Since this past Sunday, I’ve been experiencing an increase of various forms of synchronicity throughout each day, which I trust correlates with the following:
- Pink, Supermoon (extra powerful due to feminine number year 2020, and largest full moon of the year)
- Increasing of our individual and collective vibrational frequencies/consciousness
- Living in Sedona, where energies are amplified due to the powerful vortex energies
One example is number synchronicity—that usually starts with the experiencing of the 11:11 Phenomenon; in my case, back in 2011—which provides us with another spiritual tool to use, in order to better communicate with various extensions of the Great Spirit within all of Life (like the Angelic Realm).
Some of the angel number messages that I noticed, were about fulfilling part of my soul mission, which is to: live by example (to the best of my ability), see the expanded perspectives, learn life lessons (especially about polarity/duality/contrast), obtain profound wisdom, unconditionally love (self/interconnected Life), create, communicate, express (in other ways), share, teach, heal, etc.
So when I had this recent series of Divine synchronicity—to include number synchronicity, dream messages, animal spirit guides, being drawn to new outer info, insights, tuning into various forms of abundance (especially sudden, financial abundance), ascension symptoms (hearing musical tones, feeling inner-body vibrations, seeing sparkles of light,….) etc.—I intuitively knew that it’s time to further honor the Divine Mother Goddess within All of interconnected Life/All That Is.
As shared throughout this blog—to include summarized details within this blog’s category page, AM I : I AM––I trust that there are various names for the Divine Mother Goddess (who created God), though she IS ultimately The Nameless.
This past Sunday, 4/5/20, I had some bizarre dreams that could easily be labeled as disturbing by self and society.
Therefore, I didn’t bother sharing a post at the time, though I did spend a good amount of time researching and analyzing various key words, phrases, and themes, and adding my own insights, within a personal journal.
Despite many, negative dream interpretations online–-for most of the key words, phrases, and themes—I chose to follow my inner guidance first and foremost, and honestly check in with self.
I was then drawn to a few positive interpretations that felt right/light/true to my heart as well.
There have been times where I have unconditionally accepted negative dream interpretations, only if they truly matched what I was experiencing during that time.
Since these dreams were close to the Pink Supermoon of 4/7/20 (today), I trust that they were influenced by these intense moon energies—whether Super, New, Full, or Eclipse—which are known to be even more powerful for this feminine/even number year of 2020.
All four of the dreams were very vivid, and the main one is as follows:
Dream #2
I was looking into a mirror with my mouth wide opened. If I recall correctly, my back teeth looked unusual.
There were two or three teeth on each back side that had a gap (of 1 tooth) between them, with the rest of my teeth in front of them.
At one point, I noticed that one tooth had a tiny, dark, somewhat circular thing on it, probably less than a quarter of the tooth size.
I took it off thinking that it might be some food particle, and suddenly, the tiny opening started pulsating with what appeared to be gum material within mouth.
It then shot out a tube-like thing that rapidly grew out of my mouth.
At one point, it appeared to be a penis protruding out of my mouth, which was the length of my forearm, and about ¾ its circumference.
I covered it with my hands as I rushed over toward a door that slowly opened.
I saw a younger version of my mother (in 50’s or so) sitting on the floor of a room.
She looked at me in a surprising and concerned manner, and then immediately got up and moved through the door and towards me.
While she was standing to my right (I think), the penis transformed into a huge tongue (that was somehow as wide as my body), and then dropped onto the floor (while still attached to my mouth).
Personal Dream Interpretation After Reviewing Online Interpretations (at bottom of post), Receiving Insights, and Using Knowledge and Inner and Wisdom:
I trust that this dream is related to the growing of amplified power—that exists within all of us via our I (God) AM (Goddess) Presence/merged Soul & Spirit within—and is represented by the penis (related to God) plus long and huge tongue coming out of my mouth (related section about Goddess Kali further below).
I also trust that one of the powers that can be used to highly benefit self and interconnected humanity, is through effective communication via a neutral, expanded perspective.
