Intro: I shared this comment with => Image by fernando zhiminaicela from Pixabay: Thank you Fernando for sharing this EYE-catching image.
The butterfly reminded me of various aspects of the butterfly spirit guide/animal totem/power animal, especially major transformations on all energetic levels—mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual—[as well as] grace, growth, beauty, and freedom.
The light blue color reminded me of a refreshing blue sky on a sunny day, crystal clear beach water near white sand, inner peace, and outer tranquility.
The dandelion reminded me of lightness, gentleness, elusiveness, vulnerability and purity—true PUREness, like children, as in integrated, neutral, WHOLEness, not just “right” or “good”.
The butterfly flying away from the dandelion reminded me of Divine Masculine/God energy releasing the fear to Be vulnerable in Life—after receiving this gift from the Divine Feminine/Goddess energy——fully trusting that it’s safe to simply Be our raw, authentic, unapologetic, Full-Potential, Multidimensional, WHOLE self/Self, while also maintaining wise, healthy boundaries when needed.
Image by InspiredImages from Pixabay
Because healthy boundaries, self-care, and assertiveness are part of Unconditional Love for self/Self—just as God is part of the Divine Mother Goddess, and the God Particle is part of The Wave/The Quantum Field of unlimited possibilities—and when our inner cup is full, it can effortlessly overflow to others/humanity/interconnected Life within this world and beyond (without needing anything in return; hence, UNconditional Love).
As long as we remember to accept, embrace, deeply love, and/or approve of ourselves FIRST AND FOREMOST—from within, RECLAIMING our Heart’s INNER POWER—it doesn’t matter what the outer world temporarily reflects back to us (like mirrors), to include negative feedback, since outer world eventually catches up with inner world’s core, habitual, vibrational frequency state. I used it for post: [this one]
Image by PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay
For the title of this post, “Being More Authentic, Bold, Creative, Expressive, Unapologetic & Vulnerable,” I chose the word, “Being” over “Becoming” because we can choose to Be whatever NEUTRAL aspect that’s available within our WHOLE self/Self at any given moment within the present moments.
And this way of Being (our Higher Self) doesn’t have to be in the near or far future—a theme within various themes of my new, open-mic comedy set that I’ll be performing twice within a week in Phoenix, AZ (and also in Sedona and Flagstaff shortly after).
Image by Igor Lukin from Pixabay
As shared in recent posts, I’ve been noticing (in a very obvious way), more of the NEW self/Self birthing from letting go of and/or embracing, integrating, deeply healing, transmuting, and transforming more of the old energies from within.
This highly beneficial process has allowed me to simply Be more of Full-Potential, Multidimensional, WHOLE self/Self, BOLDLY and UNAPOLOGETICALLY.
Therefore, I’ve been able to create more and share more than before, to include bouncing back to open-mic comedy performances—incorporating humor, profound wisdom and Unconditional Love (for self/other/interconnected Life)—as well as more YouTube videos, both of which I had been avoiding for a while.
I attempted to share the comment below for the helpful video, “Why Do They COME BACK Once You Let Them Go?“ (that’s NOT just about relationships, but ENERGIES in general), but it didn’t allow me to copy and paste it from a Google doc (that I first type comments into to spell check and grammar check).
So I don’t care to retype everything, but the video link (right above) should be suffice to inform Aaron and/or his team should he be interested in reading this comment.
If not, it wasn’t meant to be, but nonetheless, I’m sharing it here since I was able to receive an abundance of helpful insights, which is why I’ve been enJOYing blogging for a little over a decade (I also added addition info):
Thank you so much Aaron for this soul-igniting, heartfelt message that brought together more helpful puzzle pieces.
It’s true, I’ve often noticed throughout my life, the whatever I Iet go of—especially relationships (regardless of what type), but energies as well—has a tendency to return and show up at some point, to include wanting to reconnect in an improved way.
In addition, I’ve been noticing that the more I focus on what I enjoy Being, doing and creating—and not concerned with really needing or wanting anything material and spiritual during the present moments—the more various forms and non-forms of abundance seems to show up in my life, especially via series of positive versions of Divine synchronicity.
Like you’ve shared, I sense that I had attracted something in my life this past fall (an online program and course) that was connected to most of the old, “unhealed, negative” energies of childhood (from bio and adoptive parents/core caregivers/same patterns).
