The following are subtitles within this post:
- Reminder of Powerful Full Moon
- A New Multidimensional Open Mic Comedy Experience
- New Facebook Business Page: Mulantis [deleted Facebook account for final time on 11/12/2018]
- Re-Creation of a Sacred Space
- An Additional Sacred Space Symbolic of Buddha Aspect of Multidimensional Self Within
- License Plate I Found with My Initials and 144
- Influences from Inner and Outer Worlds
- Clearing Clutter in Hawaii and Texas
- Clearing Clutter in Arizona
- Exploring A New Experience
- Comment for Spot On, Full Moon Video
- Amazing Info from Bashar:
- Finding Life Purpose, Excitement vs Anxiety, Perfect Interpretation of Integrity, Trusting Your Timing, Positive Synchronicity vs Negative Synchronicity, and Beliefs
- Updates and Related Posts
- 10/25/2018: Day after Full Moon
- 10/25/2018: Post, “A Call for Multidimensional Female Comedians“
- 10/8/2018: Post, “Stories of Sharing Unconventional Poems, a Song and Multidimensional Comedy Skits at Open Mic Places“
Note: Image on right above found next to link => Pinterest
Reminder of Powerful Full Moon
On the 8th of this month, I shared my plan for performing at open-mic comedy on October 25th within the post, “Stories of Sharing Unconventional Poems, a Song and Multidimensional Comedy Skits at Open Mic Places.”
However, I didn’t realize that it’s the day after the full moon (tonight), which I was reminded of from a video I was drawn to this morning (shared toward the bottom of post).
Strangely, the mere thought of that made me feel nervous again, yet, very excited as well since I’ve once read that the powerful energies usually last about three days before and after the full moon.
Note: Image on left above found next to link =>Giphy
A New Multidimensional Open Mic Comedy Experience
I noticed that the more I practice my comedy skit, the more creative I become (i.e., expressing more freely and fully, to include being more passionate and animated), the more confident I feel, and the more FUN I have; for instance, time seemed to fly by yesterday while rehearsing.
New Facebook Business Page: Mulantis
[deleted Facebook account for final time on 11/12/2018]
In addition, while updating a few posts regarding Facebook, I came upon AMAZING information I had shared from Bashar’s website (channeled through Darryl Anka) a while back, but had forgotten about the details (under subtitle, “Amazing Info from Bashar:”).
I reactivated my account recently, and for the first time created a business page titled, Mulantis (my Zazzle store name; also on the category section of this blog). I will add a link for the above to this blog soon with the help of my husband.
Note: Image on right above found next to link => Journey to the Center of the Mind
I copied and pasted the amazing info into a separate Google doc so that I can read it daily until I make it mine (also shared it with my husband, though he didn’t seem excited about it the way I was; but it’s okay).
Note: Poster on left above created using which consolidated a clay sculpture I made a while back along with other decorative materials. I don’t recall where I found the background image, but I’m pretty sure it’s mentioned within the Goddess Altar post below
Re-Creation of a Sacred Space
I’m glad that I decided to clean and re-organize my sacred space in my bedroom last night, that I unfortunately neglected for a while due to not wanting to deal with it.
I was inspired to re-create a sacred space again after reading a suggestion within one of the interpretations of the tiger power animal/totem/guide, which stemmed from a recent, vivid dream I had recorded in post, “Embracing and Integrating the Tiger Power Animal Within.“
At our old house (not previous apartment), I set up a sacred space shared within the post, “An Altar Dedicated to Divine Goddess Within,” which includes the different aspects of the Goddess, photos of the figurines, photo of a vision board, dreams (to include recurring ones of crystals and a schoolhouse), etc..
An Additional Sacred Space Symbolic of Buddha Aspect of Multidimensional Self Within
When we moved to our apartment complex in Flagstaff during the fall of last year, I created a different sacred space (photo on right is updated version; closer images of figurines in post/link right above), and also gradually added two female Buddha figurines to another section (photo below) because:
- I was strongly drawn to them as soon as I noticed them
- they remind me of Goddess Quan Yin of pure compassion
- they remind me of Buddha Consciousness within all of us—the Divine Feminine aspect of Source, hence, the lotus flower is symbolic of Wisdom; the Divine Masculine Being Christ Consciousness/Light/Uplifting Knowledge (and more examples of other earthly labels within subtitle, “Comment for Spot On, Full Moon Video“).
License Plate I Found with My Initials and 144
By the way, I mentioned in the post, “Reuniting with Ancient Roots and Building the Courage to Be Full-Potential Self“—under subtitle, “A Sudden Increase of Quadruple Number Sequences Appearing and Sacred Code 144”—how I found the license plate in Sedona, AZ with my initials and 144 that I often see, which reminds me of Soul Family(ies) and ancient Lemuria.
