Intro: I shared this message for the creator of this image => Thank you Jo for sharing this creative artwork that you unconventionally and BOLDLY tagged as—Devil, Goddess, Myth, Mythology, Woman, and Old—which I highly respect and appreciate. The image and the labels perfectly match a post I created today: [this one]
Image by Jo Justino from Pixabay
The image of both the Goddess and the dog (aka beast) reminded me of the actual meaning of the infamous word, “BITCH,” that’s been heavily misused and abused (in a disempowering way) towards women throughout human history, though an increasing number of women have become aware of its true meaning over the years.
The following is a related excerpt from blog, GoddessChess:
That got me to wondering – has BITCH always been a derogatory term for a female? Or was it corrupted somewhere along the line? Why would the ancient Semitic peoples use the term “female dog” in a derogatory sense as applied to human females, and when did this come about?
According to my trusty “The Woman’s Eycyclopedia of Myths and Secrets” by Barbara Walker:
[Bitch] became a naughty word in Christian Europe because it was one of the most sacred titles of the Goddess, Artemis-Diana, leader of the Scythian alani or “hunting dogs.”
In Christian terms, “son of a bitch” was considered insulting not because it meant a dog, but because it meant a devil – that is, a spiritual son of the pagan Goddess.
^^^End of Intro^^^
I shared the following message for video, “Leo ‘Destiny That Can’t Be Stopped! The Hand Of Fate!’ October 10th – 16th Tarot“:
Regarding a tendency to stutter, it won’t matter at all if whoever you’re interacting with is NOT judgmental towards such aspects; hence, the deep, Soul-level connection and communication will be very authentic, unconditionally embracing, and comfortable.
I have no doubt that this is why many people I’ve crossed paths with from around the world (especially strangers), throughout my adult life, have felt very comfortable sharing so much of themselves with me, to include their personal stories, life problems, deep secrets, etc.
Chris, your “flipping things on its head” expression isn’t silly, but very helpful, since it’s a confirmation of what I actually sensed yesterday while watching your other video that I also shared a comment for (the October Bonus Tarot).
The Scales card reminded me of what I shared yesterday regarding the masculine and feminine energies within all of us, and all around us, and how I’ve learned more about the various aspects and versions of these energies that can be highly beneficial when they’re in states of BALANCE & HARMONY (NOT in a 50/50 way, but more like a natural flowing EBB & FLOW way).
As I’ve shared before in other comments, I have no doubt that when we are (during whatever moments) and/or become fully WHOLE within—and NOT just right, good, light aspects (only half of the full coin)—by embracing and integrating shadow aspects as well (both negative and positive ones, the latter being Golden Shadow aspects), we can then cross paths with other WHOLE Beings, rather than be in relationships to fill some void within that are based on CONDITIONAL love (rather than UNconditional Love for the self/others/interconnected Life).
Image by Mariel PALAZZOLO from Pixabay
The “society frowned upon” Devil, and even Devil card—along with the Lover card and Emperor card that you mentioned—actually reminded me of the Sacred Union of “DARK” (UNKNOWN)/MOON/SHADOW side of the God essence, with its LIGHT (KNOWN)/SUN/BRIGHT side.
But whether God, Goddess, human, E.T., etc., it’s about Being WHOLE (NOT half@$$). So the other half of the Cosmic Coin of this God essence within all of us and all around us IS the Goddess essence.
So back in the day, various interesting earthly labels have been passed down for generations—The Devil/The Beast/666/The Serpent/The Witch/and other “negative” names—that all CIRCLE back to the ancient Mother Goddess.
When we dig deeper into the truths of human history, we realize that the word Devil originates from Devi, which means Goddess.
Image by Sergei Tokmakov, Esq. https://Terms.Law from Pixabay
The Beast can represent the Goddess (and the creatures of Mother Nature/Earth who are a part of Her), since S/He is WILD, PURE (as in WHOLE), AUTHENTIC and NATURAL.
The number 666, that this society has done a great job of instilling a lot of fear into humans—via the church, bible, repetitive themed non-creative horror movies, and other MEGA LOADS OF DOO DOO—actually means “strongest female energy” or Goddess energy.
Image by Kari McGrady from Pixabay
In addition, Crop Circle 6666 has shown itself, and has been decoded to mean: Creator of ALL Creation, aka Divine Mother Goddess (who created her first half, the original God).
The serpent actually means Life Force, Healing, Transformation, and like energies. And the witch actually means The Wise One.
So why did man-controlled religions and the church have such a strong need to judge, deny, reject, criticize, condemn, oppress, and suppress The Goddess throughout the ages?
Could it be due to desiring to be more powerful than the Goddess?
But rather than embrace, integrate, and honor Her, they decided to FORCIBLY PUSH HER DOWN (ultimately their other halves within both inner and outer worlds).
Image by Briam Cute from Pixabay
And the result?
These energies have been coming out in out of control ways, rather than healthy and highly beneficial ways, to include: ONGOING, extreme misuse and abuse of power, abuse of sacred sexual energy (especially towards children), extermination of humans (like the burning of millions of witches and black cats due to riDONKulous, fear-based beliefs), never-ending conflicts, battles, and wars, etc. ).
But yet, the Goddess is THE MOST EVIL “bad guy” of this world?
Yesterday, I also learned from I think the Holy Human website that (I’m paraphrasing here) when we’re able to SEE (with CLARITY) the shadow aspects of ourselves and others, we actually SHINE LIGHT onto the DARK SHADOWS, and TRANSFORM THEM to their higher exalted states.
