Image by John Hain from Pixabay
While checking my email account today, I noticed an unusual, newsletter email title from someone who uses clickbaits at times (to include sarcastic, but funny ones), but not like this one.
This email subject sounded like it could’ve been from a past version of my Korean mother, after two bottles of soju (similar to vodka). 😄
The title is, “Predictable Little Cowards Do Not Make Money” 😳 with a subtitle, “A biting tongue lashing on following your passions.” 😬 [UPDATE at bottom of post: high probability that it’s part of a “put down to build up” sales pitch]
The image above reflects my realization that this experience was ultimately Mirroring 🪞a negative version of my Shadow Self.
It’s the very judgmental and critical part of individual and Collective Ego self who believes that others/self is a predictable, little coward who can’t make money (via a self-business), and even expresses too much (in writing), and can be very draining because of that.
Any fear-based energy can only have power over us if we allow it to manipulate and control our thoughts, beliefs, and emotions, to cause us to feel less than.
But the more parts of WHOLE Self/self that we can embrace and integrate, we can become more than we were before, not less than (or more accurately, we can re-member more of WHOLE Self/self).
So yes, I can be: predictable, a coward, a non-money making fool, an overly expressive and over-sharing (in writing) draining person.
But I can also be unpredictable, courageous, BOLD, brave, a mucho money manifesting wise Master, and a very quiet or silent, actively listening, Full Presence.
Before I had the realization above, I shared expanded perspectives within the comment below, that mirrored “negative” aspects that the writer seemed to have projected, could now look at, and hopefully reflect upon and ponder as well.
But since the ultimate perspective is taking full responsibility for ALL aspects of WHOLE Self/self, I chose to continue owning whatever aspects show up in my reality (i.e., embracing and integrating more negative or positive, unknown/shadow aspects).
I shared the following comment for this newsletter email within the Substack app (and I have no doubt that this experience is a blessing in disguise for anyone who tunes into this frequency channel):
What an intriguing, unexpected, new experience.
Surprisingly, the title of this newsletter email feels more like an indirect, harsh, passive-aggressive, shame, guilt, and other forms of fear-instilling insult (regardless of who it’s aimed at), rather than a clickbait.
Plus, you can’t standing “people who never stop talking […] and exhaust you from their very presence” also intuitively feels like a projection. [I was reminded from within that I can deeply relate to “can’t stand draining people,” that I can even be to myself at times]
When we judge, don’t like, or even passionately hate an aspect(s) about ourselves—that we are UNaware of (hence, unconscious/unknown/“dark”/shadow part of WHOLE Self/self)—then we can easily PROJECT this aspect(s) onto others.
Ash, I’ve enjoyed and appreciated some of your newsletter emails, that included very helpful information, fresh perspectives, hilarious humor, analogies, examples, wisdom, and much more.
However COMMA to be transparently honest, there were also times that your newsletter emails felt like WAY TOO MUCH yapping away like there’s no tomorrow—many “trying too hard to be entertaining” details—without any or much depth to the content.
But, I realized that I (and everyone else) can be this way too (to varying degrees)—we can ALL be ANY (ultimately neutral) aspect—so rather than unsubscribe due to brief annoyance, I chose to embrace ALL aspects of Full-Potential, Multidimensional, WHOLE You/you.
My old version of self would’ve immediately unsubscribed, as soon as I read the title of this email—that doesn’t exactly UPLIFT upon reading it—since I had experienced decades of verbal and emotional abuse from my deeply wounded mother since very early childhood.
I’ve made it crystal clear to her that I have absolutely no room for that kind of energy in my life anymore; and to my great surprise, she deeply cried and said she was going to change (which I hadn’t heard her say in 50 years).
So despite the negative and hateful-sounding title of your email, I chose to sit with the trigger, to give you a benefit of a doubt, and explore the probability of a new and different experience.
And I’m glad I did, because you did share some helpful information, and I was able to share as well.
I trust that you didn’t mean any degree of harm to others when you chose this title, but I hope you take into consideration how such an experience can possibly push some people away.
It’s not about, “Well, you just need to have thicker skin!” Or “Suck it up and drive on!”—a phrase often shouted in the Army—but being able to empathize with others whose perceptions and perspectives are also valid.
Clickbaits are fine, but they don’t need to be harsh.
Many people won’t write you to share such unconventional, authentic thoughts and feelings due to not wanting to be vulnerable.
Most people are not comfortable with what they perceive as confrontational; hence, they will shy away from bringing up anything that might rub another the wrong way.
I’m not most and many people, so I’m sharing what’s on my mind and in my heart, trusting that you’ll at least digest whatever amounts of it (or not).
