While following my inner guidance/Heart, or my excitement to the smallest degree—as Bashar, channeled by Darryl Anka, has taught for a long time—I came upon a YouTube video that I fully trust is part of this particular series of Divine synchronicity, since I’m usually not interested and drawn to videos and readings about earthly dramas, to include that of celebrities.
For the video, “Madonna RAGES On Fans Dissing Her Plastic Surgery During The Grammys,” I shared part of the message below, but only the sections in light yellow font, since it is a LONG-ass comment ^_^:
POP Quiz for ALL the BRAVE & BOLD Souls who happen to cross paths with this sacred space:
What does it mean to gracefully embrace DIVERSITY within UNITY Consciousness (with an open mind and heart, aka integrated Mind/Heart)?
First of all, like a growing numbers of interconnected Souls within this world/Galaxy/Universe and beyond, I’m continuing to learn more about Unconditional/True Love (Divine Love) for the self (physical human self)/Self (Divine Self/Higher Self/Source: Soul & Spirit within)/so-called others/Life within this world and beyond, that includes developing and maintaining HEALTHY BOUNDARIES.
And before I continue, I’ll share a brief intro.
This “interconnectedness” topic isn’t a MEGA LOAD of spiritual “woo woo” doo doo💩 —that many left-brain centered folks may think with only their limited, logical minds (and not Hearts).
But is actually supported by an increasing number of various fields within the science community, especially the most valid and precise Quantum Physics.
And this includes Entanglement, that supports the bridge of spirituality and science—even the ongoing merging process from the human perspective (though it already exists from a bigger picture perspective).
So for Entanglement, what we do to one particle automatically and instantly affects another particle, regardless of the vast distance in between them (even across the Universe).
So ultimately, and in a nutshell, what benefits the self, benefits others, and vice versa, and what harms the self, harms others.
So with this intro in mind, I will share human/3D/linear/limited/narrow-minded perspectives, as well as Soul-level/5D+/Multidimensional/UNlimited/expanded perspectives.
From one perspective, there are some great points within this video from various people, since everyone’s perceptions and perspectives are VALID, according to their state of consciousness.
Yes, it’s not healthy to go OVERBOARD (KEYWORD) with anything that can be more harmful than beneficial, to include plastic surgery.
However COMMA to be fair, modern technology—to include those that use high frequencies—unlike back in the day technology, does provide safer methods (that’s not meant to be abused).
In addition, I have NO DOUBT that MANY who have judged and criticized Madonna (or like others) for this particular situation, has ALSO gone OVERBOARD with some other aspect(s) of their own lives.
And this “GOING OVERBOARD” issue can be any number of things, to include but not limited to:
Obsession with social media, celebrities, other people’s lives, other’s personal business, etc.
Excessive judging and criticizing of others and/or self
Over worrying and stressing
Other obvious to subtle addictions: drinking (not just overboard with alcohol, but also with coffee, sodas, energy drinks, etc.), gambling, dieting (to the extreme), exercising (yes, this can be excessive too), shopping, sex, drugs, being a workaholic, being a chronic @$$hole, etc.
Can most of humanity even begin to imagine what it might be like to be a super famous celebrity, who has IMMENSE and INTENSE pressure from this ass-backwards world’s sub-standards and unreasonable expectations, stemming from a mostly left brain-centered, extremely judgmental, lower consciousness state?
Until we’ve walked MANY miles in another’s shoes (and NOT just a few), we will never KNOW—via EXPERIENTIAL KNOWLEDGE/WISDOM—what it’s like to be whoever, to include Madonna.
So from another perspective, who gives a 🐀’s ass what Madonna does with her PERSONAL self/Self?
She’s a GROWN-ASS WOMAN/SOUL/SPIRIT, who has every Divine birthright to Be, think, feel, believe, desire (to experience), behave, say and do whatever the F#%^ she wants (or don’t want).
Let’s unconditionally accept, and even gracefully embrace who Madonna (and like others) IS (AS IS), and simply be grateful that someone as talented as her even EXISTS in our world, and even deeply appreciate her for all that she/She is, and all the Soul gifts that she has to share with humanity and beyond.
This is similar to SUPER celebrities like Whitney Houston, Elvis Presley, Michael Jackson, etc. Did they make some human errors/mistakes that can be perceived as so-called “failures”?
Sure! But at the end of the day—especially considering these talented Souls are no longer available to our world—they definitely and generously shared with humanity and beyond their invaluable Soul gifts/talents/skills/abilities, etc.; so why not treasure those precious memories instead of dwelling on what doesn’t matter?
By the way, I’d like to share that I haven’t been interested in the earthly dramas of celebrities for almost five decades of my life, but since I’ve liked, and even loved, many songs
by Madonna since childhood, I decided to tune into this particular vibrational frequency channel and share what is highly beneficial (whether one is aware of this or not).
Within this YouTube video of consolidated clips of other videos—to include interviews of Madonna—I noticed the Soulfulness, and even great strength and deep sadness in Madonna’s eyes (known as the windows to the Soul).
Without a shadow of a doubt, it takes an IMMENSELY STRONG Soul to Be as authentic, free-spirited, creative, unconventional, BOLD, and unapologetic as Madonna, especially within a society that’s been heavily male-dominated/patriarchal throughout human history—to include limiting religions, other rigid belief systems, politics, the military (which I’ve been a part of while in the Army), corporations , ETC.
