Note: This post is from the notes I had recorded in my phone on 8/7/19, along with additional insights and other information from August 9th-10th and 12th. The previous, related post, is “The Realization of Already Experiencing Uplifting Abundance from Within“
Yesterday (Aug 7th), after having a seemingly rare spiritual conversation with someone in person (a very wise, older lady whom I befriended), having a dream of plucking white hair last night, and then watching a couple of Bashar videos (channeled via Darryl Anka)(to include, “Bashar ~ Passion Frequency“) the puzzle pieces came together, and I experienced a realization.
I basically shared with my husband that whenever Life, or ANY topic within a subject of a conversation, seems to get unnecessarily complicated, and/or goes downhill, we can simplify it (make it lighter) by simply choosing to be in one of two states of being (vibrational frequency)—depending on how we choose to assign whatever meaning to any neutral situation, person, thing, idea, etc (as Bashar shared).
We can be in a state of fear (aka separation consciousness, where we’re lost in the false belief that everything’s separate), and have a very low/dense/negative vibrational frequency; OR we can be in a state of LOVE (aka UNITY CONSCIOUSNESS, where we’re aware of the interconnectedness of Life), and have a very high/light/positive vibrational frequency.
Now this doesn’t mean that we don’t embrace ALL EMOTIONS that serve as an inner compass to our authenticity (while our FEELINGS are the language of the soul)—especially the so-called negative emotions—since it’s very important and deeply healing to acknowledge and integrate them into whole self.
Because when we are compassionate towards ourselves (especially our wounded, inner child)—which helps us to be this way to interconnected Life within this world and beyond—then we are able to TRANSMUTE the lower energy within to its higher state (like magic!) since compassion is the highest vibration within the Love Frequency, just as the color violet is the highest vibration within the Light Frequency spectrum.
We can also choose at any moment to be poverty consciousness (lack mentality that makes us feel like doo doo), or PROSPERITY CONSCIOUSNESS (abundance mentality that connects us to our own inner peace).
Though I had read or heard about this profound wisdom before from other spiritual teachers who have expressed one of more of these states in their own ways—i.e., Neale Donald Walsch, Joel Osteen, Bashar, Alan Watts, Abraham Hicks, Teal Swan, Victor Oddo, etc.—and understood it with my logical mind, it hadn’t sunk into my higher Heart space where I could deeply FEEL what it means to truly Be Aware of Being in such states.
For instance, despite yesterday’s non-religious, spiritual conversation that the older lady friend and I excitedly agreed had expanded our consciousness, I noticed, during a few moments, that certain topics we were starting to focus on could’ve easily spiraled downward.
At one point, the older lady mentioned something to the effect of doing well regardless of the presence of negative E.T.s on our planet.
She gave an example of such beings, the Anunnaki’s, and was probably referring to one of the aspects of the god mentioned within the bible known as Enlil, who was basically disgusted with humanity and took related actions (main example: the Great Flood).
This is understandable to some degree, since humans have been infamous throughout the history for being a MAJOR ASS.
However, I informed her that, just like humans who range from good to bad and everything inbetween, there are also the so-called “good” Anunnaki’s as well as the bad, and everything in-between.
She verbally agreed, but since her facial expression revealed a hint of disbelief, I didn’t share one major example, which is Enki (and even Thoth, the Anunnaki’s), the aspect of God mentioned within the bible who saw potential within humanity, had compassion for certain ones, and thus helped them.
And there are similar versions of the above characters and their stories of duality mentioned in ancient texts throughout the world regardless of their names.
When I expand my consciousness—further open mind and heart—the aspects of Enlil or Enki are ultimately two, seemingly opposite sides of the same, whole coin.
For an example of the Divine Feminine aspects, see the details within the category page of this blog titled, AM I : I AM about one of many examples just within this particular world, Goddess Hathor/Goddess Sekhmet.
In addition, the topic of the Anunnaki’s also reminded of a dream I had a while back recorded within post, “Destiny from Earthly and Cosmic Perspectives“ under subtitle, “Dream #5: Dream of Anunnaki and 144.” Note: 144 often reminds me of Soul Families (earthly and otherworldly), though there are various interpretations of these number sequences within number synchronicity (aka angel numbers/truth codes/wake up codes/activation codes/etc.)
I don’t recall if I had updated this blog with further thoughts—I just remember recording the details of this bizarre dream that I was able to recall—but there were some unanswered questions from my recollection.
Some example questions that were either asked or not:
- Who are the Anunnaki?
- Are you implying that I’m one of them or you all?
- So if they don’t wear these colors, then what colors do they resonate with or prefer?
