I recently had a golden opportunity to experience my last seeking of Divine guidance from outside of me, and I was grateful to cross paths with two spiritual teachers that mirrored back to me what I needed to remember.
Robert Tang is from Back to Life Healing (his info on Galactic Language of Light services caught my attention), and Lezlie is from Self Mastery: Uncover the Optimal You (her Lemurian Center sign caught my attention).
The following is a message that I sent them:
Hello Robert and Lezlie, 🙂
You may not remember me since you cross paths with many souls, but I received information from you at the Wholistic Festvial recently, and I wanted to take a moment to give back.
I was going to write you separately, but then I realized that we’re ultimately all in the same boat of Divine Spirit/All That Is. 😉
Thank you both for helping me to expand my consciousness, to grow, learn, and remember to Be inner-wisdom from the already existing Multidimensional Self in all of us—in the realm of the Beloved I AM Presence/Christ within/5D/present Moment of Now where everything (past, present and future) occurs simultaneously since time and space are not limitations.
Thank you Robert for mirroring back to me some of the remnants of my fear energy that can benefit from transmutation and healing from the angelic realm and Ascended Masters from within.
You referred to this fear energy as something outside of me and labeled them “negative entity” and “negative implants”; however, I trust that they’re merely aspects of me—fearful ego self/personality self/wounded inner child and other lower vibrational selves—that has forgotten its essence, and that I all I need to do is continue to unconditionally accept/love the ALL of me (the so-called “good, bad, and ugly”) in order to heal it back to Source.
Thank you Lezlie for also mirroring back to me some of the remnants of my fear energy that can benefit from transmutation and healing from the angelic realm and Ascended Masters from within.
Rather than continue to seek outside of me, I’ve decided to continue receiving Divine guidance from the Master within, which I trust exists in all of us so long as we have the intention to deeply connect with our heart space and integrate our logical minds.
I enjoyed your humor of letting me know that I was pretty much jacked up (or similar phrase: inserted later after recalling exact phrase “out of whack”) on the physical level, and that I needed to see a muscle manipulator in order to align my energy bodies. I understand that you were looking out for my best interest.
I appreciated your advice, and was going to take it, but yet, another miracle occurred which I trust is Divine grace from within; I have no doubt that my upper right leg and lower back is healing at a rapid rate.
I’ve learned/remembered that our vibrational frequency can continuously fluctuate at every moment, but that one can maintain their core frequency at whatever moment by living and Being fully present in the NOW, and Being a master of one’s thoughts, emotions, words and actions, among other things.
Thank you teachers. I wish you both all the loving energies that you generously give to humanity, Mother Earth/Gaia, and beyond a thousandfold—especially inner peace (eye within the storm), joy (to include much empowering humor, smiles and laughter), truth (Divine Ultimate Truth within, that we are all from The One having countless, invaluable experiences throughout the omniverse), Divine Wisdom (that everything is Divinely perfect just the way it is at every moment—despite outer appearances—since highly intelligent and unconditionally loving Spirit within all of Life makes no mistakes), freedom (true, full and free/a Divine birthright), Divine Love (angelic love/unconditionally loving all of creation), Divine power (used in conjunction with Divine Love and Divine Wisdom, and never misusing or abusing it) and abundance, prosperity and wealth (on all levels of your Being—physical, mental, emotional and spiritual).
I initially hesitated to share my blog with you due to the remnants of my ego self’s fear of being judged; however, I’ve decided to follow my heart and share information/knowledge/Light and profound wisdom (from personal experiences)/Love.
Namaste…Bobbie (aka Barbara)
reunitingall.com : An Earth Journey of Igniting Souls
Note: The links to the images below (where I found them) can be found on my hompage.
Added 11/26/15
Bashar – on Negative Forces (a very helpful reminder/short 1:39 video)
Added 12/8/15
The daily, inspirational reading below, “Daily Message ~ Monday December 7, 2015”—is from a very open-minded, unconditionally accepting and loving website (Trinity Esoterics) that I highly resonate with—and it helped me to better understand my experiences that I wrote about within this post.
The following is a quoted section of the first paragraph of the reading/link above:
“Many human beings starting out on a spiritual path begin with disempowered spirituality. This is a curiosity that is expressed by seeking someone to tell them what to do or what the future holds, or hiring others to do their spiritual work for them. An example of this might be going to see healers, psychics, or spiritual teachers who posture themselves as above or more evolved than others and who actively try to create dependency upon them, rather than encouraging the client or student to develop their own skills and discover their own inner mastery […]”
Continuing post, “To Be Disempowered by Others OR Empowered from Within“
Related post, “A Message to Scammers and The Scammed“
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