I recently selected the card, “Pleiades Expanding: Compassion” from the Cosmic Consciousness Ascension deck by Jamye Price—a powerful, spiritual, Language of Light toolย that has shown its amazing effectiveness since this past summer with each card(s) that I chose (stemming from my strong belief that it will work).
I’ve already shared some example stories within this blog of how the card(s) I selected led to matching experiences, but I’ve recently noticed that it can be series of synchronicity stories by itself.
So it’s no surprise that I’ve already started having experiences related to this profound theme of compassion (for self/interconnected Life).
But why is there a need to have compassion for the aspect that mocks the free-spirited, heart’s dreams?
Because the aspect that mocks—ultimately within self to self, and then from others to self via mirroring—is fear-based and limited in its state of consciousness, and doesn’t believe in wonderful dreams coming true.
And this isn’t due to this mocking aspect—that exists within all of us to varying degrees—being wrong, bad, or even evil.
This need to mock self/others can stem from having witnessed many “failures” of self/others, having experienced many disappointments in life, having experienced much lack mentality via poverty consciousness, and other earthly reasons.
But ultimately, what we’ve been conditioned to believe about the possibilities of Life (or a lack thereof) since childhood during this physical reality—and/or from previous earthly and otherworldly lifetimes—has a huge impact.
In my case—and many others within humanity—we’ve often been told, taught, and/or shown what we’re not capable of, of what we don’t deserve in life, and/or how we’re not worthy and valuable.
And if we’ve had one too many of these non-beneficial, negative bombardments of false beliefs, then they may seem very challenging to change.
Last month, I decided to enroll in the online course by Mindvalley, “Uncompromised Life” with Marissa Peer (i.e., “Rewire Your Mind With The Empowering Beliefs, Habits & Thought Patterns Of The Worldโs Top Achievers…To the person looking to rise above self-doubt, limiting beliefs, and unrealized success:[…]”).
Today, I started the warm-up course, and tomorrow, I will continue exploring.
I have a pleasant feeling about it so far, so we’ll see what new experiences and opportunities arise from this gift.
However, I’ve also learned from various contrast showing up in my outer reality, more of what I DO NOT prefer in life, to include aggressive sales tactics from anyone.
So if Mindvalley, or any other company, continues to be overly pushy with back to back sales of courses, then this online course will be the last. If not, it’s all good.
As mentioned in the post, “Mulantis: The Reuniting of Ancient Lemuria/Mu and Atlantis“, I was curious as to why Victor Oddo and his wife Pattie had moved to Sedona.
Though I hadn’t watched their videos for a while now, I’m very grateful that I chose to follow my inner guidance, because it led to more Light and Unconditional Love (for self/others), the deeper tuning into the already existing state of integrated Mind/Heart, or merged Heart/Mind within (aka Spirit & Soul, Goddess & God, Yin & Yang, Moon & Sun, Dark & Light, etc.).
I shared the following comment for the YouTube video, “Spiritual Awakening | Relationships That No Longer Serve… (& How To Move On)“:
Thank you Victor and Pattie for this confirmation video of some of my experiences, thoughts, beliefs, feelings, behaviors, perceptions, perspectives, and ways of being/Being and doing (or not doing). Pattie, your so-called “rant” was powerfully intuitive, spot on, profound, eye-opening, and helpful; and love the gorgeous new hairstyle.
Victor, you shared some great points as well (as usual), especially at the very beginning and towards the end.
What you shared about “the float guy” aspect mirroring to you was mind-blowing and soul-igniting, and shined Light upon this particular “negative”/”dark”/UNKNOWN/SHADOW aspect—mine, yours, ours, the neutral aspect that exists within every soul—that I had strongly sensed a while back, but my mind doubted at times due to not wanting to believe what had happened.
It involves a conversation at the end of a summer’s retreat, where one soul shared a detail of a heart’s dream to another; and at that very moment, the look within the eyes of the receiver of that information was surprisingly fear-based rather than love-based (i.e., envious or jealous rather than supportive, followed by subtle words of mockery disguised as full support).
So the giver of this detail of a dream came to a realization, “Wow, at some point(s) in the past, there was this aspect within me that mocked my heart’s dream; hence, this aspect was mirrored to me from others (in different forms).
Because there was also the former coworker, from Hilton Bell Rock almost 2 years ago, who was the most witty and hilarious guy I had ever met, but when I shared with this guy his glaring, natural talent, and eventually suggested performing open-mic together at a local place for fun, he replied in an obvious, sarcastic, mocking tone, ‘Sure, so that we can be on Jimmy Fallon one day.’
I recall thinking, ‘Why not fame if that’s where FUN leads to?’ but also felt discouraged.
I recently saw him stocking vegetables at a local supermarket, and realized more than ever before that our beliefs have a strong impact on our Life’s choices.
And all that I choose to believe, or not, will make the difference in how I spend the rest of my life (to include what type of relationships I choose to be in).”
Right after publishing this post (same day on 12/26/20), I felt a very brief, yet, intense cramp in my right, middle finger.
