Intro: I shared this message for the creator of the image on right => Thank you Reinhardi for sharing this image that provides very effective and invaluable CONTRAST (a Divine gift of Life, especially for physical worlds that includes duality/polarity).
Image by Reinhardi from Pixabay
Because without the stuff of Life to compare—in a healthy way with discernment, rather than a judgmental way—we wouldn’t learn about, grow from, and KNOW what all we prefer, and don’t prefer, in our lives.
Plus, this image instantly reminded me of the type of of physical world reality that we have a choice to choose as empowered Souls, which is our own version of Heaven on Earth, that stems from an integrated Heart/Mind—–where the most ancient and wise Heart/Divine Feminine Energies/Goddess essence leads the Higher Mind/Divine Masculine Energies/God essence—and Prosperity Consciousness/Being Wealth within FIRST AND FOREMOST.
This is surely MUCH MORE beneficial and joyful (to self/others/Life) than the type of life that we don’t truly and fully resonate with, but merely tolerate due to NOT believing in our Soul’s BIG dream life with CONVICTION—and hence, lowering our standards for all energetic aspects of our life (mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual, and even financial)—or feel stuck in due disempowering victim mentality, poverty consciousness, and false, fear-based beliefs. I used this image for post: [this one]
^^ end of Intro^^^
I shared the following message for the YouTube video, “Opportunities for Entertainers on Cruise Ship Jobs” (and as I’ve mentioned before within this blog, I’ve noticed a pattern for over a decade, that whenever I share comments with others for their creative blogs, websites, YouTube videos, Pixabay, Instagram, etc., I often tune into profound insights, epiphanies, realizations, clarity, further inspiration, and much more; hence, why I’ve felt guided to continue sharing with so-called others/self):
Thank you so much Fred and Bobbie—Bobbie is my nickname since childhood! ^_^—for generously sharing SUNSHINE and FUN YOU, and this awesome and very helpful video! I FELT really excited about this NEW opportunity, and I have NO DOUBT that it showed up in perfect timing!
I was curious earlier today, so started following my inner guidance/Heart/intuition/insights/FEELINGS/breadcrumbs of JOY as usual, and came upon your website that further captivated me as I was reading it (shared a YouTube video comment for the video that’s on your intro website page).
Anyhoo, so much checked off as I was listening to you guys—and your soulful eyes, as well as comfortable, trustworthy (so far), authentic, honest, informative, gentle kind, friendly, outgoing, and enthusiastic vibes (vibrational frequency)—that I fully trust is part of this particular series of Divine synchronicity, which continues to AMAZE and INSPIRE me.
Some of my Heart’s fiery passions are:
traveling around the world…
experiencing much unique beauty of interconnected Life…
exploring various interesting cultures…
deeply connecting with and being in daily alignment with the Sacred & Divine essence within both inner and outer worlds…
basking in Mother Nature…
doing powerful inner work…
transforming to greatest version of self on all energetic levels (mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual) so that I can helps other more effectively too…
CREATIVITY (in various forms, especially dancing)…
meeting and interacting with so-called others (and connecting at a deeper, fully present, Heart & Soul level)…
savoring delicious foods…
sharing whatever gifts I have with Life and contributing to the expansion of our individual and Collective Consciousness…
learning and obtaining profound wisdom from Life experiences…
and simply appreciating and enJOYing the NEW life that I prefer (like my own version of Heaven on Earth).
What tickles me is that I recently shared with my husband that I used to love cooking, but I’m finding myself not really enjoying it lately.
I can continue to talk myself out of this—which can be frowned upon by often judgy society—but I choose NOT to lie to myself (which can lead to lying to others), and realize that this is how I truly feel currently, and that’s perfectly okay. Plus, this doesn’t mean that I won’t enjoy cooking again, but for now, I could definitely use a break! Lol
In addition, I trust that my husband won’t mind me traveling the world and performing open-mic comedy, since he’s been pretty supportive—even video taping most of my performance so that I can learn from them and improve whatever aspects.
Plus, he’s often busy with his work as a Realtor & Designated Broker, so we can each pursue our own careers, which I strongly sense comedy is my life path during this phase(s).
I forgot to tell him this part, but I’ve actually been using my unlimited, vast imagination and visualization skills to manifest in the future what Bobbie mentioned in this video—to basically not have to cook and simply enjoy delicious, chef prepared meals on a daily basis.
I realize this can sound like being a lazy-@$$, Lol; however COMMA I’ve been doing my best to gracefully embrace and integrate more and more ultimately NEUTRAL aspects of WHOLE self (physical self)/Self (Spiritual/Higher Self: Spirit & Soul within), which is AUTHENTICITY and Unconditional/True Love for self at its finest.
