The following are sub-titles to the main one of this post:
- Another 11:11 Synchronicity
- Intellectual Healer vs Wounded Healer
- Sympathy vs Deep Empathy
- “A Night of Hope” Experience
- Communing with My Divinity Within
- The Moments of Joel and Others
- Victoria Osteen’s Unconditional Love Story
- What is True Faith?
- The Extreme Version That Screams for Major Change
- Faith Within a Safe Bubble
- The Recognition of a Gradually Formed Belief About Another
- The Band
- The Violet Flame Meditation
- Enter Shadow
- The Power of Humor
- Embracing Joel’s Strengths and Perceived Weaknesses
- Embracing Victoria’s Perceived Weaknesses and Strengths
- Family, Disease, Prayer, Miracles, Death, Unconditional Acceptance, and Divine Purpose
Another 11:11 Synchronicity
This morning, I noticed 11:11—a recurring sacred number code that I’ve been frequently noticing since 2011—and I was reminded of what I had shared with a reader who had left a comment on my old blog a few days ago:
“11:11 => the presence of my Twin Flame within, as well as rapidly manifesting thoughts (hence, I’m reminded to be cognizant of my thoughts so that I ensure they’re positive—which then makes me feel better—and I’m able to put out a high vibrational frequency, which then attracts back to me like energies)”
This afternoon, while checking my email account, I noticed that a reader (for my old blog, had left a gratitude comment for my post, “A Deeper Understanding of My Journey of 9:11, 10:10, 11:11, 12:12 and 13:13” (that shows up in both blogs of and, but the comment only shows up in the old one).
It was a delightful surprise since I usually only receive spam comments that I end up blocking and deleting. Side Note: I’ve been doing it for a while now, but rather than become annoyed with the spam emails, I simply look at the white numbers within the red bubbles, and extract whatever number message from there. I also do this for my email account spam folder.
After reading the comment, I replied to the reader, and then had an urge (Spirit’s inner guidance) to check out the post again.
As I was reading it, I noticed that I had a shared story, but didn’t provide an update though I had practically completed an unpublished, draft post over two years ago (September 11, 2014).
The following is the seemingly overdue draft; I say seemingly because I find it interesting that I had left the last bullet blank though I don’t recall why (for subtitles at top of post), and I was able to fill/complete that empty bullet with my last insights that I received today.
I trust that this was meant to happen in Divine perfect timing and order to mostly highly benefit the interconnected All That Is.
Intellectual Healer vs Wounded Healer
Talking or writing about human suffering can be easy, especially when there are countless stories out there that have been freely shared by many human beings throughout history.
However, only as a wounded healer can we deeply empathize with and have compassion for another who is suffering at a deep level. As an intellectual, we can go through the motions, say the “right” sounding words, and check off most of the blocks.
As the wounded, we will only be able to truly connect with a wounded healer, and not just an intellectual healer, because we will be able to sense—on a soul level—the unspoken “I know how you feel, and I can help you to heal because I’ve been there too” as opposed to the “I think I know how you feel because my studies on human nature have shown that this is what you are more than likely feeling; hence, I can offer you a set of non-emotionally connected words/solution that can hopefully help heal you.”
Sympathy vs Deep Empathy
Therefore, although I respect and admire teachers like Joel Osteen for being so positive and bringing his own gifts to humanity the best he knows how, I wouldn’t expect someone—who hasn’t had much exposure to the darkness of the world—to truly empathize with a deeply wounded and suffering person, or to even comprehend the profound meaning of concepts like unconditional acceptance, human suffering, as well as Jesus’ profound teachings about unconditionally loving ones enemies.
Hence, word likes, “Just get over it” seem to effortlessly exit his mouth without much feelings of deep compassion, although he more than likely doesn’t mean to be insensitive, as he stated in at least once in one of his televised sermons.
“A Night of Hope” Experience
Several months ago, I was so excited to attend Joel Osteen’s, “A Night of Hope,” event because I loved his infectious positive attitude and outlook on life, determination, sparkling personality, great sense of humor, his willingness to serve humanity, and his seemingly strong faith in God. Even my husband, who isn’t religious as well, looked forward to the event.