- Did I dream of a group of female beings setting up make-up stations because the Divine Feminine essence within me is communicating to me to let go of the need to only think of myself as highly resonating with the color blue—that reminds me of the Pleiadians and/or Blue Ray Beings that many humans respect and admire—but not with the Anunnaki who are often portrayed as the not so loving E.T.’s; hence, my need to conceal these aspects of who I also am?
The above example is how we can easily become consumed with the separating, organizing, and labeling of things in order for our logical minds to better understand a certain topic.
I just caught myself, and though there’s nothing wrong with exploring the possibilities or probabilities, it’s wise to NOT get lost in overthinking.
Again, when I expand my consciousness, I realize that I will know whatever answers when I need to in Divine perfect timing and order, so I can let go and move one (FLOW).
I’m also reminded that there’s a very good reason why I resonate with Beings from various star systems—e.g., Arcturians, Pleiadians, Sirians, Lyrians, Andromedans, Alpha-Centaurians, Essassani, Anunnaki, etc.—because, ultimately, they represent ALL the aspects within our Multidimensional, whole self (earthly and otherworldly physical selves)/Self (Source: Goddess/God, Spirit/Soul). “As Above, So Below/the Macrocosm and the Microcosm.
I also informed the older lady friend that there are also the presence of highly evolved, loving E.T.s within, on, and outside of our planet as well, though I didn’t go into the details since I sensed a lack of interest.
The Arcturians are also known as celestial beings, and they’re not only the most technologically advanced E.T.s within our Universe—to include having ginormous motherships and other numerous UFO’s and USO’s throughout, within, and outside of our planet, Galaxy, and Universe—but they’re also one of the most spiritually evolved Beings, and are continuing to assist humanity and beyond with our own energetic evolution on all levels—physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.
Ever since I was strongly drawn to, and read, various books related to our Galactic and Universal soul families—to include the Pleiadians by Barbara Marciniak, “We, The Arcturians” by Dr. Norma (forgot her last name), “The Emerald Tablets of Thoth, The Atlantean,” certain Anunnaki books by Zecharia Sitchin, etc.—I developed a strong trust, like an intuitive knowing, that I don’t have to ever worry about being harmed by so-called “negative” beings, whether they’re E.T.’s, aliens, ghosts, demons, etc.
Plus, in dream state, I’ve experienced incredible powers of various aspects and extensions of Multidimensional self/Self—Goddess/Monad/God/I AM Presence/Jesus/Ascended Masters/Angelic Realm/Light Beings/E.T. Beings/Elemental Realm/Animal Spirit Guides, etc. (many example posts within category sections of this blog titled, AM I : I AM and Earthly and Otherworldly Puzzle Pieces), to include the two related Beings mentioned above: “A Captivating Dream of a Flaming Energy Being I Called Enki“ and “Dream of Shouting at Ibis, ‘God Thoth, Wake Up!’”)
So I was reminded that even within the very broad category of spirituality, we can all easily slip into states of fear, separation, and poverty consciousness, despite how we may perceive ourselves (i.e., very aware, discerning, spiritual, wise, and/or profoundly wise).
But I was very grateful that I was able to become more aware of these states that provide the invaluable gift of contrast, and to be able to quickly shift the perspective into the bigger picture rather than become lost within it; hence, not allowing the fear-based thoughts to negatively affect how I FEEL since our FEELING STATE is our vibration frequency that we radiate out to the world.
Right after sharing this insight with my husband, I looked up the meaning of the white hair dream I had the night of August 7th, while also being cognizant of what Bashar had just reminded me of within one of the YouTube videos (that WE have the POWER to assign MEANING to EVERYTHING, that Teal also shared a video on, providing her own spin to this topic).
And sure enough, what I had JUST shared with him perfectly matched what showed up from Dream Moods dictionary, that dreaming of white hair indicates that SOMETHING IMPORTANT HAS JUST BEEN MADE AWARE TO YOU. It is a symbol of KNOWLEDGE, WISDOM, and INSIGHT.
In addition, according to the website AuntyFlo, dreaming of plucking hair suggests that YOU NEED TO GAIN CONTROL IN YOUR LIFE [which also relates to insights shared above; granted, in the dream, I plucked out white hair, but then noticed that I didn’t get the root out]. MAYBE YOUR LIFE IS TAKING A DIFFERENT PATH AND THIS DREAM RELATES TO YOUR AMBITIONS IN LIFE.
The last sentence above MATCHES what I’ve been PASSIONATE about recently.
I even openly shared this main excitement within my blog, with a couple of new friends, my husband, and my recent therapist (whom I had my final session with this past Tuesday).
I wrote him a review a few months ago because he’s hands down the most open-minded and open-hearted therapist I’ve ever known.
