The more we remember to love ourselves/other soul brothers and sisters/God unconditionally, the less we become concerned with what society wants us to say, expects us to do, and wishes us to be.
We are all unique and perfect creations/Souls of the Divine Love Energy/God who are by nature Unconditional Love, Peace, Joy, Truth, Abundance and Freedom.
- “If you do these things, and/or believe my superior religion, you can go to a place called heaven.”
- “If you do these things, and/or don’t believe in my religion, you’re going to hell.”
As humanity, we should say and do loving things because it benefits all, and because it’s our true nature, not just because there’s a reward at the end called heaven. We have the ability to create heaven on earth through loving all of humanity, and sharing our abundant resources that society claims that we lack.
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Most of our problems in society as a whole would diminish, if not vanish, if we could put forth the effort of no longer treating one another as different and separate, but as soul brothers and sisters of a God who doesn’t discriminate who He loves unconditionally.
Those who truly represent unconditional love (which God of ALL souls is) have no need or desire to instill fear into the hearts of those merely searching for pure love. That’s what I love about spirituality. It’s not about judgment and who’s better than the other. It embraces ALL.
If God sends me to hell just because I refuse to believe that very loving souls such as the Dalai Lama and Gandhi are going to hell or are already in hell, like some religions claim, then so be it. Why would I choose to believe in such a God anyway? However, I intuitively know that the God I believe in, the God of Spirituality, not only loves ALL souls unconditionally, but also fully supports my faith.
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An Almighty, All-Powerful & All-Loving God doesn’t have a need or desire to judge, discriminate, condemn, be jealous, be angry, and all the other negative characteristics (that stem from fear) that mankind has labeled Him with for their convenience. Human beings act from fear, but God acts from pure unconditional love, because that’s who God Is.
Throughout my life, I’ve met a handful of religious people who not only talked the talk, but also walked the walk…like Jesus did. Actions speak volumes, and they showed through their very loving and non-judgmental words and actions that they truly represented God’s unconditional love. I experienced God in them; they were angelic human beings. I believe Joel Osteen is one of these blessings to humanity.
Then, there were others who showed that they could memorize and quote the bible like the back of their hands, preach like there was no tomorrow, continuously have a need to mention that they are “Christians,” and express how they always pray for all the unfortunate ones who don’t embrace their religions, and/or brag about all their weekly church attendances and charity work that they’ve accomplished; but yet, they didn’t move me in any way, shape or form.
Instead, they reminded me (when I was more judgmental in the past) of those who blew their trumpets out in public so that the world could see their “goodness.” Back in the day, Jesus saw through the masks…the facades. God knows our hearts, regardless of who we say we are to the world.
I’ve even experienced the so-called “good” and “bad” in other religions. My mother claimed to be Buddhist, but I’ve learned over time that her past abusive words and actions had nothing to do with Buddhism; because true Buddhists don’t believe in violence, and they strongly believe in compassion.
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So I came to a realization, with the help of wisdom shared by spiritual teachers, that it doesn’t matter what labels we have in our belief systems. There’s the “good” and “bad” in all religions and other belief systems. What matters most is how we live as beings who love unconditionally…just as God and highly evolved spiritual beings like Jesus, the Dalai Lama and Gandhi love/loved.
The truth is, we’re all just trying to make sense of ourselves, others, our beliefs and our world…just human beings trying to survive and be happy. We’re all in the process of growing, learning, experiencing and remembering who we truly are (souls of God).
In order to experience all the “good” in life, we need the opposites to help define the good, because if everything and everyone was good all the time, “good” would surely lose its meaning and value.
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So instead of resisting, rejecting, and/or cursing darkness (i.e., the “bad”) and fear (e.g., our differences), we should welcome them into our space and BE the bright Light that enlightens darkness and BE the Love energy that raises fear’s low-frequency energy.
As Neale Donald Walsch put it, “What we resist, persists.” And without darkness and fear, we would not be able to experience in the physical who we truly are. The more we remember to understand and embrace the polarities of life, the more we will remember that there is only unity…oneness.
What’s more inspiring, empowering and enlightening than helping to transform a so-called “bad” person into a “good” person, helping a hopeless person to have hope again, and to give one in need the abundance of love and “stuff” that we already have? Deep down, we intuitively know that this is true happiness.
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We all have that magnificent power…to help heal the world from darkness and fear, and to help one another remember who we truly are…that we have the power to rise above the “negative” energy since we are ultimately the highly vibrating positive energy of unconditional love.
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