The following is a comment that I left for the video, “How to BECOME RICH – 12 Secrets to Attracting MAGIC MONEY“:
First of all, thank you Ralph for sharing some very beneficial info. Whenever I watch any video, or read any material, I ensure that I follow my inner guidance first and foremost, which includes honoring our senses/feelings (language of the soul), trusting our intuition, and following our inner-wisdom.
Note: Image on right above found next to link =>ย Padraig Coaching & Consulting Inc.ย (thank you)
When it comes to the Law of Exchange, it’s important to realize the balance of giving to the Multidimensional self (physical self/selves)/Self (Soul/Spirit within) as well, and not just to others OUT THERE.
Ultimately, there is only The One/Source/Prime Creator/Holy Spirit within, but the question is, “What is our true intention?” Because if our giving to others is CONDITIONAL, rather than Unconditional, then we are not unconditionally loving others/self/Self (Soul/Spirit within).
Throughout human history, world religions and the military—just to name a couple of examples—have already gone OVERBOARD (and continues to do so) when it comes to the preaching of GIVING GIVING AND GIVING only to others, without including unconditional love for the self/Self (which also includes giving to the self/Self).
It’s very important for us all to GIVE various forms of unconditional love to self/Self as well, which includes, but is not limited to: giving self a break at times from continually DOING DOING DOING things for the world (which our ego self wants to do), having self-compassion, spending quality time with self to reflect and reconnect with one’s essence, treating oneself to whatever one enjoys, being one’s best friend, taking time to relax and simply enjoy life/simply Be, having self-respect (to include having healthy boundaries when it comes to giving so that others don’t unintentionally take advantage of, intentionally use, or even abuse you), etc.
It’s no surprise that because of this type of one-sided teaching, there have been billions, if not trillions, of people (and continues to be) who were so busy GIVING mostly to others for CONDITIONAL reasons (e.g., only to RECEIVE something back for the act of GIVING TO OTHERS, to convince self that one is good, to be perceived as good by others and thus be accepted, to be approved by a higher power like god, to get a ticket to a place called heaven, to avoid going to a place called purgatory or hell, to ascend to New Earth, etc.).
Unconditional love (to include unconditional giving) comes from the integrated higher Mind/pure, Cosmic Heart within—aka I (God) AM (Goddess) Presence, ULTIMATELY Holy SPirit/Source/Prime Creator/Creator of All Creation: Crop Circle 6666/Divine Mother Goddess—and doesn’t concern itself with the much less mature ego self’s physical mind, logical reasoning, ‘this for that’ calculations, conditions, rules, and laws/Laws (man-made or not).
Humanity, especially military members, have also been brainwashed into believing that freedom is something that must be earned through the participation of ongoing conflicts, battles, wars, etc., though TRUE freedom is a Divine birthright of All of Life/All That Is, to include souls throughout this Universe and beyond.
As a former Army veteran who’s worked in joint service locations, I’ve noticed that military members (regardless of which branch) are often manipulated into feeling guilty and/or feeling as though we’re NOT good enough if we’re not working more than nine hours a day—without counting daily, physical exercise and lunch hours—and more than 12 hours per day during deployments.
HARD WORK and SACRIFICE FOR OTHERS—the former a part of poverty consciousness, and the latter due to a lack of trust in Spirit’s powerful presence in All Life—is supposed to be honorable since it serves the greater good, but yet, how many corrupt world leaders on this planet DON’T make all those sacrifices that they demand others to make?
Also, there’s a huge difference between being a witness to poverty within humanity and human sufferings, and the actual, personal EXPERIENCE of them (aka experiential knowledge/wisdom).
When one has walked, not just a few, but many miles in the shoes of those who have suffered in various forms—physically, mentally, emotionally, and/or spiritually—ONLY then can one deeply empathize (from the integrated Mind/ Heart) with interconnected others; otherwise, one can only sympathize (from the mind only) at best.
And last but not least…just because one has graduated from a college or university doesn’t automatically make them truly educated, knowledgeable, reliable, and wise—the latter being the ultimate, integrated Mind/Heart intelligence.
<3<3<3 Mulantis
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