And the more we fully and truly love our WHOLE self/Self, the more we fill our inner cup/Heart, and it can then effortlessly overflow to interconnected Life within this world and beyond (backed by the most valid and accurate science, Quantum Physics, to include Entanglement).
Otherwise, our love and giving to others will end up being CONDITIONAL to whatever degree, rather than UNconditional.
Also, the idea of an adventurous lifestyle (Divine Masculine God essence and active energy) balanced with the harmony of connecting with the sacred Divine Feminine Goddess essence energies (The Quantum Field of Unlimited Possibilities)—like: rest, recovery, renewal, relaxation, stillness, flowing, receiving, pampering (the self), basking, creating, enjoying, etc.-–FEELS wonderful!
As mentioned in the previous comment, I’ve been creating open-mic comedy sets—as well as sporadically performing them in various states and cities—since 2017, but I took a long break since I had come across many bitter, not so friendly, non-supportive, and/or overly competitive (in an unhealthy way) open-mic comedians (though there have some kind ones as well).
They weren’t happy because they’ve been doing it for years to decades, and didn’t get a so-called break (this world’s limited definition of success), which initially was demotivating; and I lost interest in being part of this seemingly sad, comedy field (though SHINY on the outer surface all fun and games).
But I further realized this year that everyone’s perceptions and perspectives are valid—and everyone has every right to believe whatever beliefs and feel the way they do.
However COMMA I (or anyone else) don’t need to take on their fear-based beliefs, low levels of consciousness, pessimistic outlook on life (though completely understandable), and negative attitude, since we all eventually tune into the type of realities that matches our habitual (key word) state of consciousness (which also applies to me and my “negative” experiences as well).
I’ve been working on Being Prosperity Consciousness/Being Wealth within FIRST AND FOREMOST, which includes (but is not limited to):
RELEASING poverty consciousness (disempowering, non-beneficial, poor people’s mentality, words, actions, demeanor, behaviors, habits, dreams, goals, etc.)…
but rather, practicing to Be Prosperity Consciousness (EMPOWERING, highly beneficial, inner and then outer world, rich people’s mentality, words, actions, demeanor, behaviors, habits, dreams, goals, etc.)…
deeply appreciating our inner world’s abundance/treasures/riches like:
every stepping stone of Soul Success…
Unconditional Love for self/others/interconnected Life…
Profound Wisdom gained from my Life experiences (experiential knowledge)…
Multidimensional gifts—from many Soul lifetimes within this and other worlds of planet Earth/Galaxy/Universe/Multiverse/Omniverse—abilities, skills, talents, Heart-centered values, deep character, highly beneficial beliefs, preferences, etc.
I new friend recently thanked me for sharing something that was very helpful to her, stating that most people she’s crossed paths with don’t think this way.
In a nutshell, she was wondering which lifestyle—to include Heart-based qualities within a relationship that she preferred—she had to choose; and I suggested, “Why not have it all,” which immediately LIT UP her entire essence with a huge smile and excitement energy.
It’s not about being overly greedy—since anything that we misuse or abuse, to include the energetic, neutral tool of money—can be detrimental to our overall well-being; but there’s nothing “wrong” or “bad” of wanting to DREAM BIG, and desiring to FULFILL our Heart & Soul’s Full-Potential, Multidimensional, Life Purpose/Life Path.
Speaking of which—and since you had mentioned the importance of sharing what we’ve learned—if you FEEL drawn to the idea (an invitation), you can check out a new YouTube video I created and published very early this morning, titled, “Open Mic Comedy: Ancient Japorean Secrets & Soul-Ignited, Rebel Pets.” [<= click on link to open in another window] (which I’ve done a clean comedy version of at ironically named, Backdoor Comedy Club in Dallas, TX while visiting there this past August; and ironic since they were adamant about clean comedy, despite their club name, Lol).
I also have an unconventional blog that I’m planning on turning into short YouTube videos, only extracting the most helpful parts, to include: stories—mostly personal (experiential knowledge/wisdom), to include childhood, adulthood, and Army experiences as a Cryptologic Korean Linguist & Analyst, and then Human Intelligence Collector/Interrogator/Analyst (plus wisdom gained from others’ stories)—expanded perspectives, insights, inner-wisdom, dream messages, synchronicity, poems, artwork, etc.
Anyhoo, I think I’ve shared more than enough for now. I subscribed to your channel and look forward to continue learning and growing from the gifts that you both share.
Have a pleasant๐ป upcoming weekend—and continue to enJOY many fully present and pleasant moments of now๐๐ณ๐ฌ —and I look forward to seeing your magic show and other gifts in Divine perfect timing and order. ๐
Barbara (aka Ahaya Mulantis๐ฎ๐ฏ๐, my NEW name—pronounced uh-hah-yah moo-lan-tis—unofficial name for now)
Continuing Postย
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