We arrived a little over an hour early so that we wouldn’t have to deal with parking issues and the last-minute rush crowd. After we sat at our designated seats, my husband left to buy us some water.
While sitting in the ginormous stadium with about a third of the audience at the time, I noticed that the atmosphere seemed dramatically dark and way too cold, as though they had the AC set to 55 degrees or below.
I had taken a jacket just in case it might get a little chilly, but had I known how uncomfortable it was going to be, I would’ve bundled up like an Alaskan.
Granted, the event’s called, “A Night of Hope” so I wasn’t expecting rays of bright sunlight piercing through windows; but it just seemed oddly dark even for an evening event, and much colder than I had imagined it would be.
Communing with My Divinity Within
Experiencing cold is not exactly one of my favorite experiences, so rather than being uncomfortable (a minor form of suffering), I focused on my memories of all the times I personally experienced various aspects of my Divinity within me (extensions of Self) in physical reality, dream state or meditation—whether it be Jesus, guardian spirits, my Higher Self, God, my soul, Goddess, angels, Archangels, Ascended Masters, Family of Light (to include the Arcturians, the Pleiadians, the Sirians, etc.), animal spirits, etc.
There are different ways to meditate, and since being in silence and stillness wasn’t an option at the moment, due to a stadium full of various distractions, I chose the next best option.
As I focused on positive thoughts and visualized on the matching images, I then felt my heart space expand within my chest, and a surge of loving energies—peace, gratitude, joy, truth, abundance, wisdom, freedom—seemed to overflow from my heart space, deeply touching my soul and moving me into a space where all the outer noise seemed to fade out.
I was in my tranquil inner-reality with my Divinity within me, and no longer negatively affected by the very dark and cold environment.
The Moments of Joel Osteen and Others
During the event, Joel, Victoria, Joel’s mothers, and other pastors all shared positive words that sounded “right” and “good,” but to my great surprise, none of them moved me the way some of Joel’s televised sermons did.
I believe Joel felt self-conscious for being forgetful about certain parts to his show—to include the number of years him and Victoria were married (which he corrected later)—and had a need to jokingly explain to his audience that his televised sermons are much better because they’re edited.
But for me, I didn’t mind that Joel was being forgetful, and I wasn’t even expecting his performance to be picture perfect; but I was looking forward to feeling something.
Sometimes, one can express the most simple facial expression, words, and/or gesture, and it can be deeply heartfelt. When we speak from our hearts, we don’t have to worry about saying the “right” thing that’s been calculated and rehearsed multiple times with the logical mind.
I didn’t sense Joel’s usual passion and sincere joy that evening for whatever reason. I wondered if he was tired of the same old routine from one city to another throughout the nation.
Victoria Osteen’s Unconditional Love Story
When Joel’s wife Victoria had her spotlight moment on stage, she enthusiastically shared a story about unconditional love.
I don’t recall most of the details, but I think the gist of it was about her driving around a new car with her friends when she was a teenager that her father had bought for her as a sweet 16th birthday gift.
If I recall correctly, she got into a minor accident while out with friends, and her father wasn’t disappointed in her, which made her so happy.
Toward the end of her story, I was looking forward to her sharing something heartfelt, but she basically claimed that that experience was unconditional love.
She was simply sharing the best example that she knows about unconditional love while saying the “right” words with a big and gorgeous smile, chirpy attitude, and welcoming body posture, but there was a missing element.
Her story was about as close to inspirational as sashimi is to ice cream.
I was grateful that she only had one story to share, and that would be the last time I would ever voluntarily listen to anything she had to say though I have no doubt that she has wonderful qualities like many humans.
I imagine she had good intentions, but I realized that I don’t need to learn about unconditional love from anyone who hasn’t personally experienced much darkness in life.
I trust that when we learn much wisdom from experiences of the so-called dark side (which includes a lot of conditioned, fear-based living, pain and suffering—and pretty much due to a LACK of safety, a positive environment, security, support, trust, abundance, and love), we’re able to truly love at a profound level (Unconditional Love).