Image by Sergei Tokmakov, Esq. https://Terms.Law from Pixabay
Otherwise, they will continue to SHOW UP in various forms to MIRROR to us what needs to be SEEN (rather than denied, suppressed, avoided, judged, rejected, criticized, condemned, etc.).
We will never be able to TRULY, FULLY, AND UNCONDITIONALLY LOVE OURSELVES (let alone others), if we ONLY love the society acceptable parts (half of ourselves).
I’ve had enough rest, so I trust that it’s time to be restLESS.
Regarding NOT being sure what’s going to happen, I’ve been strongly sensing that lately.
My logical mind would think that I really need to get started on my next creative project—a new open mic comedy set that I’ve been sporadically thinking about creating and then performing in Oahu HI at the end of this month (during a family trip).
However, I haven’t FELT excited about it, the way I usually do when I’m getting ready to create. Now this can cause the logical mind to become anxious since preparation helps a lot, However COMMA I strongly sensed that something NEW was happening.
Since I have (at times) taken actions that were not inspired by my Heart, but by my fearful ego—and none of these situations ended up well—I’m given the opportunity to do something different this time (i.e., to take INSPIRED action in Divine perfect timing and order).
And this makes sense, because if we start a creative project while NOT feeling excited and/or passionate about it, then we won’t give it our full attention and efforts; it will only be forced by the logical mind of what we SHOULD do, rather than FLOW from the intuitive and creative Heart (that can then lead the mind).
Since our logical mind is also linear, I had thoughts that I’m running out of time, which again, can cause anxiety.
But from an expanded, Multidimensional perspective, so-called MAGIC & MIRACLES are NOT limited to time and space, and not everything has to happen from point A to point E; it is POSSIBLE for things to manifest from point A to Z (via a LEAP in Consciousness).
There are even those who channel their Higher Selves on the spot without practice and rehearsal.
This isn’t to say that I’ll choose this route for this particular project, but just making a point that it’s possible, though I would reserve channeling for other situations (and I’m definitely open to new experiences).
Speaking of EXPERIENCES, I agree with you that we can shift our perspective into enjoying and learning from various relationships—in a non-attached, healthy manner—rather than becoming hopeless for people who may disappoint due to expectations not met.
This is why I deeply appreciate Divine Synchronicity—the Golden Egg card instantly reminded me of seeing the powerful energy of the Yin & Yang jade eggs (yesterday) within the highly creative, hilarious, soul-igniting, and deeply heartfelt, current K-drama that I’ve been enJOYing and learning from, “Alchemy of Souls.”
It includes some beneficial knowledge, profound wisdom, and helpful demonstrations of how to move and use energy from inner and outer worlds, which I’ve dreamt about before, to include shooting big balls of yellow energy out of my hands, which I trust is a Soul’s Multidimensional ability (but is currently still dormant in this particular reality).
I have felt very protected for a while, especially by the Divine Mother Goddess SEKHmet-Hathor & God Thoth; and as I’ve shared within the previous comment, I trust that the recent dream of being surrounded by various large, feline beings, is also symbolic of this protection (if needed).
I’ve been looking forward to first exploring some new locations before deciding on a more than likely temporary, future home, so next year May actually sounds inviting’ we shall SEE.
Thank you again Chris for sharing AWESOME you/You and your very helpful insights. By the way, you continue to crack me up with your great sense of humor! 😄
Have a wonderful weekend Soul brother! 😘💝💓💕
Ahaya Mulantis🐮🐯💖
Related Helpful Reading
The following non-consecutive quotes are from Gregg Braden’s teaching of The Seven Essene Mirrors found within the helpful reading, “7 Essene Mirrors,” who shared a relatable intro:
THE SIXTH ESSENE MIRROR: Ominous name: The Dark Night of The Soul:
“This mirror is an opportunity to lose everything we’ve held dear in life and see ourselves truly naked as we came. As we climb out of the abyss that is left after the loss of everything we held dear, and we see ourselves in a new way; this is where we find ourselves our Highest levels of Master.
From the Ancient perspectives, possibility that the forces at play in our polarized world have chosen to come here to anchor. The only way to anchor is for a force or field to hold the mirrors for us. Pre-twelfth century texts show benign beings Gabriel & Lucifer volunteering to anchor light and dark respectively.”
This one is the most subtle. It asks us to allow for the possibility that each experience of life, regardless of the outcome, is perfect in its nature. Regardless of whether or not we achieve the lofty goals that have been set by others, we are invited to view our accomplishments in life without comparing them to anything else. Without any external reference. The only way we can view ourselves in failure or success is when we measure our accomplishments to an external yardstick.
These questions then arise in us, What is it that we hold ourselves accountable to? What do we use as our yardstick of accomplishment? From the perspective of this 7th mirror, we are asked to allow for the possibility that all aspects of our lives (each aspect of our personal life: body shape, body weight, academic, business, athletic, spiritual achievements) are perfect as they stand. We can only be judged when they are compared to an external reference.
Allow for perfection in the imperfections of life.
What standards are we holding ourselves which cause us to feel unhappy?
How do I come to determine when I have succeeded or failed at something in life?
The Essene’s remind us that we will go through each of these mirrors through this life. Sometimes multiple times and sometimes multiple mirrors at a time. We are invited to know ourselves in the presence of others through our relationships. As those relationships are reconciled, we become the benefit of that healing. It is that benefit that we carry with us through life as we walk between the worlds of Heaven & Earth.
-Gregg Braden
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