I chose this image (on right) for this post because it reminds me of a Heart of Gold that’s within all of us, where various forms of abundance, riches, and wealth are found.
I trust that we can discover this very invaluable, priceless treasure by unconditionally accepting, embracing, and even deeply loving more and more aspects of our Multidimensional, whole self (physical)/Self (Soul& Spirit within)—the duality or polarity of the so-called good and bad, right and wrong, light and dark, etc.
By doing so, we become more and more liberated, until ultimately, we are Free; and with this inner state of true freedom of the soul—and not the type of freedom that we have told by general society that must be earned through ongoing wars—we tune into more and more positive abundance on all energy levels (physically, mentally, emotionally, financially, and spiritually).
By the way, this post was initially a section within the detailed post, “Incorporating Delicious Vegan Food Without Needing to Become Vegan or Other Labels,” but I made it into its own post since it can be read on its own.
The original subtitle of this post was, “Worry About Spending Some Extra Money on Healthier Foods OR Be Determined to Love Self & Be Prosperity Consciousness”; however, I changed it to a title that more people can relate to (the title of this post)
Note: Images above found next to links => 1) Pinterest and 2) Pinterest
My husband and I first started slowly exploring organic food while living in Helotes, TX. However, because organic food was more expensive than what we were used to buying, it wasn’t a comfortable experience.
I sometimes felt selfish and guilty for even shopping there because I had the old and outdated belief (that many within humanity have) that the money could be better used in other ways.
In addition, I had family members—my adult kids, and mother and relatives in Korea—who more than likely didn’t shop for organic food, especially fruits and vegetables.
There were times when I would compare fruits and vegetables that were either organic or not, and if there was even a $1 difference, I would choose the latter.
Despite these inner struggles—that stemmed from the deep conditioning of poverty consciousness within most of humanity throughout the world—I intuitively knew I had to stay on the path to healthier eating and a happier lifestyle.
Looking back, I’m very grateful (and proud of myself) that we continued shopping for organic foods, even if it was sporadically; because with each visit to places like Wholefoods, or the organic section at local supermarkets, it became easier and more comfortable.
I also had the desires to unconditionally love myself more and more (which helps us to fully love others as well), and to transform poverty consciousness within me to Prosperity Consciousness.
After all, how can I help my loved ones—whether it comes to truly loving self, having financial freedom, and living an overall enjoyable life—if I can’t even help myself?
If we have a poor person’s mentality—poverty consciousness that MANY people had throughout human history—then we will always be poor, barely getting by with a mega load of debt, working hard, often very busy, tired (physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually) and/or unhappy.
However, when we’ve had enough of general society’s BULLshit, we’ll be ready to finally Be Prosperity Consciousness—what the small percentage of the rich, and even the tiny percentage of the wealthy are aware of, and choose to be—and realize that’s it’s NOT about the society conditioned beliefs, but our energetic state (feeling state/our vibrational frequency that attracts like energies/Law of Attraction/LOA).
Old and outdated beliefs such as, “HARD WORK equates to lots of money” has proven to be far from true because the GINORMOUS majority of humans throughout the ages have been working their asses off, and are NOT even close to being rich or wealthy.
Now, when my husband and I go shopping, we buy mostly organic food at Wholefoods or Natural Grocers (depending on available products)—especially when it comes to fruits and vegetables. If we happen to go to our local supermarket, we shop at the organic section as well.
The more we educated ourselves about various types of food, how they’re grown, how they’re processed, etc., the more we became aware of what’s not good for us, and what’s highly beneficial for us; and we’re still open to continue learning.
What I find amazing is that when we make an honest intention to better our lives, Source within—Soul&Spirit, I (God) AM (Goddess) Presence—ensures that we have enough money.
Granted, it may not start out with an influx of monetary abundance, but I trust that as we remember to habitually Be our authentic selves—which starts with unconditionally accepting, embracing, and even loving more and more aspects of self—and be responsible for our habitual thoughts, feelings (our state of vibrational frequency/see Law of Attraction), words, and/or actions towards what highly benefits us, the flow of various forms of abundance will be an inevitable part of our lives.
And these forms of abundance include, but are not limited to: physical (great health), mental (overall positive outlook on life while embracing all emotions and honoring all feelings without judgment), emotional (unconditional self-love), financial (money), and spiritual (unconditional love for interconnected Life within this world and beyond).
I no longer feel selfish and guilty for making it a priority to unconditionally love self, to include taking care of myself to the best of my ability on all energy levels—physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.
I also realized that I had to lead the way for my inner-child first and foremost—to Be (as my Beloved I AM Presence) the unconditionally loving and very supportive parents that I rarely had throughout childhood.
From an integrated Mind/Heart, expanded perspective, I trust that my parents—like seemingly countless parents throughout human history—raised me the best they knew how from their state of awareness/consciousness, or more accurately…a lack thereof (example: my mother encouraging me to eat 2 or 3 big packages of Korean ramen whenever I came home for lunch during high school).
We can only sincerely give to interconnected others what we believe we have within; and when we don’t strive towards loving more and more aspects of ourselves unconditionally—because teaching this profound life lesson wasn’t, and still isn’t‘, a priority to so-called leaders of this world—we miss out on becoming our full-potential, Multidimensional selves, aka Multidimensional self (physical self)/Self (Soul/Spirit within), and living our own versions of a wonderful life.
We noticed that it’s not always more expensive to eat healthier.
As a matter of fact, depending on the store and/or certain types of vegetables and other products, the healthier versions (to include organic food) are sometimes about the same price, OR cost less, than they do at local supermarkets.
Now, whenever I stop by our nearby local supermarket—rather than Natural Grocers or Wholefoods—in order to quickly grab a few items from the organic section, and I happen to walk by other sections of abnormally HUGE, more than likely genetically modified and loaded with harmful chemicals, vegetables, fruit, meats, and other products, I don’t fall for the deceptive tactics.
I’m reminded that such products are meant to attract those with the poor person’s way of thinking that “BIGGER IS ALWAYS BETTER”—just one of many old and outdated beliefs related to poor person’s mentality/poverty consciousness that’s been keeping the majority of humanity poor or barely getting by (with a MEGA LOAD of debt) throughout the ages.
I’m very grateful that I’m continuing to see beyond more non-beneficial illusions within our society, and I wish the same for interconnected others. Let’s expand our consciousness!!! ^_^
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