Image by Budhaditya Mukherjee from Pixabay
Recently, I had an awkward, yet hilarious experience at an overseas supermarket, that my older version of self would’ve felt embarrassed about.
Since it was so so memorable, tickling and cracking me up each time I was reminded of it, and while tuning into FUN ideas, I felt inspired to create an outline script for a video this morning (for social media).
And I’ve already imagined, visualized, and strongly FELT, that this video bit will eventually become an open mic comedy set that I’ll perform one day on stage, perhaps even as part of my own Comedy Special, in the magical future.
I’ve been sporadically creating, sometimes performing, and collecting various bits of open mic comedy starting 2017.
I also noticed some of the puzzle pieces amazingly coming together in Divine perfect timing and order.
So I trust that whether it’s within this particular physical reality, or another parallel or alternate, Earth reality; this particular BIG and BOLD dream has already manifested.
Anyhoo, this awkward moment is connected to Katy Perry’s “Roar” song; and I strongly felt like listening to it again.
So while watching and excitedly enJOYing this music video (title link right above), I was suddenly deeply moved to unexpected tears of joy,
especially from the powerful tiger scenes, that reminded me of the many vivid dreams of the Tiger Spirit Guide visiting me throughout the decade, and wanting to deeply connect…
though I often feared it, despite not fearing MANY earthly animals and otherworldly creatures in dream state (to include “scary” looking ones).
So I fully trust that this video helped me to fully embrace and integrate TIGER aspect within me, who’s ready to RRROAR unlike ever before (like in two vivid, otherworldly dreams where I actually ROARED like a lioness or tigress).
By the way, I chose the dragonfly image for this blog page, because immediately after I decided to take action with this video idea…
I noticed right above me a group of about a dozen dragonflies dancing around, which instantly reminded me of what I had experienced last year, soon after admiring the tallest statue in Vietnam, of the Lady Buddha.
I walked over to a gorgeous garden area surrounded by the sea, and then noticed the largest gathering of dragonflies I had ever seen my entire life (seemingly at least a few dozen).
I recorded these mesmerizing moments with my iphone, and I will share it via YouTube and TikTok once I find it,
along with photos I took next to this breathtaking, ginormous, and beautiful white statue, and a happy cow statue.
I thanked the Dragonfly Spirit Guide again for revisiting as a collective group, and reigniting our merged, multidimensional abilities, just as I thanked the Tiger Spirit Guide.
Image by Melanie from Pixabay & Image by Ray Shrewsberry โข Ray_Shrewsberry from Pixabay
I looked up various Animal Spirit Guide—and Animal Totems and Power Animals—interpretations that I felt drawn to, and as usual, disregarding the ones that don’t have…
an encouraging, uplifting, empowering, liberating, inspiring, and/or Consciousness expanding message.
By the way, I just realized that name of the creator of the dragonfly image on top of this page—Image by Budhaditya Mukherjee from Pixabay—that basically has the same sound, Buddha (Budha) in it (another perfect puzzle piece).ย
While continuing to follow my inner guidance/intuition, and noticing the breadcrumbs of joy / signs from the Universe (Divine Synchronicity)…
I came upon a SUPER HELPFUL reading that I have no doubt I was guided to from within titled, “Why Is Mind Body Heart And Soul The Real Holy Trinity?” (NOT religious version):
I was then immediately attracted to a MUST WATCH video—if we desire to more deeply understand the core foundation our WHOLE nature (non-physical and physical)—and shared the following message, “The Soul Versus The Ego | How To Tell The Difference“:
I was then drawn to a short video that caught my attention, “Setting Goals is Telling Yourself You’re Not Enough” which felt only partially true, but NOT completely.
hence, I have no doubt that Spirit/Monad/Higher Self within, has led me to this Soul Sister (Liz), to share an expanded perspective (and for her to share with me her invaluable gifts as well).
This correlates with what I’ve mentioned in the recent post, mostly about the (perhaps only) symbolic connection between Elon Musk and Enki…
and all that I had learned from the current book that I’m reading, that has so far answered many questions I had wondered about throughout a decade or so, but then let it go.
Plus, this theme also perfectly matches the video I created and shared yesterday via YouTube and TikTok—“Honoring Our Intuition First & Foremost“—about the importance of trusting and following our inner guidance/intuition first and foremost…
while listening to, watching, and/or learning from outer world Soul Teachers—and not necessarily spiritual teachers—since everyone has their own filters;
hence, it’s highly beneficial to Be a DISCERNING Open Mind and Open Heart with Healthy Boundaries.
I shared the following message with the creator of the video mentioned above, that it’s perfectly okay to REINVENT ourselves, DESIRE to experience much more of Life, while also deeply appreciating who we currently are, and the various forms of abundance that we have:
Here is the comment for “Setting Goals is Telling Yourself You’re Not Enough“:
Thank you Liz for sharing your invaluable perspective. Yes, it’s NOT beneficial for us to become STUCK within only left brain-centered goals and resolutions that do NOT include the Soul.
However, I have learned on my journey that we can actually experience Divine Dichotomy of Being deeply grateful for who we are in the present moments of now—for our Full-Potential, Multidimensional, WHOLE Self/self—and for the various forms of abundance that we currently have in our lives,
while also further desiring to experience the NEW, exploring, experiencing, enJOYing, remembering, discovering, learning, growing, changing, EXPANDING, and evolving on all energetic levels into upgraded versions of ourselves.
Yes, ultimately, we are already WHOLE and the Masterpiece within; but from a physical world perspective, we’re also experiencing expanding versions of ourselves.
Just as you’ve shared in your wonderful video about the Soul vs The Ego, I have no doubt that it’s NOT about swinging the pendulum to the polar opposite extreme and remaining there (i.e., resolutions and goals mean we’re not enough);
but rather, SHIFTING to a point of view where we’re not stuck on either sides, but working with both in a harmonious way.
After all, us creating content for our blog or website, as well as YouTube videos, are essentially small goals that we’ve completed, are they not? We can create guideline-like goals while also Being flexible and flowing with Life.
Plus, there’s nothing wrong with PLAYING and HAVING FUN with the process of REINVENTING Self/self, to include but not limited to Being once unknown, (ultimately NUETRAL) aspects of WHOLE Self/self,
exploring unknown relationships, places, cultures, foods, etc., and even trying on different, colorful outfits, shoes, wigs, makeup, accessories, jewelry, glasses, etc.