Note: This post is a continuation from the recent post, “A Daily New Habit of Simply BEING While Receiving What’s Beneficial and Releasing What’s Not,” though it can be read on its own. Image on right found next to link =>ย YouTube
This morning, while following my inner guidance as usual, I was drawn to the video,ย “How to Help Heal the World – Seattle Syncrhonization Workshop – Teal Swan“; the following is an intro found right below this YouTube video, where the third sentence seems ironic:
The World is both a beautiful and messed up place. In this excerpt from the Synchronization Workshop in Seattle a man gets up on stage to help heal people and the world. Teal helps expose the blockages to what is preventing this from happening. You may just find that your true want is hidden beneath these.
I shared the comment below for the above mentioned video:
I don’t find it amusing at all to confuse someone who’s seeking deep healing and help (especially for those who use humor to cover up deep pain). Confusion is the opposite of Clarity, and it doesn’t FEEL good because it lowers our vibrational frequency rather than raise it. I can see why the guy chose to take the action he did without hesitation—seemingly saying goodbye to Teal and her conflicting teachings at the end; I highly respect and admire his brave and liberating choice.
There was some helpful info in this video, especially the part about the experiences of discomfort (contrast) helping us to move closer to our needs and wants.
Granted, I don’t feel that we need to continue attracting various forms of discomfort in our lives once we’ve established most or all of our needs and wants; otherwise, we can become stuck in the vicious cycle of experiencing discomfort, and we can also become lost in never being satisfied with Life.
After watching this video—and a few other Synchronization Workshops videos like this—I wonder if you (Teal) still experience joy in helping the world heal as a spiritual catalyst/teacher.
You seem to have more negative (than positive) experiences that stem from your spiritual career (e.g., the repeating mention of fans turning into haters). It is really all one-sided? So all those who were once your fans, but suddenly turned to haters, had absolutely nothing to do with anything you might have said (e.g., conflicting messages) or did (not being genuinely connected)?
In addition, when certain followers no longer follow, it could be due to the students having learned exactly what they needed from that teacher and simply moving on, and nothing to do with having become haters.
Such students may forever be grateful towards that teacher, even though they’ve moved on to the next life lessons from other soul teachers—and not necessarily official spiritual teachers—and from the Master Teacher within. We all have gifts for one another as both student and teacher.
When you explain the consequences of being a spiritual teacher, you don’t look happy at all; so isn’t that a sign in of itself that it’s not the way anymore?
In the many soul-igniting, amazing videos that I’ve watched so far, where it’s just you, you really seem to desire and enjoy helping others; but in the Synchronization Workshops videos, I’ve noticed several times that you don’t seem to be fully present while communicating with others; hence, the interactions don’t seem heartfelt.
I have no doubt that inner-child work and shadow work are highly beneficial, and I’m very grateful that spiritual teachers like Teal have gifted humanity and beyond with her profound, love-based teachings.
But the same time, we don’t have to permanently spend most of our time dwelling in the so-called darkness and fear-based ways of Life (e.g., continue to attract much discomfort in our lives, that many of us have already experienced more than enough of for decades).
I trust that it’s time to let go of everything that NO LONGER serves us, supports us, benefits us, encourages us, uplifts us, empowers us, inspires us, expands our consciousness, and makes us happy.
It’s time to truly ENJOY Life while unconditionally accepting, embracing, and even deeply loving more and more aspects of our Multidimensional self (earthly and otherworldly physical selves)/Self (Source: Soul/Spirit within), which helps us to do so for interconnected Life within this world and beyond; and this includes setting FREE all the fear-based energies that’s been repressed, suppressed, and stuck for so long to be transmuted, deeply healed, and integrated back to Source.
UPDATE (minutes later)
The following is a recent comment from one of your viewers, as well as my reply to her (right after I posted this comment), which led to the bigger picture:
Luna Myers / 1 day ago
I took a lot from this video thank you. But I am concerned at the lack of emotional support Teal displays towards this young man. I feel she could’ve helped him feel more comfortable on stage.
Luna Myers: You are keenly observant, compassionate, and wise—noticing what’s off, deeply empathizing with interconnected others, and taking in what’s highly beneficial in the video as well.
Thank you for sharing your comment. While replying to you, I received an insight that I didn’t think of moments before.
I just realized that despite Teal coming off disconnected (which I’ve shared in my own comment), she actually did the guy a favor which I trust empowered him (hence, he basically walked away from what no longer served him).
If Teal had been more soft and compassionate, perhaps he would’ve continued to reply upon her teachings, rather than discover his own powerful inner guidance (which he tuned into at the end).
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