“Black Swan signifies an insight about yourself which changes your position from one of victim to victor. Black Swan is a graceful reminder to move from any position where you feel powerless and at the mercy of external forces; it is time to reclaim your personal power.” Above quote by Native Symbols
Image by DarkmoonArt_de from Pixabay
The following is a comment that I shared for the thought-provoking YouTube video, “Think Twice Before Wearing Black Clothes – Sadhguru” via my Google account, Mulantis Reuniting All:
What an intriguing perspective to consider, reflect on, and to be cautious, cognizant, and wise about, but NOT become LOST within fear.
Because some people may listen to this, become very fearful, and then form—via unnecessary, repeating, negative thoughts—an exaggerated, non-beneficial belief that they must wear mostly or all white clothes, which is going overboard, and can be disempowering.
In addition, the color BLACK has had a bad rap throughout human history, and has often been associated with wrong, bad, and evil.
This included innocent animals merely doing their best to survive and live, just like humans (i.e., BLACK crows, ravens, cats, etc.); hence, all kinds of ironic cruelty has been done to such creatures, to include the Catholic church burning cats alive back in the day (as well as women labeled as witches). I trust that they learned their Life Lesson from such unloving experiences.
In addition, BLACK humans (and other dark colored beings, to include E.T.s and aliens) have often been considered—and continues to be to this day to many humans—a Life form that needs to be feared, and perceived as LESS than, unworthy, not deserving of Unconditional Love, and even dangerous (not to say that some LOST souls don’t act in dangerous ways).
This has caused much pain and suffering throughout human history as well; and it’s time for DEEP HEALING on all energetic levels—mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual (the latter being: reuniting, reconnecting, and REmembering who we truly and fully are at the Soul level).
From an expanded, Multidimensional, Divine perspective, BLACK is NEUTRAL—not right or wrong, good or bad, angelic or evil, etc.—like All of Life (and non-life)/All That IS within this world and beyond.
BLACK is simply a CONTRAST—like seemingly countless other contrasts—-that provides us souls with a useful tool to EXPERIENCE physical Life on planet Earth or other worlds (experiential knowledge/true wisdom).
Humans have deeply feared BLACK because it represented things that they weren’t able to see and know, like DARKNESS and THE UNKNOWN that may harm them.
It’s time to SEE (with clarity), the bigger picture of interconnected Life, and to unconditionally accept/embrace/love the many parts (to include the so-called SHADOW aspects) of the WHOLE self/others/The One.
Thank you for sharing Sadhguru’s wisdom (whom I highly respect and admire), though I may not fully resonate with all of the teachings.
Granted, this applies to all outer, interconnected soul teachers, since I always like to follow my inner guidance first and foremost, which is our Master Teacher within.
I take from this helpful video (a gift from the Universe within) not wearing black often, especially in busy environments where there are a lot of mixed energies that may be of lower/denser/slower/fear-based/”negative” vibrational frequencies.
However COMMA, I’d like to TRUST that IF I choose to wear black clothes—though I prefer colorful ones, as well as white—I will be more than fine.
Why? Because whenever we’re in alignment with the Divine within (aka Soul/Spirit/Source/Higher Self/I AM Presence, etc.)—truly connected to our open and integrated Higher Mind/Heart, and BEING fully present—this VERY HIGH Light (aka God/Yang/Sun)/Unconditional Love (aka Goddess/Yin/Moon) Frequency is much more POWERFUL than the surrounding environment, and can effortlessly TRANSMUTE (raise) lower energies.
This is what I trust to be UNSHAKEABLE FAITH, and an UNBREAKABLE, SOLID FOUNDATION within our INNER world, where we take back our inner power, and are EMPOWERED (not disempowered by the distractions of our OUTER world).
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