It’s too easy to preach to others about having hope, trust, and faith. If one’s life has been mostly sunshine and rainbows—without hardly any hardships or other forms of deep, human suffering—how can one truly relate to those who need healing?
If one needed their vehicle repaired from major damages, would one seek assistance from an accountant, politician, or entertainer? Of course not.
From an objective point of view, I suppose Victoria’s story was more like a sweet memory that she had of her father as a teenage daughter—exploring her fun world, to include driving around with her friends.
The missing element that I mentioned earlier was my own inability to connect with her. I wondered if others like me, especially those who had never experienced unconditional love from very loving and supportive parents, could relate to Victoria’s story, which was probably meant to be inspiring.
I believe unconditional love is most deeply experienced after experiencing the absence of it. Like Jesus once said, it’s easy to love those who love you; but the true test of unconditional love is being able to love one’s enemies:
Love Your Enemies
…44“But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, 45 so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven; for He causes His sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. 46“For if you love those who love you, what reward do you have? Do not even the tax collectors do the same?…
For instance, it’s easy to forgive and love a so-called enemy/some stranger—who you never have to see again—who happened to be rude to you or said something negative about you.
However, it’s quite another ballgame to unconditionally forgive and unconditionally love a so-called enemy—a trusted adult—who continually abused you in various ways, or a rapist who had no remorse for what he did.
What is True Faith?
I was reminded of the story about Jacob in the bible, where Satan accused Job of serving God only because of the blessings he received.
It’s easy to love God when one has been and continues to be surrounded by much peace, love, joy, security (from poverty and an overall stable and healthy home atmosphere), safety (from abuse—physical, verbal, emotional, and/or sexual), support (from family members, extended family members, and friends), etc.
Even a spoiled child will excitedly loves his/her parent(s) as long as they continue to provide all the blessings of life. But happens when a parent(s) starts to limit the blessings (or discontinue them) as the child becomes a teenager and wants more and more without ever being fully satisfied, hardly ever expressing gratitude, and/or even showing appreciation, let alone deep appreciation?
More than likely, the spoiled teenager will resent the parent(s), and even become angry at them, either aggressively or passive-aggressively.
The Extreme Version That Screams for Major Change
A while back, while visiting my mother in Korea, she shared with me a story that was just unbelievable. These rich Korean parents sent their son to the States to attend a university as an international student.
When the parents realized that the spoiled son was blowing his college money on excessive partying rather than studying as well, they stopped sending him money, like any reasonable and intelligent parents would do.
The son made a trip out to Korea and buried his parents alive. Granted, this story is an example of an extreme case of conditional love, but sometimes such examples are necessary in order for us to see with clarity the absolute ridiculousness of some of society’s ways.
That story made me realize that no matter how much parents love their children, and desire to give them so much of the material world, it’s best to be discerning and wise so that they don’t turn their children into shallow, materialistic, lacking character, conditionally loving and even heartless human beings.
Faith Within a Safe Bubble
If someone (with a big smile) tried to convince me to swim in a shark-infested section of an ocean—and to just have faith that I’ll be safe since God will protect me—when they, themselves, have never even attempted to leave the safe, shallow end of the waters into the dark, deep ocean, I would just look at them and say, “Teach me what courage and unshakable faith is. How will you rise above much darkness?”
I realize that I’m just not inspired by those who try to inspire others and convince others to have faith in God when they more than likely have no clue of what’s it’s like to have faith in God in the midst of much darkness, which is the true test of one’s faith. Anyone can have faith in God in the midst of much sunshine, a clear blue sky and a beautiful rainbow.
The Recognition of a Gradually Formed Belief About Another
I wondered why Victoria’s words didn’t touch me in the slightest bit. I even wondered if I (my ego self) was being judgmental or resentful towards her because I saw through her facade that is often subtly revealed, not only through her seemingly insincere words, behavior and actions, but by Joel’s carefully selected words as well—often masked with humor.
During a couple of Joel’s sermons, when he mentioned that Victoria likes to shop at the mall often, which keeps her happy, there seemed to be a hint that she’s very materialistic.
