UPDATE (this yellow paragraph only; added 11-8-2015): I chose to receive a free report from numerologist.com the day before yesterday since I had never experienced it before. To my great surprise, it was eerily spot (as it said it would be), so I not only ordered the full report (after following my intuition), but I also listened to Kari Samuels’ “The Soul of Wealth: Clear Your Money Karma” audio class. I was amazed how spot on this message is as well with my recent situation (the series of stories below, and had to share it). UPDATE (this magenta paragraph only; added 11-10-2015): ย The overall message in this video—Scorpio New Moon Wealth Forecast – 11:11 Scorpio Moon Of Miracles (Nov 11, 2015)—deeply moved me, because it provided furtherย insight into what I’ve experienced lately, even though I didn’t understand all the details of astrology. I trust that my soul/Spirit within knows all this information though my ego self/personality self didn’t remember them. Thank you Tania Gabrielle.
Note: Though this post was written several days before the post, “Finding Power Within as a Minority of One” (where I shared most of my chaotic experiences), I received insight from this post after re-reading it today, and after publishing the post above.
This reminded me that dates and time are merely 3D earthly illusions that don’t apply to the present Moment of Now (the realm of the Beloved I AM Presence/Christ within/God, Goddess and Divine Spirit/All That is)—where the past, present and future exist simultaneously without the limitations of space and time.
October 27, 2015
This past week/weekend—the first week of Esthetics school—has been emotionally challenging for me, especially with those around me, which I trust ultimately stems from my inner struggles.
One day, while going over our โAll About Estieโ form that we had to fill out—a summary intro of self where we answered various questions—something completely unexpected happened.
I noticed that I was unwilling to volunteer to go over my form, which is very unusual because I often have no problem volunteering to read out loud or participate in some activity.
I suddenly became very emotional, and I did my best to hold it in because I had never experienced crying in a classroom setting.
The only exception was during therapy group sessions in the past, to includeย the Womenโs PTSD group for active duty military members.
I was confused because I didnโt know why I was crying, though I intuitively knew that crying meant healing. I apologized to my group and mentioned that something was triggered within me. Note (inserted today, November 1, 2015): It is my intention to no longer apologize for what I didn’t do wrong, something my current instructor reminded me of on October 31, 2015.ย Note (inserted today, 11/11/15):ย THE ARCTURIANS – YOUR HIGHLY SENSITIVE NATURE
I was very grateful that my instructor was very understanding and compassionate, but it seemed as though I had made my classmates feel awkward; again, I trust this was my projection of my own feelings.
Later that day, after reminding self that everything happens in Divine perfect timing and order— that Iโm โalways at the right place, at the right time, and doing the right thingโ (a Pleiadian teaching) since soul/Spirit within makes no mistakes—I realized that this moment was yet, another golden opportunity to overcome one of my deepest fears, to completely be vulnerable in front of others.
I also noticed that Iโm going through a phase in my life where Iโm facing my deepest fears mirrored by my outer reality, and Iโm given the opportunity to either react the same to them (the way I did in the past), or overcome them by expanding my perception and heart space and seeing the bigger picture with the ancient eyes of Christ within; hence, better remembering to Be a master of my thoughts, emotions, words and actions.
I also noticed (and made a note) that Iโll have certain experiences, and the next morning, while reading the book, Path of Empowerment by Barbara Marciniak (another teachings from the Pleiadians), Iโll end up reading words of wisdom that helps me to deeply understand why I experienced what I experienced recently.
Iโm reminded that itโs easy to talk the talk of accelerated individual and collective spiritual growth and evolution; however, to walk the talk is, yet, another ballgame.
Iโve been observing that there are two very apparent forces within me playing out some kind of tug of war that was never so obviously present before.
One aspect of me wanted to be fully free and express self in various ways (like a kid who wants to explore), and thereโs another aspect of self who notices the seemingly unaccepting and unapproving expressions of others, and then judges and becomes upset with the free-spirited aspect of self of saying and doing things without discernment.
I noticed that Iโve been having a very difficult time unconditionally accepting and loving all aspects of self due to my outer reality mirroring back to me obvious non-acceptance and disapproval, which I trust ultimately stems from my own non-acceptance and disapproval of self.
I’ve been making intention statements to fully let go of being concerned of others’ opinions, and whether or not others accept or approve of me, and to always remember to validate self/Self/SELF at every moment…effortlessly; however, perhaps I need to be more patient, because I haven’t been feeling the results in my class.
Dream from Night of October 24, 2015
Yesterday, I had a vivid dream of seeing the Korean supermarket young couple for the first time. I think they were in a plane crash, and were being rescued from the ocean.
