The following is part of a dream interpretation—-that FEELS light/true/right to my Heart—from one of the recent posts series, “Dreams of: Vehicles, Cliffs, Death, Underground, Boars, Sky God & Earth Goddess“ that I’m going to use as a related INTRO to this post:
Image [on right above] by Pexels from Pixabay
If you see a boar in a dream, it means that you must fearlessly search within to discover new things about yourself and how you view the people in your life [again, perfectly related to the above mentioned posts—“An Unshakable Full Presence is More POWERFUL Than Bombarding Negative Energies“ and “Choosing Self-Care Over Another’s Manipulation” (part of this particular series of Divine synchronicity)—as well as post “What is an Amazing Soul Relationship?“].
Image [on left above] by Anja🤗#helpinghands #solidarity#stays healthy🙏 from Pixabay
Recently [and through 5/5/21, added after publishing this post], I’ve been adding extra stories, observations, reflections, thoughts, beliefs, feelings, examples, analogies, and insights to post, “Solutions for Challenging Coworkers & Leadership.”
Image [on right above] by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay
I shared the above from a limited, narrow, human perspective, and from an unlimited, expanded, Multidimensional, higher perspective.
I have no doubt that it’s very helpful to consider different perspectives in order to deeply understand the bigger picture, even though we may not have all the puzzle pieces.
Sometimes (CORRECTION…often times), it can be extremely challenging to unconditionally accept and embrace (let alone love), as well as integrate into whole self, the various forms of “negative” energies from so-called others.
There have been plenty of moments where I strongly desired to simply escape from all the unpleasant negativity of this world, and spend some quality solitude time alone (where I can reconnect within my essence within, and just BE in my own vibrational frequency).
I’ve noticed from certain, past experiences, that I actually enjoymy own company, and the wise, peaceful, loving, fun, and full presence from within.
Though I can play well with others, I also play well when alone, which I’ve done since childhood.
My mother once shared a story with me (that she thought was cute) when I was five years old.
She apparently heard me talking in my bedroom from somewhere in the house.
And when she secretly observed me playing in my room, I had lined up my stuffed animals—the way a classroom of students is set up in a school—and talked to them as though I was the teacher.
I was tickled by this story as well, and I’m very grateful that she had shared this with me.
UPDATE inserted (in this aqua section only) on 5/5/21 from post, “Solutions for Challenging Coworkers & Leadership“:
So I’ve learned to unconditionally embrace the fact that she’s this seemingly odd way at times.
From another perspective, I wondered if she was tuning into another dimension, reality, or world; hence, talking to another human, E.T., otherworldly being, a group of beings, her spiritual guides, etc. (ultimately, ALL aspects and extensions of her highest version of Self, like the rest of us have within us as well).
Perhaps even I was doing this when I was five years old, for the childhood story shared in post, “Discovering the NEW About Interconnected Self/Others.”
Several years ago, while having my first, phone conversation with an angel psychic—from having won a free reading at a Wholistic festival in San Antonio, TX (part of this particular series of Divine synchronicity)—I shared this childhood story with the male psychic after he asked some questions.
The angel psychic sounded very surprised, and explained why that matched his flash vision of me being surrounded by white pillars, as well as pink and purple colors in the sky.
Out of curiosity, I simply googled, ‘white pillars and pink and purple sky,” and I noticed an image I felt strongly drawn to; and when I clicked on it, it mentioned Ancient Lemuria (which I’ve blogged about from personal experiences, to include other synchronicities within physical reality, and dream state messages).
The angel psychic was SPOT ON with some flash images and insights (though not really with other information), to include him seeing a white envelope, that was related to someone who lives vicariously through others.
I confirmed this part of his psychic ability by providing feedback that I was currently (at the time) writing letters (via mail) to an elderly, family friend , who had acquired a few dis-eases.
And that he, indeed, lived vicariously through others—he extensively studied many aspects of spirituality via books, blogs, articles, and from other people’s stories.
However, he didn’t have enough personal, CONTRAST experiences of both light and dark, wrong and right, good and bad, etc. to KNOW (from experiential knowledge/true wisdom) what it’s all like to Be (and not be), as well as do (and not do).
Anyhoo, the wise, old soul teacher, Sadhguru, shared (at least a few times), solitude time is very precious and highly beneficial.
Why? Because if we can’t even enjoy our own company, how can we expect others to?
In addition, if we’re very lonely (rather than very peaceful) whenever we’re by ourselves, we will continue to expect others to fill in our empty void (in a desperate, an unhealthy way) that can only be filled from within.
And when the cup isn’t filled from within, first and foremost, then our relationships and love for others will be CONDITIONAL rather than UNconditional.
Granted, I’ve learned from the wolf spirit guide—that has appeared in my childhood physical reality once, and adulthood dream states many times (that I’ve shared within this blog)—that the BALANCE & HARMONY of solitude time, with social time with others, is the ultimate goal when it comes to connection with the self/others.
I trust that I will fully enjoy such Soul/Spirit adventures again in Divine perfect timing and order.
But meanwhile, I will continue to experience more of Life within the beneficial CONTRASTS (that automatically creates more of what we prefer)…
learn more about self/others…
grow more…
even enjoy more…
and energetically evolve on all levels…
physically (via body healing and upgrades of once dormant DNA)…
mentally (via an optimistic outlook)…
emotionally (via unconditional loving of whole self)…
and spiritually (via the realization of the BIGGER picture/our interconnectedness/the expansion of our individual and Collective Consciousness).
I’m also willing to consider the probability that this outer struggle mirroring the inner struggle, stems from something much deeper going on that hasn’t been completely transmuted, healed, and transformed (though it’s not easy to admit to).
Ultimately, the energetic battle is within the self—basically from the immature/unhealed male and female energies within that have not yet realized its higher/greater/exalted/full-potential essence of the merged Soul & Spirit within.
Often times, we—as humanity, star seeded souls, and/or other physical beings within this Universe—consider ourselves SEPARATE from others (which stems from fear-based, separation consciousness, as opposed to love-based, Unity Consciousness).
This makes it easier to place self and others in limiting, human-created boxes that can prevent discovering our full-potential.
With our logical minds, we may categorize, judge, criticize, ridicule, mistreat, and hurt self and others at times, not realizing the bigger picture that we’re all energetically interconnected (so-called parts of the WHOLE/The One).
Therefore, whenever we do harm to so-called others, we’re inevitably doing harm to ourselves.
Conversely, whenever we do harm to ourselves, it energetically effects others, since an empty cup within cannot truly and fully GIVE to others.
However, when we uplift ourselves and so-called others in various ways, we’re gifting ourselves/others with the unlimited and abundant Light and Unconditional Love that is always available to us.
A full, inner cup effortlessly overflows to interconnected Life within this world and way beyond (a ripple effect, like the flamingo spirit guide image at the beginning of this post).
I trust that the more we choose (with our free will) to further open our individual and Collective mind and heart (to integrated Mind/Heart), we can truly discover the the most profound meaning of Unconditional/True Love (for self/others).
Granted, I understand it’s much easier said than done.
But I also choose to TRUST (have FAITH), that with consistent practice, we can learn the ultimate Life lesson (of our ONEness essence)…
fully ENJOY the most pleasant of experiences (especially JOY)…
as well as REALIZE our core, pure, Divine essence within—aka MERGED Mind & Heart/Soul & Spirit/God & Goddess/Light & Love Frequencies/Yang & Yin/Sun & Moon/Divine Masculine & Divine Feminine/I AM Presence, I (God) AM (Goddess) Presence/Higher Self/Source/ultimately The Nameless.
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