TikTok link 🔗 for Balance
I shared the following comment/message for video, “If You Need Space, You’re Lying“:
Who taught that swinging the pendulum to the extreme opposite side is basically narrow-minded, close-hearted, and NOT beneficial? 🤔 Oh, that’s right! 😲 Teal Swan. 😐
There is a time for invaluable solitude time—to deeply connect with one’s multidimensional, inner world (both human and Divine)—and there’s a time to connect with so-called others with social time.
It’s NOT one versus the other—due to the DUALITY/POLARITY of right or wrong, good or bad, light or dark, etc.—or one being better than the other.
People even need breaks at times from pets, but that doesn’t mean that pets need to be neglected or mistreated.
Even a parent(s) needs a break from a child or children at times, while not neglecting or abusing them.
That’s why occasional date night is highly encouraged for married couples, especially with children.
It’s HEALTHY AND HIGHLY BENEFICIAL to spend some solitude time—to KNOW what it FEELS like to Be within one’s Full Presence without outer world distractions—and to KNOW what one’s vibrational frequency FEELS like (as Sadhguru and like-minded and like-hearted other Soul Teachers had taught).
It’s HEALTHY AND HIGHLY BENEFICIAL to better understand and know Self/self, which helps us to better understand and know others.
It’s HEALTHY AND HIGHLY BENEFICIAL to cry/release/heal while alone at times, especially if one feels uncomfortable around others—family members, friends, coworkers, etc.—who may frown upon crying, because they believe it’s a weakness.
Teal, I deeply understand that you have an INTENSE FEAR of ever being alone, EVER being away from your safe bubble of team members who place you on a pedestal.
But this doesn’t mean that you need to continue PROJECTING and SPREADING YOUR OWN FEARS (at times), and trying so hard to convince others to never spend time alone.
And this includes your MEGA LOAD of doo doo social media poster quote, about people wanting to spend any time alone equates to one’s unhealthy version of the ego.
Even one of your facebook group members (a guy) shared that he often found your YouTube videos helpful, but that you went too far with that poster.
It’s time to pull your head out of your @$$, and let go of this fear-based belief that you’re doing your best to turn into a Collective belief.
Because the more people who become afraid to spend some solitude time, the more these people can completely depend on “spiritual catalysts” like Teal Swan, join her Teal Tribe, and worship her for the rest of her life.
Teal, you can share some very helpful and highly beneficial information; I highly respect and admire your teachings that actually stem from the merged Heart/Mind, higher version of yourself.
However COMMA there are times like these—and the UNedited parts of “The Deep End” documentary that REVEAL your FEAR-BASED words, behavior and actions (that were extremely bully-like, narcissistic and harsh at times)—that are just BAFFLING 😳.
You even said such baffling things at your NYC event years ago, and one of the participants left on day 2 of your 3 day event.
She became very upset, though she had highly respected and admired you for years.
After tuning into her inner-strength and courage, she had recently left two, chronically abusive relationships—her mother and her boyfriend—and was spending some peaceful solitude time, and even learning to unconditionally love herself.
But then you had to announce some 🐂sh!+ by saying that spending time alone is a negative thing (like this and other similar videos).
You even announced that everyone there shouldn’t follow any other spiritual teacher; and both of these ways are very manipulative and controlling (unlike your earlier YouTube videos).
This particular video popped into my homepage for a reason, and I’m glad I’m sharing this comment.
I trust whoever’s meant to read and benefit from it will; if not, that’s ok too.
You’ve mentioned many times how famous you are—though you’re really NOT (only within your bubble niche)—but if you ever do become very famous (which all Souls have the potential), I hope you’re no longer in a place where you misuse or abuse your power.
True Power is meant to highly benefit the Self/self/interconnected Life within this world and beyond.
In your interview within the “Know Thyself” video, there was a very brief moment that I felt deep, unconditional love for you in a decade or so—but as I also shared, when you talk about or ridicule “narcissistic” people as though you can never be like that (or as if you’ve never been), that’s a NEON, BLINKING SIGN that IT’S TIME ⌛️ to 👁️👀 look within and CHECK ✅ yourself as well.