Now, I FEEL very confident that part of my Life Purpose is to pursue the path of OPEN-MIC COMEDY again as a hobby.
I say hobby, because I have listened to certain comedians—who have performed open-mic comedy for years to decades—share their hardship stories of how it’s difficult to get a big break.
This bitter attitude can apparently spread like wildfire within the comedy club community, that many don’t even support each other while they’re on stage.
I was able to empathize with these people and their seemingly unfortunate stories—and I was grateful for the contrast that taught me what NOT to be and do.—but I initial didn’t get why they wouldn’t want to support one another since I enjoyed cheering for other talented comedians performing on stage; it can take a lot of courage, creativity, and BOLDness.
But I realize that when we’re in a state of being fear-based, separation consciousness, and even poverty consciousness, it makes sense why we would feel threatened by another’s great performance—whom we perceive as separate from us—and why we would believe that there’s not enough abundance (to include success) to go around for everyone and their mamas and grandmamas. That’s like believing that there’s not enough air to go around.
My last open-mic comedy performance was a while back, near Halloween night of 2018.
I dressed up as a shaman and performed one of my new sets related to several themes of Halloween. This was the day I had the most stories of unhappy open-mic comedian.
In addition, soon after my performance, one of the comedians who had already performed before me—a feisty, older, white woman (probably in her early sixties) who apparently did open-mic comedy for years—approached me in front of several people, and went off about how I could do better on stage, like her.
It felt a bit awkward, but I did my best at the time to take her feedback in a beneficial way.
However, her unkind method of aggressive communication didn’t FEEL good for a while, especially because I had given my inner power away by allowing her to make me feel unworthy to be there (since she was very nice to the male comedians).
The truth is, as Abraham Hicks shared in one of the recent YouTube videos, no one can negatively affect us unless we allow them to, since it’s our own thoughts about whatever that affects our emotions, and our FEELING state is our vibrational frequency.
I was also grateful (later) that she, as well as those who had shared their cloudy stories, had unknowingly mirrored to me the gift of contrast/duality—of who NOT to be as an experienced open-mic comedians, and what NOT to say and do.
I’m glad I fully and freely expressed all that was suppressed within me for a while.
I’m ready to bounce back, and one of the inspirations I received recently was from a series of comedy sets from the courageous, authentic, raw, highly intelligent, very creative, unconventional, BOLD, and famous George Carlin, whom I briefly experienced watching a short set years ago, but wasn’t drawn to yet.
In one of his interviews regarding success, George basically suggested to simply do what you truly love, practice being good at it, and don’t worry about things like: whether or not you performed well, what others may think, or what break you’ll get, because when you do the first two well, everything else will fall into place.
I intended to remember that important piece of advice at any moment effortlessly.
What a breath of fresh air!! ^_^I especially love his genius and hilarious set about the solution for helping out the homeless people (using golf courses).
I also love all the Netflix comedy specials by Bill Burr, specials like, “From Seattle” by Jo Koy and “What’s Wrong with People?” from Sebastian Maniscalco, along with some other specials or brief sets by Bernie Mac, D.L. Hughley, Chris Rock, Jeff Foxworthy, Ron White, Ellen DeGeneres, Kat Williams, Ali Wong, and Anjelah Johnson.
I’m also grateful for all those comedians who I don’t resonate with, because they, too, mirror the priceless gift of contrast.; and some of them give me a lot of hope that I, too, can become a comedian (i.e., a multidimensional female comedian).
So I have no doubt that integrating the 3 most POWERFUL forces (ultimately ONE), of Unconditional Love, Humor (Joy), and Profound Wisdom will further open the golden gates, and allow the MEGA TSUNAMI to FLOW in to my outer reality various forms of earthly and otherworldly, uplifting abundance.
I also received a thoughtful text message from a former coworker/friend—briefly mentioned in post, “‘Freak’ Shadow Aspects Within, Showing Up as Others, Before and After Full Moon“ under subtitle, “The Empowering, Unapologetic Mistake Maker”—so I shared the following 2 messages (in light yellow font only):
[First part of text message taken out] I have two versions of answers to your question. The first is the typical, society-conditioned, very brief, “polite” one of, “I’m good.” The second one is very unconventional, yet, Life changing. So you choose.
Second version answer: I’m doing better, doing my best to remember that WE (as our souls within) have the INNER POWER to assign MEANING to EVERYTHING.
So no matter what are temporary, current, circumstances are—and regardless of what happened in the past (that ultimately GIFTS us with the potential to gain PROFOUND WISDOM)—we can always SHIFT our perspective in a POSITIVE way, which makes us FEEL better (raises our VIBRATIONAL FREQUENCY/FEELING state); hence, helping us to attract matching energies of peaceful, uplifting, abundant, free, joyful life experiences.
