A while back, after first learning about the Twin Soul/Twin Flame, I became very curious about this supposedly rare, profound, sacred journey.
However, as I explored the online world of seemingly countless information, and came upon certain readings and videos that I was drawn to, I learned—through the mirroring of the outer world and the Divine gift of contrast/duality/polarity—what highly resonated with me, what absolutely didn’t resonate with me, and a lot of in-between.
Note: Image on right found next to link => The New Divine Humanity
One of the things things that didn’t feel right, was the fact that the Twin Soul/Twin Flame theme was also turned into some worldwide circus show.
It’s excessively romanticized by so many people—who are still in relationships full of earthly, negative dramas based on CONDITIONAL love—to the point that it appears (on the outer surface) as though it has lost in profound meaning (i.e., it’s based upon the very rare, Unconditional Love that each whole person feels for themselves first and foremost prior to reuniting with their Twin Flame).
As I’ve shared in one of the post/links below, this is understandable since we all deeply yearn to reconnect with our core essence, and experience this True/Unconditional Love (that starts from within) that we’ve been desperately searching for OUT THERE throughout human history.
However, by not being aware of the importance of self-love first and foremost, and only obsessing about a new idea to find this love OUT THERE, only takes one back to square one, and creates more misunderstandings, dramas, heartbreaks, heartaches, and suffering.
Though I don’t think consider myself a subject matter expert of the Twin Soul/Twin Flame Journey (yet), I’ve shared my own personal experiences (experiential knowledge/wisdom), observations, examinations, thoughts, beliefs, feelings, questions, insights, and comments about it within this blog, to include the various teachings from others and the following posts:
“A Truth About Number Synchronicity, Healing Process, Twin Soul Reunion and Realization“
“Number Synchronicity (e.g., 9:11, 222, 11:11, etc.), Ascension Journey, DNA Changes, & Twin Flame“
“Dreams of Crystals/Higher Self/Twin Soul/Twin Flame/All That Is“
The following are posts that I now fully trust are symbolic and/or related to the ongoing process of the Sacred Reunion between the God-Self (Atlantis)/Goddess-Self (Lemuria) within (Mulantis)—aka Twin Soul (to Twin Flame) merged with Very Holy Spirit to eventually co-create Trinity/Divine Human (aka Christ/Buddha Self):
- Goddess-Self (Divine Feminine half of Twin Soul) and/or Lemuria:
- God-Self (Divine Masculine half of Twin Soul) and/or Atlantis:
- Twin Soul and/or Mulantis
- Source/Prime Creator/Creator of All Creation: Crop Circle 6666/Very Holy Spirit/Divine Mother Goddess:
When it comes to the Twin Soul/Twin Flame theme, I’ve noticed that my interest and focus on it has been sporadic throughout the years. So I just go with the flow and explore depending how I feel at whatever moment.
A while back, I was curious about Dr. Amanda Noelle/The Twin Flame Matchmaker, who has a sparkling and fun personality and some good info to share; but after a handful of videos, I lost interest, so I carried on.
During that time, I recalled a related experience from one of my former neighbors in Helotes, TX—a hardcore Christian who wasn’t accepting of beliefs other than her specific denomination.
She ridiculed people who assign the title “Dr.” to their name without even being an actual doctor. She made her snide comment after I shared with her and an elderly neighbor lady (a Jehovah’s Witness) a couple of articles by Dr. Josh Axe (who seemed very helpful at the time).
Both of the older ladies suffered from various dis-eases, to include major depression (where the first mentioned neighbor had to take pills for), severe anxiety, habitual constipation, pain in various areas of the body, forgetfulness (or mild demensia), etc.
Since the elderly lady mentioned being tired of her doctor continually pushing her to take more pills (of various kinds), and making her feel worse, I informed that there’s a very good reason why the pharmaceutical companies are a multi-billion dollar industry; the elderly neighbor agreed.
Every now and then, I shared with them some organic teas that could help, and then did some research to introduce them to some other natural healing methods, to include the use of organic herbs and essential oils.
The elderly lady seemed very open to such ideas, and even mentioned that she had already incorporated beneficial herbs into her diet, such as turmeric. However, the other older neighbor made it clear that she was very closed off.
She mentioned that she doesn’t trust anyone who’s known with the title, “Dr.” because of a snake-oil like fraud that was exposed back in the day (I think she said Dr. Oz, but I’m not sure; I’m not familiar with him, though I’ve heard of his name before).
I had the choice to share the fact that Dr. Josh Axe was a Physician, an actual doctor of natural medicine, but I refrained since the door to the mind and heart was already closed. Plus, she had mentioned the importance of taking depression pills due to scientific reasoning, so I let it go.
I could understand the older neighbor’s skepticism and cynicism, but it didn’t stop me from exploring whatever I felt like experiencing.
I trust that every soul has a gift(s) to offer, and if we’re open to it, we can receive it. Granted, if we no longer resonate with someone or something, we have the choice to move on towards the stuff of Life that we feel good about.
Recently, I’ve been drawn to Dr. Harmony/TwinFlameExpert, and strangely, I don’t even recall how that attraction came about at this moment.