It was like a way for Joel to vent about something that he had silently judged, but never talked about with Victoria. Or, perhaps he did have a heart to heart talk about the topic, but she wasn’t open to receiving his words.
Another time, when Victoria asked Joel why he didn’t tell her that she was beautiful again, and he reminded her it was because he had already told her moments before, there seemed to be a hint that she’s needy, vain and/or insecure.
Perhaps I was unknowingly and gradually formed a belief about Victoria via somewhat seeing her through the eyes of Joel, since I don’t really know her.
Usually, when we respect and admire someone, if they make it pretty obvious that they don’t respect and/or admire something(s) about another, then we have a tendency to be biased because we trust their discernment.
The Band
I thought it was sweet that Joel and Victoria’s two teenage children were playing in the band, and I really wanted to enjoy the music because I love kids pursuing their dreams, as well as various types of music/genres.
Also, they were still teenagers at the time, and I have no doubt that they (like many other good kids) do their best no matter what they do.
However, I felt the extreme high volume, intensity and the pounding of the seemingly low frequencies negatively affect my own vibrational frequency.
I’ve been to concerts before, but I had never experienced such discomfort with the music.
For the very first time I felt as though I was trapped inside a room where 50 plus people grabbed various instruments, pot and pans, and just banged them together as hard as possible.
It was as though the music itself wasn’t harmonious; but rather, a consolidation of very loud, random noises.
I wondered why I was barely able to tolerate the band when I listen to a very wide range of music (Note: If you only listen to one to less than a few genres, you might want to check out the end of this post under subtitle “Additional Info Regarding Music and Artists” so you’re not missing out on some unknown, yet, great songs from various genres and amazing singers/musicians/artists/souls, just to name some)
Granted, it could’ve been due to my ears becoming more sensitive over the years since I have been gradually hearing louder tones in both ears for a while now, though mostly in my right ear, and almost equally lately (if you’re drawn to it, look up hearing tones and ascension symptoms and only extract information from links that highly resonates with you/that feels right).
However, during that time, I received some reminders from within that I had read about at some point prior to those moments, but chose not to focus on too much.
It had to do with overly patriarchal energies that’s fading out NOW—a lot of humans within the Catholic Church, other churches and religions, government, politics, pharmaceutical companies, major media, big banks, etc., as well as certain type of gray and Reptilian beings who are deeply lost (as souls) within the unbalanced, overly aggressive, manipulative, controlling, unhealed version of the collective, male energy and consciousness/aka bible’s fear-based, spiritually unevolved version of “god” (the healed, balanced and integrated version of the male energy within every earthly and otherworldly being and life form Being the Divine Masculine God energy and consciousness).
I trust that beings with overly patriarchal energies do use the power of sound frequencies (especially very low, disharmonious frequencies)—among other things like propaganda (like North Korea does to their people), guilt-trips, instilling fear through the bible and media, especially the mostly negative news, etc.—to negatively affect/manipulate/control the collective consciousness.
In addition, they’re known to be drawn to very cold atmospheres. Anyway, those were the reminders; we’ll see what happens.
The Violet Flame Meditation
During and after the band, I felt as though I was struggling to maintain a high vibrational frequency. I started to not feel good physically, so I started to silently say the Violet Flame mantra while visualizing sections of the stadium (and eventually the entire stadium) engulfed in violet flames of healing love.
Fortunately, time seemed to fly by, which I believe stemmed from my intention to stay focused on loving energies, such as inner-peace.
Enter Shadow
As my husband and I were leaving the stadium, we heard a sarcastic comment amongst the crowd like, “A Night of Hope? It was more like a Night of Hopelessness.”
It hit me later that whoever made that particular comment was one of my shadows (a reflection of my shadow self) who manifested in another due to my ego self somewhat suppressing it during the event.
I noticed that my ego self tried to do what’s “right” or “good” in the eyes of society eyes in order to receive acceptance and approval; hence, it used indirect words to express its overall “not-so-good”feelings about the event.