Because it has the potential to bring forth major changes on all energetic levels—physical, mental, emotional, material, financial, and spiritual.
This dream is also related to the throat chakra—the highest male energy chakra within all of us)— since both the teeth, mouth, and tongue are part of this energy center.
The opening door within this dream reminded me of the first image from the recent post, ” “FAREWELL Energizer Bunnies on Crack: HELLO New Energies of Simply BEING Multidimensional.”
Perhaps my mother represented the Mother Goddess/The Heart/Unconditional Love Frequency at the end of this particular dream, though my mom was more like the destroying version of Kali rather than the loving motherly version of Mahakali.
Since she/She was present on the right side of my body, this could reveal the transmutation (raising of the vibrational frequency) of the males energies of my right side of the body, that correlates with the left brain hemisphere (logical mind).
Ultimately, I feel this dream is symbolic of the POWERFUL Divine Mother Goddess of Life, continuing to transmute and transform our individual and collective Consciousness—for the highest benefit of this world and WAY beyond—but at a RAPID pace now.
The once dominant, young soul, immature, ego male energies of human history, have often misused and abused power, mostly shared conditional love, and have had little to no interest in obtaining true wisdom (the LIVING of profound wisdom/experiential knowledge).
However, these old and outdated, fear-based energies are being given the golden opportunity to transmute and transform into their exalted, full-potential states…
ultimately becoming the dominant, ancient, mature, Divine Masculine Energy, God (not god) essence that uses Divine Power—merged with Divine Love (Unconditional Love)/Goddess Energy and Divine Wisdom—in highly beneficial ways for interconnected Life within this world and beyond.
And even the female energies have often been judged, disrespected, denied, condemned, rejected, oppressed, repressed, suppressed, and ignored.
Therefore, humanity has not been using its exalted, full potential states (Divine Feminine Goddess Energy)…
loving (self/interconnected Life) unconditionally, allowing, going with the flow, relaxing, basking, enjoying, trusting, receiving (of Life’s uplifting abundance), creating, sharing, sensing, feeling, dancing, etc.
And we often experienced out of control emotions due to pushing so much of it down, rather than embracing all of our authentic, raw emotions.
And then allowing them to merge with positive thoughts, which produce POWERFUL feelings (FEELING STATE/VIBRATIONAL FREQUENCY) within the heart (THE RAINBOW BRIDGE)…
that can be a MAJOR GAME CHANGER IN LIFE, in highly beneficial ways (learned the latter from one of Gregg Brayden’s teachings, that he learned from ancient texts that were once lost).
Related Dreams (#1, #3 and #4) at the end of this post, along with the online and personal dream interpretations for all three of them.
The following are related to this particular series of Divine synchronicity:
I’ve recently enjoyed dozens of Sadhguru’s teachings via various YouTube videos, and I’m very grateful that I discovered him in Divine perfect timing and order.
Though it would’ve been nice to come upon him much earlier, I embrace the probability that the student wasn’t quite ready for the teacher.
The video, “Significance of Snakes in Mysticism-Sadhguru” reminded me of the various snake dreams I’ve had in the past, to include the most impactful one recorded in post, “Further Expanding Mind/Heart with White Snake Dream” and the recent one, “To This World: A Dream Reminder from Great Spirit as Anacondas.”
While I was observing the snake that Sadhguru was holding onto throughout most of this video (of 22:43 minutes), I noticed that this creature seemed to desire to be free.
However, Sadhguru seemed more interested in controlling the snake’s movements, in order to gracefully force it to be in his magnificent presence.
I would like to trust that he wasn’t being the type of person who would buy and wear the most expensive ($200M), diamond necklace in PUBlic—rather than use this ginormous amount of money in highly beneficial ways (to assist self/others)—ONLY to be seen by the grand audience as a very valuable and important person (i.e., using something valuable to elevate self’s image, because one doesn’t believe that one, alone, is more than enough, worthy, and priceless).
Towards the end of this video, the snake appeared to have given up on trying to leave Sadhguru’s puppet hands.
