While doing dishes—which can be a form of meditation when in the present Moment of Now—I realized what confidence isn’t, and what it truly is, which reminded me of the beauty of polarity and how it can be a great teacher in our lives.
Note: Image on right found next to link => www.youtube.com (thank you)
True confidence is not the ability to be confident solely due to one’s earthly labels and gifts (e.g., financial status, social status, career or work position, attractive physical appearance, educational background and number of degrees, material properties, how popular one is to others, etc.).
Anyone can be confident in the presence of much earthly support. Some examples are: A wealthy multi-millionaire or billionaire who inherited family money, a flawlessly beautiful model with great physical genes, a popular actor or actress admired by many, a President of a country respected by many at the beginning of a term, a CEO of a major flourishing corporation, a high-ranking officer in the military, an Ivy League school graduate with much memorized, outdated data, etc. can all be (or seem to be) very confident people.
However, what if all their earthly labels and gifts were taken away one day? Would they still be confident, let alone very confident?
When an actor or actress (or any other celebrity) goes through a long phase of no longer being popular, should they lose their confidence in themselves? Absolutely not.
Their worth is not defined by others’ acceptance and approval rate since self-worth is a Divine birthright. In addition, there are actors and actresses who have made comebacks after years of being seemingly invisible or nonexistent.
Should a person working as a waiter or waitress feel less confident than a person of a position deemed “higher” by general society?
No. I’ve learned through my own experiences in the past that one’s position within society can have little to nothing to do with who they are as a person/personality self/ego self or soul/Spirit within.
One example is that a soldier can be in a leadership position within the Army (that’s considered respectable), but that doesn’t necessarily mean that he/she is a true, caring leader.
On the other hand, a person can be in a janitor’s position (that’s not considered so respectable), but have the highest vibrational frequency (i.e. a BIG Heart) within the building that he/she works in; hence, highly contributing to the planet’s collective energy/consciousness by his/her mere, loving presence…effortlessly.
Another example is in the connected posts that I had shared a while back titled, “Shame“, and “Insights Collected from Experience of Shame,” which helped me to realize that my own self-worth is not defined by others.
To elaborate on a couple of more examples mentioned above, would the once young, beautiful model still unconditionally accept/love herself when she becomes older with wrinkles and a less toned body? Well, let’s hope so, because confidence is a very attractive and sexy quality—at least in my opinion.
Within a year or so ago, I crossed paths with a retired officer from the military, and I was later grateful for the gift of wisdom that he (his ego self) unknowingly shared with me (though his soul was aware).
I’ve learned from my past experiences to fully trust that I always cross paths with other souls in Divine perfect timing and order, and to most highly benefit one another.
Although the retired officer had often made great efforts to show those around him how confident he was, I was able to see beyond the outer surface through the ancient eyes of Christ within/Beloved I AM Presence.
He reminded me of my own biological father I had first met in my mid-thirties, who had a strong need to often brag about himself—due to his own insecurities and lack of self-love.
Anyway, the former officer was very anxious about starting a major new project, and I wondered why. And, as usual, whenever I wonder, I often receive an answer.
To be more accurate, I trust that I always receive an answer, to whatever I wonder about, in some form, it’s just that I may not always be available (fully present) to recognize it.
I found out that upon leaving the military—where the retired officer held a high-level position and was very busy—he felt as though he had no purpose in life just relaxing. To make matters more unbearable, he had also gone through a recent divorce from a marriage of over three decades.
I realized that the retired officer had tied his sole/soul purpose in life with his career, his marital status, and all the things (to-do list) that he does, which many of us do or did.
In addition, he more than likely felt guilty for doing what society considers “nothing” (a conditioned, collective, fear-based belief discussed further below).
However, I’ve learned (as a human)/remembered (as a soul) that our soul purpose has nothing to do with earthy labels and what we constantly do, but it’s about who we are as a human being/soul/essence.
It’s about our vibrational frequency, which reveals the level of our soul evolution.
When we’re habitually in a fearful state toward self and others—judgmental, anxious, impatient, ungrateful, resentful, angry, hateful, bitter, apathetic, jealous, condemning, etc.—our vibrational frequency is very low, despite how we may appear to others on the outer surface.
However, when we’re habitually in a loving state—peaceful, joyful, patient, trusting, grateful, appreciative, deeply understanding, empathetic, compassionate, embracing, unconditionally forgiving, unconditionally accepting/loving, etc.—our vibrational frequency is very high.
We’re all meant to fully enjoy our soul journey on planet Earth school, where we, as souls/Spirit within a human vehicle, have a plethora of golden opportunities to co-create, learn, grow, expand, become wiser, and ultimately…experience the most magnificent and powerful emotion of Love (for others and self)—something that the spiritual realm isn’t able to experience by itself since it needs a physical vehicle to experience it through.
One of the things that I love about blogging is that I’ll be typing something, and shortly afterwards, I’ll come to a realization that it beautifully connects with something else—like puzzle pieces of Life reuniting.
