Intro: I shared this comment for the creator of this image => Image by Okan Caliskan from Pixabay: Thank you Okan for sharing this EYE-catching, intriguing, intricate and beautiful artwork that you labeled: Sacred Art, Shaman, Shamanism, abstract, and ancient. I used it for post: [this one]
I shared the following comment for the video, “Can Ayahuasca Give An Intense Spiritual Experience? Sadhguru Answers“:
After watching this video—while following my inner guidance/Heart/intuition/Goddess essence FIRST AND FOREMOST (like with anything I watch, listen to, read, etc.)—I intuitively sensed that Sadhguru had shared some profound wisdom as usual, though his message wasn’t necessarily the WHOLE picture.
I also wondered if it’s completely true that the tribal people used ayahuasca for the mind’s logical reasons (i.e., cleansing the body of parasites), especially if some were microscopic, hence, they weren’t able to see them.
Indigenous cultures have been known to be very INTUITIVE rather than logical and scientific.
I find it strange that the key word, SHAMAN, has not been mentioned within this video.
Just like everything else in Life, nothing is meant to be misused or abused, so it’s NOT about doing ayahuasca for an INTENSE spiritual experience, to get addicted to it, but to ASSIST with the deeply healing process for a combination of energetic levels—mental, emotional, physical and spiritual.
Though I’ve never experienced ayahuasca before, I’ve recently and intuitively been guided to have my first experience in Brazil (after years of consideration), in case it can help me to further release whatever no longer benefits Full-Potential, Multidimensional, WHOLE self (physical self)/Self (spiritual Self), to include any deeply ingrained, society-conditioned resistance like old, outdated fear-based, core beliefs that can be challenging to identify (though not always) due to them being repressed throughout childhood and further suppressed throughout adulthood.
I still choose to fully trust that with a Heart-centered intention, I will highly benefit from the NEW ayahuasca experience somehow, along with other related experiences of The Unknown, since I will also be meeting and interacting with so-called others.
This will GIFT me with EXPERIENTIAL KNOWELDGE/WISDOM, where I can confidently decide what’s true for me, though I can’t speak for others.
I’ve learned on my mystic journey this year that only the Goddess essence/Higher Heart (not the wounded heart version)/Unconditional Love/ (which Mother Earth/Nature is part of)—that’s meant to lead the God essence/Higher Mind/Light—can deeply heal humanity and beyond.
From an expanded, unlimited, Multidimensional perspective—NOT within the contrasts/duality/polarity of right vs wrong, good vs bad, light vs dark. etc.—I trust that what Sadhguru and all others have shared contain truth to whatever degree, because even Divine Dichotomy reveals that two seemingly opposite energies, aspects, truths, etc. can exist within the same space.
The Cosmic Womb/The Void/The Unknown/The Quantum Field of Unlimited Possibilities/The Wave (that contains the God Particle)/etc. IS UNLIMITED, so why not simply choose what we personally PREFER experiencing in this lifetime, despite what others think, believe, say, etc.; and this applies to ALL Life experiences.
For instance, if we FEEL super excited about dancing a certain way, but general society frowns upon it, stating that it’s the wrong, bad, or even evil way, does that mean that we can’t do what LIGHTSย US UP?
Of course not, since we are no longer living in the dark ages, where we can literally be put to death for going against the majority.
During these NEW times, we have the FREEDOM and INNER POWER/Heart to be/Be, say, behave, and do as we please, simply Be AUTHENTIC self/Self.
Of course, this is without needing to harm interconnected Life within this world and beyond, since that just circles back to us–NOT as punishment from a higher power, but as Life Lessons to gain wisdom—since we are all energetically connected, that even Entanglement of Quantum Physics proves and supports in regards to the merging of physical and spiritual worlds.
Ultimately the 2 are 1 and the same, just as the Goddess & God essence/Spirit & Soul/Heart & Mind/Yin & Yang/Moon & Sun/Dark (Unknown) & Light (Known)/Water & Fire/Divine Feminine & Divine Masculine Energies/etc. are 2 sides of the 1 Cosmic Coin.
Thank you Sadhguru and interconnected Souls who have shared very helpful comments, that together, co-create the BIGGER picture, and assists with the expansion of our individual and Collective Consciousness.
Have a wonderful weekend enJOYing many present and pleasant moments of NOW! ^_^ Mulantis: Reuniting All
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