The contents of this post started out as an update to the previous, related post, “Healing the Collective Wound from The Silent Treatment & Wisdom of Barn Owl,” but I decided to make it into its own post.
By the way, I felt excited by the idea of creating another poster after seeing this photo on right—a precious and invaluable treasure piece from history—that’s super cute, yet kind of sad. You can click on poster to view larger version.
Image by Oberholster Venita from Pixabay
I realized this morning, after seeing the owl image that popped up again on my laptop—and then a description of it afterwards this time—I had mistaken it for a barn owl (why I included it in the title of the previous post, along with profound wisdom from the Barn Owl Spirit Guide/Animal Totem/Power Animal).
It was actually a burrowing owl (that I never heard of before) that apparently makes a hissing sound (like a rattlesnake) when disturbed (smart), and they’re active during the day unlike most owls.
This is interesting to me since I started to wake up around 5:00 am to start my day for over a week so far; it seems that one of Peter Sage’s daily routines (also 5 am) is rubbing off on me since I used to wake up hours later (which I preferred since I was more a night person). UPDATE for this paragraph: I realized, once again—especially during 12/6th’s eclipse where the powerful moon energies seem to be more amplified—that nothing needs to be set in stone; and that our bodies will communicate to us whenever we need extra rest, sleep, relaxation, recovery, recharge, and rejuvenation.ย
Image by alexandreatleta1 from Pixabay
I chose to start this schedule only recently because it resonated with me, though it didn’t before, though my husband’s been continuing to wake up at 5 or earlier since he left the Army life in 2008.
I left the Army life in 2011, and slept a lot due to being so exhausted from having the usual schedule from around 4 am – 6 or 7 pm daily that included morning physical fitness (running 2-6 miles per run day or muscular strength training), unexpected 3 am LOUD-@$$ siren drills to start field exercises and/or ruck marching (at tactical unit), working overtime at times due to individual or team projects involving around 15-30 page in-depth cryptologic analysis reports per person (at strategic unit), Army related volunteer work for civilians, 15 hr work day (with no days off for 3 months) during deployment, preparing for Army business trips to train at other units, doing inventories, and often working in some way during the weekends as well—24 hr staff duty, , mentoring Soldiers for promotion or competition boards, coaching Soldiers with extra physical fitness training when needed, helping Soldiers with schoolwork, doing my own extra running to maintain and even raise my physical fitness test score (since I wanted to lead by example), preparing for Army training classes, studying for my own competition boards (again, to lead by example),ย helping Soldiers and their families with whatever issues that are pressing, taking college courses part-time, coordinating events to include holidays (e.g., haunted house, various level unit dinner gatherings and parties, and fundraising), coordinating birthday celebrations (baking and decorating cakes, rotating bday cards, and coordinating potlucks), ETC.
WOW, typing it out really reminded me how, at times, I didn’t give myself enough credit for going above and beyond.
Granted, what I can also take from this major Life lesson, is that it’s great to go above and beyond—meaning, simply Being and doing one’s best in Life—but it’s not necessary and beneficial to become a workaholic, or even strive to achieve so much in Life for non-beneficial reasons (to fill a deep void within, to only please others for approval), and/or while not taking much time be gentle with, take care of, treat, and pamper self/Self (which often went on the back burner back in those days since I didn’t learn about the importance of Unconditional self-love).
And as I’ve shared before, when we often take time to fill or refill our inner cup/heart, this true love within our Heart—not CONDITIONAL love common within humanity— will effortlessly overflow to others/interconnected Life within this world and beyond (and NOT for ulterior motives).
I don’t think I’ve ever typed this before within my blog that I started since 2010…
I deeply appreciate past, present, and future full-potential, Multidimensional, WHOLE self (earthly & otherworldly physical selves, to include human)/Self (Source: Spirit/Higher Heart/Goddess & Soul/Higher Mind/God within). And I’m reminded of a poster I recently created and shared via my personal fb page and EMF14 fb group.