Below are comments I shared for the videos series I’ve watched so (and I will insert any replies that I receive; I trust they will be beneficial to share further via this post):
From video, “KEY CODE 1:1 – Let’s Clear Up the Controversy”:
Notes recorded in personal journal: After typing the above, and briefly reviewing the docs, “2nd and Third Dreams of Orcas and Connection to Lemuria” (TF Connection) and “Finding My Negative Imprint to Find My Life Purpose” (the antonyms of the most intense, negative feelings I’ve experienced throughout my life), I noticed 1:44 on laptop clock.
I also weighed myself 3 times today, since this morning, and all three times, I weighed exactly 111 lbs (which has happened before and blew my mind!).
So the repeating pattern lately is noticing 111 and 144, which remind me of Lemuria, Soul Family/Families and Twin Flame.
Comment I shared: Dr. Harmony, thank you for sharing helpful knowledge and wisdom.
Reply from: Twin Flame Expert [Dr. Harmony]/ 26 minutes ago
YOU are welcome dear one… happy the message found you 🙂 blessings
From video, “KEY CODE 2:2 – Master Your Twin Flame PURPOSE”:
Dr. Harmony, thank you again for sharing some helpful knowledge and wisdom. Your example story of winning free bagels for a month, and how it relates to letting go of being a perfectionist, and Being open to receiving the various gifts/beneficial abundance from the Universe within us all, was very helpful as well.
May we all Be integrated and harmonious Mind/Heart—merged…Soul/Spirit, Yang/Yin, Sun/Moon, Knowledge/Wisdom, Light/Dark (Unknown/Unconditional Love), Christ Consciousness/Buddha Consciousness, Divine Masculine/Divine Feminine, God/Goddess, MerKaBa, Star of David Frequency, Spiraling Consciousness, Light/Love Frequency, Eternity.
<3<3<3 Mulantis ^_^
From video, “KEY CODE 3:3 – Discover Why You Should Cancel Your KARMIC CONTRACTS”:
Barbara D 33 minutes ago (edited)
Dr. Harmony, I choose to trust that you will be very open to me sharing my inner truths, that may come off a bit rough at first on the outer surface. I have no doubt that sharing these authentic expressions with you will also help interconnected all who happen to come upon this space.
When I started watching your first video, I didn’t resonate with your voice because it sounded a bit whiny, and your expressions were initially drawn out. I was debating on whether or not I should even continue watching the video because I didn’t feel excited about it; however, I recalled the famous quote from Carl Jung, “Everything that irritates us [to varying degrees] about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves.”
I then recognized that this particular voice was a trigger from a few, unpleasant, past experiences, and it would be highly beneficial to self/others to unconditionally embrace and integrate this shadow aspect of self that is the mirror, contrast/duality/polarity of my own style of expression.
So I chose to simply sit with your vibrational frequency/presence (to include your voice and expressions), and I received an additional insight that me not initially liking the aspect that is your voice, also stemmed from my own lack of love for my own voice; this is the first time I experienced this kind of realization.
I chose to unconditionally embrace my own voice, and I noticed that I started embracing your voice and the way you verbally express yourself. I’m reminded that the more we unconditionally embrace various aspects of ourselves, the more we can fully do so for others.
By the way, thank you again for sharing your gifts. I’ve watched the previous, two videos that were helpful, and I’ve been taking some notes and doing the affirmations and actions steps. I intend to watch the rest of this series, but I would first like some clarification with some of the contents within this video.
At 3:05 of this video, you stated (while showing the tarot card), “Be the hunter, not the hunted,” but at 35:48, you stated, “Be the hunted and not the hunter.” I can assume you stated the latter but meant the former statement, but I would like clarification in case I misunderstood something in-between.
Also, to purge means, “rid (someone) of an unwanted feeling, memory, or condition, typically giving a sense of cathartic release.”
But to get rid of unwanted aspects of self—that are essentially “lost” due to forgetting their core essence (which is Unconditional Love/Source energy)—is like rejecting them (an expression that stems from fear energy/separation consciousness).
However, since fear energy is merely the lower vibrations within the spectrum of the Love Frequency—with the highest vibration being compassion—it highly resonates with me to transmute and integrate lower/denser/fear-based energies within, which is an expression of Unconditional Acceptance/Embrace/Love/Reunion/Unity Consciousness.
You mentioned multiple times the importance of letting go (to include old beliefs, old ways of being, old stories, etc.); but wouldn’t letting go of the very old, world belief in “karma accrued from the beginning of our soul journey” be one of the them? After all, how do we even measure ALL THAT KARMA that’s been built up throughout the ages, in order to know when we actually reached a point where we released it all?
Because, according to various spiritual teachings, not only are we supposed to clear out our own karma of god knows how many lifetimes, but also the karmic patterns of the world. So once we clear all the karma, release all the contracts, karmic cords, and barriers, will our outer world no longer mirror back to us the collective ego’s fear-based ways (to include corruption)?