Nonetheless, I still appreciate that you showed up in my life, and have been helpful so far.
Most recent note on top
Ash, you may never read this, but that’s okay, since it’s about the energies sent to you from my Heart.
And since EVERYTHING is energetically interconnected—like Entanglement Theory of Quantum Physics—I fully trust that your Soul will FEEL instantly and automatically.
When I’m fully present and in alignment with Divine Self within (rather than being my fearful ego self)—I am deeply grateful of your precious existence, and Your/your invaluable contribution to humanity and beyond.
The truth is, you have many wonderful qualities, and this recent newsletter email title was just a fraction of ALL that You/you are or not (since we ALL have both “positive” and “negative” aspects within us).
You helped me to unconditionally love more of my WHOLE Self/self. Thank you so much Soul Sister.
Earlier this morning…
I noticed this morning that yesterday was…
Leo ♌️🦁 Full Moon 🌕
And the following notes were saved in my 📱📆 (helps to actually read them 🤷🏻♀️🤭; plus, didn’t add links to them, but pretty sure from Minnow Pond Tarot and/or Chris Reck newsletter):
“The Leo full moon on Jan. 25 will take place in your first house of self-expression, shedding light on how you share yourself with the world.
You’ve never been afraid to take up space, but during this event, you’ll consider how to put the best version of yourself on display.
While you’ll be the center of attention now, try not to get too wrapped up in the validation others give you [haven’t related to this section most of my life ☺️].
Remember to put the parts of yourself that you’re proudest of first, even if they don’t gain praise or recognition.”
“By Jan. 25, the Leo full moon shifts your attention back to your personal identity and autonomy.
If you’ve lost sight of the purpose you serve as an individual [recently did, but Bashar’s videos yesterday, and Clark’s video below were very uplifting], you’ll be reminded of it as this lunation unfolds.
Allow yourself to acknowledge the gifts and abilities you have to share with the world today.
It’s important to know what you have to offer, so that you can consciously contribute it.
You may also be feeling bolder than usual today, so if you’ve been in need of a courage boost, expect to receive it now.”
One of the most inspirational and practical videos I’ve watched in this lifetime:
”How to DETACH and LET GO (98% Get
This WRONG)“
I attempted to delete the comment I shared with Ash, since she had more than enough time to experience what it feels like to be mirrored the energy she sent out.
But it was automatically deleted after she unsubscribed for me.
While skimming through the comments, I noticed that everyone shared random, happy comments that didn’t seem to do anything with her actual newsletter message (except one), which was strange.
And Ash happily replied to I think most of them, seemingly bullshitting away about various topics.
When you’re the only one who felt red flags 🚩 within a reading (starting with the title), it’s easy to doubt yourself.
But I still have my back, because the bottom line is, it was a harsh title to send to subscribers who you know are wanting to make money (clickbait or not).
It occurred to me that I wasn’t overreacting, because I did the “apply it to my loved ones” test.
And my husband agreed that he wouldn’t care to see such email titles while enjoying his day—despite a writer’s intention to probably just get noticed and read.
Plus, I wouldn’t ever want my adult children to be exposed to such email titles, that may even plant an unnecessary seed in their still malleable minds and brains 🧠 , that not making money (or even lots of it) can somehow mean that they’re a “Predictable Little Coward.” 😳
And I don’t need a group of people—who are like-minded (and close-hearted) with someone who would even come up with such a title—to validate what I experienced; I choose to trust my intuition.
Plus, from an expanded, multidimensional perspective, this trigger ultimately and only applies to me, because I realized that each word within that harsh, newsletter email title, was a trigger itself from past childhood through adulthood traumas.
Earlier today…
I watched the following video that showed up in my YouTube homepage in Divine perfect timing and order, and completely matches and confirms this recent series of synchronicity (that both the writer of the newsletter, Ash, and I can learn and grow from—our identified fears):
I do believe that Ash has (unknowingly) given me an opportunity to unconditionally love more aspects of WHOLE Self/self.
This morning’s insight…
As mentioned above (as an UPDATE intro), after carefully rereading (rather than speed reading) the entire newsletter message, I realized that the title of this email may be part of a sales pitch.The following paragraph towards the end of this newsletter message helped me to receive an insight:
“So, what’s a good person who doesn’t want to be overwhelmed or drive themselves to the brink or suffer from Perfection Paralysis to do????
First, keep reading this hellacious newsletter. And second, sign up for […]”
So perhaps it’s a form of psychological manipulation by first putting down readers, with a title of the newsletter email, like “Predictable Little Cowards Do Not Make Money.”