I have no doubt that this sudden change is part of this amazing transformation process where I’ve been noticing major changes so far, especially when it comes to Shadow Work/Mirror Work (via The 7 Essene Mirrors that Gregg Braden teaches so gracefully and eloquently).
In addition, I was reminded from within that other major, Soul Teachers (Master Teachers / Master Healers) along my life’s journey have contributed to my growth as well (and I’ve shared many gratitude comments for their YouTube videos, newsletter, courses, etc., and created a gratitude post dedicated to them), to include, but not limited to (see bottom of post since the list was long).
I also trust that this “mistaken identity” of the owl was meant to highly benefit me, since I was able to gain very helpful information; so it worked out perfectly. Granted, now that I compared photos, they don’t look alike! Lol
When I checked out animal totem interpretations, I noticed the following from the reading, “Burrowing Owl“:
The American Indian Hopi tribe called the Burrowing Owl Ko’ko, meaning ‘Watcher of the Dark’. They believed it to be associated with Masauu, their god of the dead, the guardian of fires & protector of all things underground, including germinating seeds, making it a very sacred bird.
Now I don’t know anything about Ko’ko—again, name meaning ‘Watcher of the Dark’—but it seems to perfectly match this extended phase of my journey,—like shared in the previous post, “Healing the Collective Wound from The Silent Treatment & Wisdom of Barn Owl,”—where I’ve been more willing to face the “dark”/unknown of interconnected Life (to include my deepest fears), doing my best to Be a Neutral Observer (like the ‘Watcher’), and learning and growing from these personal experiences and Life lessons.
Back in 1992, I had briefly attended UCR—University of California Riverside as a Biology major—until a little after midterms.
I had to withdraw due to my financial situation and get a job as a secretary (thanks to admin skills gained from 9th-12 grade summer hire on an Army post).
During this college phase, I had to do a project that involved the American Indian Hopi tribe that I had never heard of before then.
This meant I had to explore the big, unknown city of L.A., where my inexperienced driving-@$$—had a 3 day cram course that I could afford (when I was 17 or 18) with a hot-tempered, yelling, older Korean man (Lol)—got lost several times while looking at an actual, huge, paper map, and had to stop by several gas stations for directions.
Nowย the younger generations probably won’t be able to sympathize with that, let alone deeply empathize,ย but that’s understandable. ๐
Oh yeah, I also locked myself out of my car at one point (Lol), and if I recall correctly, someone helped out by offering me a hanger, and showing me how to open it.
Wait a minute, it just now made me wonder why this person even had a hanger on him or her (don’t recall)—unless s/he experienced being locked out before—OR…s/he was a thief! Lol
At this ginormous museum, I recall staring at the colorful and uniquely creative Hopi figurines for a while, and strangely feeling drawn to them.
Fast-forward to around 2007 or so, while stopping by my husband’s RE/MAX office in Sedona, AZ, I noticed various Hopi figurines displayed again, but much larger than 30 years ago or so (if I recall correctly).
I intuitively and strongly sensed that we were meant to cross paths again, though my logical mind had no clue why.
However, I simply added these wonderful memories to my treasure box collection of earthly and otherworldly puzzle pieces that I trust will lead to the growing, BIGGER PICTURE (why I had chosen the title, “Earthly and Otherworldly Puzzle Pieces” for one of the category pages of this blog).
I also trust that it was no coincidence, that when I was around 5 years old or so, while traveling cross country with my Korean mother and adoptive, American dad (French/Irish), we were approached by two Native American men.
And one of the American Indian men had a lot of colorful feathers on his head which captivated me (SHINY OBJECTS! ^_^).
Years later, while my mother was sharing her stories of our adventures in America, to I think my family members, I was able to recall those seemingly brief moments, and she told me I had a good memory; true, I still have several memories (“good” and “bad”) from even 3 years old.
