I shared the following comment for video, “5 Things You Should Know About The NEW Moon (September 26th, 2022)“:
WOW😳😲😀, this is why I continue to deeply appreciate Divine synchronicity, to include this particular series.
I had just shared a comment with another YouTuber, Mariah, regarding the theme about non-attachment—to BOTH positive and negative stuff of Life within BOTH physical and spiritual worlds (to avoid falling into the trap of OBSESSION)—since she had shared about the important topic of healthy vs unhealthy attachment styles since childhood that I felt grateful for; and now you bring up “attachment vs non-attachment” as well! 🥰
Speaking of this topic, on 9/15/2022, I had submitted an open-mic comedy video for the first, annual, “Funniest Person in the Universe” contest—just because the opportunity FELT exciting, and I wanted to do it for FUN, but NOT to compete in an unhealthy way.
Then, I chose NOT to be attached to thoughts of whether or not I might be initially selected (for the first round), among probably hundreds of other open-mic comedians (since Phoenix is a big city, though I live in Sedona for now).
I simply focused on doing my best to be/Be self/Self, do whatever I FEEL like doing, to include my Heart’s passion of creativity (in various forms).
And sure enough, recently, I experienced a delightful surprise WHILE enJOYing Life.
Though the comedy club stated on their website that they would let whoever made the initial selection (followed by additional selections)–initially by the computer system in order to be fair–on 10/1/2022, I received an email two days ago (9/20th) from the owner of Stir Crazy Comedy Club of great news.
So now I’m one of the 13 who will perform on 11/17th!
I will simply Be and do my best while remembering what’s most important—having FUN while sharing much humor, relatable Life experiences within this world, Light and Unconditional Love (for self/others/Life).
And hopefully the audience will join me too, like my recent performances in Sedona, Flagstaff, and especially in Dallas (during a trip) where there was an abundance of supportive cheering 😃and even JOYful screaming😄🥰, something I had never experienced before since sporadically performing (as a hobby) since 2017.
But as much as such positive experiences can FEEL AMAZING, I’m also reminded (thanks to you as well) to NOT get attached to even supportive audiences.
Like I’ve experienced more than enough times before, Life’s not all sunshine, rainbows and flowers, but an ebb and flow of Balance & Harmony (the electromagnetic, energetic nature of the Universe & beyond).
I’ve even had experiences where even the CRICKETS checked out during my performances! 😅But I continued to perform nonetheless, reminding myself that I had my own support system from within and without (my invisible Cosmic Team🤩😁🥰 to include my Higher).
Thanks to Souls like you and like others—as well as the profound wisdom I’ve gained from my personal experiences/experiential knowledge (to include many series of Divine synchronicity)—I know now, without a shadow of a doubt, that part of my Life path and purpose is to share my Full Presence and Multidimensional gifts with humanity and beyond, via uplifting comedy.
However COMMA I’ve reached a stage in my life, where I can literally DROP practically EVERTHING in my life if that’s what I’m intuitively and strongly guided to do from my Higher Self/Universe within (aka Higher Heart & Higher Mind/Spirit & Soul/Goddess & God/etc.).
I even communicated to the sacred Divine—with BOTH inner and outer worlds—that I’m even willing to DROP all my relationships, most of my material stuff (but obviously not all since we still need stuff to live in physical world), and creative projects, to include open-mic comedy, and even a blog that I’ve been working on for over a decade, if it’s meant to highly benefit self/Self/interconnected Life.
And this FEELS very LIBERATING and EMPOWERING to NOT be attached to Life in clingy, non-beneficial ways.
I’m even ready for DEATH whenever—since I’ve come to believe that if it’s time to go, it’s time to go—and it’s just more of a smooth sailing to EMBRACE it, rather than go kicking and screaming with resistance.
For instance, I love the quote from the badass movie, Gladiator—with fiery HOT🔥❤🔥😍Russel Crowe (at the time)—who basically said that when DEATH shows up, he’s going to SMILE at it in a welcoming way.
Granted, we should always do our best to stay alive, survive, and even THRIVE, should situations call for it, rather than give up, but you know what I’m talking about.
Man, you do look even more toned and strong than before, but NOT in an excessive way, like those guys who seem to go overboard and even have thick, triangle necks. 😆
I fully trust Souls crossing paths with one another—whether in person or online—is due to a profound, energetic connection between Soul Families—whether Earth, Galactic, and/or Universal.
I realized even more so yesterday—hence, it has now become a POWERFUL CONVICTION—that even when I’m seemingly NOT being and doing what this world may consider to be positive, right, good, and/or spiritual (e.g., eating a treat day of “unhealthy food,” not in the greatest of moods, watching a TV show or movie I’m drawn to that’s not supposed to be spiritual in nature, etc.), I STILL continue (for almost a decade) to experience daily synchronicity that’s mostly encouraging, uplifting, empowering, inspiring, and (individual and Collective) Consciousness EXPANDING.
So I further realized that being in alignment with our Higher Self within is simply being/Being AUTHENTIC/True, WHOLE, Multidimensional (physical self/Spiritual Self), Full-Potential, self/Self, and mindfully Being Fully Present—not concerned with the duality/polarity of this physical world of right or wrong, good or bad, light or dark, etc.
For instance, yesterday, my husband and I experienced what is often perceived as “negative” synchronicity within the spiritual communities (like Pattie’s car experiences).
In a nutshell, a highway suddenly shut down cancelling a plan (though it opened back up once we returned home😄), I missed “The1Field” zoom event, and then my computer was infected with a virus due to an email download from a known person.
However, rather than REACT from FEAR (like we often did in the past), we talked to one another about expanded perspectives👁👀 (the BIGGER picture of Life), and was able to RESPOND from LOVE (going beyond that “glass ceiling” you talked about), and remain calm, cool, and collected.
And sure enough, soon after, I noticed a recurring angel number message (part of number synchronicity) that was very positive and supportive regarding having balanced physical and spiritual worlds from within, being on the right path in every way, and being congratulated and celebrated by the angels, Archangels, and Ascended Masters of the spiritual realm, which has been appreciated for over a decade.
Plus, my computer was reset, we made another appointment, and I realized that I didn’t have to attend the event necessarily, since whether a collective vibrational frequency (of whatever number of groups) is measured or not (with a group logical mind), it still affects this world and beyond.
So what matters most is our individual and Collective Consciousness no matter where we’re located.
Because once again, according to the most valid and precise science of Quantum Physics, what happens to one particle AUTOMATICALLY and INSTANTANEOUSLY affects an interconnected particle REGARDLESS of the distance (even from across the Universe).
And EVERYTHING is energetically connected within the Quantum Field of Unlimited Possibilities/The Cosmic Glue of interconnected Life within this world and beyond/aka The Cosmic Womb of the Divine Mother Goddess (that even created the original God).
Perhaps the Universe was giving Pattie the opportunity to NOT be triggered from the same energy experience the second time around.
Otherwise, these “unpleasant” experiences can repeatedly SHOW UP in various forms to reintroduce the learning lesson (to gain profound wisdom from).
Anyhoo, gotta go get ready to another trip to Phoenix, so have a great week Vic!
I will be donating since I noticed that you added the “$ within ❤” icon under your video (and will share more as I tune into various forms of uplifting abundance meant to be generously shared with interconnected Life within this world and beyond, to include money within this particular, physical world, though other physical worlds of this Universe don’t need it).
Continue SHINING BRIGHT 🌄Soul brother! 😘💝💓💕
Ahaya Mulantis🐮🐯💖
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