And the past few months has been very challenging at times, yet highly beneficial, because I found myself building more and more courage to speak up about themes (that I wasn’t able to during childhood under similar circumstances) like:
not caring, being overly logical, ignoring, discriminating, dismissing, gaslighting, judging, basically being a hypocrite, minimizing, contradicting, manipulating, controlling, criticizing, ridiculing, etc.. [shared this part in recent post, “Thank You to All Earthly & Otherworldly Parents & Divine Co-Creators Within“ to include the important point that it’s not about the people, but the energetic aspects that exists within all of us that can be expressed to varying degrees]
I’ve been able to stand up for myself more, honestly express more of my inner truths (to include true feelings), reveal red flags as they show up, inform what others are struggling with and need help with, etc.
And I have no doubt that others within the Elite Mentorship Forum have noticed them too, but didn’t speak up (with the exception of a few), since several have thanked me via live call comments, or behind closed doors since they felt more safe and comfortable via these ways (i.e., dm or private zoom calls).
I’m probably on Peter Sage and Team Sage’s doo doo list for various reasons, but oh well.
I’ve been asking too many awkward and uncomfortable questions stemming from his contradictions—to include him often making judgmental comments about others and the ego self, who act in whatever ways—when he’s been these “negative” ways that seem to stem from his own ego.
I even reminded him—since he also teaches about shadow work and various archetypes—that whatever we judge in others we judge in self, and vice versa (which is why I know it’s beneficial to check myself often as well).
I trusted that he needs to be held accountable for his habitual ways since it’s not about, “Do as I say, not as I do.”
He clearly didn’t like that I questioned some of his teachings (though I resonate with most) and ways of being —that I also mentioned to him, to include sharing that it’s WAY TOO EASY to agree with everything and just kiss ass—but he also teaches that questions are the steering wheel of the mind.
Granted, he did share that he’s looking for peers, not ass kissers, which seemed to convey to continue sharing observations since he’s receptive to it.
I’ve also been bringing up ongoing issues (though not lately)—especially their habitual lack of assistance with already existing members since this past fall (though clearly eager about bringing more in); but announcing that there’s a backlog of emails can only last so long (it’s already been almost half a year).
I gave up on trying to communicate with Team Sage in a timely manner via emails; granted, the Admin Assistant has been better with responding to fb messenger messages, though I haven’t needed her help for a while as well.
I was kicking myself in the @$$ for possibly not being wise in this particular investment, that’s been hard to walk away from due to the high amount of money, that includes the EMT program.
Plus, I was wondering if I was self-sabotaging, afraid to face my fears; hence, why I left 9 Sedona jobs since 2017, because I didn’t resonate with them anymore due to the excessive negative energies.
But if every time I run away from negativity, but it continues to SHOW UP, and seemingly haunts me, perhaps it’s time to fully and BOLDLY face all the fear energies, ultimately from within (and mirrored by outer world).
That way, no matter where I go, who I’m around (in person or online), I AM Free to simply Be.
Granted, we can all have PREFERENCES; hence, just as we don’t have to eat foods that we don’t like, wear clothes that we don’t like, go to places we don’t like, we also don’t have to be around people that habitually FEEL HEAVY and draining,
It doesn’t necessarily mean that these foods, clothes, locations, and people are wrong, bad, or evil, we just don’t prefer them, and simply have other PREFERENCES.
I realized that I had also highly benefited from this mostly DARK/UNKNOWN (new experience) phase of my life thus far, to include (like you said) tuning into more courage, vulnerability, authenticity and expressions.
Before making a decision to make this investment, I saw 3 grasshoppers within a week, to include the day I was deciding.
Whenever I see this particular animal spirit guide (animal totem/power animal), it reminds me to take a LEAP in trust/faith in Higher Self—expand, not just raise Consciousness, since diving into the DEEP and DARK/UNKNOWN/SHADOWS is very helpful as well— so I trusted this message from Spirit within, and chose to go for it.
At the end of the day, regret, the blame game (of self/others), and guilt (and even shame) are very non-beneficial, low vibrational energies, so I had recently chosen to be grateful for this—and EVERYTHING else that I’ve experienced in my life thus far—instead (to include Peter’s EMF course that’s been very helpful).