Image by Gordon Johnson from Pixabay
I also recalled being fascinated by all the triangle-shaped houses (a lot of white teepees) in an open, somewhat desert-like area.
I didn’t recall what the conversation was about, but my mother was able to fill in the gap.
Image by Marriah Tarango from Pixabay
She said that they thought she and I were American Indian—name apparently preferred by Native people—because we were Asian with a tan, and she had long, black hair.
I’m sure her being beautiful motivated the reason for an approach as well (Lol), but she also has strong cheek bones, apparently common among Native people. She also said they were very kind, like gentlemen.
Image by Marco Lopes from Pixabay
In the fall of 2007, my husband and I moved to Flagstaff—since he planned on working in Sedona (about an hour south)—and after a few days or so, we were like:
“Uhm…are you noticing what I think I’m noticing?”
“Yeah, I think we’re surrounded by many Native Americans, not Latinos [we were from San Antonio, TX, so used to that].”
And I excitedly shouted, “That’s awesome! I thought most were gone [even wrote a post about it a while back]. I’ve only crossed paths with 4 Native Americans my entire life (that I know of): the 2 men from childhood, a gentle kind and quiet U.S. Marine in Okinawa, and a tough Navajo female Soldier at Army Basic Training [aka boot camp, all of which I shared detailed stories about within this blog somewhere].”
It just occurred to me that though I saw online that many Native Americans prefer to be called American Indians, that seems to make it less easier to distinguish between Americans who have indigenous Native background and Americans from India.
A while back, while living in Helotes, TX, and having a conversation with a paraplegic, elderly man neighbor, he shared a story about a nice Indian lady he knows, and I said, “I don’t mean to interrupt, but dot or feather?” and he busted out laughing—which was nice since he was often too serious—and he asked why I asked that, and I simply replied that I wanted context that helps with following along with the story.
Once, while doing my annual lab appointment in Flagstaff, there was this American Indian nurse who was so gorgeous—though not so friendly, perhaps having a rough day again—so I shared with her a genuine compliment, that she looked like a beautiful Pocahontas…
and yeah, that didn’t go too well. I apparently didn’t think it through, it just shot right out of my mouth with no filter whatsoever (like kids just bluntly expressing whatever inner truths are on their minds).
She gave me one of those really quick, half-@$$ smiles, and then returned to her stoic expression. There were some awkward moments.
It didn’t occur to me until later that it PRObaly came off a bit racist; and I was like, “GRRREAT.”
Granted, to be fair to myself, I grew up liking Pocahontas, and even enjoyed the Disney movie as an adult (which I usually enJOY by the way, especially my favorites, Lion, King, highly creative Alladin, hilarious Shrek series, Maleficent, Mulan, Soul, ok, SHINY OBJECTS! I digressed).
After a while, we became used to being surrounded by many American Indians, and then moved to Sedona, were I continued to cross paths with a handful of American Indians every now and then.
When I first visited the vortex area within Boynton Canyon of Sedona, I didn’t really experience anything unusual while there, though I often love being surrounded by nature.
But like the other major vortex areas, to include Bell Rock and Cathedral Rock, I had bizarre and exciting experiences after I returned home, which absolutely convinced me that these vortexes are THE REAL DEAL.
Though I’ve shared details in others posts—don’t recall which ones since many of my posts are stories within stories—I’ll share a quick summary here.
After the Cathedral Rock creek vortex area hike, I experienced INTENSE, inner-body vibrations (much more than usual) while lying in bed; and became super EXCITED! ^_^
For the Bell Rock hike, to include vortex area—you can see the twisted trunks of the Juniper trees from the powerful Spiraling Frequencies—I experienced this strange, intense, but not too painful head pressure, as though my head was expanding energetically from within.
I was like, “Grrreat, like I don’t already wear the same size hat as my husband (who’s 5’10” and I’m 4’9″).”; and then I felt very grateful for, yet, another amazing experience that I fully trust is highly beneficial (like activating once dormant DNA, something that we can all experience when we’re ready and open to it).