Note: Posts about 144 and other sacred number codes of number synchronicity shared in, “Orion Belt Freckles, 333, Lemuria: 111, Atlantis: 222 & 144 Soul Families“
Influences from Inner and Outer Worlds
At least three of the following inner and outer influences have inspired me to declutter my inner world and outer reality (though I have no doubt that ultimately, all the guidance comes from within):
- Number Synchronicity:
- I noticed 4433 a few times, which I also plan on sharing the details of in a future post titled, “Review (Part 3) for: Unlimited Abundance Course by Christie Marie Sheldon” since at least one of the videos was a total of 44:33 minutes. The following is from the website ANGEL NUMBERS – Joanne Sacred Scribes that I use as a guidance tool (with discernment) whenever I feel like it (Note: Click on the number 4433 below to open the link in another window):
- Repeating Angel Numbers – 4’s and 3’s (4433, 4343, 3434, 3344)
The 4 and 3 combination asks you to look to your home and/or lifestyle and think of ways to uplift and bring in more positive energies. Use your creativity to re-organise, restructure, redecorate and rejuvenate your home and life in general.The 4 and 3 combination is a message from your angels that they, as well as the Ascended Masters, are around you to assist, guide and love you. All the help you may need is available to you … all you have to do is ask.
- Repeating Angel Numbers – 4’s and 3’s (4433, 4343, 3434, 3344)
- Today, I noticed the following recurring sacred number codes (aka angel numbers, truth codes, activation codes, etc.):
- 12:12 (shared what it reminds me within subtitle, “Comment for Spot On, Full Moon Video”)
- 2:22 (shared what it reminds me of in posts like, “Orion Belt Freckles, 333, Lemuria: 111, Atlantis: 222 & 144 Soul Families“)
- 4:34 (palindrome number) and 5:33 (both after publishing this post)
- I noticed 4433 a few times, which I also plan on sharing the details of in a future post titled, “Review (Part 3) for: Unlimited Abundance Course by Christie Marie Sheldon” since at least one of the videos was a total of 44:33 minutes. The following is from the website ANGEL NUMBERS – Joanne Sacred Scribes that I use as a guidance tool (with discernment) whenever I feel like it (Note: Click on the number 4433 below to open the link in another window):
- One of the lessons I took for the above mentioned course is, Lesson 14. Clearing Clutter.
- The tiger spirit guide message, as mentioned above in post, “Embracing and Integrating the Tiger Power Animal Within“
Clearing Clutter in Hawaii and Texas
Ever since I was stationed in Hawaii (from 2003-2007 while in the Army), I slowly started the decluttering process, and while married to my second/current husband, we gave stuff that we didn’t really use anymore to the Big Brothers and Sisters organization.
We continued to do so more often while residing in San Antonio and Helotes (outskirts of San Antonio), TX, and now we hardly have any clutter left besides some old paperwork that needs to be recycled or shredded, and some minor stuff.
Clearing Clutter in Arizona
This past Saturday, I even dug deep and chose to give away two, very nice dresses—a one-piece, gray suit dress and a sexy, gorgeous, teal, summer evening dress—that I’ve only worn once and haven’t for several years (the latter one for a little over a decade).
The third casual dress that I bought while in Flagstaff, was really nice, but since it’s too tight in certain areas, and I wasn’t too attached to it, I was able to let it go more easily.
Exploring A New Experience
This time, rather than giving the stuff away to some donation store that often turns around and sells it to other people, I felt like doing something new, which I trust was inspired from Spirit within.
We went into a local donation store—where customers can also shop—and I kept an eye out for someone I felt drawn to so that I could ask her a question (there were only a few males there with their loved one).
I initially felt a bit awkward about the whole situation, so when I first started approaching three women who were together, it didn’t feel right, so I went in another direction.
I could tell my husband was very uncomfortable, but I just smiled at him. At one point, he tried to change my mind, but that’s when I noticed a Native American lady nearby (by the way, there are many Native Americans in Flagstaff which I got really excited about when I first moved here).
I approached the lady—who appeared to be in her late forties or early fifties—and said something to the effect, “Hi, this probably sounds strange, but I have three, practically new dresses out in the car that have only been worn once, and I would rather give it to someone for free than have the store turn around and sell it.”
To my great surprise, she excitedly answered, “Oh yeah!” Enroute to our car, she said that if we had anything else that we’d like to give away in the future, to let her know, and I agreed. She also asked for my phone number, but my husband grabbed a pen and paper and wrote down her number.
