and symbolic lotus flowers over a year ago, and I’ve been collecting crystals throughout the years that I’ve been drawn to via their gifts within them/benefits, appearance, shape, size, and feel.
I created this altar (pics within this post) after following my inner guidance, and experiencing this recent series of Divine synchronicity—that connects our inner and outer worlds—to include the following:
- seeing Emerald Rays of Light during meditation and astral travel (already shared in blog recently). My growing curiosity led me to ask a question from within (soon after this experience): “So Beloved Self, the emerald green rays of light I recently (March 2020) saw for the first time that I recall, as soon as I woke up—while rapidly astral traveling through dark space—was that reflecting to me, like a mirror, the vibrational frequency state that I was in at that moment?” I was then drawn to the following information:
- UPDATE added on Mother’s Day 5/8/2022 (where I revisited this post):
- Emerald green is a very spiritual color of green, as it is white and green together. It represents prosperity, spiritual growth , and purity. “The Spiritual Meaning of Green And How To Interpret It – Crystal Clear Intuition”
- Archangel Raphael
- We joyously share with you the coming ‘full activation’ of the Green Ray & Sacred Emerald Flame into the Ascended Earth […] It was the time of the full spectrum of the Emerald Dimension….and it is returning![…] You are evolving into a greater consciousness. And so it is logical to understand that this encompasses all kingdoms of the earth […] It is a paradigm shift. It will offer you the ability to connect lucidly with the all consciousness of and within Gaia […] Your dimensional access increased with the planetary Ascension through your chakras. So it is that the initial Sacred Codes of each ‘new’ chakra be received and installed beginning in 2013, Year One of the New Earth.[…] The 8th & 9th dimensions will begin completing receival of the Geo-Codes of Thoth, through the aperture of the Emerald Flame Activation […] The Emerald Flame is a vibratory essence that is Healing & Nurturing […] The Green Ray is a very complex and widely employed energy […] The most conscious of the Plant Kingdom are Trees, and these have been recognized as healers and Spiritual Councils by more aware societies throughout the ages, particularly in LeMuria and the Golden Age of Atlantis. “Sacred Activation Of The Green Ray & Emerald Flame”
- seeing 777 seven times within a month, to include:
- while checking out a God Thoth statue via Amazon, to match the clay figurine Goddess Hathor statue that I created a while back; I noticed that someone left a positive comment with the username that included 777
- it’s also the number for the address to National Parks Conservation Association/NPCA; see below bullet in blu
- I also shared a while back that 777 was on the license plate of the yellow moving truck that we rode in on our way to AZ
- coming upon two different circular, crystal and stone altars in Sedona for properties that my husband’s clients are interested in (1st location) and bought (2nd location):
- 1) on a large land for sale
- 2) outside a huge home on sale
- Soon after, I came upon a reading that stated that God Thoth is related to circular structures
- I also shared in recent posts, stories of:
- other encounters with circular stone and crystal structures during my two visits to Angel Valley in Sedona (related to Ancient Lemurian symbols)
- how a Master Practitioner—whom I worked with at a spiritual company—informed me that creating a circular space (like an altar) is creating a vortex (just make an intention to invite supportive energies)
- seeing a statue of God Thoth with a code on His (stone?) tablet
- it instantly reminded me of the experience I had, recorded in post, “A Vision of One Eye in Center of Squares Within Squares Wormhole“
- I decided to buy the statue right after noticing this sign
- while donating to and/or buying products from various non-profit, legit organizations (as well as small businesses)—to include Kevin Richardson’s foundation (The Lion Whisperer), wolf sanctuary in New Mexico, NPCA,,, GlobalGiving, and Teal Swan Shop [inserted on 5/13/20: also donated to Sadhguru’s Isha Foundation, Project Greenhands]—finding out that:
- ancient sequoia trees relate to ancient Atlantis and Lemuria (that I’ve shared dreams and stories about within this blog)
- and that these trees are 144 million years old (144 is one of the number sequences that I often see whenever I’m experiencing number synchronicity, and more so recently). As I’ve shared within this blog before, I came upon the AZ license plate (with my first, middle, and last initials + 0144) in an art gallery-like gift shop the first day I arrived to Sedona (which I intuitively knew was another sign, along with other ones of this particular series of synchronicity).
- often seeing the following number sequences:
- 9:11 which reminds me of endings and conclusions (which is followed by amazing, new beginnings)
- my birth month and day, or my birth year
- 111 which reminds of Beloved Goddess Hathor
- 222 which reminds me of Beloved God Thoth
- 1212 which reminds me of them both/God & Goddess/I AM Presence/integrated Mind & Heart/merged Light & Love Frequencies/Yang & Yin/Sun & Moon/Divine Masculine & Divine Feminine Energies/Balance & Harmony/6 point star/MerKaBa/Spiraling Consciousness/Realization
- 455 which reminds me of Galactic Families
- noticing crane flies:
- I’ve never seen one before in over four decades of my life that I recall, but I’ve seen them multiple times recently
- I looked up the animal spirit guide message, and sure enough, it is of both air and water, like God and Goddess, and it’s about balance and harmony, among other interpretations
- I learned that crane flies are very gentle and harmless beings, who mostly eat nectar at times, though many people (to include myself) have mistaken them for huge, harmful mosquitoes
- I was only able to find one poster of the crane fly spirit animal, so I created one using (on right)
- sensing presence of another being
- I saw one of my cats messing with the bottom of our curtain, and I sensed it was an insect or bug
- I gently caught the cricket with a cup and piece of paper, and then set it free out on our balcony
- I looked up interpretations of the cricket spirit guide on 5/3/20 (the Sunday before Mother’s Day)
- The cricket and grasshopper spirit guides—whom I’ve shared stories about before—also remind me of ‘LEAP in consciousness’/expanding individual and collective consciousness
I’ve been sharing the following message as the second part of Amazon and Google reviews, and now I’ll share it as part of this post:
During these challenging times, wishing everyone and their loved ones:
great health, profound wisdom, the realization of invaluable self-worth and priceless Life purpose (every Soul’s Divine birthright), gratitude and deep appreciation (for even the smallest gifts from the Universe within, that we may take for granted at times), inner and outer peace (the POWERFUL calm within the storm), self-empowerment (reconnecting to our Soul’s inner power), PROSPERITY CONSCIOUSNESS (farewell poverty consciousness!), true freedom/every Soul’s Freedom (that doesn’t need to be earned via old, outdated, fear-based conflicts, battles, and wars), joy (to include contentment and humor), pure vulnerability (an empowering strength), respect (for self/others), harmonious relationships with healthy boundaries, soul-igniting Life experiences (to include heartfelt interactions), genuine compassion (for self/others), unconditional forgiveness (for self/others), BOLD courage, refreshing authenticity, the further opening of the mind and heart (to integrated Mind/Heart, expanding Unity Consciousness), the embracing of all neutral emotions/our inner compass (while not allowing them to become out of control), the honoring of true feelings (language of the soul), fiery passion, every stepping stone of success, much $$ (to be used in highly beneficial ways for self/others), other non-forms and forms of uplifting abundance, and last but not least…
Wishing you all much Unconditional/True Love for ALL neutral aspects of full-potential, Multidimensional, whole self (human self)/Self (Source: Soul & Spirit/God & Goddess within), and interconnected Life within this world and way beyond.
May we all fully enjoy, and deeply appreciate, a 5D Heaven ON EARTH in Divine perfect timing and order (within countless present moments of NOW). Mulantis ^_^ <3<3<3
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