This also includes ascension symptoms (and even accelerated ascension symptoms), that can provide a positive, empowering perspective to various symptoms we may experience from raising our vibrational frequency/FEELING state that we radiate out.
This stems from unconditionally embracing, deeply healing and integrating (into WHOLE self/Self) our energy bodies—mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual—ultimately, toward integrated Mind/Heart (open mind + open heart) where Spirit leads the Soul.
Anyhoo, from the Boynton Canyon area, I had dreams of being American Indian back in the day, and even confidently jumped onto a horse without a saddle, which is unbelievable to me.
Riding a horse even with a saddle in this lifetime has been extremely anxious due to a few CRAzy-@$$ horse riding experiences–at my honeymoon with my second/current husband, and with my same husband and my tween kids (at the time) from my first marriage—where I definitely ended up traumatized (Lol). Granted, the second time made my kids laugh their happy butts off, so that was worth it (shared detailed story in blog).
Image by HANSUAN FABREGAS from Pixabay
I did an open mic comedy set for these unforgettable memories years ago in Flagstaff that I titled, “Magical Horse Ride My Ass,” and even shared a YouTube video of it (that my husband recorded with his iphone), but then deleted it due to self-judgment and self-doubts (which I intend to fully release these unnecessary fears soon!).
Like I’ve shared before, and I’ve been working it on since, but I had a tendency to remember more of the negative than the positive, so I decided to reverse it, and even develop a habit of SEEING Life through the lens of Obvious Blessings or Blessings in Disguise.
I realized that I had actually received three compliments for my open-mic performances from people who have a lot of experience:
- one from a Manager at a San Antonio Comedy Club who said I had good material and that they needed more female comedians
- the second from a seasoned female comedian from Phoenix who said she enjoyed my performance
- and the third from the Flagstaff, seasoned comedian and female MC, who told a group of other open-mic comedians that I was amazing (which was amazing to me that she used such an unexpected, generous adjective).
And when I performed in Sedona twice—open mic comedy and another time open mic poetry—I received wonderful feedback from an elderly gentleman, who’s been a resident of Sedona for a long time; he basically informed me that my performances were funny and/or deep (since I integrated humor with profound wisdom and unconditional love for self/others).
Anyhoo, I’ve shared many other earthly and otherworldly dreams within this blog, and I’ve been noticing that even this dream state category of puzzle pieces is coming together as well, and I’ve shared these insights as new posts, or updated past, related posts.
While doing a search within Pixabay for a few more images to add to this post, I noticed this image on left that caught my attention, that included the key words, Palatki (which I never heard of before) and Sedona, where I currently reside; so I did a quick search.
Image by David Sunfellow from Pixabay
The following is from the reading, “Palatki Ruins and Petroglyph Rock Art” and Montezuma is a location I was attracted over a year ago or so, and intend on visiting one day (though my husband kept putting it off due to being busy; and since we both wanted to go, I reminded him that the seasons are passing without us having much FUN, and that I’ll be going on my own adventures one day…Ssseriously, I’ve been practicing using my imagination to visualize and pleasantly FEEL that it’s already happening, which helps with manifesting our Heart’s desires):
Image by b minnick from Pixabay
The Palatki Ruins and Rock Art are off the beaten path just outside Sedona but well worth the historic experience […]ย
There are actually two sites. One is the actual ruins of the Sinaqua Cliff Dwelling and the other is over 1,000 petroglyphs and pictographs carved and painted into the rocks and formations by prehistoric natives that occupied the area during various times in ancient history.
The Palatki Ruins are hidden behind some trees and if you didnโt know the dwelling was there, it would be easy to miss. Palatki is a Hopi Indian word meaning โred houseโ. The cliff dwelling was built by the Sinaqua Indians (Spanish for โwithout waterโ) about 1150 and was mysteriously abandoned at about 1300.