Depending on how I feel, I’ve been looking up various interpretations that can correlate with physical experiences since our energy bodies—physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual—are all connected, to include metaphysical reasons and accelerated ascension symptoms.
The following is from the reading, “Scars, wounds, cuts on fingers โ what do they mean?” By Jena Griffiths, which matches one of the themes related to this post (the old and outdated belief of not being valuable in this world):
What does the right middle finger represent?
Your perception of how other people value you, or what you are worth. Your value out in the world.
Thatโs exactly what the issue was that I was hammering myself over. I felt value-less.
The wound jolted me out of my extreme judgment of myself. And, even though the wound was physically painful, it saved me days of emotional pain and reconnected me with wonder and awe of just how precise the language of hands is.
In addition to the above reminder, while visiting South Korea recently, I experienced for the first time a Korean fortune teller, which included palmistry and astrology.
In a nutshell, the older man shared some new, empowering information, to include what the lines of my hands reveal, what colors benefit me more this year than others, whether I’ll build a closer relationship with my current husband or encounter another partner, and me fully letting go of doubts of what I’d love to do in life by Spring of 2021 (though I didn’t bring up this topic).
But as I’ve mentioned before within this blog, I’ve chosen to use others’ information as a guidance tool rather than believing everything shared without question.
Even when I chose to experience a psychic in the past—something I’ve done a few times—I ensured I followed my inner guidance first and foremost, since there are many probabilities and possibilities in Life, within this world and way beyond.
For example, while I went under general anesthesia two different times in my life, I had some unbelievable experiences.
The first time was in Hawaii during 2005, where I experienced Being consciousness within my heart chakra area (center of chest) rather than within my head.
And during the fall of this year, I experienced Being the Observer of other aspects of self communicating to one another, as well as being surrounded by a small group of E.T. Light Beings above me as I was slowly losing consciousness.
I felt safe, peaceful, and at home at that moment, and I trust that this is due to the intuitive recognition and knowing of being in the presence of my Galactic and/or Universal Soul Family.
After sharing comments for the two YouTube videos below, I was reminded that the main theme within this post, of the mocking aspect within us, is the same ego self that Victor talked about in his videos (and towards the bottom of this post is the bigger picture of our collective Ego).
By the way, it doesn’t matter to me that I’ve been watching his recent videos out of order, since from a multidimensional perspective (rather than from a linear, 3D perspective), everything within past, present, and future is happening all at once, NOW.
The following is the comment that I shared for the video, “5 Things You Should Know About The SUPER New Moon (October 16th, 2020)“:
Thank you Victor for sharing your fiery passion and authentic expressions, especially about our innate ability to rise above fear.
I trust that when we expand our perspective (to a multidimensional one, to include the higher perspective), we can have compassion for fear-based aspects within us/others, and realize (with clarity) the neutral energy states that they are in—just lower vibrations within the Light/Love Frequency spectrum, like the color red is the lowest vibration and violet (like compassion) is the highest vibration. Continue to Be a very talented motivational and inspirational leader/speaker/soul teacher.
The following is the comment that I shared for the video, “5 Things You Should Know About The FULL Moon (August 3rd, 2020)“:
Thank you Victor for sharing YOU. I agree with your mention of our ancestral healing. I’ve experienced (within a decade) sporadic dreams of immediate and extended family members who had passed away—mostly my adoptive, American father and Korean relatives: younger cousin, her father/my uncle, my grandmother, and even my grandfather (who passed away before I was born).
What I find fascinating is that most of the dreams all started in gloomy environments, where they looked so unhappy and silent, but gradually, the dreams seemed to improve in its vibrational frequency.
Towards the end, these earth family souls appeared peaceful and happy, and we would even have pleasant feeling conversations though I wouldn’t be able to recall all the details.
This year, I’ve even dreamt of happier versions of my mother and Korean relatives—who are more than likely still alive—enjoying their peace, great health, joy, freedom, delicious food, lots of cash, and other forms of uplifting abundance.
The other day, I had a vivid dream of flying (while standing) with a small group of family members, to include my grandmother on my right (I was holding her hand).
We were exploring some back in the day city and enjoying ourselves. I haven’t had a dream about flight in a long time, so I felt grateful for this amazing experience—the “magical moments” you talked about in this video—that happened at a perfect time where I was feeling down since I returned from my extended, solo trip from South Korea (but your most recent YouTube video with Pattie, about relationships, helped).
By the way, the most important life lesson I was reminded of multiple times lately is unconditional love for the whole self, which is unconditionally loving the collective Heart (a message from the Arcturians); hence, solitude time is precious and invaluable, which can be balanced with quality time with community (something the the wolf spirit guide/totem has taught).
So there’s no need to make any neutral aspect within the whole self an enemy, because as soon as we do, we essentially turn against a part of ourselves (which is not embracing/loving whole self).
I trust the beneficial goal is for our ego self—that’s merely doing its best, with its limited state of consciousness, to help us to survive in this world as physical beings—to merge with Spirit/Heart/Goddess within, so that it can be its full-potential, exalted Self as an Advisor/Soul/God to the Higher Self of Earth matters.
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