After reflecting on certain earth teachers that I’ve come upon, I’ve decided to use my imagination in order to better perceive them from both my conditioned, judgmental ego self’s perspective, as well as my Beloved I AM Presence’s balanced, neutral and harmonious perspective.
I trust that this method will be highly effective, and will serve my individual and collective soul growth/evolution—of Being Balance between individual and unity consciousness.
Afterall, like fascinating Bashar (channeled through Darryl Anka) taught, we can only imagine what already exists whether it’s in this reality or a parallel reality.
And since this imagination exists in this particular reality of mine in this Moment of Now, then it most certainly matters and has value.
Speaking of imagination, in Eckhart Tolle’s book, A New Earth, he stated on page 264, “You would then have to look to your imagination or memories—a very unsatisfactory place to bring some meager meaning into your life.”
Usually, a statement by itself can’t be fully understood without the rest of its context. However, there are certain statements, that regardless of its context, raise a red flag in itself due to the observation that the words don’t exactly stem from the loving energies of wisdom.
The quote above is perhaps an example of Eckhart’s truth, but not necessarily a collective truth that others often experience. Perhaps he still carries within him the burden of much “negative” memories that he hasn’t transmuted yet as his Presence within.
Furthermore, perhaps his masculine energies are more dominant than his Divine feminine energies; hence, his strength is his intellectual, logical reasoning and analyzing left side of the brain, and he has yet to integrate his highly imaginative and creative right side of the brain, as well as the art of reflecting on memories during solitude and gaining insights. Sometimes, the ego of us humans, can resent are own weakness(es) rather than strive to transform them into strengths.
And for those who highly respect and admire Eckhart as an enlightened teacher—despite him humbly claiming that he doesn’t consider himself a so-called guru—can easily be misled and convinced into believing that such a statement about imagination and memories are their truth as well.
I noticed that belittling or devaluing of certain things, ideas, the human condition, etc. seems to be a recurring theme throughout the majority of Echkart’s book, A New Earth.
I was quite surprised to sense so much negative energies of judgment, resentment, separation, insensitivity, and even a subtle, secret hatred toward humanity in general, etc. within the book.
I suppose I imagined it would be like reading one of Neale Donald Walsch’s books—since they’re both in the spirituality category—that overflows with loving energies of acceptance, unity, non-judgment (just observations), empathy, compassion, intelligence/wisdom, trust, heart-felt feelings, eloquence, humor, honesty, open-mindedness, creativity, encouragement, emotional support, guidance, upliftment, empowerment, inspiration, etc.
The main examples that I can recall without referring back to Eckhart’s book are the belittling or devaluing of:
- human story-telling (which has been freely and openly shared with others ever since the days of our ancestors and has often bonded humanity)
- the fearful ego self (which is merely our wounded inner-child/unhealed masculine energy/aspect of our soul that has forgotten its true essence)
- the painbody (with Eckhart’s ironic, and excessive negative labels to include the adjective, “psychic parasite”)
- the delicate healing process
- the power and benefit of one’s imagination (when used in loving ways)
- and the value of one’s memories (whether “positive” or “negative” since they all help define who we truly are, and who we are not).
Granted, there are also teachings from Eckhart’s book that highly resonates with me, such as his acute observation skills, some valid points that clearly stem from loving energies of unity rather than separation, good examples, the sharing of short stories of wise teachers, and his ability to expand on several of Jesus’ teachings, that I’ve rarely witnessed even religious teachers be able to do, to include my favorite of all religious folks Joel Osteen.
I’m grateful that Eckhart showed me through his book, more of who I truly am, and who I’m not.