My shadow self, on the other hand, bluntly, and yet honestly, expressed its true feelings (through a stranger) without fear of judgment from anyone—something that’s frowned upon by society in general, which explains why our ego self often suppresses the “negative” characteristics and traits of the shadow self.
The Power of Humor
Certain fearless comedians seem to have embraced their shadow selves since they like to joke that they only say what others are also thinking about, but are afraid to say out loud in public. They seem to have the refreshing attitude, “Love me or hate…I am who I am. What you see is as real as it gets.”
Granted, realistically, being real/genuine/our True Self is actually Being unity consciousness…seeing the inter-connectedness in ALL of Life/All That Is/The One/Source.
I believe comedians who are capable of doing humorous performances while Being unity consciousness are creative geniuses, and are not only capable of stimulating a lot of ab workout, but of healing many inner wounds with high vibrational frequency of joy energy.
Regardless of exactly why Robyn Williams made the decision he did to end his life, I still believe that he was one those highly creative geniuses during his high vibrational states of Being.
Like I’m sure many others, I was baffled by his death, because he seemed so aware, especially considering he starred in the movie, “What Dreams May Come.”
I have a feeling that he’s more than fine wherever his soul may be. I choose to believe that all is well in his world, and I send him loving energies from my heart.
I also admire comedians who use their imagination to think outside the box, who:
- encourage unity rather than separation (Fluffy)
- are compassionate towards others in funny ways (the Blue Collar Comedy guys)
- are compassionate towards animals (Ex. Kat Williams and his skit where he acts like a confused tiger or lion within a zoo)
- encourage self-love (Ex. Sebastian Maniscalco and his entire, “What’s Wrong with People” special, to include the skit where when asked why he doesn’t have tattoos, he asked if one puts bumper stickers on Ferraris; Kat’s skit about being your own star player, etc.)
- are blatantly honest while sometimes being obnoxious (Ex. Ron White)
- can effortlessly transform serious, crazy and ugly situations into hilarious ones (Ex. Roseanne, The Kings of Comedy guys, Chris Rock and Kevin Hart)
- who fearlessly, indiscriminately and very creatively makes fun of everyone regardless of background (Ex. Tosh), etc.
Embracing Joel’s Strengths and Perceived Weaknesses
Overall, I still respect and admire Joel Osteen for being the best he knows how to be, as well as serving humanity the best he knows how, and my intention is to unconditionally accept him as he is.
I still enjoy his televised sermons whenever I feel drawn to one. I haven’t watched his sermons for a while now, though one day, about a couple of months or so ago, I chose to watch one because I saw him in a dream; I trust that Spirit had a message that would be beneficial for me (through him).
I just take in what resonates with me—his infectious positive attitude and outlook on life, determination, persistence, great sense of humor, motivational speech, good analogies, jokes and stories, some inspiring moments from his heart, and his courage to be vulnerable by sometimes freely expressing his sensitive emotional side with his teary eyes (stemming from Divine feminine energy)— and take whatever doesn’t resonate with me with a grain of salt, to include the following:
- While telling certain stories, Joel jokingly mentioning to the audience that he said “_______” to a certain person; however COMMA he was actually thinking something else, which seems to encourage others to be dishonest, insincere, and even two-faced…something humanity could do without. It’s no wonder society has its jokes about Christians as well, like in an episode of the Big Bang Theory, where Sheldon basically says something to the effect that he was going to smile to his mother’s face, and tell her that he forgives her, while he secretly judges and resents her from within, to which she replied something like, “Now that’s being a good Christian.”
- Joel sometimes mentioning “enemies”—encouraging separation…”us good Christians” vs “not-so-good-them”—as though he had a brainfart about some of Jesus’ main teachings, to take the log out of our own eye first, to forgive 77+ times, and to love one’s enemies.
