Note: Sometimes, as I passionately share a longer than usual comment for another blog, website, or video, I’ll have a strong desire to share it as a post as well. I trust that this is due to the message being inspired from Source (Soul/Spirit within), hence, highly beneficial; and the more we spread the Light and Unconditional Love from within—without going overboard, like needing to post in onto every social media—the more souls it can touch.ย
The following is a long comment that I shared for the video, “3 Biggest BLOCKS with Going Full Time With Your Passion“:
Thank you for incorporating within this video the nonjudgmental, very helpful reminder NOT to over-analyze when it comes to following one’s passion. Your vibes comes off deeply understanding, compassionate, and empathetic, which makes interconnected others (who are open in their mind and/or hearts) feel very comfortable.
Also, y’all have noticeably triggered me with this beginning theme of “over-analyzing” (in a beneficial, positive way), where I had to pause the video in order to freely and fully express what I passionately felt. I somewhat digressed from the overall topic of this video, and this comment is unusually very long, but I trust that one will either read the message or not, depending on whether or not one resonates with the vibrations.
But before I share a personal story that shows the contrast/duality/polarity of embracing the “over-analyzing” aspect, which can help us to deeply appreciate its opposite—the deeper understanding of this same aspect while using discernment (i.e., you guys)—I’d like to thank you guys ahead of time for the remaining, VERY helpful suggestions within this and related videos; they are worth watching at least twice (for me since certain info may not sink in right away at times). I will definitely take them to heart.
Side Note: A few antonyms of overanalyze are forget too much (e.g., lost within 3D illusions/not self-aware), underthink, overly neglect, and habitually ignore, which reminds me that when we repress (during childhood) and continue to suppress (during adulthood) all the unknown/”dark”/shadow aspects of the whole self that are deemed unacceptable, negative, wrong, bad, and/or evil to general society (due to ignorance and fear of the unknown), then we cannot Become our unconditionally loved, integrated, deeply healed, authentic, whole, full-potential, Multidimensional self/Self.
I’ve been told this past summer—by a former coworker who I was mostly working with—that I have a tendency to over-analyze EVERYTHING (this word was intensely emphasized), just because I had some valid questions during our first week of training. [Side Note: Detailed story in post, “An Additional Challenge of Sedona to Continue Integrating Shadow Aspects” that I didn’t add to this initial comment for the above mentioned video]
I desired to do the job well, and my manager had some implied expectations since she was planning on going on a short vacation soon. So I asked the receptionist some questions pertaining to the various tasks within our similar job descriptions because 1) I had to conduct closing duties by myself within another week, 2) I noticed that she wasn’t too happy with my arrival to the new job from day one, and 3) I strongly sensed that she was withholding certain, key information (more than likely due to the fear of job security/possibly being replaced in the future, though I had no intentions of doing so).
Update inserted laterย (only in this post, and not video, and only light yellow paragraph):
“Light gives information, and darkness withholds information. So, in the times that are coming, it will be easy for you to discern who’s who and what’s what as you travel outside the third-dimensional realm. All you need to do is discern whether something is light and you are being given information or whether it is darkness and you are being disinformed, misinformed, or information is being completely withheld from you.”
Darkness and light have come from the same creator, Prime Creator, who has […]”ย A quote from Barbara Marciniak’s book that I read years ago, Bringers of the Dawn: Teachings from the Pleiadians
Though her message of me over-analyzing EVERYTHING was 1) an exaggeration, and 2) conveyed in a very frustrated manner that only labeled this over-analyzing aspect as negative , I still took note of this opinion.
I checked myself—since I realized that I can be this way at times—and then shared with her a very summarized version of the following (minus the spiritual expressions like Multidimensional, Wounded Healer, shadow work, etc. since I sensed she was not familiar with such unpopular terms):
I’ve learned to embrace and integrate the aspect of self that over-analyzes—the way I’ve been intending to do with more and more neutral (positive and negative) aspects of the whole, Multidimensional self (earthly and otherworldly physical self/selves)/Self (Source: Soul/Spirit within).
Why? In order to one day (magically and seemingly miraculously) unconditionally accept, embrace, and even deeply love ALL aspects of self/Self—True Love that starts from within/Ultimate Enlightenment—which I trust will help me to fully do so for interconnected others.
I just need to remember that in-depth analyzing has its perfect time and place—such as a cryptologic linguist/analyst doing long-term, strategic, logical analysis at NSA/CSS, OR a Wounded Healer doing deep, mental, intuitive, and emotional reflection during spiritual, shadow work or inner-child work—but the extreme version of strictly logical analyzing (either over or under) is often not necessary, and can inhibit growth and progress when misused or abused.
I trust that we can benefit from the aspect that analyzes in general—aka examines, explores, reviews, etc.—by using it in a balanced way, without going overboard and through integration with the heart; hence, it has its beneficial, positive qualities that doesn’t need to always be mistaken for OVER-analyzing in a negative way. [Here’s a reading that provides another interesting perspective on this theme, and made me chuckle (that I came upon after I shared this comment for the above video) => “10 Reasons Why Overanalyzing Gives You The Upper Hand In Basically Everything“]
Wow, it appears as though I just over-analyzed this theme as well ^_^, but I have no doubt that it’s an important message to share, even though most people may not even read this message—within this comment or in my blog (that I sometimes share the same message when I’m inspired to from within)—due to our mostly busy world, instant gratification society, its outer appearance, wordiness, lengthiness, unfamiliar terms, out of the box thinking and feeling, and/or unconventional communication style.
I trust that fully sharing such information can plant a seed (in those who resonate with this) from developing a habit of forming a negative judgment towards ANY neutral aspect—within the contrast/duality/polarity of the so-called good and bad, right and wrong, light and dark, etc of our whole self/Self—but instead, remind us (at the soul level) to see its Divine purpose, and Divine perfect timing and order, within interconnected Life (All That Is).
Note: The poster on top was initially created for another post within this blog (don’t recall title), using the same image found next to link => St. Joseph’s Health Care London, which I then integrated with my own expressions using
If you feel drawn to the idea, also check out other videos (and my comments) related to following one’s passion, within the Updates section of the post, “The Most Helpful Messages About Finding Your Purpose” under sub-section, “Five comments below shared for very informative, encouraging, uplifting, empowering, and/or inspiring videos:.”
Note: Image on left found next to link =>ย Reddit
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