I respect and admire Joel for several reasons:
- his very positive attitude and optimistic outlook on life
- his unconventional way of teaching Christian religion
- being able to mix certain bible teachings with practical life examples (with the exception of not so inspiring examples such as God finally helping out a certain group of people—the blessed/chosen ones—hundreds of years later)
- lovable personality, great sense of humor, and constant efforts to be excellence (as opposed to being a perfectionist)
- determination to succeed in life and to give glory to God
- willingness to be vulnerable (i.e., often teary-eyed and emotional during sermons)
- innocent child-like bond with his parents (i.e., still referring to his father as “daddy” and often including stories of his mother in his sermons)
- his love for God and his willingness to help humanity
- his ability to be a great motivational coach with some inspirational moments
However, I used to wonder why he wasn’t able to teach some of Jesus’ profound and soul-touching teachings, although Jesus is supposed to be the foundation of his religion and church. So I imagined why he wasn’t able to, without any fault to him.
In order to deeply understand the profound meanings of concepts such as not judging self and others, deep empathy (not just sympathy), pure compassion (from the Heart and not just the logical mind), unconditional forgiveness, unconditional acceptance, embracing, speaking truth, transparency, and unconditional love, one must know (through personal experience/gnosis) much about:
- seeing others as equals going through soul growths on their own path, rather than having been conditioned to believe that one’s belief system is superior to others, and that is the one and only path to God. Yes, one must achieve Christ Consciousness (which Jesus had), but anyone can eventually achieve it regardless of what earthly labels society places on us (e.g., religion, race, gender, culture, sexual preference, educational background, financial background, skills, abilities, etc.)
- human suffering itself (not just through reading or studying about it), and thus having deep compassion for self and others
- having felt deeply hurt (psychologically, physically and/or spiritually) at some point from a so-called “enemy” who showed no remorse whatsoever for their unloving intentions, words, behaviors and/or actions; hence, being able to unconditionally forgive them after realizing the truth
- unconditionally accepting people who are different (despite old and outdated negative labels), but are still human (e.g., LGBT)
- embracing the “negative” aspects of self and others rather than taking the wide route and avoiding anything and anybody negative and just living within a safe bubble of a solely positive world
- speaking tactful Truth from one’s integrated Higher Mind/Higher Heart (rather than smiling to one’s face and saying something agreeable, then thinking and feeling the opposite within one’s secret space, or even announcing it “jokingly” in public)
- truly loving one’s enemies (i.e., someone who was very unloving habitually, not just someone who said something unkind one day) due to finally seeing them through the eyes of the Beloved I AM Presence/Christ within. Like Jesus taught, it’s easy to love those who love you. This is especially true if one has been surrounded by many loving and supportive people throughout the majority of one’s life. The true challenge is to love those who not only treated you the worst, but who you also experienced hating with a passion at some point, and was able to admit it honestly. Afterall, how can one ever experience unconditional forgiveness if one has never had anyone to forgive over and over again, and/or at a deep level? So what is it like for one to forgive a loved one over and over again, or like Jesus said, “77 plus times”? Perhaps an adult who still unconditionally loves their parent(s)—despite having been abandoned, neglected, and abused (physically, verbally, emotionally, and sexually) throughout childhood could answer such a question—because they understand the truth of how things truly are, rather than what they appear to be on the outer surface.
I also wondered why Joel often talks about “enemies”–whether or not he’s referring to people—during his televised sermons when one of Jesus’ main teachings if to love one’s enemies.
It seems that the repeated mention of the word “enemies” may condition people to always be in a lower vibrational state of “us” vs “them” (enemies) which is separation consciousness of the fearful ego self/unhealed masculine energy/wounded inner-child.
Even our “negative” thoughts, feelings, emotions, beliefs, and behaviors are still an undeniable aspect of us (ego self and shadow self) that must be deeply understood, given compassion to, embraced, healed, integrated and transformed into higher states of Being—to include “positive” thoughts, feelings, emotions, beliefs, intention, behaviors, habits, words and actions.
Labeling “negative” aspects of ourselves, and/or treating them as some disease that must vanish into some outer, dark space is rejecting parts of us that are merely wanting to noticed, recognized, acknowledged, embraced, unconditionally loved and healed to its true state.