I FEEL much lighter, so thank you again for helping me to tune into more CLARITY.
I’ve also noticed various SPOT ON tarot readings from different people—that I take onboard with discernment, choosing to follow my inner guidance/Heart/intuition/inner-wisdom FIRST AND FOREMOST—that have also further revealed and even confirmed most of which I had been experiencing, what I’m currently experiencing in the present, and what I can be experiencing in the near future.
Of course, this is within unlimited possibilities and seemingly countless probabilities of the Quantum Field/Cosmic Heart & Womb/Divine Mother Goddess essence/Universe/Multiverse/Omniverse (that contains Light/God/Life/interconnected Souls).
I trust that we are all sharing with one another an abundance of Light—encouraging, uplifting, empowering, and inspiring knowledge and profound wisdom—and Unconditional Love to assist with the expansion of our individual and Collective Consciousness.
Related Tarot Readings of Releasing the Old & Birthing the NEW
I wanted to share a comment for this tarot reader whose confident, Full Presence powerfully radiates the adjectives used within the title of this post—Authentic, Bold, Creative, Expressive, Unapologetic & Vulnerable (though she probably turned off her comments due to an excessive number of troll-like comments, so she chose to have healthy boundaries).
Her vibrational frequency FEELS so BOLD, refreshing, empowering and inspiring, and I’m grateful for this particular MIRROR reflection from outer world.
Her video is titled, “❤️LEO ‘Sooner Or Later Leo You Will See Why This Is All Happening! Prepare For This Change’ MAR21-27” and includes SPOT ON aspects.
I also shared the comment below for another related, tarot card reading that I added as an update to my previous post, “Heart-Led Path Leading to Various Forms of Inner & Outer Worlds’ Abundance.”
I shared the following comment for the helpful video, “Leo ‘Freedom!’ Tarot March 21st – 27th Pt. 2” (where a UNICORN card was chosen as well ^_^):
Lol I’m noticing a pattern that perhaps you receive quite a number of pain in the @$$ comments that can really build up over time and become irritating.
I trust that incorporating more humor will alleviate that, because what can we do but chuckle at narrow-minded thinking at times—basically, everyone and their mamas and grandmamas doing their best from their current state of awareness/consciousness. ^_^
Great point about KFC founder living his dream at an older age!
And yes, some of us have been releasing A LOT, as well as embracing, deeply healing, and integrating old energies into Full-Potential, Multidimensional, WHOLE self/Self, perhaps from however number of Soul lifetimes (continuing to be revealed by many earthly and otherworldly dreams, especially parallel realities and alternate realities of past/present/future; hence, why it’s felt super tiring lately).
I, too, trust that the Universe is balancing things out (individual and Collective energies) since that’s the natural Divine Order of interconnected Life.
Examples: when our bodies feel hot, we sweat to cool it down, and when we are mostly masculine energies within, we’ll be balanced to integrate more feminine energies, since we all have both within (though some may be repressed or suppressed).
Divine synchronicity continues to tickle me; yesterday, I chose a silhouette image of a horse for a post that could also look like a unicorn from another angle, and you picked a unicorn card.
During Army life and civilian jobs, I experienced a lot of teamwork with others in person, but for a while now, it’s been energetic teamwork from Planet Earth, Galactic, Universal and Spiritual Worlds, ultimately Soul Families, to include readings, YouTube videos (like your channel that I subscribed to), books, online courses, zoom calls, certain TV shows and movies, brief person to person (to include strangers) meetings, gatherings, encounters and interactions, etc.
YES, this past 3/18th, my husband’s client (a fairly new family friend)—the wife of a couple, and a very health conscious lady—unexpectedly passed away; and I think she was only in her fifties.
It was hard to believe, but it reminded me that anything can happen these days, especially with the accelerated energies (hence, the ascension symptoms, or even the accelerated versions).
Your last insight about FREEDOM is profound and very much appreciated.
I trust that we are all sharing with one another an abundance of Light—encouraging, uplifting, empowering, and inspiring knowledge and profound wisdom—and Unconditional Love to assist with the expansion of our individual and Collective Consciousness.
Thank you for another helpful reading Minnow Pond Tarot, have a great weekend enJOYing many present moments! ^_^ Mulantis: Reuniting All
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