It rested its head on Sadhguru’s forearm, appearing tired from all its movements of curiosity and excitement that didn’t allow it to explore (the way it would in the natural environment of nature).
What I find interesting, is that in a cobra video, Sadhguru stated something to the effect that if a cobra accidentally came into a temple, it wouldn’t want to hang around in the AC, listen to a lecture, and be around people; so this should apply to the other snake as well.
In the first mentioned snake video, Sadhguru also talks about how even Shiva acknowledged the power of the snake by placing “him”(the snake) above his head.
Though Sadhguru didn’t mention this part, I trust that it was Shiva’s way of honoring the Divine Mother Goddess (symbolized by the snake) who created/birthed Him (The God).
The One/1 became 2 and mirrored one another, like the original Twin Flame.
“AM” (All That Is) births “I” and then “I” eventually returns to “AM” (AM I : I AM)
I (God) AM (Goddess) Presence within me/you/us.
Divine Love, Divine Wisdom, Divine Power
Despite his so-called, minor flaws, I’ve grown to highly respect and admire Sadhguru, due to his mostly authentic calm presence, expanded multidimensional perspectives, profound wisdom, captivating short stories, interesting analogies, great sense of humor, mental and emotional intelligence (integrated Mind/Heart), creative and colorful outfits, and much more.
However, I did notice so far, a few subtle to noticeable patterns of Sadhguru not fully respecting the Goddess aspect of the Divine Source within certain videos, though he’s very much about highly respecting the Divine Masculine energy/God aspect (especially Shiva).
Even when I watched the video, “Who is Kali? Sadhguru“—that I showed up in my home YouTube page today (and I was drawn to)—he referred to Kali as “this woman” in a slightly disrespectful way, while basically focusing on her negative qualities (though there’s always two sides to the coin); and it didn’t feel right/light/true to my heart.
This is why I’ve often shared within this blog the importance of always following one’s inner guidance first and foremost—to include using one’s discernment and intuition—while only taking in from others what FEELS light (and discarding the rest).
And it doesn’t matter what earthly labels others give themselves, or have been given to them (e.g., mystic, guru, spiritual teacher, energy healer, revolutionist, spiritual catalyst, psychic, master practitioner, angel guide, life coach, teacher, professor, instructor, pastor, nun, priest, therapist, psychologist, psychiatrist, nurse, specialist, doctor, physicist, scientist, etc.).
Let’s remember to always honor our inner BEING/Spirit/Source—Master Teacher/Master Healer/Master Builder/Master Alchemist—FIRST and foremost.
Granted, it’s understandable why even Sadhguru might appear somewhat uncomfortable talking about the aspect of the Goddess named Kali.
Because when you google related key words and phrases, like ‘Goddess Kali” and ‘Kali”, there are a lot of “scary” looking, and even disturbing, images of this very ancient, Energy Being, that could easily make her appear as only “bad” and “evil” to whoever comes upon her for the first time (to include myself a while back).
However COMMA I now fully trust that She ultimately represents the letting go of all that which no longer serves humanity and beyond, in order to rebirth THE NEW and highly beneficial; hence, she’s also referred to as The Destroyer (like Goddess Sekhmet, the other side of the coin of Goddess Hathor, THE MOTHER of Creation).
But as shared before, even death is not a means of being destroyed, but rather, a transformation of energy state (dense to light energy, ice to liquid to steam).
When I checked out another video about the Goddess Kali, it shared that She awakened Shiva (and much more) .
The following is from the video, “7 Secrets of the Goddess: Chapter 2.1 – Kali’s Secret“:
We shall also see how Kali’s tongue transformed from being a weapon to the symbol of wisdom […]
Be 1000 BCE, Kali emerges out of the collective, and starts been seen as an independent goddess.
In the Kalika Purana, she is the most perfect, primal representation of the Goddess.
Some addressed this Kali as Maha-Kali, to distinguish her from other Kalis […]
She had dominated a male form, identified as Shiva […] She either had one foot on him, stood on him, or sat on him; but He is not a demon She has defeated.