Those who have never experienced much “fear,” “darkness” and trauma in their lives can only sympathize at best, but are usually unable to deeply empathize with the inner sufferings of others.
If one is sensitive enough, one can effortlessly tell when someone mostly operates from their rational lower mind (their own ego self)—disguised as the righteous and/or highly intellectual one— rather than from their integrated Higher Mind/Higher Heart.
They’re usually unable to relate to those who have suffered greatly, and are often quick to say insensitive words like, “It’s their ego,” “Think of it as their little devil on one of their shoulders,” or “They just need to work on not being their ego” without an ounce of feelings connected to empathy or compassion.
When a child behaves in a fearful manner, or speaks and acts out in fearful ways, do we label and judge them as little egos or devils that need to snap out of it and get their sh!@ together ASAP? Of course not.
Maybe “spoiled lil turds” or “Children of the Corn” who need a major ass-whooping, but not little devils; I mean, c’mon folks, let’s have some heart! 😉
It’s just that often times, most of us grown-ups still have within us the wounded, inner-child (the ego self) with much mental and emotional baggage (whether we’d like to admit it or not), though we’re expected to be whole adults.
That’s because general society says needing any kind of inner healing is “abnormal,” and you may end up with one of the multitudes of disorder labels out there stamped on your medical paperwork, along with containers of pills that make you feel numb and apathetic, like a soulless zombie just going through the motions…foaming at the mouth and making random, vowel sounds every now and then.
I’ve learned, from personal experience, as well as from experiences of others, that healing is a process, and depending on one’s perspective, it can be a peaceful and even amazing one, or a downright lengthy and miserable one.
Checking out readings of ascension symptoms has been very helpful for me, especially with dealing with some minor and major physical pains where I refused to take any medications…EVER. Instead, I ask for Archangel Raphael or the Arcturians to assist me with alleviating any major pains, and it’s worked for me.
And the more we are willing to unconditionally accept and love oneself throughout the healing process, the greater the results will be on all levels of our being—physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual; it’s all about baby steps and progress.
It also helps when those within—Higher Self/angels, Archangels, and Ascended Masters/Family of Light/animal totems/guardian spirits/Beloved I Am Presence Christ within/God, Goddess and Divine Spirit/All That Is, etc.—and around us (i.e., family, friends, coworkers, acquaintances, support groups, etc.) are genuinely caring, encouraging, uplifting, guiding, supportive, empowering, accepting, inspiring, and overall unconditionally loving.
Most of the time, it’s not just a matter of saying in an insensitive tone, “Just get over it already!” “Suck it up and drive on! You’re tough!” “Just do your daily positive affirmations and have faith in God, and you’ll be just fine!” or “Ignore that psychic parasite of yours! It’ll eventually disappear into thin air.”
Healing is not logical checks off the block; hence, it’s known as an art. There are so many factors to take into consideration when helping another to heal; and merely assuming that all one needs is a quick fix is being narrow-minded.
A person may suffer from such factors as (but not limited to): extreme PTSD (Posttraumatic Stress Disorder) symptoms, recurring nightmares, unhealthy habits (e.g., eating, face-picking, self psychological abuse, etc.), trust issues, sleep deprivation, addictions, lack or absence of self-esteem, high anxieties, major depression, strong need for control, deep emotional wounds and pain from this lifetime and past lifetimes that’s been stored within one’s DNA, etc.
If we’re unable to see through the eyes of Spirit all the “negative” within us with much compassion, how can we expect to see through the eyes of Spirit all the “negative” within others with much compassion?
Even within the darkest of areas and darkest of beings, there is Light. Just because we, humans, aren’t able to see the Light with our physical eyes, does not mean that it doesn’t exist.
Just as bees can see ultraviolet light, although humans can’t, and bats can sense infrared light, although humans can’t, there are countless things throughout this omniverse that we, humans, cannot perceive through our five senses; however, they exist nonetheless.
I’m grateful that Joel Osteen showed me through his televised sermons, more of who I truly am, and who I’m not.