Itโs interesting to note that the Sinaquas also built Montezuma Castle, the cliff dwelling ruins about 50 miles east of this site near Camp Verde, Arizona. Itโs plausible that the Sinaquas were eliminated by other enemy tribes in the area or vacated this area due to a lengthy drought adversely affecting their ability to grow necessary crops.
I will create another related post if there are any updates in the future.ย
Thank you Again Master Teachers / Master Healers
Mentioned above and continuing (as mentioned before in this blog, I like to follow my inner guidance/Heart/intuition/inner-wsidom/etc. first and foremost —The Master Teacher/Master Healer within—while learning from outer Soul Teachers with discernment):
In addition, I was reminded from within that other major, Soul Teachers along my life’s journey have contributed to my growth as well (and I’ve shared many gratitude comments for their YouTube videos, newsletter, courses, etc., and created a gratitude post dedicated to them), to include, but not limited to (see bottom of post):
- Neal Donald Walsh’s books (from 2001 – 2007, second known mystic teacher); a family friend of ours shared that NDW lives in Sedona, but never saw him around (but if we’re meant to cross paths, I trust we will)
- Bashar (channeled via Darryl Anka) and his live event (look forward to him doing an event in Sedona again, missed last one due to work schedule; plus, saved his book to buy—The Masters of Limitation: An ET’s Observations on Earth— after I read current books)
- the Pleiadians books (channeled via Barbara Marciniak)
- the Arcturians book (channeled via Dr. Norma ____ & her 2 friends) and other channelings but not all,
- website ANGEL NUMBERS ~Joanne Sacred Scribes
- Abraham-Hicks (channeled via Esther Hicks); look forward to her doing an event in Sedona or somewhat nearby and checking out her books as well
- Teal Swan and her event; look forward to reading some of her books one day
- Victor Oddo and his Sedona retreat and courses; look forward to possibly attending their ayahuasca retreat in Costa Rica one day (or the one that Team Sage shared a video of Peter Sage sharing a link to via our fb group page, though he seems neutral about it)
- Sohanna (aka Laurel Lyons) in Sedona (who I did my first and last Reiki session with, and had DEEPLY HEARTFELT and whole body stimulating experience related to the high frequencies of the Arcturians)
- Sadhguru and his Inner Engineering course; look forward to experiencing his retreat in TN one day (surrounded by so much nature ^_^)
- Jayme Price and her Light Language book and Cosmic Consciousness Ascension Deck (and I’ve shared with her the many SPOT ON matching experiences with the card or set of cards that I pick, that’s been happening for over a year); may participate in one of her Light Language related classes or events
- again, Gregg Braden; look forward to going to his Peru trip, as well as Egypt
- Lyrians’ channeled book: The Prism of Lyra: An Exploration of Human Galactic Heritage
- Anahata from Shamangelic Healing in Sedona (who I did my first and last breathwork ceremony and had an unbelievable and amazing experience; already shared in blog); may one day participate in her Goddess Retreat
- Artie Wu and his 7-Day Healing course and amazing Sacred Session Live calls; look forward to another course one day
- and many other Soul Teachers that I’ve mentioned within this blog
- and currently, Peter Sage and his Elite Mentorship Trainer (EMT) program that includes the Elite Mentorship Forum (EMF) course (which is soul-igniting, empowering, and exciting so far).
I noticed the burrowing owl image again this morning after opeing my laptop; and I came upon the following new interpretation that FEELS very light/true to my Heart,—and matches my mention of open-mic comedy within this post—and it’s from the reading “Owl Symbolism โ Everything You Need to Know” (click link right below for further details):
The arrival of a Burrowing Owl implies to pay attention to your spiritual entity. Your life should be filled with peals of laughter and humor to successfully walk on the path of enlightenment. Thus, you should be grounded and take life as a fun ride.
Alternately, the bird insists upon you to share your spiritual light with others.
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