He is identified as Her husband—One whom She awakens [this reminded me of a recent post I shared, “A Vision of One Eye in Center of Squares Within Squares Wormhole“]; She is the Goddess who make Him God.
By this time, when Hinduism is marked by the rise of vast, temple complexes, Devi is identified with nature, and Kali with the most primal form of nature, before culture and outside culture, unaffected by rules and opinions of humanity.
She IS Power…raw and elemental. Both venerable and frightening.
Human society is created within Her. She ultimately consumes human society [hopefully not anytime soon].
The following is an excerpt from the reading, “Kali and her tongue” that instantly reminded me of the current, coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic:
Is it a symbol of power or a symbol of shame? In Devi Mahatmya, Kali unfurls her tongue in her role as the ultimate deliverer called upon to salvage a situation that seems hopelessly out of control.
I trust that it’s TIME to:
- Release the old and outdated ways
- Unconditionally accept/embrace the natural process of DEATH
- Remember (as souls) to acknowledge, embrace, honor, and integrate into our individual and collective consciousness and lives a VERY IMPORTANT essence of ourselves—Prime Creator/Source/Great Spirit/The Divine Mother GODDESS (aka Mahakali and other names)
- Effortlessly allow AMAZING CHANGES to emerge from the Cosmic Womb of Creation
Dream #1, #3 and #4 Plus Online and Personal Interpretations
If you’re drawn to explore the other three, related dreams, and some of the online and personal dream interpretations of the key words, phrasse, and themes within the dreams mentioned above, they’re as follows:
Dream #1
In next post, “Dear Dad, This is Why I Beat You in My Dream,” where I expressed much anger as my 4’9″ adult self, since I apparently still had some remnants of this once suppressed, dense/low energy within me from childhood, that resurfaced from the abyss to finally be recognized, integrated, healed, and transformed.
I also trust that this dream is symbolic of the ending/transmuting/transforming of the old, outdated, dense/low/fear-based patriarchal energies of the past.
Online Interpretations for Dream #2
From “The Mystical Symbolism of Mirrors in Women’s Literature”:
Mirrors reflect light which allows them to reflect the world around them. In spiritual concepts, light is a powerful symbol of wisdom and awareness. As a consequence, mirrors are symbols and carriers of truth and reflect what our truth is.
From Dream Interpretation Dictionary:
Dream Meaning of Open Mouth. This dream indicates building Stones of your life. It means that you make your own way and predestinate with new decisions or just the contrary you punctuate old decisions. Also, it refers to all determinants in your life routine.
From Dream Moods:
Teeth are used to bite, tear, chew and gnaw. In this regard, teeth symbolize power.
From Aunty Flo:
What does it mean to dream of touching a penis? To dream that you are touching a penis is a sign of rebirth. The dream is not literal in sense. It could mean that others will help you achieve goals.
From Dreams 123:
The most common interpretations of penis symbolism revolve around power, dominance, fertility, and masculinity […]
The female acquaintance with a penis symbolizes the side of the dreamer that’s vocal and assertive in masculine ways.
In other words, she acts masculine in some respects, and the penis is the body part most closely associated with traditional masculinity.
From Aunty Flo:
What does it mean to see a large penis in a dream? A large penis in your dream is a representation of an aspect of your life or you as a person feeling capable, very powerful, or competent.
From Dream Encyclopedia:
If the tongue of a leader—[Source within/Higher Self/Soul/Spirit/I (God( AM (Goddess) Presence]—or a ruler becomes long in a dream, it also signifies the expansion of his power and the infallibility and effectiveness of his commands.
Dream #3
I saw what appeared to be only white Napa cabbage (no green leaves) in a plastic bag that had a bright turquoise color on the top quarter of the bag.
I became really excited upon seeing this color (probably because it’s beautiful, reminds me of the Caribbean beaches, and the Divine Mother Goddess Hathor), and chose to buy it.