As the both came out of the water, our eyes met and we all got emotional. They wanted fried mandu, so I gave them some, and they devoured it. They also wanted kimbop, so I went to look for some.
I ended up in a supermarket where I saw various food, to include lots of raw shrimp and already cut kimbop that looked either too thin or too thick.
Yesterday morning, I had a feeling that the dream was a parallel reality; however, this morning (26th) I sense that the young couple is symbolic of my masculine and feminine energies within me who went deep into my emotional energy body (represented by ocean), came back to the surface (physical reality) and released much emotion. They wanted food since it represents healing.
Yesterday, I didnโt know what kimbop meant, and the dream dictionary didnโt provide a meaning, though the closest one was sushi.
Today, I sense that the kimbop is symbolic of circle (completion), the color white (Divine Spirit/All That Is) and all other colors within it (13 chakras), which represents my masculine and feminine energies withinโs desire and expectation to Be whole, complete, balance and harmony—Twin Flame—in physical reality.
The following (in blue font only) is from a dream dictionary that I often use as a guidance tool (only taking inย information that most highly resonates with me):
Food for thought? Dreaming about food refers to thoughts, ideas and beliefs. They are trying to convey an idea that you need to take in and digest mentally.
To see or eat dumplings in your dream signify dietary balance. You need to take better care of your health.
To dream that you are in a market represents some emotional or physical need that you are currently lacking in your life. You may be in need of nurturance and some fulfillment. Consider the specific items that you are shopping for.
Alternatively, the market signifies frugality.ย To see an barren market in your dream signifies depression and gloominess. There is a void in your life. If the market is large or well-stocked, then it means possibilities and choices.
To see or eat shrimp in your dream suggests that you are feeling overpowered and insignificant. You feel like you want to hide from the world and be left alone for awhile.
Dream from Night of October 24, 2015
Had a vivid dream about being with a group of people standing around, perhaps a classroom. I saw my adoptive dad Dan (who raised me since I was three years old)—who passed away in 2011, and whom I’ve seen in my dreams several times—walk in with short shorts and boxing gloves.
I noticed that his legs were very scrawny and felt a bit embarrassed that he was wearing all that he wore, as though he was trying to show off. My dad had a tendency to do so while alive.
I walked to the other side. I think someone suggested that I go eat lunch with him, and I said something to the effect that he usually doesnโt eat lunch with me anyway.
I was then in a cafeteria surrounded by various food. I saw a chocolate donut chicken sandwich, and I think I wanted a donut. I saw strawberry milk and wanted some. I saw something in a sauce that I didnโt recognize and asked someone if it was squid because it looked similar.
When I woke up, I wondered if my dad appeared in my dream because I had sent my sisterย (my dad’s blood-related youngest daughter of third marriage) a fb message through my husbands’ย fb (re: Paul Mitchell School and Post 9/11 GI Bill). Since she’s also a veteran (former active duty), I thought that she might interested as well.
Perhaps heโs gifting me the messages below in blue (also from dream dictionary mentioned above):
Boxing Gloves
To see boxing gloves in your dream represents a difficult or even violent situation in which you are trying your best to succeed or overcome.
To dream that you are in a cafeteria denotes that there may be a lot of issues “eating” you up inside.
Food for thought? Dreaming about food refers to thoughts, ideas and beliefs. They are trying to convey an idea that you need to take in and digest mentally.
To see a doughnut in your dream represents the Self. It suggests that you may be feeling lost and still trying to find yourself and your purpose in life. Alternatively, it refers to growth, development and nurturance. You are not yet completely whole.
Note: On Oct 25, 2015 (my black and white Siberian Husky Kamiโs bday), my husband noticed that all three of us were 42 years old (only that day) since Kami turned 6 yo (dog years: 6 x 7 = 42).
I had a sudden urge to add 4 + 2 (of 42) and it came out to 6; hence, 42, 42, and 42 = 4+2, 4+2, 4+2 = 666, which reminded me of the one website I came upon a while back (the name escapes me) that mentioned something about the numbers of Christ, which included 111 and 666, though in Christian religion, the number 666 means the “evil devil”; which reminds me, Lucifer = Bringer of Light, the way Christ shared Light with humanity back in the day.
Christ also reminds me of Thoth’s very similar teachings (from Atlantis), which then reminds me of Enki (the soon-to-be God of this Earth again during this cycle), which both reminds me of their symbol = serpent (symbolizing healing and profound wisdom) in ancient writings.
