I shared this comment for the creator of the image on right: Thank you Brigitte for sharing this soul-igniting, gorgeous image that reminded me of the unstoppable power (Divine Power), Unconditional Love (Divine Love) and profound wisdom (Divine Wisdom) of Spirit/Divine Mother Goddess within interconnected Life of this world and beyond (to include the Tiger Power Animal). I used it for post: [this one]
Image by Brigitte makes custom works from your photos, thanks a lot from Pixabay
This post is a continuation from a recent post, “What IF Every Phase of Our Soul Journey are Perfect Parts of Our Life Purpose?“ which is a helpful intro.
This content was originally the second part of a comment I had shared for Victor Oddo’s video mentioned in the above post; but since it was too long to post, I’m sharing it here, along with UPDATES 1, 2 & 3 comments near the bottom of this post.
In addition, I had typed the following content before I went to visit my first grandbaby at a mini family reunion on 10/19/21, which I recently returned from earlier this week.
Towards the end of this summer, when I came upon an online course (Ultimate Self Mastery/USM) via a YouTube ad that I often skip, where Peter Sage enthusiastically talked about various topics that highly resonated with me—to include Inner Work, expanding our individual and Collective Consciousness, Shadow Work, contributing our gifts, etc.—I became really excited and jumped on the opportunity.
While taking the USM course for about a month, I (and some others) received a free coaching session from a guy who didn’t really coach anything, but who basically provided a brief introduction to EMF (Elite Mentorship Forum) and EMT (Elite Mentorship Trainer), and then shared links to videos of Peter introducing them in detail.
The latter (EMT) was an opportunity to train others on what you learned from the EMF program—basically USM course on steroids, according to my coach—by starting your own coaching business where Team Sage provides all the foundation needed to start your own business as a Trainer/Facilitator, to include marketing, for people like me who aren’t experienced in this field, which took a load off from not having to deal with those aspects (and they receive a small percentage of the profit you make).
On 9/11/2021—the number sequence 911 often reminding me of ending of one phase, and the beginning of another—I made the decision to go for EMT (that includes EMF).
I talked to this coach the day prior, told him I’d think about it, and then noticed for the 3rd time that week a grasshopper showing up in my physical reality (which often reminds me of ‘Leap in Faith’ or “Leap in Consciousness); and this day, it jumped right in front of me while I was heading out with my husband to check out a house that another realtor was showing.
And in route, a red car pulled up in front of us with a license plate that included 888 (which often reminds me of the triple power of 8 that can be symbolic of Prosperity Consciousness and abundance in various forms, to include monetary abundance). So I took these as signs from Spirit within to take action, so I did.
Everything seemed to be flowing as planned, but then I started experiencing what you, Victor, mentioned in this video.
They were moments where I strongly FELT, very briefly, certain things being off (i.e., RED FLAGS), though my logical mind didn’t want to believe them, because at this point, I had chosen to fully trust my inner guidance—to include the excitement and the series of angel number messages (number synchronicity)—I took a huge risk, and I invested a lot of money that I wasn’t used to spending on a program.
These red flags ranged from very subtle to IN YOUR FACE obvious, which created confusion (and conflict within) since there were plenty of times that Peter provided very helpful information as well.
There were even moments where I noticed that the words coming out of Peter’s mouth sounded “right,” but I didn’t FEEL them, which was odd, since being highly sensitive (and even ultra sensitive at times), and being an empath—where I sometimes FEEL others’ physical pain as well—is part of my full-potential, Multidimensional, WHOLE self/Self.
I also noticed that before I paid in full for the EMT program (which includes the EMF), there was a lot of communication from my coach and Team Sage via emails, text messages, and even phone calls.
But yet, after I paid in full, I received a set of contradicting emails (that I requested clarification for), and then the communication noticeably diminished, and practically became unavailable for almost 3 weeks.
So I contacted my “coach” and informed him of the red flags, he reassured me that this isn’t how they work, and told me that he would call me; but then later sent text messages that he’s booked, and will only be able to do so whenever he’s free, though he called multiple times in one day before I paid (which I shared with him as well).
Almost 3 weeks later, I received a last minute email about a zoom call, that didn’t even take into consideration the time difference between UK and Arizona.