- Some of Joel’s examples from the bible, to include how God rescued certain people 400 plus years later (or some redonkulous #), as well as some other examples that aren’t exactly inspiring. It makes me want to tell him with a raised eyebrow, “Ssseriously Joel? That’s the inspiring story you you’re gonna stick with? That’s asking for some MEGA patience there buddy. You might as well say something like…‘Hey friend, you’re life—as well as many more of your cursed descendants—-may suck-ass for the rest of this lifetime and other lifetimes, but no worries 😉 …your great, great, great (squared or cubed) grand-children will receive many blessings! Hallelujah brother! Do I hear an Amen?!!! Really? Not even the sound of crickets?’“
- Joel’s willingness to believe that a human being/a grown-ass old man (Jonah) was swallowed by a whale (not a possible ancient alien submarine of some sort), and survived for three days, as though he was just chillin’ in the media room of the whale’s acid-free stomach, simply gazing and being mesmerized by the bright, bronze pillars while savoring juicy grapes hanging off its attached vines; but yet, he’s unwilling to believe that the so-called Almighty/Omnipotent, Omnipresent, Omniscient, and ALL-Loving Divine God of Unity, that is unlimited and unconditional (i.e., unconditional acceptance and unconditional love) includes, not only the LGBT community, but other people throughout the world as well, who may live with Christ Consciousness within their hearts (not necessarily accepting Jesus using a religious Christian ritualistic method), even though they may have chosen to take a different path to the Divinity within them.
- Joel’s seemingly adamant belief that everything written in the bible is in its pure state—that none of its original content has been tampered with, completely removed, edited, revised, twisted, altered, deleted and even plagiarized from very similar ancient stories throughout the world.
Embracing Victoria’s Perceived Weaknesses and Strengths
As for Victoria Osteen, I’ve only heard her speak several times, to include a brief section of her being interviewed by Oprah,where she tried to convince Oprah and the audience that she was feisty.
However, those moments were enough to convince me that I was ready to move onto other teachings that highly resonated with me.
I’m sure Victoria has strengths and wonderful qualities that may not be apparent to someone who barely knows her and who doesn’t resonate with her, but is appreciated by her community work; international charity work; her role as a loving and supportive wife, mother, friend, coworker, daughter-in-law, etc.; her church work/family business, etc.
Family, Disease, Prayer, Miracles, Death, Unconditional Acceptance, and Divine Purpose
And last but not least, I’m happy for Joel and his family that his mother is a miraculous cancer survivor; it truly is a blessing.
However, I noticed that he’s been milking this miracle story in one too many teachings, and I’ve come to a realization that it might not be so beneficial to others to keep hearing about this.
Why? Because, what about the numerous people’s family members who don’t become a miraculous survivor of whatever disease, and not just cancer?
What if they prayed their hearts out day and night but didn’t get the same results?
Could this be taken as though god shows favoritism towards people like Joel and his family? Are they more faithful and/or special than others?
Death, which I trust is a mere transformation of energy state from physical body, Lightbody, to soul/Spirit—like solid/dense/slowly vibrating ice to fluid/less dense/faster vibrating water, and water to ethereal/air-like/rapidly vibrating steam—is a natural, inevitable process.
I have no doubt that it’s highly beneficial for humanity to learn to gracefully embrace/unconditionally accept what is at every moment—rather than becoming overly and emotionally attached to anything or anyone with much clinging fear—to prevent extended pain and suffering.
It’s not about discouraging prayer or discouraging one to have faith, but simply being prepared for whatever happens, and trusting (or even intuitively knowing) that everything happens for the highest benefit of interconnected Life (All That Is/Divine Spirit).
This way, one can go through mourning and healing, but not end up going through major depression or worse because one believes one’s purpose has been diminished, or even extinguished.
I was having a conversation with one of our neighbors yesterday, and appreciated her for sharing a truth. She basically admitted that she’s been a shelter pet rescuer for years.
She currently has three dogs and one cat, and I once jokingly asked her if I was going to see her on the show Hoarders; she smiled and said that she was done.
She said that initially, though she was working 14 hours per day, she managed to raise five puppies. I told her that it’s very challenging to raise one, and I don’t know how she was able to raise five.
They were indoor as well as outdoor pets (outdoor being the backyard). I didn’t ask further questions in case it made her uncomfortable, and only listened to whatever details she wanted to share.
