I shared the following comment for the seemingly controversial (IF being narrow-minded and narrow hearted), yet, very helpful YouTube video, “Abraham Hicks ~ The Value Of Being Selfish“:
Image by H. Newberry from Pixabay
WOW. This message that I tuned into in Divine perfect timing and order, is EXACTLY what I needed to hear; SO perfect. ^_^
Throughout the day yesterday, though most customers were pretty pleasant, I experienced a flabbergasting customer (probably in his 50’s, who acted like an extremely immature, elementary school boy), as well as a VERY challenging, chronically complaining coworker—who has a tendency to be excessively needy, cleverly manipulative, overly pushy, and dishonest—BOTH blessings in disguise.
I’m truly proud of myself for handling those situations in a fully present state—surprisingly, in a very cool, calm, collected, and unshakably confident manner (maintaining extra strong, healthy boundaries).
However COMMA I realized that these IN YOUR FACE, OLD/OUTDATED/DRAINING/”NEGATIVE” energies (beneficial CONTRASTS) are not what I prefer to be around often.
I choose to trust that they will effortlessly be released, healed, and transmuted (as I embrace and integrate them), and the opposite POSITIVE aspects (to include Heart’s DESIRES) will be BIRTHED from them.
This morning, after sleeping on it, I chose to shift and expand my perspective (to a multidimensional one, to see the bigger picture), do some reflection (for clarity), be deeply understanding (for self/others), be compassionate (towards self/others), and unconditionally accept/embrace/love these low vibration LOST aspects (of self/others), while continuing to maintain healthy boundaries.
Now I’m even more grateful that I was able to learn from these various Life experiences, and gain profound wisdom [the insights will be a future post]; and this message really wrapped it up nicely like a beautiful gift package.
So thank you Abraham/Ester-Hicks, the older gentleman who shared his neutral observation of his toddler children and grandchildren, and this “Feel Good” YouTube channel for generously sharing this video. ^_^
Continue to BE an invaluable gift to your full-potential, Multidimensional WHOLE self/Self/interconnected Life within this world and beyond.
As promised above—[the insights will be a future post]—I’ shared them in post, “Choosing Self-Care Over Another’s Manipulation” (published on 4/19/21).
In the related post published on 4/18/21, “What is an Amazing Soul Relationship?“, I shared the following insight:
In the previous post, “An Unshakable Full Presence is More POWERFUL Than Bombarding Negative Energies,” I shared the following insight, and I realized that the stories within this post ARE the positive CONTRASTS (aka the OPPOSITES) of these negative energies:
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