The process seems similar to an exhausted hamster never getting off the non-stop, spinning wheel of karma because it doesn’t believe that it’s enough AS IS, at the present moment of now, to simply relax and enjoy Life. As you basically stated, one of the goals is to let go of the HARD WAYS; and the belief that one needs to release an incalculable amount of individual and collective karma seems HARD x 1000.
My frustration with this particular topic of karma stems from having done a long meditation—that I paid for several years ago—that was supposed to release all the past contracts that were no longer beneficial to my life.
However, I still experienced several phases of what felt like “the dark night of the soul” since then—in both physical reality and dream state (of past/present/future parallel, alternate, and/or otherworldly realities), and I didn’t understand why. But, I’ll do this particular method (letter to the Universe within) for the last time.
And last but not least, if Twin Souls need to become whole within themselves first and foremost (with Unconditional Love of self), before reuniting as one in physical reality (to become Twin Flames), why would two people in a relationship—who are supposedly Twin Flames—continue to experience much earthly, fear-based dramas?
The reason I ask is because I’ve read more than enough comments throughout the web (to include this video series so far) where many people claim to be in Twin Flame relationships, but yet, they have so much of the typical, human dramas going on. I’ve learned that such relationship dynamics are soulmates, karmic relationships, and false twins, rather than Twin Flames.
I realize this is a very long comment, and I appreciate your Unconditional Embrace. <3<3<3
From video, “KEY CODE 4:4 – Accelerate the ASCENSION Process”:
I now fully embrace that my comments are often long; it’s perfectly okay since being curious, asking questions, and sharing thoughts, observations, knowledge, insights, wisdom and feelings are a sign of desiring to expand one’s individual and collective consciousness.
It seems that the perception of “lower” self vs “higher” self IS in itself a form of separation consciousness—a state that our logical mind needs to be in in order to separate, categorize, compare, and understand the contrast/duality/polarity of physical reality.
Unity consciousness/Unconditional Love embraces everything within the so-called spectrum of Life—ranging from the very low to very high vibrations—because it knows that every essential part is from the whole, and All That Is has a Divine purpose (though the “lower” parts may appear as LESS THAN from the physical mind’s perspective).
So rather than “purging”/getting rid of the UNwanted aspects of self, wouldn’t it be about transmuting and integrating the so-called lower, fear-based aspects of self with the highest vibration of pure compassion?
Therefore, rather than the lower self needing to “die,” it can transform into its core essence, integrate into the whole Being, and fully live.
Another way to perceive ultimate enlightenment seems to be Unconditional Love for the Multidimensional self (physical self)/Self (Source: Soul/Spirit within)—the True Love that starts from within—which then allows us to fully (and truly) love interconnected Life within this world, Galaxy, Universe, and beyond.
Around 20 min into this video, you talk about getting pushed off the cliff so to speak if we don’t end up following our path/soul contract (i.e., “Shift or be shifted” as you stated).
You later explained that we have free will, but “that free will is determined as we let go of the struggle and go down the stream,” which sounds like there’s a CONDITION placed upon free will itself.
What’s the point of even having free will if having it equates to suffering in life?
This belief sounds similar to the teachings within the religious bible, where people supposedly have free will, but if they don’t do what pleases god, then they will suffer the dire consequences—to include the BIGGEST consequence of eventually burning in a place called hell.
I recall not resonating with many of the rigid teachings within the bible—besides the unaltered Jesus teachings that stemmed from UNconditional Love—during the decade long journey of exploring various denominations of the church from my late teens to late twenties (almost two decades ago).
Those overly patriarchal teachings didn’t FEEL right within my heart because a lot of the messages stemmed from CONDITIONAL love (i.e., believe/think/feel/be/say/do A-Z, OR DON’T believe/think/feel/be/say/do A-Z if you want to be forgiven for all your sins, be accepted, approved of and loved by society and god, go to a place called heaven, avoid going to hell, and so on.).
If we hold onto the limited belief that a certain healing, transformational, and/or ascension process (e.g., TF journey) is going to be VERY HARD, wouldn’t the Universe within respond something to the effect, “You’re absolutely right!” and send us more steep mountains to climb and raging rivers to cross…basically send more of the matching, fear-based energies that stem from that belief?
Regarding the feeling of moving backwards at times—which I’ve experienced—this profound video helped me to better understand the bigger picture via the teaching of spiraling consciousness => “When You Feel Like You’ve Gone Backwards… – Teal Swan.”
When it comes to any kind of outer, soul teacher—to include official spiritual teachers—I like to take in what highly resonates with me, and disregard whatever doesn’t.
I was recently reminded from an ancient, Lemurian teaching, ““The Greatest Wisdom is to always Trust in Yourself, no matter what.”
Thank you Dr. Harmony for sharing your own gifts with humanity and beyond.
Reminder to self: Left off above video at 29:50
Reply from: Twin Flame Expert / 20 minutes ago
AWE… thank YOU dear for sharing… I truly understand and understand the journey… the suffering is our vows and the collective work, the free will is we get to choose how to go about the journey…. being we made a contract… one way or another… it will get fulfilled 🙂 sending you loads of love and YOU Keep GLOWING forward on Fire!!
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