When we come upon a butterfly cocoon within nature, there’s no need to rush to it shouting…
“You poor thing! Trapped inside that suffocating, prison-like cocoon, and being forced to transform! Don’t worry helpless one, I’ll rescue you!”
Because if we, ourselves, become trapped into victim mentality (for self/others), and decide to prematurely break open that cocoon, we could prevent that chrysalis from ever experiencing it’s amazing, full-potential, multidimensional, whole self as a colorful, beautiful, graceful, and FREE butterfly.
Note: This post is an update for the previous post, “A Cosmic Perspective of the Coronavirus Pandemic“; but it can be read on its own
I received my first newsletter email today titled, “Dream Your Impossible Dream,” from Angel Valley in Sedona.
It arrived in my inbox this morning at 5:55 a.m.; and angel number 555 often reminds me of highly beneficial, major changes on all energetic levels—physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.
The following (in pale green font only)ย is an excerpt from their message that provides another expanded perspective of the current coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic:
Bashar says: If you can imagine it, it exists. We cannot imagine what does not exist.
Therefore, in reality the Impossible Dream does not exist, because EVERY dream is possible, if we put our focus on it. Let us all keep our Dream active and alive.
Let us all use our imagination, our God-given creativity, to dream ourselves and mankind into a place where we have learnt so much from this corona shakeup, that we are literally creating a new world, where our Heart is our guide.
I’ve been to Angel Valley twice so far. The first time was in August of 2019, right after Victor Oddo’s Sedona retreat, with two ladies who also participated.
A really nice, down-to-earth, Reiki Practitioner invited me, and I, in turn, invited another authentic, honest, and really thoughtful lady from Texas.
Though the second lady was pretty new to Spirituality, I respected and admired her because her actions spoke more volumes that a lot of those whom I met, who claimed to be spiritual (especially within Sedona).
It was an overall peaceful experience, despite the scorching hot weather; and my favorite part was the idea of reconnecting with the energies within a certain location, that’s meant to represent some symbols of ancient Lemuria.
The second time I went to Angel Valley was early fall of 2019 (sometime in September I believe), shortly after I started working at the eighth job in Sedona.
One of the Angel Guides (who’s also a Practitioner) offered the two, new employees a free, spiritual, 3 hour land session, where she took us to Angel Valley.
The session was an overall great experience, though it did feel more mind-centered than heart-centered (i.e., a lot of helpful knowledge that didn’t deeply move me; and I consider myself ultra-sensitive to energies).
This more than likely stemmed from the Practitioner being more heavy with the masculine energies within her, than a balance of both Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine.
This Practitioner and I also talked about starseeded souls (since she brought it up), and she also introduced me to the owners of Angel Valley, whom I had never met before.
For whatever reason, the older man (owner) appeared angry, and didn’t say a word—perhaps he was having a rough day—though the woman owner appeared somewhat content.
They look really happy in the photo within today’s newletter email, so that’s good for them.
While filling out a form—something I didn’t know I had to do the first time I went to Angel Valley—their cat approached me and sat down next to my legs while looking up at me; so I greeted her, and gently pet her.
Perhaps the cat sensed that I have two cats as well—a female, black cat named Shadow (who used to be a semi-feral stray in our neighborhood), and a younger, tabby, male cat named Leo.
When I asked the owner the cat’s name, she replied with a smile, “Quan Yin,” which I thought was interesting, because that was the second time I heard that familiar name mentioned by another within a week.
The first time I heard this was when one of my roommates, from the retreat, told me and others that the psychic named, Jennifer—recommended by Victor Oddo (who was referred to by Aaron D.)—told her that she’s the reincarnation of Quan Yin.
I thought this was fascinating, since my roommate didn’t exactly seem to represent this Goddess from the outer surface; she was like a feisty, female, Asian gangster who cursed, drank, and smoked a lot, and was very blunt at times (in a funny way).
Granted, on the inside, I could tell she has a BIG heart, and other wonderful qualities, and she’s doing her best to Be and do on this planet, just like everyone and their mamas and grandmamas.
For a while now, I do my best to pay extra attention to whatever repeats in my life, because I trust that it’s like a blinking, neon sign from the Universe trying to gift us with helpful messages.
So the repeating name of Quan Yin was part of that particular series of Divine synchronicity.
I trust that it’s time to embrace and integrate this extension of Source/Divine Mother Goddess within, into whole self—and only choosing to use its exalted version (rather than the old one known to humanity).
This ancient, Ascended Master, one of many throughout the world, to include Jesus, Mary Magdalene, Buddha, etc.,ย apparently had the opportunity to leave this world—since she had learned all of life’s lessons and, hence, ascended—but she heard the suffering and cries of humanity, and thus chose to remain on Earth to assist others.
However, I trust that when it comes to compassion, there’s a time and a place to offer assistance for others, and there’s a time and place to just allow what simply is for interconnected Life’s highest benefit.
And the question may be, “Is this expression and/or action going to truly benefit another/self?”
Ex. Taking care of a baby in your life who completely relies on others? YES.
Ex. Continuously forgiving and remaining in a very unhealthy relationship with a habitual abuser—verbal, psychological (mental and emotional), physical, and/or sexual—who makes excuses for his or her negative ways of being, but has NO intention to change for the better? HEYLL NO.
The typical human compassion—that comes from a limited, physical perspective (consciousness), and doesn’t have healthy boundaries—has a tendency to go into rescue mode, when it’s not always necessary.
For instance, when one chooses to continuing giving money to a gambling, alcohol, or drug addict (because they beg for it)—with the claim of having compassion for this person—this act doesn’t benefit anyone, but rather, serves as a disempowering crutch for the addict, and causes the giver to be an enabler.
I trust that pure Cosmic Compassion that comes from a multidimensional perspective (Unity Consciousness)—and not human meaning of pure which is only good, but pure as in neutral (like Spirit)—simply radiates out Deep Understanding and Unconditional Acceptance/Embrace/Love to interconnected Life, and knows All is Well.
It doesn’t need to desperately go into rescue mode—like way back in the day—since Divine Wisdom is knowing that everything has a Divine Purpose,ย and nothing is right or wrong, good or bad, light or dark…but simply IS.
For most of my life, I had a tendency to often go overboard when it comes to helping others, while neglecting my own needs, wants, preferences, desires, etc..
I’ve shared many stories within this blog that helped me to gain insights to what’s beneficial and not (for self/others), when it comes to having compassion for others, and having compassion for self.
I didn’t have strong, healthy boundaries; I didn’t fully learn about it (mentally) until my early forties, and I still haven’t mastered this lesson yet, though I’m getting closer and closer as I practice the art of unconditionally loving more and more neutral aspects of whole self.
Looking back, I realize more than ever the importance of unconditional love for others balanced with unconditional love for the self.
Because we can only truly/unconditionally and generously give to others from an overflowing cup from within, not a barely filled or empty one.
I’m going to continue trusting my inner guidance, to help me to know whenever it’s time to assist others, and whenever it’s time to let them be.
I like to remind self that all souls are on their own, unique journey of various paths, at their own pace of soul growth/spiritual evolution (and one particular path isn’t better or more righteous than another).
The insights I gained from creating this post has helped to me experience more inner-peace when it comes to this topic of human compassion vs Spirit’s Pure Compassion.
Theses stories will be shared in the next post, “Life Lessons from Personal Experiences in Sedona, AZ, U.S.A, Earth, G455 (Part 10).”
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