In the past, I’ve thought about how interesting it was that the retired officer and my bio dad was very similar; however, it didn’t occur to me before that the retired officer’s belief—that he no longer had a meaningful purpose after the military and the loss of his former wife—paralleled my biological father’s state of being, which helps me to feel even deeper compassion for both of them.
I’ve also felt deep compassion for a family friend who—despite currently having cancer, being a retired Vietnam veteran, an accomplished author, and much more—recently wrote in a letter his own need to complete, yet, another major project and a long to-do list.
I was able to sense his anxious energies and his inability to just Be, which I honestly shared with him in the most loving way possible, though it was challenging to write what he may not want to hear.
It’s just that he deserves much relaxation and enjoyment in life, like everyone else, and he’s done more than enough for humanity and beyond, and can continue to do so by his mere loving presence.
I wish for my bio dad, the retired officer, and my friend—all of whom have eerily similar backgrounds (to include being veterans), talents, skills, ambition, determination, persistence, mental intelligence, perseverance, other wonderful qualities and seemingly unattractive quirks—to unconditionally accept/love themselves and to be at peace with simply Being themselves at every moment of now.
The funny thing is, when I dig deeper, I’m reminded that our outer world mirrors our inner world, and when we recognize a pattern repeating in our lives (through other people, events, situations, etc.), we can either pay close attention to that rapidly blinking neon sign, and learn from it, or ignore it and continue to have similar experiences over and over and over again (just through different “others”) throughout one to even many lifetimes.
Since I’ve chosen to take full responsibility for everything that shows up in my life (by intention statements)—trusting that my cosmically intelligent Divinity within makes no mistakes—I must realize that when I fully and unconditionally accept/love ALL aspects of self, and intuitively know that my own soul purpose has nothing to do with earthly labels and always having the need to do (to include my own major book project that I used to get anxious about), then my outer world will eventually mirror my inner world, and there will no longer be so-called “others” continually reflecting back to me fear-based ways of living and being.
Note: I realized that there’s nothing wrong with doing a major project, but it’s about doing it from a state of peace, flow, creativity, excitement and passion (which stems from a high love energy) rather than anxiety and stress (which stems from a low fear energy); hence, making the process enjoyable and the outcome glowing.
I trust that my bio dad, the retired officer, and my friend—so-called “others” mirroring back to me my own unknown/hidden/shadow aspects—are symbolic of the old and outdated masculine energies within me (and others throughout history).
The outdated energies were ready to be noticed (through another since my ego self kept repressing and suppressing it), recognized, acknowledged, embraced, unconditionally forgiven, and unconditionally accepted/loved in order to be transmuted, healed and released (set free) back to Source within.
Therefore, allowing the Divine Masculine God within me to emerge and simply Be alongside the Divine Feminine Goddess within me…Beloved I (God) AM (Goddess) Presence/Christ within/Twin Flame within.
I trust that the Divine Masculine God within us all is aware of the importance of Balance and Harmony of giving and receiving to self and others (among other Divine Wisdom), and that it’s not just about continuously giving, giving and giving to others the way very influential members of society (who abused Divine Power) has conditioned us to believe for so long in order to manipulate and control us to do what benefits them.
People are always working so hard and sacrificing themselves…for what? Their church, their companies, their organizations, their country, etc.—even participating in the nation’s ongoing wars, with many losing their precious lives that the government and military doesn’t lose sleep over. Why? Because at the end of the day, ongoing wars highly benefit them in various ways.
I’ve learned that taking full responsibility for one’s life’s happenings (for past, present and future)—and refusing to have victim mentality—greatly empowers us, and helps us to Be full Freedom (our essence/Divine birthright, and not something that we must earn through fighting in wars).
I realize that the inability to accept that we all deserve much relaxation, peace, and joy in our lives (among other wonderful stuff of Life) stems from humanity having been conditioned by powerful members of society throughout history.
We (as our ego selves) have given our inner power away by having agreed with the fear-based collective consciousness that has been passed on from one generation to the next with our own free-will—-passively accepting the disadvantageous beliefs that our family members (and other influential members of society) were taught, to include, one must: “work very hard,” “save for a rainy day” (a future that may not arrive), “not fully enjoy life except on annual vacations,” “not be lazy,” “contribute to the greater good through much effort,” “always sacrifice self for others,” “always be busy doing the never-ending to-do list,” etc.
However, this poverty consciousness—basically having the deeply rooted, fear-based belief that there’s not enough of everything in this world, to include resources, time and unconditional love (that’s always available within us because it’s our essence)—has caused much confusion, competition, frustration, bitterness, anxiety, worries, sleep deprivation, exhaustion (mental, emotional, physical and spiritual), anger, misery, hopelessness, apathy, pain, medication for practically everything, addictions, illnesses and suffering throughout human history.
In addition, this explains why the majority of humanity on this planet (who work very hard) are still not living in abundance, prosperity and wealth on most levels of their being—mentally, emotionally, physically, materially (to include financially), and spiritually (a Divine birthright).