I emailed the admin assistant of this, and that a heads up would be nice since I missed the live call. She also sent 3 other, last minute emails within one morning, finally providing important information about the programs, and adding “my apologies” that didn’t even feel sincere. [UPDATE added 10/29/21: Her and I are good now. I can be quick to starting from scratch, as long as another doesn’t continue to cross my healthy boundaries]
So in a nutshell (further details I’ll share in a future review), after patiently waiting for somebody to reply to my email and fb questions, I posted a comment about my observations with my EMF experience (so far) on the USM course platform.
And sure enough, another female USM and EMF member and I started sharing our experiences, she asked if we could stay in touch, I gave her my email address, and we continued our communication.
It turns out that she, too, eerily had a similar experience, and was glad that I shared mine, since it helped her to not feel alone in the same, frustrating situation. [My reply to this member under UPDATE #1 below] And even another USM and EMF had the experience of her questions not being answered as well.ย
I emailed Team Sage about my observations and red flags, and that I had not knowingly signed up for something like that, and that I don’t wish to represent a team (as a future EMT) that doesn’t help their own members once they’ve paid.
I asked for them to share the refund process, and I was informed by the admin assistant that she would talk to them and get back with me.
When I imagined receiving the refund, and using it to just leave for wherever I FEEL like going next—and taking a temporary or permanent break from all self-help courses—it felt like a HUGE LOAD came off my back.
Because there were other VERY HEAVY red flag energies that I experienced lately that I haven’t shared yet, because I’d like to gain profound wisdom from them before I proceed; after all, Peter did share some helpful information as well, and I’m grateful for that.
Whenever I imagine,ย visualize, and feel having already reinvented myself, and having started a new life in an overall peaceful, beautiful, supportive, and beneficial environment—surrounded by water and lots of greenery (wherever that may be), and relationships that feel like Soul Family—I FEEL coming back to Life effortlessly.
So even though I may not initially have much money throughout these times, perhaps it’s best to just go for it and SEE where the journey takes me.
I recently asked Mother Goddess Sekhmet to assist me, and I had vivid, symbolic dreams and other synchronicity that seemed to reveal Her answers of support and even protection (if needed), to include quotes from a book that matched my personal experiences and other dream messages since 2001; and one quote was that I was done with whatever I think I need to do in this life. Perhaps this implies to simply Be [I AM Presence] (like both Peter and Victor shared).
# 1
The following is the above mentioned reply comment that I shared with a USM and EMF member who had a similar experience:
Hi ______ ,
I’m glad that you had a positive response from Peter himself, and that you chose to have faith in him. He put forth effort to show that you matter, and he cares, which is all that we ask of others (and not expecting perfection).
It’s just that when there are A LOT of efforts before one commits to the main programs, but then it noticeably diminishes after you pay in full, it can leave one with a not-so-good feeling (like a date who never calls back after they get what they want).
I would like to continue trusting Peter as well, though I will continue to follow my inner guidance/Heart/intuition first and foremost (the Master Teacher within), since I noticed so far that I don’t always resonate with everything that he thinks, believes, behaves, says, teaches, does, shares, recommends, etc.; and that’s perfectly okay, to only take on board what FEELS light/true to our Hearts, and let go of whatever doesn’t.
My coach replied by text message this morning that he’s booked today, so he’ll have to play it by ear and call when he’s free. I informed him that I suddenly received 3 emails from Apple F. (Maria’s admin assistant) this morning, which may have been his influence, since he said he was going to look into the “silence from Team Sage” matter yesterday.
So yes, if there’s an issue with the staff not being highly organized, and having effective communication, I trust that it can be resolved in the future with more aware and caring leadership and teamwork, which they already seem to have the foundation of, though not completely solid yet.
When it comes to being informed and assigned a buddy, it does help to be informed of some kind of status (even if that status isn’t known yet); that way, they’re not keeping their members in the dark.
After 3 weeks, one of the emails I received today stated that an email will be sent in the future about the launch date and other details of EMF and EMT (that includes EMF). So I trust that we will all be matched up with our buddies when it’s time.
Regarding your insight => “I feel as if I’ve fallen through the cracks and they are too focused on making money and ‘staying positive'”:
Your perceptions are completely valid, and you deserve better support than that. I know how you feel since I was bombarded with emails, text messages, and calls whenever they wanted to upsell, and before I made the huge purchase of EMT, but after paying, the communication went mostly silent (with no replies to most questions via email and Facebook).
It can be frustrating, and that’s pretty much the main issue I’ve had with the EMF program (though the EMT doesn’t start until Module 5).