And then, building readers back up, by offering a way to be a “good person” that society approves of, rather than remain “a predictable, little coward who does not make money.”
It feels like a dirty way to persuade people—rather than inspire them in a direct and honest way—but perhaps this has been effective in the past.
But UNaware people will not know what shook their inner world—though it may FEEL a bit off to those who are awakening as Souls—and will simply go along with this mental and emotional manipulation game like lost sheep 🐑.
Because our individual and Collective Egos have been deeply ingrained by society to only be right, good, and acceptable, and doesn’t want to be associated by negative, unacceptable qualities like: little (i.e., patronizing for a grown@$$ adult), a coward, and non-money maker.
Granted, after talking to my husband—who was also like 😳😬 to her email title—I now trust that the writer simply used this clickbait to more than likely stop people from scrolling through their emails, notice a glaring title, and out of curiosity, check out the message.
It worked, since I did as well, but I had also clicked on her other emails that didn’t have any harsh titles.
Also, after thoroughly rereading the message—and if I were to throw numbers out there—about 70% of it was actually well written (despite the harsh title), that includes some helpful wisdom and inspiration.
But Ash and/or her team decided to automatically unsubscribe me from their newsletter—which is understandable from one perspective—so I won’t be reading anymore of her emails.
But I’m at peace with that because I’ve learned what all I don’t prefer to be, say, and do as a future entrepreneur, as well as how I can emulate other beneficial ways of Ash who has experienced being a successful entrepreneur, and has shared very helpful information so far.
Though I won’t lose any sleep over this disconnection, I do wish them well on their journeys.
After all, like I shared with Ash, I embrace her Full-Potential, Multidimensional, WHOLE Self/self, who’s been helpful so far (despite the one “negative” experience, that all relationships at least have).
Earlier this morning…
I received two emails this morning, automatically giving me a partial refund—as well as automatically unsubscribing me to this newsletter—though I didn’t request for either.
So I just embraced it, trusting that if we can dish out negative, harsh energies for many others to read—like the title of that email mentioned in this post—then we should be able to take it as well (with grace 🕊️); but if not, that’s ok too.
I’m also reminded that rather than judge the passive-aggressive style of communication—which stems from fear of expressing directly—I can remember that I can be passive-aggressive too at times (and have in the past at times), though that’s not my preferred communication style.
I then noticed 8:55 on my📱clock, and checked out various truth codes/angel number messages (screenshots below):
Sometimes, I do wonder if I became distracted by a shiny object—like this newsletter email that caused me to become triggered, curious and very passionate ❤️🔥.
But then I’m reminded by Divine Synchronicity, to include the 855 number synchronicity above, as well as this video below, that I’m on track:
“CHANNELED WISDOM! Bashar’s Manifestation Formula – ATTRACT Anything Into YOUR LIFE | Darryl Anka”
I have realized before that I’ve been naturally tuning into many different frequencies, categories, groups or niche of people.
And this includes what’s considered “normal people” spaces, that many people within the Spirituality communities wouldn’t venture into (since it’s not what they resonate with).
So I’ve been sharing much Light (new information) and/or Unconditional Love with many throughout this world, though not necessarily in the typical form of human conditional kindness or outwardly niceness (but more like sharing truths that are considered taboo at times, like the comment I shared with the writer in this post).
I’ve also been sharing via reviews (movies, K-dramas, TV shows, restaurants, Amazon, Temu, other businesses, etc.), and comments (for YouTube videos, articles, blog posts, etc., though many brief ones that don’t turn into posts).
Related post, “Multi-Life Purpose Plus Freely Being & Sharing Outside of Society’s Limiting, Labeled Boxes 📦.”
And I’ve noticed this even more so lately, where my recent blogs have reflected my sharing with:
- Teal Swan (who does Shadow Work, whom some Lightworkers are against, and whom she has a problem with as well, due to many, but not all, only chasing the Light and wanting to be “high vibes only,” which isn’t reasonable, unconditionally loving, and healthy)
- A Medium app community, to include a woman who shared an unheard of perspective about the first Essene Mirror, and another woman who shared about high vibes people
- Open-mic comedy community (to include a Christian woman)
- Elderly couple, family friends who happens to be Catholic, but mentioned expanding their perspectives lately thanks to our conversations that stem from our discerning, open-minds and open hearts with healthy boundaries
- and Ash and her community
I fully trust that simply doing our best daily, to Be authentic Self/self as we interact with Life, we automatically and instantly affect one another, and expand our interconnected, individual and Collective Consciousness.
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