Now I didn’t mention this part within the above mentioned video comment…
but the truth is, even Teal can be the narcissist aspect—and every other (ultimately neutral) aspect of WHOLE Self/self—and so can I, and every other Soul.
But until we SHINE 🌅 Light onto this society-deemed “unacceptable” part of ourselves—as well as our individual and Collective Ego (that simply does its best to survive, and even thrive, as an INDIVIDUAL in a physical world)—we will continue to PROJECT it onto others.
I trust that it’s about embracing and integrating ALL aspects of our WHOLE Self/self.
That way, we can Be the healthy version of our ego—that can safely and lovingly express its individuality while also connecting and sharing with the Collective—and to also ensure that we Be Self-Love (incorporating some of the narcissist’s “focus on self” energy, balancing the polar opposite empath energy that overly gives to others without healthy boundaries).
Teal, without a shadow of a doubt, you have been HANDS DOWN, one of the most challenging humans to unconditionally love.
And this had applied to my husband of 18 years (knew each other for 19), though our relationship improved much more after we decided to simply be harmonious partners after filing for our divorce earlier this year.
And last but not least, like you, my mother has also been extremely difficult to unconditionally love, because she was the meanest and cruelest human I had personally ever known (and not just to me, but to practically everyone within our extended family, my relatives/her siblings).
She was very abusive on all energetic levels for over 40 years, though the physical abuse stopped after high school.
But because I was her only child, there was a part of me that felt obligated to not abandon her, the way that both my biological father and my adoptive dad did, though my relatives and I didn’t blame them during my last trip.
I had also discontinued calling her for 6 years during my late thirties, when she refused to stop the verbal and emotional abuse, even though I had asked her to stop.
But then her health declined, one of my closest cousins called, so I reconnected.
During my most recent visit to South Korea this past summer to fall, I was ready to finally let go of my mom, because she was IMPOSSIBLE to everyone.
And this was despite her briefly being hospitalized for her second set of stroke symptoms, as well as new heart and liver issues (soon after I arrived).
And on my last morning, I informed her that it highly benefits all people to change for the better over the years; but yet, she had not changed in 50 years.
To my great surprise—and everyone else’s—she cried (like an innocent child), and said she wanted to change for the better.
It was the first time I witnessed her vulnerability in 50 years, that was deeply heartfelt.
But I informed her to only change for herself and no one else, not even for me.
She nodded and we hugged, and I felt that there was actually light at the end of the tunnel for all of my families’ relationships.
Teal, you’ve already lost your closest relationship, Blake, due to your manipulative, controlling and abusive ways at times; I had strongly sensed he’d leave years ago.
I hope you won’t lose more close relationships by continuing to treat your team members the way you did at times in the UNedited parts of “The Deep End” documentary (especially to Julianna, aggressively ganging up on her with the rest of your passive team members).
Those UNedited moments SPOKE VOLUMES of how you can treat others despite your shiny, spiritual teachings that you’ve been sharing for over a decade.
We can all be these negative aspects at times, but I hope we can continue doing our best to Be Cognizant of such fear-based, hurtful words, behaviors, and actions that can be detrimental to interconnected Life.
Hope we can all REALIZE before it’s too late how we can be at times, that doesn’t reflect our natural state—our Unconditional Love & Light essence.
This is the last comment I’d like to share with you; so the good news is, you won’t ever have to hear from someone like me again.
From this moment forward, I unconditionally embrace You/you, though that doesn’t mean that I ever need to focus on you again if I don’t feel like it.
Perhaps I care too much about too many unnecessary things, and it’s time to DETACH 🦎🙏🏼👋🏼 to release 🍁🍂 suffering when it comes to self/others/Life.
I can still share whatever I feel like, but not become emotionally reactive, to include being concerned or worried about false teachings negatively affecting humanity.
I’ll just flow with the Cosmic River 🏞️, and see where it guides me.
Take great care Soul sister.
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