I seasoned it with soybean paste, but then realized that I forgot to wash it (which wouldn’t happen in real life because I thoroughly wash vegetables, in case there are bugs, especially when I make home-made, delicious kimchi.
Online Interpretations for Dream #3
From Dreams Metroeve:
To dream of a plastic bag represents casual feelings about choices or problems being easy to “carry around” with you for the interim.
From Dream Moods:
Colors are very subjective and personal. Therefore first consider your own personal associations with the color in your dream. Does the color remind you of a particular person, a body part, a childhood toy, some object, etc?
Turquoise is symbolic of healing power, karma and natural energy. It is often associated with the sun, fire, and male power.
If you have negative feelings toward this color [I don’t, I love this color], then it indicates that you are [NOT] shutting off your emotions and [you are] not letting people in. You [DO NOT] fear change.
From Check My Dream:
This shade is often interpreted as a precursor to the successful completion of beginnings, the emergence of new opportunities.
Turquoise color in a dream an excellent symbol, indicating: the dreamer will have good luck in dealing with important issues and in his personal life.
Turquoise color in a dream is often the personification of a positive driving force. Therefore, the dream promises constructive life changes that will bring not only benefits but also positive emotions.
From Bourne Creative:
Turquoise, a blend of the color blue and the color green, has some of the same cool and calming attributes.
The color turquoise is associated with meanings of refreshing, feminine, calming, sophisticated, energy, wisdom, serenity, wholeness, creativity, emotional balance, good luck, spiritual grounding, friendship, love, joy, tranquility, patience, intuition, and loyalty […]
often is used to represent water […] in many ancient cultures was a symbol of wealth and prosperity.
From Globe Views:
For women, cabbage in the dream is usually a sign of profit, and purchase of new things.
From Dream Meaning Net:
Cabbage in dreams often points to some form of money or interconnected events.
Particularly they can point to a string or series of investment strategies that are connected to each other.
For example, a mixed or layered type of investments [something I’ve been considering recently].
Dream About Peeling [ I did ] and Washing [ I forgot to wash the cabbage] Cabbage
To dream about peeling and washing cabbage, suggests that you live and thrive on life’s challenges.
Consider breaking things apart and get rid of the poor performing parts of your life. You may be able to achieve an overall better success.
Dream About White Cabbage
To see or eat white cabbage in your dream suggests that you should not waste time with petty things.
Spend more time to find easy and solutions to tackle the core of the problems that you may face. Look beyond the surface to find your answer.
Dream #4
I had sex with an unknown Asian Man (perhaps in his thirties or so) who had a small penis. Side Note: This is not true for all Asian men (according to personal experience and information from girlfriends from back in the day)-
I did so to prevent him from harming me and one of my former, male soldiers—SGT V, who I trust is symbolic of aspects that he represented: such as BOLD confidence, high intelligence, wounded inner child, strong ambition, etc..
I shared stories about him in post, “United Kingdoms of Unconditional Love” under sub-title “Teacher and Student to One Another” (a deeper understanding of human nature; a detailed story of the original, short post, “Confidence“) ).
At one point, I grabbed this guy’s penis—while I was lying down and he was standing up, to put into my vagina, but it kept getting away due to its small size; and he asked me if I was trying to grab his small penis.
I trust that I’m merging the powerless aspect of my male energy within—to its exalted state of powerful God energy—with the POWERFUL Goddess energy within.
Online Interpretations for Dream #4
From Dream Moods:
To dream about sex refers to the integration and merging of contrasting aspects of yourself. It represents psychological completion.
You need to be more receptive and incorporate aspects of your dream sex partner into your own character.
From Dreams Metroeve:
To dream of a small penis is a representation of powerlessness or emotional impotence. If you are feeling ineffective in some parts of your life then this dream will be common
From Aunty Flo:
If a woman dreams of small genitalia then this means she could be pregnant, in older dream books denotes a baby girl [not happening since I’m in my mid-forties, and I have no desire to have anymore children], if she is not pregnant, also it means she will come into money according to old folklore [came true the next day].
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