When my neighbor shared that this way of rescue living gave her purpose, I shared with her why I understood since I—as well as many people throughout this world—have attached our purpose to something outside ourselves.
However, when we do so, and that something or someone ends up leaving our lives, we end up feeling as though we have little to no purpose.
But the truth is, we are all Divine Purpose just from our very existence; we are like countless, unique, invaluable, interconnected, cosmic puzzle pieces of The One/Source/Prime Creator/Ancient, Divine Mother Goddess.
Additional Info Regarding Music and Artists
The theme music, with its wide range of beautiful light and dark colors and sparkles can sometimes be confusing when we highly resonate with the melody and/or beats but the lyrics (or even artist) is so-called “bad” or “wrong” according to society.
However, I’ve realized that even among the most taboo types of artist—(COUGH!)/Marilyn Manson—there still exists gems of creative and passionate expressions, like in the song, “Beautiful People.”
The following details are some examples of some of my favorite music from a wide-range of genres, as well as some observations about certain singers/musicians/artists/talented and loving souls (click on links to open in another window):
- Current:
- Jessie J’s “Masterpiece” (love that she seems to be a strong female role model for the younger generation with her positive outlook, confident attitude, and empowering lyrics; also love that she embraces unconditional acceptance/love for self)
- Colbie Caillat’s “Try” (love the heartfelt , empowering and inspirational lyrics, and her way of leading by example through her soul-touching video, especially where the lady with cancer takes off her wig)
- Alicia Keys (also love that she seems to be very self-aware with her yearning to visit Egypt alone a while back in order to better know herself; I also love that she’s promoting women power, to include the natural look; however, I’m not sure if she would be the most effective example since she is the epitome of what society already considers naturally beautiful, and understandably so, though there are many forms of beauty throughout this and other interconnected worlds).
- Katy Perry (especially love her unconventional, empowering and often times otherworldly lyrics, which seems to stem from her spiritual and/or mystical background)
- Pink (also love that she seems to embrace her Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine energies within with balance and harmony—gentle, emotional, free-spirited, very flexible, and creative, as well as confident, BOLD, strong and assertive)
- Rihanna (also love her courage and inner-strength to speak her truth about an abusive incident, and overcome it with forgiveness; also love her exotic accent and appearance)
- Sia (also love that she’s so passionate and emotional, though I wonder why she continues to hide behind the big-ass wig though the mystery is no longer there; I think she’s beautiful)
- Beyonce (also love that she owns her kitty and lioness sides without guilt or shame)
- Lady Gaga (multi-talented/multi-faceted with the show American Horror Story, though this Season 6’s overuse of brutality, a lack of unique creativity, and characters with practically no common sense makes the show more annoying than interesting; also love that Lady Gaga is not afraid to unconditionally accept/love, explore, and express all aspects of herself despite what others may think)
- Adele (also love her deep, rich tone and just overall amazing singing ability) and Tori Kelly’s “Hollow”
- Imagine Dragons (thoughts shared on my category page, “Song: Teacher Reveal Truth to Me“)
- Maroon 5 (he’s also grown on me since The Voice, where he can be goofy and lovable, but it would be highly beneficial it he would discontinue the habit of putting himself down so much—even “jokingly”—since he’s a role model to many within the younger generation)
- Justin Timberlake (multi-talented/multi-faceted: also love his amazing dancing skills, great sense of humor within the older SNL shows and movies, and even serious acting skills)
- Ed Sheeran (also love his soothing voice)
- Meghan Trainor (her sassy attitude is lovable)
- Miley Cyrus (also love that’s she’s not afraid of being her own, unique self; she’s also grown on me since The Voice, where she revealed more of her sparkling personality—to include her beautiful emotional side, as well as her great sense of humor, silliness, confidence, and ability to be a great coach
- a few Christian (like “Amazing Grace” “Shout to the Lord” “God is an Awesome God”)
- some classical (like Beethoven, Hans Zimmer, Johann Pachelbel’s “Canon in D”, etc.)
