I shared the following comment for Jamye Price, from her reading, “July Ascension Symptom Update“—that I received yesterday and read today (from her newsletter)—that gifted me with a WAKE UP boost of high frequency, heart-centered energies:
Image by Guillaume Preat from Pixabay
Thank you so much Jamye for this very helpful message. Lately, I’ve been experiencing intense (or even fascinating) vivid, symbolic dreams of otherworldly creatures (to include so-called “monsters”) or alternate, earth realities interacting with unknown beings.
From what I’ve sensed so far (though I could be wrong), is that the former is related to further integrating all neutral aspects within the WHOLE self/Self/interconnected Life, and the latter is the Soul simultaneously (in the NOW) exploring, experiencing, comparing (via contrast), enjoying (or not), learning from, growing, and expanding through many earthly and otherworldly lives, which I trust is occurring for all of us (some aware and some not).
Plus, I noticed that my vision’s been blurry this week (despite wearing glasses), my head’s been feeling larger, heavier, and numb at times (with mild headaches at the beginning), and I’ve felt fatigue and slight, flu-like body aches.
And though I’ve been hearing various tones (in left, right, or both ears) for over a decade now (to include musical ones and beeps), lately, I’ve only been hearing subtle beeping tones, which I recently read in one of the Arcturian books that it’s them sending higher frequencies.
I haven’t finished this book (Connecting with the Arcturians) because it seemed like most of the messages so far were coming from the author’s conditioned beliefs, rather than the pure, channeled messages from the Arcturians (that I sensed more of in the book, We The Arcturians, years ago).
However, I will finish it whenever I feel like it since I’ve only read a quarter or so of it, and I realize I can benefit from the information that actually FEELS right/light/true to my Heart, and disregard the rest.
After all the hearing of tones matches one of the messages from the first Arcturian book I read (mentioned above), where they also shared about the ability of acute hearing (something I experienced at least 3 times within a decade).
I also appreciate your reminder of how the collective energies could affect an empath (that I forgot I was). I’ve experienced, at least twice throughout the years, feeling another’s physical pain (and not only feeling others’ emotions).
Almost a decade ago, my husband slipped in the tub once, hurt his right butt cheek, and my right butt cheek hurt the next day.
When I did some research, I learned what an empath is.
Another time, a coworker felt very nauseous, and soon after she went home, I felt very nauseous, and threw up shortly after.
So perhaps I’ve been experiencing individual and collective energies lately, due to being ultra sensitive (as well as an empath).
Sometime in 2015 or 2016, I received a typed letter from an older, family friend who was extremely logical (which I shared with him in a tactful manner, to the best of my ability), and was thus diagnosed with cancer (a couple of years after I crossed paths with him), followed by other dis-eases (to include the inability to use both hands), that eventually forced him to discontinue writing more logical, non-heartfelt books that claimed to be related to spirituality.
Anyhoo, as soon as I held the envelope (from him) in my hand, I felt very intense energy that didn’t feel good; that was the first time that I recall ever experiencing what may be the psychic ability of psychometry.
Since he wrote the book about Being God, and others are as well (and sent it to me as a gift), I reminded him of that, and that I trust he has the power to heal himself (by integrating the intuitive side/aka Divine Feminine energies with his logical side).
Within a decade, I’ve noticed a pattern of others who are (or were) overly logical and/or not heart-centered developing various dis-eases, such as cancer, heart attack, and/or stroke (the more common ones).
This includes: my adoptive father who was very outwardly angry and violent before he passed (passed from heart attack), bio father’s Catholic, 3rd wife who suppressed her anger (passed from cancer at 50), my bio father who had (or still has) strong, narcissistic tendencies (cancer followed by 2 strokes; don’t know if he’s still alive), Catholic stepmother who chain smoked for 4 decades (passed from cancer the beginning of this year), bio mother who was very judgmental, angry, manipulative and controlling (recently had stroke; finally quite drinking after 6 decades), and certain neighbors, coworkers, acquaintances, and even strangers (who shared their stories) had various dis-eases and even experienced death,
There are probably other, related experiences, but that’s all that I recall at the moment. I’ve been strongly sensing that major transformation on all energetic levels—mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual—is definitely happening due to the powerful, higher frequencies that this world, and merging worlds, are experiencing.
It’s becoming more apparent than ever than we can either ride this Cosmic Wave in a smooth, flowing way, or suffer from resisting changes.
I’m also grateful for your message, because even though I’ve been aware of ascension symptoms (to include accelerated ones) for a decade or so, for whatever reason, it’s as if I forgot about it lately, and started wondering if something negative was happening to me due to not being in alignment with the Sacred Self within (which could be a factor as well),
By the way, I chose the “Pleiades Expanding: Unity” card from your Cosmic Consciousness Ascension deck about a week ago, so I trust that it’s working its magic as usual—showing up as obvious blessings or blessings in disguise— especially with unconditional embrace/love and integration within full-potential, Multidimensional, WHOLE self/Self and interconnected Life.
Like I’ve shared before, it blows my mind how these cards have been matching my personal experiences for over a year now.
Jamye, you are deeply appreciated. Continue Being an invaluable GIFT to All That Is. ^_^
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