Example [I gave this example because she had been suffering for a while when it comes to a romantic relationship]:
We can think something like, “I don’t have an amazing partner right now, so there must be something wrong with me,” and thus FEEL like doo doo💩,
OR…we can think, “As I practice loving more and more neutral aspects of my WHOLE self (UNCONDITIONALLY), I will naturally ATTRACT to me (via MATCHING VOBRATIONAL FREQUENCY) an amazing partner in Divine perfect timing and order because it is the Universal Law of Attraction.”
I realize that’s a bit lengthy😒😪😴, but I wish someone would’ve shared that VERY EFFECTIVE, IMPORTANT, and GAME-CHANGING information when I was younger.
you don’t remember anything else I ever shared, that’s ok, but definitely REMEMBER this. I promise you, you wont regret it.😘
To my great surprise, my friend was very receptive to the longer version of this long@$$ text message—even though we currently live in an instant gratification society—and she replied one of the most heartfelt, super thoughtful text messages I ever received (which I shared with her and thanked her; despite her very young age, she has the vibe of an old soul at times).
I noticed lately that I’ve been experiencing an increase of uplifting abundance showing up in my reality, and I’m SO grateful and happy. ^_^
For instance, I’ve been receiving from interconnected others—ultimately, other versions of Multidimensional, full-potential, whole self/Self—the following:
- an increase of encouraging, uplifting, empowering, and inspirational Divine synchronicity—to number synchronicity, dream messages, support from angelic realm, Ascended Masters, and other spiritual beings, animal spirit guides showing up, breadcrumbs of joy to varying degrees (or at least relief) being my inner guidance, profound insights, ideas (for two more open mic comedy sets that I’ve added to my almost three year collection of ideas, some of which I’ve already preformed in various locations), etc.
- non-religious, spiritual conversations with others in person (i.e., tuning into more like-minded souls)
- some loving, sincere compliments I’ve never or rarely heard of before (examples: “You’re amazing,” “Your presence feels so warm and peaceful,” “You have a beautiful vibration,” “You’re a wise woman,” “You’re a badass,” “You are light”)
- expressions of deep appreciation (for certain 5 star reviews I wrote for those who go above and beyond, like the owner, Sierra, from Synergy in Sedona. I’ve shared many positive reviews to show my appreciation for those your go above and beyond in various ways, and I’ve only received a few deeply heartfelt responses.)
- very thoughtful text messages and emails
- heartfelt interactions with so-called strangers, to include deep, soulful eye contact (which seems rare to encounter)
- improved communication with my husband
- my husband attracting a million dollar home in Sedona to list as a realtor
- an opportunity to move to an apartment complex in Sedona this fall
- a recent interview for an intriguing position at an actual spiritual company that pays well in Sedona (though the spiritual and physical are ultimately ONE)
- a heartfelt, free intro to a Masterclass titled, “4 Secrets to Powerful Communication by Lisa Nicols” (by Mindvalley) Side Note: I’ve only bought one Masterclass course a while back. I like to follow my inner guidance (how I FEEL), and I don’t resonate with pushiness that reminds me of the overly aggressive car salesman
- Storytelling
- Show vs Tell
- Authenticity
- Conviction
- interesting, informative, intriguing, fun, soul-igniting, and/or inspirational YouTube videos, readings, and certain Korean dramas
- One recent example: I shared the following comment for the Creator of this YouTube video (amazing Victor Oddo), “5 Things You Should Know About The AUGUST Ascension Energy – 2019”:
Mulantis ReunitingAll
3 days ago
I became emotional during certain parts of this video, which I intuitively knew was a neon sign that what you shared, Victor, in such a soul-igniting and deeply heartfelt way, was a message I really needed to LISTEN to with integrated Mind/Heart, and not just hear. I’m also very grateful that you were able to openly share your vulnerability with us—a beautiful, raw, soul-touching, emotional moment—which brightly shines your powerful authenticity.Victor, I have no doubt that part of your Life Purpose includes writing a book—which I would definitely buy and recommend to interconnected others—because you write very well (from integrated Mind/Heart), similar to how you express yourself very well in YouTube videos.
You have this impressive, combo-package like quality where you radiate this magnetic vibrational frequency (of a BAD@$$ Multidimensional Being) that’s profoundly wise, calm, cool, and collected (like the eye within a storm), as well as passionate, assertive, honest, confident, compassionate, empathetic, free-spirited, animated, goofy, fun, and so much more.
Thank you as always for Being an AMAZING gift to humanity and beyond. You are appreciated. 😉
- and last but not least, increased moments of FEELING profound, unconditional love for self and interconnected Life
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