- Movie soundtracks: (especially “Now We Are Free” from the movie Gladiator as well as other music; Braveheart; the profound and mysterious sounding “I’m Listening” in the movie I AM Legend by James Newton Howard, The Last of the Mohicans, Flashdance)
- healing (like the beautiful, soul-touching Chakras Reiki Music, Throat Chakra Music, Musical Rapture – A Sacred Gift of Celestial Music, and ♥Merlin’s Magic ♥… ‘ The Heart of REIKI ‘, Native American Flute Music: Meditation Music for Shamanic Astral Projection, Healing Music)
- Native American drumming (like the lighter “Native American Wisdom-Battle Of Two Wolves-Ly-O-Lay Ale-Loya (Circle Dance)” and Sacred Spirit – Sacred Earth Drums, as well as the seemingly darker (on the surface) “Drums of Thunder (Native American Music) Mountain Spirits)”
- Amazing otherworldly music (I wondered if the Pleiadians had an influence in the co-creation process since they are universally known to be very talented in creating high frequencies of sound and light): 1-Hour Epic Music Mix | Most Beautiful & Powerful Music – Emotional Mix, 2-Hours Epic Music Mix | Most Beautiful & Powerful Music – Emotional Mix Vol. 1, 2-Hours Epic Music Mix | Most Beautiful & Powerful Music – Emotional Mix Vol. 2)
- some country (like “Stuck On You” by Lionel Richie, “Crazy” by Patsy Cline, “I Cross My Heart” by George Strait, “Friends in Low Places” by Garth Brooks)
- classic oldies (like “What a Wonderful Life” by Louis Armstrong, and “Hotel California” by the Eagles, Bette Midler’s “Wind Beneath My Wings”, Stevie Nicks, Nancy Sinatra’s sassy “These Boots Are Made for Walkin'”)
- neo folk (Daughter’s “Medicine”)/folk, music of Hawaii (“Somewhere Over The Rainbow” by Israel Kamakawiwoʻole)
- Blues (Etta James’ “At Last”, Ben E. King’s “Stand By Me” and “I Who Have Nothing”)/Jazz (Norah Jones “Don’t Know Why”, Frank Sinatra’s “My Way”, Amy Winehouse’s “Back to Black”)
- Disco (Abba’s “Dancing Queen”, Bee Gees “Stayin’ Alive”, Love Tracks’ “I Will Survive”)
- most pop (especially 80’s and 90’s music, and artists like Cyndi Lauper, Michael and Janet Jackson, Madonna, The Police, Heart, Expose, ,Celine Dion, and Whitney Houston; “Bitch” by Meredith Brooks, Mariah Carey, Shakira, etc.)…
- rock (4 Non Blondes’ “What’s Up”, Alanis Morissette, Sarah McLachlan, Enya, the song “Bohemian Rhapsody” that has a bit of opera in it, etc.)
- hard rock (like Guns N Roses, Def Leppard, Bon Jovi, etc.)
- reggae (like “One Love” by Bob Marley, Labour of Love’s “Red Red Wine”, Cool Running’s “I Can See Clearly Now”, etc.)
- punk (like The Ramones and Green Day, etc.)
- grunge (like Nirvana and the song “Man in the Box” by Alice in Chains, “Alive” by Pearl Jam, etc.)
- alternative rock (The Cure, Depeche Mode, The Cranberries, “The World I Know” and “Shine” by Collective Soul, Staind, “Lightning Crashes” and “Dolphins Cry” by Live, 3 Doors Down, Nickelback, Gwen Stefani, Bush, Alanis Morissette, etc.)
- R &B/Soul (like Prince and Mary J. Blige, Brian McKnight, etc.)
- some heavy metal (like Metallica’s Black album and the song, “You Shook Me All Night Long” by AC/DC)
- some Hip Hop, rap, but minus the hard gangsta rap (like Tupac’s “Keep Ya Head Up” and “Dear Mama”, Snoop Dogg, T.I.’s “Live Your Life [feat. Rihanna] where his fluid rapping ability is impressive, Eminen’s “8 Mile” and his impressive rapping ability, Coolio [ft. L.V] “Gangsta’s Paradise”, etc.)