The serpent also reminds me of my several dreams of snakes I had in the past (which I already shared in my blog), to include the last one of a white snake (taller than me) staring at me in an upright position—the same manner in which a dragon (in a large body of water; perhaps the ocean)ย stared at meย in another dream.
In addition, while searching for the site that I came upon a while back, I googled “Christ 111 and 666” and clicked on a website that I was drawn to (due to the word, “Atlantean”).
By the way, I highly resonate with the number 111 because it’s one of the sacred number sets that I frequently notice throughout the week(s). In addition, it reminds me of Hathor, since one of her temples in Egypt has what appears to be 111 engraved on it.
I briefly scannedย through most of the reading, until I came upon the word Atlantis and 666,ย the key words that I was searching for.
As I mentioned before in my blog, I trust that whatever information I come upon, happens in Divine perfect timing and order to most highly benefit my accelerated, individual and collective soul growth and evolution; and I only extract what I most highly resonate with, and disregard whatever doesn’t.
The following is a just one small section from the reading, “The Atlantean Conspiracy“:
“The meanings of 666 are many and varied. 6×6 = 36, and when added together, every number from 1-36 (1+2+3+ โฆ 36) = 666. Creation was in 6 days […]
6x6x600 = 21,600 which is the number of nautical miles around the Earth.
Plato said in Kritias that 6 was a sacred number in Atlantis and represented the female intuitive/receptive moon power.
The triplicate of any number in numerology is the highest intensification, so 666 means strongest female/moon energy.ย If Jesus Christ is the Sun/Son 555, then their Antichrist would be the Moon/Daughter 666.
This paragraph (only) inserted as side note and not from the reading/link above => [An insight that I received from the Master within me/Beloved I AM Presence/Christ within: The prefix anti also means “opposite of” and not just “opposing”; so I trust that the so-called “Antichrist” (which is infamous for being the “evil devil” who is against Jesus in Christian and other religions) is the opposite of the male Christ (bringer of Light) as the female Christ (the bringer of Cosmic, Unconditional Love), with both the male and female Christ being Twin Flames who were once seemingly opposites, but areย reuniting as One in this physical reality. I trust that we all have this integrated male/female Christ in all of us, deep in our higher heart space.]
Continuing from reading/link above…:
Also 6x6x60 = 2160, the precise number of years to pass through one sign of the zodiacal procession of the equinoxes.
This 25,920-year, 360-degree cycle, Platoโs โGreat Yearโ is the long backwards wobble Earth takes through the signs of the zodiac. The progression is 1 degree every 72 years, so each sign of 30 degrees takes 2160 years to pass through.
This knowledge well-understood by the ancients is all contained in the Bible, but has been covered up and kept hidden over time by the priests and papacy […]”
Added November 6, 2015 (Friday)
I read the following email today (from wonderful Lilly—poster on right), that I had received on October 26, 2015, which gave me a better understanding of why I felt so intensely emotional during this time-frame:
Lovely You,
Energies are building up for the Super Full Moon in Taurus on Oct 27th, which is going to be a very powerful one. You are required to stay in the energy of compassion for all, specially yourself.
According to the Stars this Moon is more powerful than recent supermoons we had.
For the past days energies were wild and hectic. A lot of sensitive people I talked to went through rough times. It was intense and still is…
There are many rites of passages – transition points happening faster than ever before. What happened in a year now happens in a month or even less than a month.
A lot of dense energies are coming to the surface and a lot of internal emotional earthquakes happen. This Full moon is bringing things to a culmination, to an end or resolving your issues.
Let them happen but be in control and focus on being centered. Observe what comes up and ask yourself:
โwhat do I need to release right now and why is this happening?โ
In the middle of this crazy ride there is also sunshine, beautiful light, understanding, โA-ha Momentsโ, wisdom and beauty hidden under these dense vibrations…
Releasing is very important.
Orgone helps very much alleviating the pain when releases happen and helps with the entire transformation that is happening with us. The transformation happens from inside out, it cannot be the other way, at least our soul doesnโt recognize it this way.
Make sure you hydrate and work on your inner healing, perhaps removing cords that are not serving you, nurturing yourself and taking care more of your health. Breathe deeply and consciously… It helps.
Taurus Full Moon is about letting go of stubbornness (thatโs a big one for some of us), embracing your sensuality, your beauty, earthing/ grounding yourself and being aware of what you value. We are required to pay attention to our finances, since Taurus is about money and earthly/material things. Have patience and keep yourself in high vibrations of self worth.
I strongly feel the Shifts energies are going to settle and balance will take over […]”
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