She then thanked us and reached out to give me a hug, and it was a heart-warming experience. If I recall correctly, Teal Swan shared in one of her videos that new experiences expand our individual and collective consciousness; hence, it’s highly beneficial to share Light and Unconditional Love with interconnected others.
Whenever I feel like it, I look up the meaning of names of the souls I cross paths with to see what else I could learn from the mirror reflections—various, neutral aspects that exists within all of us to varying degrees whether “positive” or “negative”— and the lady’s name is Gina, which means well born (from website sheknows; <= click for further details like SoulUrge Number and Expression Number, and the link will open in another window).
Comment for Spot On, Full Moon Video
The following is a comment I shared for the amazing creator of the video, “5 Things You Should Know About The FULL Moon (October 24th, 2018)” (mentioned at beginning of post):
WOW Victor, you are on FIRE in this video!!! ^_^ Granted, you often radiate a very powerful, authentic, animated, and magnetic full presence in your videos—that includes a lot of SPOT ON messages—but this one definitely seems to blow the rest away.
I intensely FELT your soul-igniting and deeply heartfelt messages (verbal and nonverbal), especially your very gentle, yet, strong eye contact that seems otherworldly because you’re a star seeded old soul.
It’s awesome that you’re in Sedona enjoying Bell Rock (which I love too), and that sweet Aaron let you borrow his high-speed camera, but I have no doubt that a location and material objects can have their influences and benefits, but the ULTIMATE influence—Divine Love, Divine Wisdom, & Divine Power—comes from within.
Therefore, one who has mastered the ability to often maintain a very high vibrational frequency can Be a major influence on so-called other people, other beings, Mother Earth, merging worlds, animals, places, things, etc. wherever s/he goes simply by Being fully present.
Granted, it’s not always about jumping for joy 24/7 doing freakin’ cartwheels and backflips all day, since Life here is about the beneficial ebb and flow, the sensual Cosmic Dance between the God-Self and Goddess-Self within (and even without, as Twin Souls reuniting as Twin Flames in earthly and/or otherworldly physical reality/ies).
You did an OUTSTANDING job of allowing the merged Light and Unconditional Love Frequency to shine so brightly within you, as you, and through you. Side Note: Light & Love aka integrated Mind/Heart, Soul/Spirit, Yang/Yin, Sun/Moon, Uplifting Knowledge/Wisdom, Christ Consciousness/Buddha Consciousness, God/Goddess = beloved I (God) AM (Goddess) Presence /MerKaBa/Star of David Frequency/Spiraling Consciousness/12:12/Realization.
By the way, Aaron’s so adorable back there with his blurry@$$ self waving his hand to everyone. I waved back in my mind and heart. 🙂
I’m happy for guys that you’re fully enjoying Life on all levels—physical, mental, emotional, financial, and spiritual.
I wish for y’all to continue experiencing an abundance of everything that you and your loved ones desire that serves you, benefits you, encourages you, uplifts you, empowers you, inspires you, expands your consciousness, and brings you MUCHO inner-peace, profound wisdom, good health, freedom, joy, and last but not least…Unconditional True Love (for self and interconnected Life within this world, Galaxy, Universe, and beyond).
I HEART you guys (as soul brothers). Thank you for Being an invaluable gift to your Multidimensional self (earthly and otherworldly physical selves)/Self (Source: Soul/Spirit within/Higher Self), interconnected humanity, and beyond.
Mulantis 😉
Amazing Info from Bashar:
Finding Life Purpose, Excitement vs Anxiety, Perfect Interpretation of Integrity, Trusting Your Timing, Positive Synchronicity vs Negative Synchronicity, and Beliefs
The following are just a few quoted sections from the wonderful website ( that were very helpful to me, although I’m still working on making them mine:
Some of the Core Concepts of Bashar
Follow your excitement!
Finding your Purpose in Life. Act on it! Excitement is caused by a resonance with your Higher Self. Excitement is a “sign” that the activity you are contemplating is aligned with your Higher Self, and this alignment is what causes the excitement. This naturally leads you to what you are “meant” to be doing – what your Soul “hopes” your will free-will chooses to do. This is your “Purpose”. So this is the simple yet effortlessly-effective way to find your life’s “Purpose”.
Mechanically, “excitement” is a high state of resonant-excitation that occurs when the Thinking+Intentions of the physical dimension self are sharply aligned with the Thinking+Intentions of its own Higher Self.
So excitement serves as a “compass” – to let you know when you’re “on course” – when you are doing or contemplating doing exactly what your Higher Self would just love to have you be doing.
When you follow your excitement, and do what excites you, this means that :
1. This activity is “you” (truly aligned with your Soul).
2. Because it is “you”, this activity is effortless for you.
3. Because it is “you”, the universe will support you (including financial support) to continue doing this, in progressively more expanding ways.