I agree with you in that it’s one thing to teach about elevating self/others, sharing Unconditional Love (with self/others), expanding our individual and Collective Consciousness, growing, contributing, and making our world a better place; but it’s a whole other ballgame to actually LIVE the Profound Wisdom (Living Wisdom), Lead by Example, and SHOW through heart-based sincerity since ACTIONS speak VOLUMES.
Thank you as well Charm, for your helpful replies and feedback, which also illuminated to me that I’m not alone with these red flag experiences.
I like your idea of staying in contact with each other to give the support and encouragement we’ve been seeking, which drew us to this program to begin with.
Just so we no longer take up this journal space with our interactions, whenever you feel like it, you can email me at ________ . I’m grateful that we crossed paths Soul sister. ^_^
# 2
The following is a reply comment I shared with one of the EMF members today, 10/29/21 (the 3rd member who thanked me for sharing helpful info that was unavailable for 3 weeks):
______ , thank you so much for sharing your experience, as well as your very helpful feedback. I was initially kicking myself in the ass for sharing such comments (on USM as well)—and probably being a major pain in the ass to Peter and Team Sage—but it’s been a relief to find out from several other USM and/or EMF members that I wasn’t the only one who experienced whatever degree of stress related to this and similar matters.
I’m so glad that you, too, felt like the world has been lifted off your shoulders. I even wondered if my speaking up caused me to possibly end up on Peter and Team Sage’s doo doo list—hence, I still haven’t been assigned a buddy though multiple other members have been—but when I further open my mind and heart (expand my perspective/consciousness), I can SEE with CLARITY the BIGGER picture.
And that is, everything that has happened thus far has happened FOR us rather than TO us.
I choose to Be unapologetic for expressing my inner truths, igniting change, and helping self/others.
After all, through my persistent communication efforts, my coach, Apple F. (Maria’s assistant) and Maria (Admin Director) contacted me 3 weeks later [4 weeks for Maria], recently apologized, and even stated that they’re working on improving communication with EMF and EMT members, and even creating an effective SOP (Standard Operating Procedures) for their company.
I trust that there’s always room for growth and improvement for all of us.
# 3
I befriended a USM member a month or so ago, and we exchanged emails after briefly interacting via the comment section of that week’s lesson.
So today, I shared with him the overall summary of what had happened—to include expanded perspectives, and the gist of the supportive feedback I received from several other USM and EMF members—since he asked for details, and is currently interested in joining EMF, and wanted my input.
The following is the last paragraph that I shared with him:
After all, if Peter is the great CEO of this company that he portrays himself to be, then as a True Leader, he would be open to change that benefits himself/others/interconnected Life. Hope this helps. Have a great weekend _____ !
Part of my friend’s reply included, “Girl you had me rolling on the floor I was laughing so hard. You must have been hotter than a wet hen […]” which made my Heart smile since some of his previous emails and voicemails sounded sad (though masked with humor at times), I deeply empathized with him, and I wished for him to be uplifted.
By the way, his latter sentence I had to google since I never heard of that hen saying, but it made me laugh. My friend’s older (and probably wiser) than me, so it’s understandable that he uses such phrases.
In addition, he’s a very strong and unconditionally kind Soul; even though he has a rare dis-ease that affects his nervous system, he’s willing to expand his consciousness to realize his full-potential, Multidimensional, WHOLE self/Self, that’s way more than the physical body, which I highly respect and admire about him.
And today, after I created and published the previous post, “Highly Evolved Beings Are The NEW Celebrities,” I noticed shortly after that the subject of his most recent email was titled, “We’re celebrities now” (synchronicity).
He shared this subject line as a joke because Peter Sage had answered both of our questions (that we had submitted beforehand) during yesterday’s live coaching call, even though he must receive many questions from over a thousand, current members (for USM, EMF, and EMT).
This monthly coaching call was overall helpful, with the exception of his suggestion not to journal publicly, since our minds (that want to please others) can prevent us from expressing our truths, which didn’t fully resonate with me since there have been plenty of times I’ve shared within this blog insights from my journals that wouldn’t exactly be stamped “approved!” by general society; hence, why I created and published this post/”journal shared with the public.”
Future Related Post
In the future, I would like to share a post titled, “A Pros and Cons Review of Peter Sage’s USM & EMF Courses & EMT Program”; and it would be a delightful surprise to experience a happy ending, especially an AMAZING one.
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