But the highly intelligent ones who have figured out the ancient Japorean secret (and are integrated and balanced within as soul/Spirit) are living The Heaven on Earth Life—because they chose to believe/trust that it’s truly about Being Prosperity Consciousness/Being in the Vibration of Abundance: fully trusting that we always have everything that we need at every moment from our Universe within, and that we are the essence of Inner Peace, Joy, Unconditional Divine Love, Abundance, Prosperity, Wealth, Freedom, Truths, Divine Wisdom, Divine Power, Creativity and much more.
I trust that true confidence is about being able to initially Be confident in self (to include higher self/Divinity within) even without all the earthly labels and material things in life.
And when we’re able to Be truly confident with the seemingly little that we have in the material world, then once we tune into material abundance, prosperity and wealth by habitually Being Prosperity Consciousness (part of our essence), we’ll be unstoppable.
I’ve seen plenty of homeless people throughout my life, and they usually appeared apathetic, sad, tired, drunk and/or hopeless, and almost always had an insecure demeanor—and understandably so.
However, about a month or so ago—while my husband and I were briefly parked at a stoplight—I saw a homeless man who seemed so fearless, and I was impressed.
Yes, his appearance was dirty and raggedy, and he didn’t have the typical, hand-written sign explaining his status.
However, he carried himself with much humble confidence—his walk, his body posture, his facial expression, and the intense, yet, soft look in his eyes spoke volumes.
I have no doubt that he won’t be homeless for long; he appeared to be someone with a big purpose and great faith, though his clothes, his status, and absence of material things showed otherwise.
This homeless man reminded me of a similar homeless man I saw about 22 years ago while living in Alexandria, VA. He, too, had the humble, yet, confident demeanor despite his dirty and raggedy appearance.
It was winter time, and I was at McDonalds, and I noticed that he had only ordered black coffee with a bunch of change. I wondered if he didn’t have enough money to buy an actual meal.
When it was my turn in line, in addition to ordering my food, I had an urge to order something for him—I forgot what exactly since it’s been so long.
When he went to the bathroom (with his coffee still on the table), an opportunity opened, and I immediately approached his table and left the bag of food next to his coffee on my way out.
I recall having felt relieved for not having to approach him directly since I didn’t want to make him feel embarrassed or awkward.
Looking back, I realize that every time I followed a strong, inner urge to say or do something, I was, in essence, following my heart’s guidance.
That homeless man in Virginia reminded me of what I believed Jesus was like back in the day—with his chestnut-brown, should-length, wavy hair and his mustache and beard; but mostly his pure presence.
Although I was experimenting with various churches during that period of my life—to find out where I “fit” in God’s physical world—I wasn’t exactly a “Christian” religiously attending church every Sunday, or even reading the bible faithfully.
However, I trust that even back then, I often followed my heart’s inner guidance/intuition from my soul/Spirit within—doing my best to share love with others from my heart—though I didn’t know words like intuition, or even have an understanding of the soul and Spirit within.
Now, I’m truly confident that I don’t need anything outside of me (to include religions and the church) in order to communicate and commune with my soul/Spirit within at any given moment.
Like one of Jesus’ teachings—that hasn’t been manipulated by mankind—“The kingdom of Heaven [or God] is within us.”
For me, being truly confident is about: just being authentic self at every moment of now (unconditionally accepting/loving ALL aspects of self—the dark and the light, the fearful and the fearless), and carrying oneself with pride (not arrogantly, but being proud of perfectly “imperfect” self), speaking one’s inner truths (despite what the majority thinks, says or does), willing to generously love from one’s heart (not withholding any forms of love, to include compliments, due to one’s insecurities, jealousy and/or selfishness), being assertive (choosing the “I respect you AND I respect me” communication style, unless the other doesn’t comprehend any form of kindness), having a positive attitude and outlook in life (despite outer, temporary circumstances that may show otherwise), living and Being deep character from having learned invaluable wisdom from life’s many lessons, and having an unshakable and unbreakable faith/trust in Divinity within (especially our our Divine Love, Divine Wisdom—that everything/All That Is is Divine perfect creation, and ALL that happens is for interconnected Life’s highest benefit—and Divine Power) and our full soul potential throughout all the roller coaster rides of life.
Then, and only then, are we able to Be untouchable and unstoppable because we’re that Unconditionally Accepting/Loving, the way the ultimate GOD/GODDESS/Infinite Creator within is.
Let’s DO this. 😉
Note: Images above found next to links (thank you) =>www.awordforthesoul.com (right) and www.youtube.com (left)
Added 12/30/2015
The Holy Spirit and Symbolic Dreams of Love Frequency
Added 1/1/2016
Embrace Your Dark Side
An inspiring, short video about embracing all aspects of self, which allows us to unconditionally accept/love ourselves at every moment, empowers us, and sets us free; hence, allowing us to fully do this for “others” as well.
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