Following your excitement is following the “signs” your Higher Self is giving – to lead you in the most DIRECT way possible to what it “hopes” your free-will will choose to do, which is the same as your life’s Purpose. The catch is this:
Even if following your excitement means doing something seemingly trivial and unprofound, even then, just do it!
Because proceeding towards doing this seemingly mundane thing, might lead you to meet someone, or discover something, that is just “perfect” for furthering your Life’s purpose.
IMPORTANT consideration:
“Follow your Excitement – with INTEGRITY”. Bashar defines “integrity” to mean, NOT any particular moral standard, but instead: Realizing that everything is a whole (integer), and you are one with the whole.
And therefore, (Golden Rule), you treat everyone and everything with the same respect and consideration and care that you would want them to treat you.
“Follow your Excitement – with INTEGRITY”.
If you have something to give, in the reality you are creating, there are people ready to receive it. If someone has a song to sing, there is an audience in that reality to hear it.Fear or anxiety is excitement with a negative judgement projected onto it.
Fear/anxiety = Excitement plus negative judgement
Remove the negative judgement, and you have Excitement.
Fear/anxiety with the negative judgement removed = Excitement
Trusting your Timing
We, as our Higher Self (Over-Soul) actually creates Time (as we experience it). Our Higher Self exists outside Time and Space. It projects portions of itself into specific time/space holograms (time/space matrixes), which we then experience as an incarnation.
So, from the point of view of any one incarnation, there is time, there is “past, present, and future”. But from the point of view of the Higher Self, there is no Time. It’s all happening NOW. It’s just one big Eternal-NOW.
So keep in mind that our Higher Self is creating the actual “time” that we are experiencing in a linear fashion.
When we intensely want to do something now, and it is easily possible to do it, no problem. We just do it.
But if we intensely want to do something now, and it is NOT possible to do it NOW, we are then at a critical decision-junction:
We can choose to interpret this as
“I am not getting what I want.”
Or, we can choose to interpet this as
“I always get what I want. If it’s not available now, then there must be an excellent reason for this.”
Which of these choices we make is critical in determining the outcome, as this choice is equivalent to selecting a BELIEF, and we then experience the outcome aligned with that belief.
If you choose to interpret the situation as
“I am not getting what I want.”,
then, sure enough, you will continue to not get what you want.
But the alternative is this:
Choose to interpret this situation (of not being able to do what you want to do NOW) as
“I always get what I want.”
“I always get what I want. If it’s not available now, there must be an excellent reason for this.”
You see, often our Higher Self “arranges” time in such a way that we do not get what we want when we initially want it, only because it wants us to first accumulate certain experiences, certain skills, certain appreciations, certain connections with other people, certain awarenesses – FIRST! So that when we do get to experience this thing we want, we will then be appreciating it and enjoying it on a much deeper and more profound level.
So when you want to do something and it is not immediately available, REMEMBER: Your Higher Self is merely delaying this experience, so you get some other experiences first, so that you may enjoy and appreciate this thing you want EVEN MORE, when you do get it.
So when you want to do something and it is not immediately available, TRUST YOUR TIMING.
Do not buy into the belief that
“I do not get what I want.”
Instead, remind yourself:
“I always get what I want.”
“I always get what I want. If it’s not available now, then my Higher Self must have some experiences it wishes me to have first, so that when I do get what I want, I’ll be able to enjoy it even more. I’ll be able to enjoy it on a much richer, deeper basis.”
Positive Synchronicity
When you “follow your excitement” in the moment, each “now” moment, this leads to “Positive Synchronicity” –
things “magically” working out in a way that is delightfully & surprisingly pleasing.
When you ignore your excitement, and are instead led by your fears and worries, this leads to “Negative Synchronicity” – upsetting events – the very things you wished to avoid.
“Positive Synchronicity” is the occurrence of events that are perfect reflections of your preferences and desires.
“Negative Synchronicity” is the occurrence of events that are perfect reflections of your fears and doubts.
All beliefs are equally valid.
(since each belief generates its own self-validating reality).
Whatever your belief, the universe will support and validate that belief by attracting the circumstances, situations, opportunities and people into your life that will reinforce that “version” of reality.
Updates and Related Posts
10/25/2018 (Day after Full Moon)
Next post, “Taking Quick Action for a Golden Opportunity to Overcome Some Worldwide Fears” (which includes part 2 of the full moon video shared in this post, and comment turned into post)
Post, “A Call for Multidimensional Female Comedians“
Post, “Stories of Sharing Unconventional Poems, a Song and Multidimensional Comedy Skits at Open Mic Places“
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