For instance, even within the comedy field, it is no ancient, Japorean secret that it, TOO, is heavily male-dominated and extremely competitive (on an unhealthy level, especially within the open-mic comedy community, which I’ve personally experienced, though there are also supportive men as well).
As much as I deeply appreciate the comedian Bill Burr for his intelligence, amazing sense of humor, talent, practically genius-level creativity, mostly hilarious Netflix specials, etc., I don’t fully resonate with all that he says.
In a comedy sketch within Dave Chappell’s Show way back, he called Madonna a whore—the typical insult for sexually active females that many males have said for god knows how long.
But yet, as many other women have brought up throughout this world, it’s okay if males—whether teenage boys or adult men—are sexually active? Of course, they’re labeled with positive names like studs.
This way of low-consciousness thinking is old, outdated, and expired, like overly (keyword) fermented kimchi, or very sharp Wisconsin cheese that smells like feet and ass.
Granted, nothing against these foods that can taste so delicious, despite their INTENSE and pungent odors. 😄
I absolutely LOVE me some WELL-MADE (KEYWORD), mouth-watering, authentic, Korean kimchi made with anchovy and shrimp sauce, as well as tasty versions of cheese.
I digressed. Anyhoo, I also didn’t resonate with Bill’s conversation with the big-boned, male comedian—Caucasian looking dude who has Latino background—in one of his YouTube video podcasts a while back, that I briefly checked out, which is another example of male-dominated society way of thinking.
In a nutshell, they seemed to sweep under the carpet what the famous male comedian, Louis C.K., did to two young women a while back—though he surprisingly has two daughters as well—and apparently, more women revealed their similar experiences later (2017 reports revealed, found out today).
So I shared a comment for that YouTube video. I don’t recall what I said verbatim, but it was something to the effect of, how would Bill and the other male comedian feel if some jackass did this to their possible or probable future daughter(s), wives, or other loved ones.
And sure enough, I found out later that Bill had children of his own, to include a daughter.
I also recall mentioning something to the effect that it’s not about talented Louis C.K. deserving to be punished forever while in this world—since we people can screw up in life—but that it’s also not beneficial to anyone to MINIMIZE such matters as if they’re not a BIG deal, because that’s some BULLshit.
Whether it’s peopke like Harvey Weinstein—who was sentenced to an ADDITIONAL 16 years in prison for charges of rape and sexual assault (February of 2023)—or similar, extremely low vibrational beings, an increasing number of truths are being REVEALED, even at a rapid rate, in Divine perfect timing and order.
This is due to THE RETURN of the Divine Feminine Mother Goddess essence—aka Prime Creator/Creator of ALL Creation: Crop Circle 6666/Holy (WHOLEy) Spirit/Great Spirit/Universe/Multiverse/Omniverse/Alpha & Omega/Eternity—that’s been the oppressed, repressed, suppressed, long-forgotten, MAJOR missing puzzle piece throughout the ages.
The much more ancient, experienced, profoundly wise, and unconditionally loving Divine Mother Goddess is meant to LEAD her other half of the Cosmic Coin—the original, Divine Masculine God essence; She IS the so-called Captain of the ship—of the Full-Potential, Multidimensional, WHOLE Self/self.
Together 🌓, as an unstoppable TEAM, they are Balance ⚖️ & Harmony🎶/Higher Heart & Higher Mind/Yin & Yang ☯️/Spirit & Soul/Moon🌚 & Sun🌝 /Dark (Unknown) & Light (Known)/Water 🌊 & Fire 🔥/The One of Many Names, but Ultimately, THE NAMELESS.
I share these related stories to support what Madonna had mentioned about this world’s society’s lack of respect for females, and even to the extreme cases of misogyny.
Returning to the topic of AUTHENTICITY: Now many may say that Madonna’s NOT authentic because she (and like others) does things like plastic surgery.
However COMMA I fully trust that Being Authentic is Being whatever we FEEL like Being (as a Heart-led Soul), thinking, FEELING, believing, desiring (to experience), behaving, saying, doing, wearing, drinking, eating, creating, sharing, etc. (or NOT), regardless of whether or not the outer world accepts, approves, likes or loves.
Plus, let’s keep it real. If many who judge people like Madonna were given a FREE, $100,000 gift certificate to a world’s top plastic surgery place, I’m pretty sure most, if not ALL, would take the opportunity to transform into whatever physical body version they preferred—to whatever degree, even one physical change that’s minor— to experience within this particular lifetime, that better matches the younger and/or more beautiful, inner self they feel from within.
So let’s not be hypocrites, but rather, be transparently honest with ourselves. THAT’S Being Authentic.
Also, why not MASTER Being truly FREE from within first and foremost, and also allow others to Be FREE as well?
After all, it is our Soul & Spirit essence to Be Free. Like I mentioned, I’m still learning as well, and look forward to MASTERING this way of Being, one seemingly miraculous and magical day.
Despite what anyone thinks or believes, I choose to deeply appreciate highly creative and BOLD Souls like Madonna while she still exists, at least within this particular world.
I look forward to experiencing my second, major concert within almost 50 years of my life, which is Madonna’s current concert, “The Celebration Tour,” that’s about her artistic journey through four decades.
I bet that even many who criticize her will show up to this once in a lifetime, unique event.
By the way, I dedicate this blog post to Madonna, other super famous celebrities, other Heart-led celebrities (who don’t even have to be famous, since it’s ultimately about every stepping stone of SOUL SUCCESS), other Heart-led Soul Super🌟s, and any other earthly or otherworldly Soul/Spirit who yearns to Be more Authentic, Liberated, Empowered and Free.
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