I trust that Joel teaches about an “Almighty” God the best way he knows how, although he may not yet realize that the Trinity within him: God, Goddess, and Divine Spirit (Monad)/All That Is whom he deeply yearns for in his Heart is truly an omnipotent/all powerful, omniscient/all knowing, omnipresent/everywhere all the time and ALL–loving Beloved I AM Presence/Christ within. Or, maybe he’s fully aware, but feels that general society is not yet ready for such truths.
I also trust that Eckhart Tolle teaches about God the best way he knows how as well, though he understandably prefers to use the interchangeable words, “Presence” and “Consciousness” due the word “God” having been misused, and even abused, throughout human history.
Regardless of who, what, when, or where, I decided to practice seeing and taking whatever’s highly beneficial for our individual and collective soul growth/evolution, and take the rest with a grain of salt.
So I continue to enjoy some of the teachings of Eckhart Tolle, Joel Osteen, and others, whom I may not completely resonate with all the time, but accept them just as they are.
Aferall, I trust my Divinity within that everyone and everything contributes to the Divine Plan in some way, shape or form, though we, humans, may not always see it that way from our ego self’s narrow perspective.
The plethora of religions and other organizations have caused many to believe that their religion or belief system is more superior than others, which creates further separation among humanity and beyond.
For instance, some people may perceive Buddhist Monks as non-contributors to society, since they believe that monks spend most of their time meditating somewhere up in the mountains. I can understand that perspective.
However, I trust that often living and Being in the present Moment of Now is much more effective in assisting humanity, Mother Earth and beyond rather than continually and busily doing a seemingly never-ending list of duties/responsibilities/”saving others” projects/church work ordered by the higher ups of whatever organization.
In high school—over two decades ago—two of my girlfriends, who were sisters, mentioned that their mother was often out and about doing church work, so much to the point that she even missed spending Christmas with her own family.
It was sad to hear such a story. What’s even sadder is that such energizer bunny-like, robotic movement of “MUST DO God’s work all the time while neglecting self and loved ones!!!” often continues decades later where bonds between family members could slowly but surely fall apart.
I trust that there’s a good balance of helping others, and obsessing over it is definitely not healthy and beneficial for anyone’s well-being; unconditional love for self is just as important as unconditional love for others.
While it may be true to a certain degree that Buddhist monks spend a lot of time meditating, what we may not realize is that due to monks being highly disciplined in their daily lifestyle–to include their focusing on loving thoughts, emotions, words and actions, and only eating foods of high vibrational frequencies that don’t interrupt the higher functioning of the mind, body and soul—they can be, and I have no doubt often are, impeccable frequency holders, something most of society may not be capable of doing and Being in every present Moment of Now.
I trust that one of the main ways that Buddhist monks selflessly serves humanity and beyond is by doing their very best at Being their Divine Presence in every Moment of Now; thus, being able to hold higher frequencies of Light and Love energies within them (that many are incapable of doing yet) that also needs to be channeled and grounded to Mother Earth/Gaia, as well as channeled through them to humanity and beyond.
Spirit uses impeccable frequency holders—to also include Lightworkers, Starseeds, E.T.’s. etc.—as part of the Divine Plan, regardless if general society perceives them as “nobodys” or even nonexistent.
I trust that when we choose to think and feel from our integrated Higher Mind/Higher Heart (Om Mani Padme Hum and YHSVH), and see through the eyes of our Beloved I AM Presence/Christ within/integrated God (Divine Masculine—healed, integrated, transformed and balanced fearful ego self/wounded inner-child/unhealed masculine energy and consciousness + empowered masculine energies), Goddess (Divine Feminine—healed, integrated, transformed and balanced shadow self/unknown aspects/unhealed feminine energy and consciousness + empowered feminine energies), merged with Divine Spirit (Monad)/All That Is, we can deeply sense the interconnectedness of all of Life, which is Unity Consciousness.